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Somaliland: The 193rd Member State of the UN

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Somaliland: The 193rd Member State of the UN?






There are 192 member states of the United Nations, and Somaliland may soon join the group to become the 193rd member. However, Somaliland has to overcome few obstacles to become the first country to join the UN since Montenegro has become the 192nd member state in 2006.


The first step is to lobby to have a UN special envoy for Somaliland. If the UN could afford to provide four special envoys for the HIV/AIDS and one for the bird flu, then they can afford to have one for Somaliland.


Because of the uncertainty of succeeding to have a lasting peace in Somalia, the UN special envoy for Somalia, Francois Fall, will have no time to broker a deal between Somaliland and Somalia. And there is no point for Somaliland to wait for the never-ending discussions of peacemaking in Somalia. Therefore, there is an urgent need for a UN peace envoy in Somaliland.


For instance, the former Finnish President Martti Ahtisaari, who is the UN special envoy for Kosovo, has just unveiled a draft plan that could lead Kosovo to independence and thus peace in the region. Soon, Kosovo will join the free world and become an independent state.


Likewise, a special envoy for Somaliland could broker a deal between Somaliland and Somalia. And if a deal is not reached within a year, for example, the UN special envoy could forge a proposal and present it to the UN Security Council, which will have the final say.


The second step is to solve the issue of Sool and Sanaag. One of the lessons that we’ve learned from the earlier peace reconciliations is the fact that demand for justice alone does not always lead to a lasting peace. It is the political reconciliation, not justice that was responsible for the stability we have today.


We’ve succeeded creating a lasting peace in most of the country except the regions of Sool and Sanaag. So, let’s reach out to ***** and make peace with reer sanaag barri. Once we make peace with them, then political reconciliation with darawish people will most likely succeed.


In addition, we need to tone down the criticism of the TFG’s president, Abdilahi Yusuf, and his government for the possibility of reaching a truce that paves the way for Somalia and Somaliland to recognize each other as independent states.


In fact, Somaliland clans have more in common with ***** sub clan than Haawiye, and the success of Abdilahi Yusuf’s current government will mean that Somaliland will have lesser hindrance for international recognition than ****** lead government.


The last challenge is to beat the Western Sahara, Taiwan, Kosovo, and the Vatican City for becoming the 193rd member state of the UN. Impressive list, isn’t it? Well, the independent state of the Vatican City with a population of less than a thousand people is still considering for becoming a full member state of the UN. Since the creation of the Vatican in 1929, it has voted not to become a UN member, and is unlikely to join it very soon.


It is also unlikely that either Taiwan or the Western Sahara will join the UN before Somaliland, because Taiwan has to overcome the Great Chinas resistance, and the Western Sahara issue is still stalled in the UN.


Kosovo has the most potential to beat Somaliland for becoming the first one to join the group, and Somaliland may have to settle for second best after Kosovo to become the 194th member state of the UN.


Ali Deria

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May and "soon" join are the keywords in the article.Secondly note that the United Nations refrained away from mentioning the words "Independence" and "Sovereignity" in their statement on the Kosovo.

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Mystic acording 2 my knowledge there is no somalia becous its lawless still today so there is no somalia that excist i am in my tweny my dad would die for somalia he was in prison for 10 years in mogadisho why becous he gave money the resistence group of the snm oke thats normal shiit happend but


The lil boi who grew up in borame or in burco or in hargeysa doesent know better then somaliland he 16 years old 2 day he only knows somaliland isaga baa ka yeelayn adeer anaga baa iska daa.

becous we who where born in the begin 80 still remember stuff about the horor that happend in somaliland in the mid and late 80

but the generetion after that are verry happy that they can live in peace and harmony and that there father are siting next 2 them in hargeysa not controld by some far place in banadir in mogadisho

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Cry me a river. The people in the South have suffered more than the people in the north will any day. Using the victim card isn’t an excuse to separate two Muslim brothers.


And Somalia exist for it is recognized world-wide, Somaliland isn’t.

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there are more then 52 muslim states should they be one country lets wait for my couzin the mahdi ibn hassan ibn ali abithalib


who is talking about victem we just dont wanne share a country with u we said no in 1991 maad qasbii dadka

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Somaliland does exist,however the good work and everything in Somaliland has to be credited to the people,not the thugs like Riyale Kahin.


We must congradualte them for their hardwork.This isn't about who suffered more and it isnt 'about being ehlul beyt either Zeylici(lol),it's about people living in peace and harmony,which Insha Allah we hope for our southern bretherens to accomplish.The south had peace momentarliy under the ICU,but thanks to the Xabashis and their daba dhilif,it's back to being chaotic.Let us hope for the best of all of us Insha Allah.


Somaliland exists,Puntland exists,they are peaceful regions,we need the south to be the same.Such can be accomplished by the ICU.


Insha Allah.

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They are nothing but provinces,and they do not exist as states.Somaliland doesn't exist as a state and won't exist as a state,but exists as a province.The secessionists claim of somaliland existing as a state and the fake flag is nothing but a bluff.

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^^Captain,take it however you want,but let me show you something that doesn't exist,the TFG.I am amazed,one who believes in the TFG aka xabashi daba dhilif can employ an opinion in this matter which he can regard as credible.


Keep yapping.

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The TFG is a transitional givernment and its time will expire.Abuses is what yapping is,and the women folk gave it up long ago,So yapp on.

Secessionism will never be tolerated,and the secessionists will never have that province as they intend to.That,u can sleep on it.

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Are we starting this from da beggining again ??



Yaab baad leedihiin walee ,,,,,,,,, horta who knows you when you say somaliland doesn't exist ??? ,,,,,,, i told you in 1912 kii to enjoy your dreams ,,,,,,,,, i'm not gonna wake u up guys ,,,,,,,,,,

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Dalkii dhan Xabash kusoo duulay, wada qabsaday. Dad inta ku jirina this tuulo exists iyo noo, it doesn't exist kasoo haray.


Ayaandaradooda Soomaalida. Waligood kama koraan naceybka aan loo baahneen dhaw ay isku qabaan, kan cadowgooda dhabta ah la safan kuwa qaarkood.


Noo, ayaandaro waa dhaaftay, niyadjabna sii mooday, maanta jiritaanka Soomaaliyeed ayaaba qarka u saaran in uu ka baxo daa'imka iyo ifka.

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The second step is to solve the issue of Sool and Sanaag. One of the lessons that we’ve learned from the earlier peace reconciliations is the fact that demand for justice alone does not always lead to a lasting peace. It is the political reconciliation, not justice that was responsible for the stability we have today.

This author is a bit realistic of the current political situation in this former British Protectorate.

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