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Doing the Right Thing in Somalia

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Doing the Right Thing in Somalia


By Frankie Martin


This week has been an extraordinary one for Somalia.


The past seven days have brought both the resignation of Somalia's president and the beginnings of a military withdrawal by his main backer, Ethiopia. This comes amid an onslaught of pirate attacks off Somalia's volatile coast, the takeover of most of the center and south of the country by Islamic insurgents, and perhaps the worst humanitarian disaster on the planet.


Somalia watchers can be forgiven for feeling a sense of déjà vu. Two years ago, before the shock and awe of the US-backed Ethiopian invasion, the country looked rather similar. Somalia was then, as it is now, largely ruled by Islamic militias and judicial bodies; the Western-backed Transitional Federal Government (TFG) and its president were almost completely impotent, and the humanitarian situation was bleak.


Two years and many rendition flights later, America has little to show for its efforts. In fact, things have gotten much worse.


The US backed the Ethiopian overthrow of the ruling Union of Islamic Courts (UIC) in pursuit of at least three Al Qaeda suspects. Since then it is estimated that over 10,000 Somalis have been killed and 1 million displaced. 3.5 million people are in need of immediate food aid. The occupation has turned the population against the government and strengthened extremist groups. Anti-Americanism is at a height.


The new generation of Islamic rulers like Al Shabab care little for the scholarly debates of the UIC, which pitted mystics and moderates against hardline elements in a recognized structure. These new brutal militias now control more territory than the UIC did at its height. Both piracy and anarchy -- effectively defeated two years ago by the UIC -- are back in force.


The Ethiopian withdrawal will leave Somalia with a massive power vacuum. The only other international troops in the country are African Union-backed Ugandan and Burundian skeleton forces who can barely leave their bases for fear of attack.


The international community is at an impasse. The consensus seems to be that UN troops are desired, but not yet. For now the West -- which greatly contributed to the current mess -- is putting the burden on the African Union, which isn't entirely fair. The AU, however noble in its desire to promote stability on the continent, has neither the manpower, resources, nor cultural knowledge necessary to mount a successful operation in Somalia.


All "humanitarian aid missions" are not the same. While foreign troops have helped in countries like Liberia and Ivory Coast, the global conflict between Islam and the West after 9/11 has meant that interventions in Muslim countries -- especially by Westerners -- have been more difficult. Foreign troops inserted into Somalia now, be they from the United Nations or from fellow African countries, will be greeted as occupiers and will face a lethal insurgency. UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon knows this, which is why he is so hesitant to commit blue helmets.


So, given the dire situation, what is to be done? Despite its mistakes in the region, the United States is best suited to bring Somalia's factions together in a lasting peace.


This time the US should go in not with drones but diplomacy. President-elect Barack Obama will face a dizzying array of challenges when he takes office, but he must not let Somalia once again be neglected.


Obama -- who is very popular among Somalis -- or Secretary of State Hillary Clinton should go to Somalia immediately after the inauguration to give muscle and credibility to the peace process. This would open a new chapter in US/Somali relations and signal that the US was serious about engaging with Somalia in a sustained and intelligent way.


The US and its Western allies should work with moderate Muslims and extend dialogue invitations to those who disagree with its policy in the region. It should fund health and education programs and make it clear to the Somali people that the US is not at war with them or their Islamic faith. This would both attack piracy at its root by restoring stability and help to swing the pendulum away from radicals toward the tolerant Sufi Islam native to Somalia.


Some of this is already happening. Last month Senator Russ Feingold of Wisconsin -- one of the few American lawmakers speaking consistently about Somalia -- met in Djibouti with leaders of the Somali peace process including Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed, the former school teacher who helped form the UIC after one of his pupils was kidnapped by warlords.


This high level activity should be accompanied by an effort to reach Somalis at the local, tribal level, which can only be done by gaining a knowledge and appreciation of how Somali society works. The CIA should put away its briefcases of cash for warlords and pick up books on Somalia by scholars like I.M. Lewis.


An international stabilization force may well be what is needed, but the tough groundwork will have to be laid first. And for this the Somali people must be on board.


In Somalia the US has another shot to stabilize the Horn of Africa, improve relations with the Muslim world, and save a people from complete destruction. This time, let's get it right.



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All indications are that the ethiopians have not withdrawn from Somalia. They have changed their tactics; arm the former warlords under a new banner "Al yalaxow" and start a civil war outside Muqdisho. Let qaad chewing qabilists perform the task!

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The TFG and ARS to Form a Unity Government

Sunday, January 11, 2009


Mogadishu, Somalia (HOL) - Somalia’s Transitional Federal Government (TFG) and the Alliance for Re-liberation of Somalia (ARS) will form a unity government on January 20th to the 26th, according to a press release from the African Union headquarters in Addis Ababa.


The press release comes after a meeting of the countries with peacekeeping forces in Somalia as well as countries expected to send peacekeepers, UN representatives and Ethiopia which currently heads IGAD.


The discussion in the meeting included the current political and security situation in Somalia, current efforts to form a unity government, as well as the implementation of the Djibouti Accord.


