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Letter from Ahmed Godane to rer Muqdisho.

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What is wrong with Muqdisho Society horta?


Ninka waa daba dhigateen. If he is rooting for his clan, nothing new, dad ka daran ayaa tuban on here who give more fancy terms to the regions they think their grandfathers hail from, maalin walbana bombard the site with ridiculous bandwidths of barabagaandha.


He has every right to root for his clan, he is not alone and won't be alone. Just another Soomaali lee waaye with wrong national priorities, perhaps.




Kuraaska waa weynaa. Dadkiiba wey ku dhex dhaceen.

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I reckon Bada Cas will choose GOdane over Riyale when the time comes. :D


btw, What is Mogadishu Society?

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There has been much fuss and confusion about the notion Mogadishu society . Much of this has been caused by those that for political (and in other instances clannist) reasons have a bad taste when they hear the word Mogadishu . So it is not surprising to us that so far secessionists and regional-clannists have tried to distort the notion in order to undermine it.




In an age where clannists, secessionists, and Islamist warlords prevail in politics it is understandable that there is no room for views that transcend the current distorted political thoughts in Somalia.


But as we all know time is not static and things change, ideas of today may as well become the dominant paradigm of tommorow. And those who do not accept the status quo are the likely introducers of new thoughts on how to organize society and eventually restore peace and dignity to the Somali nation.


What do we mean with the notion Mogadishu society ?


It is simple and one should understand it as it is written: (civil) society in the city of Mogadishu. The inhabitants of the city and the many civil organizations and groups that try to survive amids anarchy.


Mogadishu has been the epicentre of anarchy since 1991 due to the utter political failure of the socalled ''leaders'' (read: warlords, political and religious pretenders). Amids this anarchy and utter political failure there lies a society that is comprised of more than 1.5 million people who have not only endured anarchy and constant warfare but succeeded to astonish the world by proving that society can function and even prosper under these severe conditions.


In the city we had before the massive displacement (as a consequence of the occupation and its aftermath):


- Student organizations, women organizations, professionals, religious organizations, private business entreprises and thousands of small businesses run by women and men who tried to survived amids anarchy.


All these societal groups were diverse and the economic activity of the city attracted thousands of Somali families from diverse regions across Somalia.


So by stressing out society instead of the different political groups and clans in a city we can show the common needs and threats the inhabitants of a city face. Making people aware of their common desires and fears is the first step towards uniting people.




MMA: You are closer to Mogadishu than I am sxb. Clan-wise I'm from Hiiraan so please do not misintrepret the notion Mogadishu society as something clannish.

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As for Godane and Fuad,


They both lived in places outside of Mogadishu and if they really want to practice what they preach start closer at home.


One came from Sweden to Somalia and wants to solve the many problems in Mogadishu by a fake Jihad. The other came from Hargaisa and wants to ''free Mogadishu and Somalia'' from Habashi lackey rule while Northern Somalia is run by Habashi lackeys.


Start closer at home and practice what you preach.

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Hiiraan yaa daga? miyaanay ehel iyo xidid ba la laheen dadka xamar(ubadan). Still M society= clan. Simple. And anyone who isn't this clan and In Muqdisho is a foreigner according Mejji( yare) so much for nationalism! :mad: redface.gif

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You know, Meiji's M-Society thingy, is kinda like seeing a little boy looking at a Bentley with big sparkling eyes, then a few hours later he shows up with a cardboard box wrapped around him, proudly sporting Bentley on the front, carefully painted with a marker by himself, going "Vrooooooom, vrooooooom ... check this, me got me a bentley!"


The Bentley in this example are the REAL Mogadishu society, aforementioned by Naxar, mostly all refugees across the globe. On the other hand; Meiji's M-society is that cardboard box--A fake... A sham... an immitation!

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Originally posted by Red Sea:

Hiiraan yaa daga? miyaanay
ehel iyo xidid ba la laheen dadka xamar
(ubadan). Still M society= clan. Simple. And anyone who isn't this clan and In Muqdisho is a foreigner according Mejji(
) so much for nationalism! :mad:

As I thought, your clannist-secessionis t mind can not comprehend simple views that trascend clannism.



And ironnically it is you, with a clan-infested mind, who started a thread about Ahmed Godane and his Jihadist message. Judging from your clan-infested mind I can safely say that you would never have noticed the message, let alone dedicated a whole thread to it, if it came from let's say Abu Mansuur or Hassan Aweys.


In conclusion:


I would never trust people like you when they talk about Jihad while not practicing what they preach.



As for Naxar-Nugaaleed


Aren't you a refugee like 100% of the people on SOL :D

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AbuMansuur, Dahir Aweys, Godane, Turki as well as late macalin Ceyrow et al are all the same to me. They all have one thing in common, fight for rightousness. I support them in principal not their clan affliation. Markaa cool your jets and dont get mad as Muqdisho is a Somali city that doesnt belong to certain clan and no clan would be allowed to kill and abuse the other in Xamar as long as Alshabaab are around. As I said, you want Xamar to prosper no doubt, but you hope to do so under the scheme of "Muqdisho society" which you cleverly subtituted for certain clan. I don't dispise that certain clan to be clear here, I just think that everyone should be equal in Xamar and no one one' property should be taken unrightfully and abused based on their clan. I want to see that ended, and the only ones who have done that are Alshabab and their brotherly movements in the country. They have done it in Kismaayo, Merka to name a few.

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