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Qaraxa Kismaayo

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Qarax ay Dad ku dhinteen oo ka dhacay Magaalada Kismaayo


Qarax ay Dad ku dhinteen oo ka dhacay Magaalada Kismaayo


Arbaco, Oktoober 10, 2007 - 3 qof ayaa ku geeriyootay, 9 kalena waa ay ku dhaawacmeen qarax xooggan oo maanta ka dhacay Xaafadda Calanleey ee Magaalada Kismaayo, iyadoo qaraxanina uu ka dhashay miino dhulka lagu aasay oo nooca la hago ahayd.


Qaraxan ayaa sida la sheegay lala beegsaday Gaari uu saarnaa Maareeyaha Garoonka Diyaaradaha Kismaayo Ninka lagu magacaabo Maxamed Cali Shire oo isagu aaney qaraxaas waxyeello ka soo gaarin.


Wararka ka imaanaya magaalada Kismaayo ayaa sheegaya in Dadka Qaraxa ku dhintay ay ahaayeen Dad rayid ah oo ku sugnaa Goobta Qaraxa ka dhacay oo ahayd goob Suuq ah oo ay Dadku ku badnaayeen.


Dadkii ku dhaawacmay Qaraxa oo la geeyay Isbitaalka Magaalada Kismaayo ayay Howl-wadeena Isbitaalka Kismaayo u diideen in ay dadka dhaawaca ah soo arkaan Saxafiyiinta, iyadoo aan la sheegi karin xaaladda ay ku sugan yihiin Dadkii dhaawaca ahaa.


Dhanka kalena, Ilo Wareedyo ku sugan Kismaayo ayaa waxay sheegayaan in Qaraxa uu ahaa mid la damacsanaa in lagu dilo mid ka mid ah Sirdoonka Itoobiya oo ku sugan Kismaayo, kaasi oo dhowr habeen ka hor lagu weeraray isla xaafadda Calanleey.


Ugu dambeyntiina, Qaraxan ayaa ah kii ugu horeeyay ee noociisa ah oo ka dhaca Magaalada Kismaayo ee Xarunta u ah Gobolka Jubbada Hoose, inkastoo horaantii sanadkan uu ka dhacay Qarax Bambaano nooca gacanta laga tuuro ah, kaasi oo sababay dhaawaca Saraakiil ka tirsan Ciidanka Xoogga Dalka Soomaaliyeed iyo weliba kuwa maamulka Gobolka Jubbada Hoose.


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The xaaraan ku naax clan occupiers of that city do not mind the Xabashi "sirdoon" in their midst. Ar maxaa Xabashi laga cabsaday.


Where is Kashafa, who mistakenly believed these xaaraan ku naax occupiers of Kismaayo were anti-Xabashi.

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Qaraxan ayaa sida la sheegay lala beegsaday Gaari uu saarnaa Maareeyaha Garoonka Diyaaradaha Kismaayo Ninka lagu magacaabo Maxamed Cali Shire oo isagu aaney qaraxaas waxyeello ka soo gaarin.


Wararka ka imaanaya magaalada Kismaayo ayaa sheegaya in Dadka Qaraxa ku dhintay ay ahaayeen Dad rayid ah oo ku sugnaa Goobta Qaraxa ka dhacay oo ahayd goob Suuq ah oo ay Dadku ku badnaayeen.

Hadhoow bey oran waddaadaa la laayey iyo dad baa la gumaaday. Afeef hore ama adkeysi dambe lahoow. If you live in a glass house and throw rocks at your neighbors you could destroy your own home too.

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MMA, there is a groundswell of anger against these clan militias. They have underestimated big time and they will pay a heavy price for what they have done for the last 10 days of Ramadan. Ina Taano is counting on a sham conference in October…but it will be an empty loom.


For Horn and other gentleman, keep your ears on the ground I say. Playing the Ethiopian stoogism of the firs order wont safe you this time, and Sh. Mire’s death would not be a sheep’s death.

