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The Bosaso Conference

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This is the outcome of the weak long conference in Bosaso on the issues of the boys the Puntland police mercilessly shelled in their house. The two sides of the conflict agreed in principle to free those arrested and the return of their weapons. Also, it was agreed upon the reconstruction of the demolished house. They also reached a decisive agreement on those who were killed in the conflict from both sides.





Muxuu ku soo dhamaaday Shirkii xalay ka dhacay Hoteel Baanarooma ee Magaalada Bosaaso

Bosaaso:- Shir ayaa xalay ka furmay hoteel Baanarooma ee magaalada Bosaaso sida aanu horayba u sii sheegnay, shirkaas oo ahaa mid laga arin sanayo xalaadii ragii doraad laga sii daayay Jeelka magalaada Bosaaso ku xirnaa, waxaana shirkaas goob joog ahaa Masuuliyiin ka tirsan Maamulka Puntland iyo Nabadoon ka soo Jeeda Beesha Warsangali,waxaana aad laysula meel dhigay waxyaabo badan oo ay horay usula maan dhaafeen wax garadka Gobolka Sanaag iyo maamulka Puntland.





rooma%20072_1.jpgMidig,Taliyaha Booliska P/land Gacamay, bidix W/hawlaha Guud iyo Guraynta






rooma%20097.jpg Col. Cabdi Awaare



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How do you determine they were "shufto"? Do you have any proof or evidence that these boys have engaged in criminal activities. You should enquire about related facts of this incident. Don't be a mindless parrot.


Armchair, that was it and I am glad about the final outcome of the conference.

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Naxar is correct. Here is what happened. A truck was caught at the control leaving Bosaso full of explosives. The truck owner was detained and sent to jail along with his truck. His brother gathered eight other heavily armed individuals in a house in Bosaso boasting that he will free his brother from the jail by force. Once the police found out about this mission, they came to the house to investigate. These shufto opened fire on the police and killed one and wounded three others. The police tried a whole day to have them surrender, they refused. The police then used heavy handed tactics by bombing the house and killing two of the individuals in the house. The rest gave up when they realized the odds against them.


Some people turned the issue into a targeted campaign against a certain sub-clan. Out of community harmony, President Cade pardoned these individuals after they have been found guilty of series crime and sentenced to jail terms.

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Peace action and Naxar: I can see that you have been obviously misinformed.


Arinta Boosaaso waxay ka bilaabatey nin la yiraahdo Cabdi Jamaal oo ah ninkii bilaabay “dhuxul joojinta” deegaanka loo yaqaano Soolasha ee Dhahar, Ceelbuh, Xingalool, ilaa iyo taleex iyo aaga qardho. Guriga la dumiyey waxaa iska leh waa isaga. Waa runtaa waxay Puntland qabatey hub ganacsi ah oo uu lahaa nin ay isku beelyihiin ninka gurigiisa la dhacay laakiin ay kala jifa yihiin ilma adeerna ma aha ee waa uun isku qabiil.


Cabdi Jamaal markuu yimaaday magaalada Boosaaso waxaa u digay oo digniin siiyey rag ganacsata ah oo ka ganacsan jirey dhuxusha oo aan qabiil lahayn, kadibna wuu yimid waxaa ku wehelinaayay 7 wiil oo hubeysan, kuwaasoo ka difaacay ciidanka Puntland mudo ah 24 saacadood ah kana saarey gurigii halkaasoo loo gudbiyey tuulada Laag habeenimadii. Maalintii sedexaad ayaa waxaa la ogaaday in gurigii uu yimid ee Boosaaso uusan mudo imaanin. Halkaas ayaa waxaa ku weerarey ciidan si qaldan loo abaabuley oo weerar ku qaaday gurigii isagoo aan ilbaabka la garaacin.(Halkaan ka dhagayso wasiirka xanaanada xoolaha iyo beeraha oo sheegay in maamulka qaldamay)


Puntland miyey sii deyn lahayd rag argagixiso ah? Haduu ay jawaabtaadu tahay haa (lol) miyey u celin lahayd hubkii iyo ragii la qabtey. Gaariga hubka ah waa rasaasta qoryaha fudud iyo kuwa culus. Hadii ay shufto yihiin miyaa hubkoodii loo celin lahaa iyagana la fasixi lahaa? Taasi haday dhacdo waa waxaan dunida ka dhici jirin aana dhici doonin. Hubka wuxuu ahaa hub ganacsi ah….. Odayaal dhaqameedka Sool, Nuugaal, Bari, Mudug markii ay waydiiyeen Pooliiska Puntland aaway miinooyinkii aadsheegeyseen, ayaa loo cadeyn waayey waxay yihiin.