Participants in the meeting also discussed the planned expansion of AU peacekeepers in Somalia expected to come from Ghana, Nigeria, Burkina Faso and other countries. A fact finding mission from the UN is expected to visit the region and Somalia before the deployment of AU peacekeepers to Somalia. Currently, Uganda and Burundi have a combined peacekeeping force of 3,200 troops


The new unity government will include an increase in the number of lawmakers in the interim Parliament from its current 275 members to 550 members as well as the election of an interim President after the resignation of the former interim President Mr. Abdullahi Yusuf recently.

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Shir lagu dooran doono Madaxweynaha Df

11 Jan 11, 2009 - 4:27:30 AM


Qaramada Midoobay iyo Midowga Afrika ayaa si wadajir ah u sheegay in doorashada madaxweynaha cusub ee TFG ay ka dhacayso dabayaaqada bishan dalka Jabuuti.


Warbixin kasoo baxday xafiiska AU-da ee Addis Ababa ayaa lagu sheegay in Isbahaysiga ARS iyo DF ay ku heshiiyeen inay sameystaan dowlad midnimo Qaran, ayna doorashada Madaxweynaha cusub ee TFG-da ka dhacdo Jabuuti.


"DF iyo ARS waxay heshiis buuxa ku gaareen in doorashada Madaxweynenimo ee Somalia ay ka dhacdo Jabuti [Jan, 20 - 26, 2009], si ay u doortaan madaxweyne badala C/llaahi Yuusuf oo is casilay" ayaa lagu yiri qoraalka AU-da.


Shekh Aadan Madobe oo ah sii hayaha xilka Madaxweynenimo iyo gudoomiyaha Baalamaanka Somalia ayaa isaguna shalay [Jan 10, 2009] ka sheegay Baydhabo in doorashadu ay ka dhacayso Baydhabo dhamaadka bishan.


"Doorashada Madaxweynaha cusub waxay ka dhacaysaa Baydhabo, waxayna ku dhacaysaa sida uu qabo Axdiga KMG ah, xildhibaanada oo dhan waxaan ugu baaqay inay yimaadaan Baydhabo" ayuu yiri Sheekh Aadan Madoobe oo wariyeyaal la hadlay.


Midowga Afrika ayaa ku sheegay warbixintiisa in DF iyo ARS ay baarlamaanka kordhinayaan ka hor inta aanay doorashadu dhicin, uuna baarlaman ka kooban 550-xubnood fadhigiisa ugu horeeya ku qaadan doono Jabuuti, kuna dooran doonaan Madaxweyne cusub.


Shekh Aadan Madobe ayaa shegay in arajida musharaxnimo ee xilka Madaxweynaha Somalia ay u soo gudbiyeen Yuusuf Cumar Azhari oo la-taliye u ahaa C/llaahi Yuusuf iyo Maxamed-deeq C/raxmaan Barqadle oo ka mid ah Somalida dibadaha ku nool, uuna u gudbin doono gudi doorasho oo dhawaan la magacaabayo.


Xil. Max'ed Qanyare Afrax, Xil. Cali Maxamed Geeddi iyo Xil. Max'ed Max'ud Guuleed [Gacmodheere] ayaa iyaguna sheegay inay u sharaxan yihiin qabashada jagadan, balse ma jirto wax arjiyo ah oo ay gudbiyeen.


Waxaa jira khilaafyuo ku aadan doorashada Madaxweynaha cusub ee Somalia oo u dhexeeya Gudoomiyaha baarlamaanka Somalia Sheekh Aadan Madoobe iyo Ra'iisul wasaare Nuur Xasan Xuseen [Nuur Cadde] oo ahaa laba mas'uul oo isku dhow.

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Cali Maxamed Geedi and Azhzri were the extended hand of Abdullahi Yusuf. That rules them out.


Qanyare, Gacamodheere et al are warlords aka ahlu dagaal oogeyaal.


Dadka kale oo fiican ma haaysaa akhi?


This process looks like a bad copy of the Doofaarey process..don't you think? Another warlord for the presidency!!!!

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When will they learn anything?


The same game, the same players and somehow expecting different outcome. Doofaar ma daahiro dee.

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THis is a process run by Ethiopia. The Amharic speaking Azhari (incidentally from my home town) is the front-runner. My Intel sources say Ethiopia wants him. But he is a useless opportunist, who supported the ocuppation of the country.

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Originally posted by Abtigiis &Tolka:

THis is a process run by Ethiopia. The Amharic speaking Azhari (incidentally from my home town) is the front-runner. My Intel sources say Ethiopia wants him. But he is a useless opportunist, who supported the ocuppation of the country.

and which one you think exactly is usefull ??


Ma qaar dhaamaa jira meesha ??

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I never believed in this charade entity called TFG. You know my position. I don't care whoever takes the P post. I also don't want Sheekh shariif. I am not anarchist, though. I willbe happy with Sheekh Hassen Dahir Aweys.


Or Prof. Ahmed Ismail Samatar. Or Cali khalif Galaydh. or Gen. Jama Mohamed Qalib.


People of that pedigree, not middle-men like shariif.

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Are you sure those you mentioned are good people or that they are not in that position yet so that you cannot tell what they really are ?


Waar everybody is running for that bloody kursi and once they get there they are not those you knew ...... you would see them cheering for the xabashis sxb.

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