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A Nostalgic Nationalism Era: 'Parching Winds of Somalia'

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Originally posted by Nassir:

All I can pray for in this holy month of Ramadaan is for the return of Somalia's glory and of peace and to insulate our society from the machinations of the ruthless
and their slithery, deadly agents.



Let me share with you this backstory of Somali Nation and culture & one of the founders of Somali State and Somali History or as he was known the Father of Somali Nation, Sayyid Mohammed A. Hassan.


Parching Winds of Somalia "


Saan ayee keentaa sida Soomaaliya ay ahayd if midnimada, iskaashiga, isbiirsiga, isduubnimada, midownimo iyo oo aan iswalaalsano -- saa ahayn iyo si ka wanaagsan oo horumar ah keeneysaa. Wax isweydiis ah ma'aha, and Eebba ha idmo we will.

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Originally posted by Soma@li:

quote:Originally posted by NGONGE:

^^ It's not a claim (anymore), it has been a fact for twenty years. Wax fahan.

NGONGE, the peace and prosperity in Somaliland in last 18 years or so is notable, and I wish them more, but they are and will be part of Somalia.


JB, Me, 18 years, I wish
How will you ensure that? Not by force I hope. What then? Wax fahan.

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"Somali" adiga wax fahan saxib and listen... your like all the typical somali's deluded people out there man. You live in a time long and gone and to justify yourself you feel you need to qoute Emmanual Kant. as a politics and philosophy student lets examine kants basic theory... which is that all knowledge is acquired through experience alone. Experiance leads to other things such as outlook, theory, ethics etc.



look at it objectively saxib, what are the experiances of the Abdullah hassan.



He firstly went to sudan,


- became a whirling dervish i.e. a sufi muslim who sings and dances all day in circles while beating on musical instruments.


- He fought and took part in the mahdi struggle against the British, which was a huge devasting war which the so called Sudanese mahdi lost, of which he was a foot soldeir.


- OK he comes back and lands in Berbera and what does he see the British


- what does he think, ahhhh i got to fight them as i dance and chant and play my musical instruments.


- so thats what he did



- On the other side before as the Italians came from the south and the french came from the east, the Somaliland cheifs of all the main tribes including the clan elders of far eastern and far western tribes of somaliland signed in the middle of the red sea an agreement with the british for protectorate status of the nation and a cooperation based on mutual interest and not direct rule.


this is not haram as,


The greatest man in the world Muhammaed PBUH signed Treaties between Muslims, non-Muslim Arabs and Jews of Medina and it was put in writing and ratified by all parties and as the Quran state once signed all agreements must be fulfilled until they expire.


- So the mad mullah declared war and wiped out bari regions inhabitants killing them by the tens of thousands, killing the populations of badhan and las canod in the same numbers who were his foot soldeirs.


- Spured some of the most visious, foul language poetry in Somali history creating deep divisions amongst the people. (this is a fact)


- Some of the refugees were re-settled in sheick central somaliland,burco and odwyene,


- War was declared and he was chased out and finished.


So saxib, instead of talking without historical knowledge your argument is baseless you just consume information, but think objectively if you want success.


- the mad mullah was not the father of the somali nation, maybe your nation but not mine, saxib.



Using Kants arguements, lets examine the experiances of the Somalilander nation? objectively off course saxib.


- A nation who's clan elders change the map of east africa, and refused the British entry into there country without meeting their terms, what were their terms?


No births on my land, no preaching on my land, take your dead back home, i rule my self and have veto over all doings in this territory etc. The first africans to put these forward to the British and have them excepted.


- The first independent somali state


- the greatest poets in somali history, Abdi Gayhr, Xaji Afqalooc ( the man who destroyed the mad mullah with his mouth), Hassan Tarabi, Suldan timcade..."Somalow calan tagta saka nago horayso".


- the founders of somali nationalism, the five pointed somaliwyen (now discredited theory)

- Somalow toso isku tirso ( the national anthem, makes me sick though to hear it now)


- the head quarters for the invasion of ethiopia


- those who brought Siad Barre to his knees, and lead to the destruction of the somali state


- The founders of the republic of Somaliland


- The largest standing somali army today


- the largest territory controlled centrally which is free and well governed.


saxib according to Kant, Societally based on experiance I am not only different then you, but 10 times greater then you.





look at it objectively out of all the somali's the Somalilander nation is a blessed peoples and blessed nation saxib. We have our share of problems but when it comes to the sayid, his islamic credential are highly questionable, seeing that he was a whirling dervish who fought in sudan and just wanted to bring to africa what he found in sudan i.e. the mehdi rebelion.