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Xiin, what conference? Are you alluding to the one Abdullahi Yusuf is pushing forward to get political support? What is supposed to come out of that conference for the other side? The keys to Kismaayo? smile.gif


Kala saar hadalka, many things are occuring in Kismaayo now and while it is not very vusible, many things will be visible soon.


Pay attention to the news tomorrow or the day after.

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^^^Adeer, dont try to make these militias so strong or a force of nature. They will be dealt with like any other arogent group. Keys to Kismayu will not be through a clan militia that murders people.

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Xiinfaniin, the xaaraan ku naax clan occupying militia from that village of Cabuudwaaq know inay ku daaheynin that blessed city of Kismaayo.


It was a reason they couldn't even fire a single bullet to defend the occupied Kismaayo during Maxkamadaha's incursion. Now, they are shamelessly bedding and bidding with their loots with their Xabashi masters, protecting a Xabashi spy agent in their midst or sending their traditional ugaasyo envoys to Adisababa to beg the Xabashi master to leave them alone since they have nothing against Xabashi invading the country. No wonder, though, as they always bed anyone who they think that can prolong their clan occupaction, be it Indhamadoowe or Seeraar or Xabashi, or even as that warlord they worship as a lord [God-like, respected and honoured] said infamously, even they will bed the Yahuudis if it helps their occupying cause.


They lack a clear, political insight of the future of this Soomaali polical games. No clan occupation ever lasted in Soomaaliya. That is the only clear conclusion we have got from this prolonged unnecessary clan civil wars.

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It is interesting how a comprehension-lacking individual around here has the galls to single out clans, in the singular sense, for alleged involvement with Ethiopians when their homecity Baidoa continues to function as Ethiopia's unofficial capital and largest military base in Somalia. This since 1999 when the Ethiopians first left the border areas to fight within Somalia, when they backed the RRA with money, arms, and men to defeat the USC, something the RRA has been trying for over 10 years. An Ethiopian-led military campaign this same literacy-stunted individual continues to hail as "freedom fight" and a great historical moment for Baidoa people. Even with such enormous help, the RRA continues to function as the most conflict ridden, divided, and powerless organization with the most powerless representation in the political maneuverings of Somalia.


We must thank the cyber net, such individuals will never have the galls to speak of such things publicly.

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Naceebka aad qabiilkaas u qabtid fara wayanaa. Malaha Baydhabo waa meel ethiopianka ka caagan oo dadka joogaa ay yihiin muwaadiniin sax ah? Nin waybaan tahaye sida isku dhaan.


Xiinfaniin ,


Adigu markaad maqashid cidaas oo wax laga sheegayo seefta ayaad galka kala soo baxdaa........Armaxaa dad cuqda xun ku jirtaa!




Meesha adaa ugu roon saa warkaadu wuu cad yahaye, laakiin dadkaan kale oo boorka isku qarinaya hadana wadaad iskaga kaa dhigaya ayaanba la yaabanahay.


Horn & LLP


Meesha kismaayo layiraahdo way qasantahay dad aan wax galabsan ayaa lagu dilay marka wax kasto oo kadhaca magaaladaas waxaa masuul ka aha raga maamulka haya, ha soo qabtaan dadka wax leenaya dee hadii kalane ha iskagatagaan.


Ciid wanaagasan ilaahayna halaga cabsado.



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One of those innocent died in that Bomb was a young close relative of mine (distant cousin), ilaahay ha unaxariisto... JVA thugs will pay for this, no doubt

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^^Allaah ha u naxariisto adna samir iyo iimaan Allaha ka siiyo.


As for the Ojelle character, who combined peculiar mixture of feign of impartiality on a one hand, and thinly-veiled clannish tilt on the other hand, I would say come again adeer. You are limping with suspicion and deep mistrust typical of cyber goons who support the culture of m-o-o-r-y-a-a-nism! What happened in Kismayo is nothing less of a campaign of liquidating god-fearing, religious men in a bid to appeal to and win the trust of the Ethiopian handlers in the south. Very simple really!


