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The 5 Most Dangerous Somali Warlords

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Deeq A.   

HornAfrique, please stop the namecalling. Present your case in a civilized manner without resorting back to personal attacks.

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You know why i hate all the tribalist?


Because they see the murderers in other tribes.


for example the Gedo man only sees the puntland murderer while ignoring the Gedo murderer and so forth.


as a neutral party between the puntland and Gedo, let me add my two cents.


Cabdullahi Yusuf is exactly like Cumar xaaji masale, a traitor . inna yusuf led the ethiopians against somali army, while ina massale led the ethiopians against his own Gedo folks.


but i don't have anyone with the capacity of General Gaani in Puntland, not at all.


so Gedo has more murderers than puntland ,by two to one. but the problem is this


Neither Gedo , nor Puntland wants to ever acknowledge the blood letting done by their clansmen. and this is the sad part.


Tell me any clan and i will tell you the murderer that they DONT want to give up.


when the hell are people gonna change?

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HornAfrique, you are not alone supporting C/qaasin, and don't despair there walaalkiis.


C/qaasin Salaad Xasan is sure not perfect, but he also sure is the least tainted leader in Soomaali politics now, and has the support of many Soomaalis, regardless of their qabiil background, including me.


If C/qaasin really cared warlordism, he wouldn't have stayed in Qaahiro in the '90s while his counterparts wrecked Soomaaliya, particularly Xamar. Sure he wants power, but who doesn't? And his religious conviction is one further reason to support him. Some are against him and all their diatribes against on him draws from clan-lines.


Some hate him about his religious conviction, about his bit wadaadnimo.


Others hate him more because of the qabiil he belongs.


And others get irritated to even hear his name because he makes some negative noises about the regions they enthusiastically support.




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And the winner of the SOL most argumentative award goes to!!!...... :) Admin you all need to give these guys some trophies. Don't you all realize how ****** and ignorant Qabiil talk is? remember when the arabs ame to rasullah about qabil talk and he said verily i am the best from amongst you and he gave his reason, then he showed even though he had these qualities he was a man just like everyone else and nothing more. remember when he said he was the son of woman who ate dates, or something to that nature? also remember when abu darda R alled bilal by a qabil nikname then Rasullah S said oh abu darda you behave as if you are in the days of ignorance. so guys put a sok in it and i think you all should eah apologize to each other and May Allah Reward him extra who makes his intention to apologize the quickest. and think about it, the only thing you all are defending is your own pride, so just drop the topic and i believe i speak for all on the forum- APOLOGIZE TO EACH OTHER GUYS

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Originally posted by HornAfrique:






Though I agree with you the list of names you identified as war criminals I hope you are not excluding ina Salad Boy, because you support him or worse because he's your kinship.

I trully hate clan politics and by sending that post I wanted to clarify that I was not from Abdiqasim's clan and that, that had nothing to do with my being pro-Abdiqasim.


Anyway good day to you brother. [/QB]

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Though I agree with you the list of names you identified as war criminals I hope you are not excluding ina Salad Boy, because you support him or worse because he's your kinship.

I trully hate clan politics and by sending that post I wanted to clarify that I was not from Abdiqasim's clan and that, that had nothing to do with my being pro-Abdiqasim.

Anyway good day to you brother. [/QB]


brother HornAfrique i dont know and never heard of salad boy! honestly, the only warlord i now and have in reality is Morgan! and i was only referring to the list you posted. i didnt mention and specific warlord in my notes previously. i dont who Abdiqasim is and what clan hes either, so i dont understand how u came to that conclusion. actually, the reason i reponded to your thread was quite simple! i hate warlords with a great passion and i have not communicated the ones from my clan for the last 10 yrs! to me, i dont consider a man, some one who kills innocent people as human but a coward that needs to meet his judgment as the QURAAN says! ast la vista amigo!

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Horn, you can call me names all day look . i aint gonna hate on u ma man , i still got respect for you.


