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Yey : Back to His Original Tuulo

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Madaxweynaha Dowlada kmg Soomaaliya Cabudllaahi Yuusuf Axmed Ayaa safara aan horay loo sii qorsheeyn oo Qarsoodi ah ku tagay magaalada Garoowe ee gobolka Nugaal.


Madaxweynaha oo aan la shaacin cida ku wehlisa safarkiisa ayaa waxaa uu ka soo kicitimay magaalada Nairobi ee wadanka Kenya oo uu dhawaanahani ku sugnaa waxana uu horay u sheegay in uu ka qeyb galayo wadahadalada ka soconaya magaalada Jabuuti ee wadanka Jabuuti lamana oga waxa xiligan ku soo beegay in safar aan horay loo sii shaacin uu ku tago magaalada Garoowe ee gobolka Nugaal.


Madaxweyne Cabdullaahi Yuusuf ayaa si diiran loogu soo dhaweeyay magaalada Garoowe ee xarunta maamul goboleedka Puntlanad wax war ahna weli kama bixin safarkiisa iyo sababaha uu u tagay halkaasi.


Wixii warar ah ee ku soo kordha safarka Madaxweyne Cabudllaahu Yuusuf kala soco hadii uu illaah inoo Saamaxo.

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lool oday cardcardhadh kii siyasada ayay kaga badiyeen...


ogay yar oo miskiin u eeeg ee nuur cade ayaa qiiq kaga sii daayay.


two cousins are now negotiating in Djbouti with the parliament set to increase to 500plus with most of those from shabaabs and ICU, you can see, plus the ethopians have changed sides to cade you can see the picture for the old man does not look good.

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Walaahi odaygii ceebaa ka raacday. From Tripoli to Garoowe...WHAT HAPPENED TO THE "SHIRKA DJIBOUTI ANAA DAWLADA HOGAAMINAYA"


So it's true that Djibouti rejected his visa application. :eek: :eek:

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Abshir Bacadle muxuu yiiri:

"Odeygi dacayadaa weyna noso celsha waad na dubateene" or something like that...

hada 'odeyga beer-lawaha noso celsha waxba mesha kuma heysane'.

Those in Djibouti who have today announced their breakthrough and classified it as a step towards peace by doubling the number of parliamentarians are a joke and waste of space.

C/llahi Yusuf will gain and harness the support of TFG parliamentarians which he lost and lacked over the last one year and they will reject this initiative totally and outright hence dismantling the little minor hope for settlement there was , if ever there was anything.

All they had to do was make a mess and as a result rekindle the old man's political life - and they exactly did that.

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^^intreasting i would like to know why you think he will get parliaments support, since the current crop will keep their seats and their allowances i would think it would not matter either way what do you think ya juje?

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PL shiddaa kusoo korodhay.


I hope his visit does not impact negatively PL's coming election.



Somalia: President Yusuf 'expected in Puntland': sources

26 Nov 26, 2008 - 9:09:34 AM




GAROWE, Somalia Nov 26 (Garowe Online) - Somalia's interim President Abdullahi Yusuf is expected to arrive in his native region of Puntland, government sources tell Garowe Online.


President Yusuf is currently in Nairobi, Kenya, and the sources said the president will soon fly to Puntland, with unconfirmed reports saying he will land in the regional capital Garowe.


It is not clear why Somalia's president is planning to visit his native region, but the trip comes at a time of tense relations with Prime Minister Nur "Adde" Hassan Hussein.


Further, Puntland is scheduled to hold presidential elections in January 2009 and President Yusuf is might mediate between the Puntland government and opposition candidates, who have disagreed over the government-appointed election commission.


Source: Garowe Online

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President Yusuf Yey , would never miss this coronation he is a man of tradition and actually no one from Puntland's elite is missing this.


As for the comments by Oodweyne adeer, how is Yusuf losing? He has guided the unionist government thus far, this is not a kingdom and his age and illness would rule him out for serving a long period.


Thus the Djibouti accord is not going to entertain secessionisam and the seperation of the former British colony even if you had DNA proof that the Queen was actually the mother of the secessionist supporters.


Again you are shooting blanks. :D

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