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24 Ethiopian soldiers in Mogadishu Stadium surrender

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24 Askari oo Itoobiyaana ayaa isu dhiibay Xoogaga Kacdoonka Muqdisho kadib markii la bam gareeynayay 18 saacadood oo is daba jooga.


Itoobiyaankaas isi soo dhiibay ayaa ka mid ah 234 Askar Itoobiyaana oo ka dagaalamayay tan iyo shalay Istaadiyuum Muqdisho iyo Xarunta Xisbigga


Culumadda ayaa ku baaqday inaan la dilin Askartaas oo hubka laga qaato,lana xiro si gorgortan loogu galo.


Inkastoo ay la yaab noqotay Askari Itoobiyaana oo is dhiibay hadana waxaa arrimahaas lala xiriirinayaa iyagoo gaajo iyo oon ugu asqoobay Isbartiibada oo ay maalintii labaad ku godoonsanaayeen.waxayse Askartaas isi soo dhiibtay sheegeen inay jiraan kuwa kale gacantooda isku dilay.


Ciidamadda Itoobiyaanka ee ku jira Isbartiibada ayaa calama cad cad ka taagay Xarunta Xisbigga waxayna ku baaqeen in la siiyo wado ay si amaana ugu gudbaan dhinaca Madaxtooyadda hasse yeeshee waxaa taas ka biyo diiday xoogaga Muqdisho iyagoo ugu baaqay inay hubka dhigaan Itoobiyaanka.


Goobaha ganacsigga Muqdisho ayaa guud ahaan la xiray ,waxayna dadka u wada dareereen dagaalka si ay kaga qayb qaataan.


Guud ahaan waxaa degan goobihii dagaalada ka dhaceen shalay iyo manta waxaana dagaalka wajahay Madaxtooyadda ,iyadoo xoogaga Muqdisho ay haatan ka dagaalamayaan meel ku dhaw Isguulka 15May halka qaar kalana ay ku sii siqayaan dhinaca Otto Otto oo ku dhaw Madaxtooyada.


Ciidamadda Ugandheeyska ayaa la wareegay amaanka Madaxweyne Yusuf iyadoo la hadal hayo inuu dalbaday in laga saaro Magaaladda oo diyaarad deg dega loo dalbo.


Waxaa aad u adag sida ay diyaarad ku soo geli karto hawadda Muqdisho marka laga qiyaas qaato nuuca gantaalkii lagu dhiftay mid ka mida diyaaradaha dagaalka Itoobiya oo duqeyn dhinaca cirkaa manta ka waday agagaarka geed jacayl Muqdisho.


Xoogaga Muqdisho qaar ka mida ayaa lagu qoray inay wajahaan dhinaca Shibis oo uu ku jiro Madaxweyne Yusuf laakiin wali wax dagaala kama dhicin degaankaas.


Abaanduulka Xoogaga Muqdisho ayaa ku hanjabay in Cabdilahi Yusuf uu mari doono wadadii uu Maray Madaxweynahii Laybeeriya Mr Somuel Doe.


Hogaamiyihii Leberia waxaa lagu jiid jiiday Wadooyinka Caasimadda dalkaas ee Manravio kadib markii ay kacdoonka Muqdisho mid la mida ku sameeyeen xoogag uu horkacayay Mr Charles Prinson,waloow libintaa la siiyay Charles Taylor.


Hogaamiye Somuel Doe wuxuu ahaa kaligii taliye madax adag oo xasuuq badan ka geeystay Leberia ,wuxuuse ku aakhirsaday in telefishinada Caalamka laga sii daayo isagoo Caruur iyo Haween ay cad cad u jar jarayaan oo meeydkiisa la jiid jiidayo wadooyinka.


Lama ogga guusha dhanka ay raaci doonto hasse yeeshee dagaalka waa uu sii xoogeeysanayaan waxaana soconaya mid fool ka fool ah.


Wariyaashii Waagacusub ee ay xalay qabsadeen Itoobiyaanka ayaa la soo daayay iyaga iyo gaarigii ay wateen,waxayna sheegeen inaan wax jirdila lagu sameeyn

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Just called the City,Many who were yesterday on earth were today reduced to no more than mere Pages in a History that awaits to be written.Seems like the Government did a helluva good job and yes,more Drills await to be carried out too.Hope those pple realize that this is a war that will either drive them to extinction or will make them embrace peace and there is no in betweens.Gentlemen,somalia means business this time.

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Yeah. That's the story I got from the vine too. The downing of the helicopter is more symbolic than significant. The TFG Troops and Ethiopian have inflicted major damage on the anarchists and terrorists.


Deja Vu? Iiidaale II? Diinsoor II? I won't be too hasty. Watch this space in the next few days.

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Captain Xeyle Salasa, you remind me Mohammed Saeed al-Sahaf, former Iraqi Minister of Information, but why would I compare him to you, here is why, he defended his country to the last second, while you are defending the Ethiopians inside your country to the last minute, see the difference Captain Gabriel!

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Lol.Why are u mourning?This is a Government thats interested in its objectives(peace).No more negotiations,No more asking for peace,No more baby sitting of fake wadaad kusheeg and etc.This is war,and this is a war thats between seekers of peace and anarchists and what have u,so waxa aad naga heshaan baad leedihin but mark my words,pain and more deaths wax aan eheen oo ee naga heli doonan majirto and in time they will submit to our will.

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may the dead on the side of islam be granted jannatul fiirdoos,amin. may allah's fighters be victorious,amin


dadkiina uso duceeya

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Tfg is in a deep trouble. It dug its own grave. More people fought today than yesterday. More people, it’s expected, will fight tomorrow than today. The goal of the shabaabs is simple: abort this tfg and drive Ethiopia out from Mogadishu. Not a difficult task to achieve.


Two days in to the conflict, and they already taken the summit of public support. The terrain is to their advantage. This, after all, is urban warfare.


So the facts, yaa Xalane, are staring at you in the face, and truth, as it were, is rudely intruding---once again.


Five more days...people will sadly die. But it has to be done!

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They are fighting against a gaal occupaying force which equals a jihad, clear as mud!


ps so who bullied you at school? Want me to go and sort her out for you?

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