What i was trying to say is that A/qasim is no an angel he did alot of mistakes , and he killed alot of people in brava , merka and kismayo . he is devil claiming to be good muslim which he is not . He got backing from arab countries and with arab mony he bought arms to kill his own somali people . WHAT YOU CALL THIS? IS HE BETTER THAN OTHER WARLORDS? NAH HE IS WORSE THAN OTHER WARLORDS SNICE HE IS/WAS SOMALIA PRESIDENT ELLECT TO PROTECT SOMALI PEOPLE NOT TO KILL THEM.

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Yususf Addie, Brother we as Somali when it comes the qabiil we act as a Jaahiliyah and the proof is that you repeated your advice and remaindings in several times, has anyone listened? and i'm sure that this thread will continue untill the Admin. close it, and that's why we have no government since 1990, everyone see other's wrongs and is blind to his wrongs while the ISLAM orders us the OPPOSITE.

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Like I said no war between me and Horn, but one must tell the truth and not shy from it.


Genocide of Bossaso LOL never heard of any genocide in Puntland other than the one committed by the fascist Siyad government, which is well documented. So Horn you have to get better sources of information my lad.


Like Samouri pointed out you can’t compare these two men, one was a rebel who survived and still faces remnants of the brutal regime; he committed no acts of violence against any of the Somali people. He is a traitor to some because he does not bow doen to Warlod Aydeed or Currupt Abdiqasin.


Abdullahi Yusuf is no saint, he is a soldier who was trained to kill, but he is not worse than the career corrupt Abdiqasin no way.


His religious convictions are his, but he seems to change his mind allot. Abdiqasin was 40 years old when Barre’s regime cracked down on the religious establishment and even this he has not apologised for. I know horn aggress with him as Abdiqasin has nothing to apologise for as the regime was not that bad, right horn?


The problem with Somalia is that the Barre cadets have since 2000 been running around trying hard to change their guilt, you get people who like Abdirahman Jama Barre running around saying that Siyads government was mis understood. Through Abdiqasin they think they can come back, but so far the experiment has failed, Abdiqasin is a weak man who controls 12% of Xamar and yet has the audacity to say I am president of Somalia, but Horn 12% of Xamar is bigger than PUNTLAND right?




Trust I don’t hate Abdiqasin because he belongs to a certain clan, that clan should hate him because he has put the spotlight the torch n them when in fact just like Barre time the clan was innocent but the man was full of guilt.


Example Abdiqasin has I think a day left for his illusion of a term to expire so what does he do, he is extending his term, hey wasent that what he and others use to argue about Abdullahi extending his term, however Abdullahi had all his deputies and survived to win back PUNTLAND, Abdiqsin going by his track record might lose his 12% of Mogadishu.

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Abroone Oo Sheegay Inuusan Waqtigu Ka Dhammaanayn Baarlamaanka KMG Ah 12ka Bisha


War ka soo baxay golaha baarlamaanka ayaa lagu sheegay in TNG-da waqtigeedii uusan ku dhammaanayn 12ka bishan. Guddoomiya ku xigeenka golaha baarlamaanka Mudane Axmad Abroone Amiin ayaa shaaca ka qaaday maanta in wararka la isla dhex marayo ee ku saabsan in xilka ay isaga degayaan 12ka bishan uu yahay mid



aan macquul ahayn isagoo intaa ku daray in sharcigu qabo in ay sii hayaan mas'uuliyadda Soomaaliya u dhiibatay inta laga helayo cid kala wareegto.


Hadalkan ka soo baxay baarlamaanka ayaa siyaabo kala duwan looga fasirtayMuqdisho oo ay dadku hadal hayaan sida ay wax noqon doonaan haddii la gaaro 12ka bishan oo ay saacado ka harsan yihiin, inkastoo Cabdalla Deeraw uu sheegay xalay in cid xil sii haynaysa aysan jiri doonin haddii waqtigii T.N.G-da loo qabtay uu dhammaado.

