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Are men threatened by feminism? and how does it relate to islam?

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Does feminism oppose Islam? or do u think that one can still be a feminist and a good Muslim....why are "muslim" men/somali men threatened by feminism? In my opinion, it is a lack of education.Personally, I consider myself a Muslim, and a feminist, and I believe the ideals of what feminism stands for (there are many subgroups, Im talking generally). The feminism i know is against racism, sexism, anything that degraded on group (ethnics,women, etc..)and that benefits the dominat society, which for the most part is the west. I think feminism and Islam go hand in hand because feminism enforces the laws of islam, which is to treat others equally.

What are your thoughts? If all those so-called muslim nations actually enforced Allah's laws, there be no need for feminism...and contrary to what many believe, feminism isn't opposed to men, rather, it just wants to right the wrongs that were done.

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Feminism is the belief and aim that that women should have the same rights power and opportunties as men and as far as i am concerned Islam believes the same thing. So....this whole feminism thing shouldn't really be a problem with the islamic society seeing they treat their women in dignifying respectful and honourable manner.


Salaam smile.gif

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salam calayakum.


I would just say briefly that i disagree with both of you, and i think that ur both abit confussed about this issue. Feminism, in its current form, is something that started early in the last centuray gone where women in the western countries fought to have the same rights as men i.e. the suffergets of britian who fought for the right to own property and to vote. And femisisn speaks of much 'freedoms' for women that are simply not permissable i.e. freedom for sexual expression??


I'll await a more knowledgable nomad to give u a more precises answer with regards to the religious oint of view, but essential form what i understand islam recognises the right of the female and womenand this is something we all know. And indeed correct me if am wrong islam, when it came to the arabs some 1400 yrs ago gave more rights to women then men. So no men are not threatend by feminism, certainly am not smile.gif i find it amusing to here feminist speak lol women trying to be men (why???).


Feminisim is something that is deff not compatibale with islam simply becaue it tries to empahisis equality between men and women in the social areana so i.e. women can be preists can be heads of state and so forth, this si something that is not acceptable from a religious point of view.

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Originally posted by Jamilah:


Feminism is the belief and aim that that women should have the same rights power and opportunties as men and as far as i am concerned Islam believes the same thing. So....this whole feminism thing shouldn't really be a problem with the islamic society seeing they treat their women in dignifying respectful and honourable manner.


I disagree. Feminism is a based on the delussion that men and women are the same. And if ppl truely followed teh Islamic rulings then there would be no need for a feminist movement.


Islamic societies, follow culture more then religion which means that although Islam liberates women ... the treament of muslim women in most islamic societies is based on a very back ward un-islamic culture.

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Jamila, i agree with u sis, and you are the only one that seems to have gotten my message. For those that disagree, it is ur right, and i appreciate ur insight, but u fail to understand what i was trying to say or what feminism is about (at least to me). You basically re-stated stereotypes, that women want to be like men and that's not the case. What's wrong with asking for equal pay for the same job? What's wrong in trying to keep your job and the boss might fire you because you are on maternity leave or may not hire you if ur expecting? Those q's are just the tip of the ice berg, and if everyone practiced Islam, there would be no need for feminism, but the fact of the matter is, majority states/dictator countries suppress women, not even allowing them the rights God gave us. Therefore, feminism steps in and enforces those rights, not make up rights.


p.s.-feminism isn't just for women, but for men too, disadvantaged ppl....fights against racism, sexism, ageism....etc...



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if everyone practiced Islam, there would be no need for feminism, but the fact of the matter is, majority states/dictator countries suppress women, not even allowing them the rights God gave us

Just to re state what ameenah (the big time prankster) stated Feminisim is something that i view as being dellusional because it tries to equate a woman to a man. Is an orange an apple??


If what u where trying to say was that culturally women do face discrimination through the abuse and miss interpretation of islam then fine i dont disagree with you. The quite obviousy can happen and indeed does. But u shouldnt restrict this to women only men also suffer from such abuse of athuority


However the solution then is to seek proper islamic law, rulings and so forth and not to turn to such ideas as socalisim, feminism, Ineed-apay_riseism cause this simply wont solve the problem. Do u think women in the west dont face a glass ceilng when it comes to epmloyment? Dont they have to dress a certain way? Just think about it. Feminism hasnt acheived much for women and they still have to dress and behaviour to a very narrow minded male fantasy in this and many other western society.

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Moral of the story: Sisters know your rights in Islam inside out. We all know Islam liberated women more than 1400 years ago. Jewel your interpretation of feminism makes sense to me because there's nothing wrong with fighting for your right for equal pay, opportunities, etc. However, to my knowlege there are other view points of feminism that many may embrace.

Do u think women in the west dont face a glass ceilng when it comes to epmloyment? Dont they have to dress a certain way? Just think about it. Feminism hasnt acheived much for women and they still have to dress and behaviour to a very narrow minded male fantasy in this and many other western society.

Exactly my point. To me it seems that women from the West are trying to prove that they're equal to men in alot of ways.

Yet, I think feminism did achieve alot for women here. If a women wants to work she can get a decent job without depending on her spouse.

It's sad to know Muslim countries don't recognize/elevate their women. In my opinion, women have alot more freedom in the west than most Muslim countries. Sad :(



Q: would you label a women who knows her right as a muslim a feminist?? I know some do!!! :mad:

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Salaam Nomads

Experts say feminism and islam is a contradiction!

What is feminism?? I'm not sure if everyone knows there are different kinds of feminism, but it's an ideology developed by the Kufars because their women were opressed or have been opressed. It's the fight to stand on equal footing with men. I believe this is impossible because allah gave women their role as well as men. We call to what the prophet (s.c.w) called to, not what Karl Marx or Max Weber called to.

Muslims are in no need such ideology, Islam provides justice for all. smile.gif

To conclude, just follow the Quran and the sunnah.

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What is feminism?,well feminism is the westerns way of trying to talk about a womens liberation which is actually a disguised form of exploitation of her body,deprivation of her honour,and degradation of her soul.!


This immensely affected the Muslim countries which were lead to believe that they were lagging a few paces behind of liberating women.

Lets also keep in mind that factors which encouraged the feminist movements was the influence of Christian missionaries.


Its such a shame that a cause that has been around for so long hasnt achieved anything other than stripping women from their honour.As a matter of fact there is so much strain put upon women nowdays more than ever before and its quite visibale,they are extermely overworked,this all due to this so called "WOMENS FREEDOM" that has emerged.!

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Let us for one moment put aside the meaning of feminism and what it means for the women’s liberation movement (nothing at all actually, but lets put it aside).


I don’t understand why we would need feminism or even resort to labelling ourselves as feminists when Islam and the label “MUSLIMAH” is enough.


Do we realise what this means? We have all the rights this so-called liberations movement is still working for and all without the excess baggage.


It’s about time sisters that we collectively recognised Islam as being enough without any isms. I say out with feminism for ISLAM is enough.


Wear it with pride for it is Allah's religion.


As for those sisters that may think feminism and Islam are mutually exclusive, then i advise you sisters to do further reading, you will in the end find out what an Islam and feminism are nothing more than negations of one another.

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Asalamu Calykum,


For those people who misinterpreted what i was trying to say,


I do not recall myself saying once that i am for Feminism or believe in what it stands for, i clearly stated that it wants the same rights as men but do not remember saying it wants the same roles which quite frankly is impossible. I do not see in the least how it is trying to be like Men :confused:


Like i said it does not effect the Muslim community for we believe in equality. :D

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