So when you say ‘cidda’ if you meant the folks who currently hold Kismayo and with whose clannish propaganda good Horn furnishes day and nigh here, then I am very proud to have spoken against their wicked agenda before and equally positive about my current position about them now. Let me add this; the Kismaayo situation is extremely untenable for the folks who were born and bread there and will IA change soon.


If you however by ‘cidda’ meant the Gedo folks then you are not the only one who is misguided here. Alas, and you speak of ‘cuqdad’ when you yourself speak with a voice cracked by an audible emotion adeer! Who’s not feeling comfortable about the just talk of the Kismayo gangs? Who’s obviously without ease when others point at the culprits of the latest murders? Why accuse MMA or Xiin when things are so clear adeer?


Come again.

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Originally posted by HornAfrique:

It is interesting how a comprehension-lacking individual around here has the galls to single out clans, in the
sense, for alleged involvement with Ethiopians when their homecity Baidoa continues to function as Ethiopia's unofficial capital and largest military base in Somalia. This since 1999 when the Ethiopians first left the border areas to fight within Somalia, when they backed the RRA with money, arms, and
to defeat the USC, something the RRA has been trying for over 10 years. An Ethiopian-led military campaign this same literacy-stunted individual continues to hail as "freedom fight" and a great historical moment for Baidoa people. Even with such enormous help, the RRA continues to function as the most conflict ridden, divided, and powerless organization with the most powerless representation in the political maneuverings of Somalia.


We must thank the cyber net, such individuals will never have the galls to speak of such things publicly.

Horn, Eid Mubarak. By the way, do you have a single doubt of MMA playing a queen card of the political ideology of Sharif Hassan. I have seen a number of times, crossing the decency limit of criticising people. How on earth can he brush the whole Caabud-Waag people with a brush of Xaaraan and zero tolerance vulgar words.




Waxaa ila qumman ninkii wax diidani inaanu dadka af lagaadayne. Warkiisa oo huffan caddaysto. Horaan usheegay. Somali waxyar ayaa xalaal ah. Nin walbaa card qabiil ayuu ciyaarayaa oo hoosta ku wattaa. Markaa halysu badheedho!

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Originally posted by Hunguri:


Originally posted by HornAfrique:

It is interesting how a comprehension-lacking individual around here has the galls to single out clans, in the
sense, for alleged involvement with Ethiopians when their homecity Baidoa continues to function as Ethiopia's unofficial capital and largest military base in Somalia. This since 1999 when the Ethiopians first left the border areas to fight within Somalia, when they backed the RRA with money, arms, and
to defeat the USC, something the RRA has been trying for over 10 years. An Ethiopian-led military campaign this same literacy-stunted individual continues to hail as "freedom fight" and a great historical moment for Baidoa people. Even with such enormous help, the RRA continues to function as the most conflict ridden, divided, and powerless organization with the most powerless representation in the political maneuverings of Somalia.


We must thank the cyber net, such individuals will never have the galls to speak of such things publicly.

Horn, Eid Mubarak. By the way, do you have a single doubt of MMA playing a queen card of the political ideology of Sharif Hassan. I have seen a number of times, crossing the decency limit of criticising people. How on earth can he brush the whole Caabud-Waag people with a brush of Xaaraan and zero tolerance vulgar words.

No I do not have a single doubt good Hunguri and I am glad both you, Ojelle, and other impartial contributors see this thread and the conduct of some individuals for what they are. However, it is only cyber and people have the privilege of saying what they without being held accountable for it.


laakiin dadkaan kale oo boorka isku qarinaya hadana wadaad iskaga kaa dhigaya ayaanba la yaabanahay.

Ojelle, boorka laysku qarinayo kol horaan shaarka ka siibnay. Taasi wax haatan lasoo bandhigayo maaha. :D

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Sheekha la diley Allaha janadii Fardowso ka waraabiyo. Thats all I can say maalintan Ciidda ah.


Ciid Wanaagsan Dhamaantiin.

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