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Naasir, somehow, dadkii hore si ayee u dhalaalaan, regardless see ahaan jireen dhaqaalahooda iyo xaalka nolol maalmeed. Walaahi karaamada iyo heybada ka muuqato waxaa ugu wacan dalkooda oo bilicsan ku noolaan jireen. No walwal, no qax iyo walbahaar xabbadeed. Neither was there isdhiibid iyo buufis ka fikirkeeda.


P.S. - Kinsi inay saas u qurxoonaan jirtay ma moodeen until I had seen her old clip a few months ago on a Soomaali tv in Nayroobi. Aad iyo aad u dhalaali jirtay ileen.

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Originally posted by Captain_Mike20:

"Somali" adiga wax fahan saxib and listen... your like all the typical somali's deluded people out there man. You live in a time long and gone and to justify yourself you feel you need to qoute Emmanual Kant. as a politics and philosophy student lets examine kants basic theory... which is that all knowledge is acquired through experience alone. Experiance leads to other things such as outlook, theory, ethics etc.



look at it objectively saxib, what are the experiances of the Abdullah hassan.



He firstly went to sudan,


- became a whirling dervish i.e. a sufi muslim who sings and dances all day in circles while beating on musical instruments.


- He fought and took part in the mahdi struggle against the British, which was a huge devasting war which the so called Sudanese mahdi lost, of which he was a foot soldeir.


- OK he comes back and lands in Berbera and what does he see the British


- what does he think, ahhhh i got to fight them as i dance and chant and play my musical instruments.


- so thats what he did



- On the other side before as the Italians came from the south and the french came from the east, the Somaliland cheifs of all the main tribes including the clan elders of far eastern and far western tribes of somaliland signed in the middle of the red sea an agreement with the british for protectorate status of the nation and a cooperation based on mutual interest and not direct rule.


this is not haram as,


The greatest man in the world Muhammaed PBUH signed Treaties between Muslims, non-Muslim Arabs and Jews of Medina and it was put in writing and ratified by all parties and as the Quran state once signed all agreements must be fulfilled until they expire.


- So the mad mullah declared war and wiped out bari regions inhabitants killing them by the tens of thousands, killing the populations of badhan and las canod in the same numbers who were his foot soldeirs.


- Spured some of the most visious, foul language poetry in Somali history creating deep divisions amongst the people. (this is a fact)


- Some of the refugees were re-settled in sheick central somaliland,burco and odwyene,


- War was declared and he was chased out and finished.


So saxib, instead of talking without historical knowledge your argument is baseless you just consume information, but think objectively if you want success.


- the mad mullah was not the father of the somali nation, maybe your nation but not mine, saxib.



Using Kants arguements, lets examine the experiances of the Somalilander nation? objectively off course saxib.


- A nation who's clan elders change the map of east africa, and refused the British entry into there country without meeting their terms, what were their terms?


No births on my land, no preaching on my land, take your dead back home, i rule my self and have veto over all doings in this territory etc. The first africans to put these forward to the British and have them excepted.


- The first independent somali state


- the greatest poets in somali history, Abdi Gayhr, Xaji Afqalooc ( the man who destroyed the mad mullah with his mouth), Hassan Tarabi, Suldan timcade..."Somalow calan tagta saka nago horayso".


- the founders of somali nationalism, the five pointed somaliwyen (now discredited theory)

- Somalow toso isku tirso ( the national anthem, makes me sick though to hear it now)


- the head quarters for the invasion of ethiopia


- those who brought Siad Barre to his knees, and lead to the destruction of the somali state


- The founders of the republic of Somaliland


- The largest standing somali army today


- the largest territory controlled centrally which is free and well governed.


saxib according to Kant, Societally based on experiance I am not only different then you, but 10 times greater then you.





look at it objectively out of all the somali's the Somalilander nation is a blessed peoples and blessed nation saxib. We have our share of problems but when it comes to the sayid, his islamic credential are highly questionable, seeing that he was a whirling dervish who fought in sudan and just wanted to bring to africa what he found in sudan i.e. the mehdi rebelion.

So this is the version they teach at your schools now? smile.gif

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Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar:

Aad iyo aad u dhalaali jirtay ileen.

Indeed, in her prime time, she, led in that category along with Saado & Qalanjo.


Mida kale, qaran burburey baan nahey, we lost almost everything.

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Originally posted by Jacaylbaro:

^ ^ ... We still maintain the

Far from the best days saxib.. Quite close! :D



JB, if it's day time, getta refrain from these videos.

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Any video with educational value that should teach or remind us that we should rather fix or reform than destroy our institutions or what we already have built for the preservation of our values and improvement of our own society

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Nassir, I don't know if you saw Shirkii dalalka Bariga iyo Bartamaha Afrika 1971 Muqdisho, daawo

Is in Italian. Enjoy if you haven't seen it.


MMA fiiri dadka sey u dhalaalaayaan.


Also a bonus

, SOMALIA 1959/64. Aqiyaar will like it 4sure. ;)

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