Ma ogtahay in taliyaha Pooliisku yiri ragaasi waa Argagixiso markii hubka lagu qabtey, Markii la qabtey rag iyaga ka dambeeyey ay isku beel yihiin taliyaha pooliiska puntland ma ogtahay inuu BBC da kayiri raga maanta iyagana hubka aan ku qabaney ma aha argagixiso, waayo sharciga Punland wuxuu dhigayaa in hubka laga ganacsan karo, miinooyinkana lagu shaqeysto oo dhagxaanta iyo buuraha lagu jabsado... yaabka yaabkiise.... Nin jecleysiga waa la iskala xisaabtamaa.. shirka dhacayna wuxuu ahaa mid la iskala xisaabtamay, si ay arimaha iyo hadalada gafka ah mar dambe u soo noqon.


Arintii ayaa waxaa laga soo direy Muqdisho wafdi ka kooban wasiiro iyo xildhibaano sidii lagu qaboojin lahaa. Iyadoo la rabo ceebtii in lagu qariyo. Dowlada federaalka iyadu ma shuftadey taageertaa, waa hadii ay wiilashaasi yihiin shufto?


Ciidanka wax garaacay ayaa shufto iyo tuugo ah, kuwaasoo raba in ay wadanka dhuxul ka dhigaan, markii ay xagaas wax ku waayeen ayaa shaadh dowlad loo soo xirtey.


Waxaa mahad ah, in shacbiga Puntland ku yar yahay maangaabka, taas oo dhalisay in caanihii daatey dabada laga qabto, iyadoo haduu dagaal dhaco ku salaysan qadiyadii lagu weerarey wiilashaas ay cidina guul ka daadihin doonin ay ku faanto.

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Originally posted by Naxar Nugaaleed:

sometimes a little thinking is necessary sxb

"the issues of the boys the Puntland police mercilessly shelled in their house."


I can't believe these shufto were let go! [

Can you please give a sufficient,evidence to establish your little cheap text as true. I know, you just bluntly wrote it. Controll your hatred emotions. And, spare something...

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Peeps, i don't hate anyone, of all people, i have none of the reasons some of think i hate them for.

if, like you say, the state allows people to carry and trade weapons, forgive me for i am misinformed. in that case, both the state and these kids are all shufto! what i do know is that the police went to this house for reasons that i was and still don't know to get these kids who i know nothing about. when the police got there, these kids just started to shoot in every direction. there are pictures of people standing running in all directions when this happened. in my thinking, when the police come for you and you start shooting, this very act in itself is not only wrong or shufto-like, but you have something to hide too. I am of the opinion that what these kids did was wrong and the government letting them go was wrong and they gave them weapons? Good God whats the world coming to.

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Some people are getting sick with every single thing that is ended in a peaceful way ..... as soon as there is something that is solved peacefully they can't help but scream and call for death, destruction and war.



I guess u all know who i mean :D


Hadii kele:


Nin rag ahina waa garanayaa doqonna loo sheegi maayo :D

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Some people are getting sick with every single thing that is ended in a peaceful way ..... as soon as there is something that is solved peacefully they can't help but scream and call for death, destruction and war.



I guess u all know who i mean :D


Hadii kele:


Nin rag ahina waa garanayaa doqonna loo sheegi maayo :D

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Wonderful news, we where all hoping things to end up in peacful manner. The two sides of the conflict agreed in principle to free those arrested. As long as those Culmaa and Isimo, Garaadyo, Suldaamo and so on are respected in puntland we are in good hand.

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