Deeraw oo xalay la hadlayey Idaacadda shabeelle ee Muqdisho ayaa si weyn u diiday in loo kordhin karo xilliga T.N.G-da isagoo intaana ku daray in suuqa Bakaaraha laga soo aruuriyey dadkii shalay sheegtay in ay xilka ka qaadeen.


Khilaafkan ayaa ku soo beegmay xilli ay ahayd in T.N.G-du u soo gudbiso dadka waxyaabihii u qabsoomay mudadii saddaxda sano ahayd iyo waxa iminka la samaynayo laakiin waxaad mooddaa inay ku soo gabagaboobayso khaatuma xumo.


C/llaahi Khadar, Goobjoog, Muqdisho


Another clan based editorial ha HORN

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Dear HORN, lets now see what your favourite poet has to say About the peace in PUNTLAND, even though you dont like to ackowledge it PUNTLAND is not XAMAR of your currupt president Abdiqasin. :D



Hadraawi oo si aada looga soo dhaweeyey deegaanada Puntland , Sunday, August 10, 2003

Boosaaso, (Somalicity).


Waxaa shalayto soo gaadhay maagaalada Boosaaso wafdi balaadhan oo uu hogaaminayo abwaanka caanka ah ee Maxamed Ibraahin Hadraawi oo baryahanba socdaalo ku marayay koonfurta Soomaaliya ka dibana uga soo gudbay magaalada Gaalkacayo iyo Garoowe ee maamul goboleedka Puntland halkaasoo si wanaagsan loogu soo dhaweeyay.


Hadraawi wuxuu kulamano layeeshay mas'uuliyiinta dowlada goboladaas iyo dadwaynaha magaalooyinkaas. wafdigu waxuu Garoowe kasoo anbabaxay 8dii bishan wuxuuna siimaray magaalada Qardho oo aad loogu soo dhaweeyay, halkaasoo abwaan Hadraawi ka mariyey tixo gabay ah oo ku amaanayo dadka deegaanadaa ugu danbayntii waxuu uga gudbay magaalada Boosaaso halkaasoo duqa magaalada Boosaaso iyo dadwaynaha magaaladu kaga horyimaadeen meel 60km ujirta malgaalada Boosaaso.


Waftigan Wadraawi ayaa ladajiyay laba hotel ee kala ah Bulsho iyo Banoroma halkaasoo martiqaad balaadhan loogu sameeyey waftiga, taasoo ayka soo qayb galeen, masuuliyiinka Gobolku, Abwaano iyo fanaaniin reer Boosaaso ahi waxyna halkaa wafdigu kasheegeen inay aad ugu farxeen kuna amaaneen maamulka iyo dadka reer Puntland nabada ka jirta deegaanadaas, tahay mid ku dayasho mudan . Waxaa lafilayaa in dhawaan waftigu u anbabaxaan dhinaca magaalada Laascaanood.

Maxamed Cali, (Somalicity) , Soomaalia

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Yusuf Addia,


Bro you are right many thanks and I apologise to my brother Horn and I will not take part in this topic FROM NOW ON.


Sorry for any inconveniances caused.


Horn Saxib no hard feelings.

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Much respect to you bruv....You are a TRUE Somali, stay course and don't be discouraged the road ahead is bumping and rough.



I think posting the private messages btw you and Horn was LOW. You owe him an apology.

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You know what? I've been in the middle of what I hate the most, which is qabiil politics.


Yusuf has made me realize a few things. For those of you who gave me support, thank you; and for those of you who were in opposition to me well let's forgive and forget.


To my brother SmithNwestern all I have to say is I have new found respect for you bro. All that time I was insulting you personally, you shrugged it off and went on with your part of the debate. That is a trait to be admired and respected upon. Good debating with you.


Yusufaddie I'm happy to say that your posts woke me out of an unpleasant dream. Thank you bro, although I think a true Somali is a true Muslim, seeing as how our religion is intertwined with our everyday culture and tradition. Our religon is our culture and religion, to be exact. Thanx again bro.


I'm glad to say this is my last post in this thread, a thread that I had no idea would take this road.


SmithNwestern I apologize for the insults I threw at you. No hard feelings bro.

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