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Gun battle between Puntland Supported Militia and Maakhiri Forces in Southern Sanaag

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Gun battle between Puntland Supported Militia and Maakhiri Forces in Southern Sanaag


Dhahar- Sept 09, 07(LaasqorayNet) Another gun battle took place today in Sarmanyo area of Southern Sanaag between the Maakhiri Forces and charcoal traders militia supported by Puntland technical and battlewagons.


This is the 4th major gun fight between the charcoal traders and Maakhir Security Forces since the declaration of Maakhir State of Somalia in Sanaag and Western Bari.


The town of Sarmanyo is in Southern Sanaag and are inhabited mainly by [the local tribes] of Sanaag.


Initial reports are suggesting that there are casualties between the warring factions and the Maakhir Security Forces suffered 3 injured soldiers while the Charcoal traders Militias suffered 1 casualty, 1 injured and more importantly 10 captured individuals and one battle wagon.


The Maakhiri Security forces have bases outside the city of Dhahar, the second capital of the new State.


Maakhir banned charcoal production due to the desertification it causes to the fragile Somali environment. Puntland has ignored the ban and sent several expeditions into Maakhir, with Puntland militia protecting the charcoal traders


The biggest market for illegal produced charcoal from Maakhir and Somalia as a whole, are the Arab states.



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Dagaal kale oo dhimasho iyo dhaawac sababey oo dhex marey Ciidamada ladagaalanka xaalufinta degmada Dhahar iyo koox Qowlaysato ah.


Dhahar : Saaka subaxnimadii ayaa dagaal ku dhexmaray ciidanka ilaalinta degaanka ee degmada Dhahar iyo kooxaha budhcadda xaalufinta, halkaas oo labo askari oo ciidanka ilaalinta degaanka ah iyo hal budhcadda ah uu dhaawac ka soo gaadhey.


Wararku waxay intaas ku darayaan in ciidanka ilaalinta degaanku ay gacanta ku soo dhigeen maxaabiis tiradooda lagu sheegay 10 qof iyo hal baabuur iyo weliba qoryo ay adeegsanayeen budhcaddaasi.


Waa markii afraad oo intii labada bilood ee ugu danbeysey ah oo dagaal noocan oo kale ah uu dhex maro ciidanka ilaalinta degaanka iyo budhcaddaas xaalufinta degaanka. taasoo ay ugu danbaysey horraanti asbuucan oo lagu soo qabtay 10 budhcad ah , oo hadda u ku xidhan magaalada Dhahar.


Weriye Maxamed Axmed Ciise oo ku sugan magaalada Dhahar ayaa noo sheegay in dhaawacii ciidanka ilaalada lo qaaday dhanka magaalada Ceergaabo si loogu soo daweeyo, halka kii kale ee budhcadda ka dhaawacmayna loo gudbiyey dhanka Sheerbi.


Source: Dhahar

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^look at this dude. Who are you trying to kid. It's not maakhirland of Pland it's Maakhirland of Somalia. Don't twisted.


To logically put it. If Maakhirland was part of Puntland they wouldn't be adminstrating themselves seperately. Think before you type.

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Originally posted by Naxar Nugaaleed:

come down ya mujahid, was just kidding becasue we all know that maakhir state of Somalia is not possible.

Naxar, in your thinking, you are against time and change. The TFG may not recognize it but Maakhir has constitutionally guaranteed rights that will come under great consideration in the future or future Somali reconciliations.


I would like to quote an old statement of yours that may appear to be a sort of “stool pigeon”


“Its seems that sool is being attacked from South, east west and north. "Somaliland" in the Cayn and Erigavo district and other puntlander from the hawd and nugaal. though I expected this hostility from "Rer Somaliland" and Don't get this new hostility from "Rer puntland".


Is it not time that you allow others to be masters of their own destiny instead of rebelling with flattery or creativity of those in subordinate roles.


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War Caamir, Runta misa sheegna? Rer SSC are fighting for their land from many neighboring people who have found dhulboob fashionable lately: Erigavo, Jidale, Aynabo, the Howd,Taleex and nugaal. that has been the case for many years yet Rer SSC along with "Maakhirland" were the reason why puntland was created. Would a little alienation from rer bari make you give up what you have created? alienation is single handedly responsible for the creation of all these "hebel lands" in Somalia. "Rer Somaliland" felt alienated by Somalia, Puntland was threatened by Somaliland, maakhirland was alienated by puntland. If we keep creating these lands every time this happens, were will we stop? heer ay athiga ku garsisey iig! you have gone to the piont of telling Us xero warsangeliba mammul gobleed nogoneysa. Furthermore, without doubt, this maakhir land, will join dhul booka lagu wada Rer SSC. In another thread you were claiming your rag tag militias were fighting in Surmanyo!

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Naxar, pls observe the golden rules of this net: clan names are forbidden.


I ask you three questions so that we can further proceed in our debate.


1. Could you elucidate the platform at which Puntland and Somaliland was built on. Is it economic, political or self-determination as SL claims, ?


2.In what legalized form the United Nations recognizes these two entities?


3. And how Maakhir state can not be in par with Somaliland and Puntland, considering the federalist template of the TFG?



Reviewing these three questions and doing some research can help you grasp the platform at which Maakhir was built on and as MP Asha Abdalla said the idea is building your home first.

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Its a geographic name no?


1 its neither economic or political but qabiil that has lead to the creation of these two states.


2 you doesn't rexognize them in any sense other that of provences of Somalia.


3 No maakhir can not achaive the same for two reaosns. first is clearly the size. its not even all of sanaag for the love of god! or do you dare make that claim. two, people are already confused in that region even though must are leaning toward puntland. For you to to throw a fourth option into that mix will only confuse people more.


Lastly Asha Abdalla is my habar yar. I have had many chances to speak with her about Somali Politics face to face and as a political science student, she has advised me many times. I admire her for what she has done but she, like most politicians, is not driven by what she believes to be in the interest of rer sanaag, sometimes, just sometime, it has to do with her animosity for people in power (Abdullahi Yusuf and Cade Muuse). Most importantly, she was angered when abdirahman cali beyr, another relative of mine, was given the seat in the cabinet instead of her. All along, i thought it is was gonna be awad ashara!

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Naxar, you haven't answered my questions but opted to bypass them. Pls go back and reread and give me short and concise answers.


Geographically, it is not all of Sanaag as Somaliland can't claim all over British Somaliland as Reer Sool can't claim all over Sool, but majority counts, and government derive its authority from the will of the people. It is the people that matters. Majority of Maakhirites in Erigavo, Badhan, Laas Qorey, Dhahar, and other major cities in Sanaag fully support the idea to end fictional border disputes and thus reverse the old and unfair policies of U.N zoning arrangement provided that legitimate adminstration is in place.


Once again reread the questions esp the 2nd one and ease on the monkey wrench. :D


Asha's interview also transcends my views more clearly.

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