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According to some reliable sources, a new Somali reconciliation conference will be held in Hegeisa, Somaliland after the end of Sharif hotel mandate

This will be the first reconciliation conference held in Somali soil

Unlike the other former 15 failed attempts. This conference is expected to be fruitful due to various factors which it defers from other conferences

1. Firstly it will be held in Somali soil where there is little interference from foreign countries that have their own agenda and interest. So it expected Somalis will agree some thing which is workable when left to their own xeer dhaqan.

2. The new government will be based in hergeisa which is peaceful because the government needs a peaceful place to function normally. Mogadishu which has become the grave yard of many government will be reduced to a merry troubled region in Somalia which will be solved in time it.

3. Since the government has a stable base it will not worry much about its safety but instead it will focus on how it could develop the already peaceful regions in Somalia and it will gradually expand it rule to lawless regions in south and central Somalia. it is very unwise to the government to be based in most troubled regions in Somalia and that is the reason why all those past efforts went in vain

4. This time both Puntland and Somaliland will be taken on board and their combined energies and sources will be utilized in best way possible

Hopefully this will be the last peace conference for Somalia and it will finally find the elusive peace for Somalia.

Reer aqoonsidoon as A&T used to call them will not be able to resist the temtation of the benefits which the capital will bring and this time it is expected that they will not cry we secede from Somali.

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Sxb maad riyada ka baxdiid Somalias problem must be solved inside Somalia not outside Somalia. That’s why Djibouti and Somaliland can not be a solution for Somalia. So you have to take your reconciliation conference to Somalia maybe jawhar bossaaso or kismayo

Hargeisa already is a capital city of a country so it can’t be a capital for 2 countries

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horta xaaji xunjufow waxaan ku weydiiyey goortaad soomaalida kale nacdeen, waagii snm tu maxamed siyaad la diriraysay soo taad dadka kale ku beer duleecsanjirteen ******* waa marti oo dalkaba anagaa iska leh ee aan iska kicino :D


gabaygii maxamed dheeg aqri oo uu lahaa:


dalka waa lakala leeyihiyoo dawladda illeene,

ninba daantu lahaa oo uu ka dego maan dadka usheego


dayf kii martiyey reerka ee daacaduna soortay


oo goortu dibiray xoolihii reerka kula dooday

illeen kama duwana tan ay wadaan nimanka daaroode :D


sowtuu lahaa maaha, maxaa is bedelay xaaji?


[ August 05, 2010, 01:56 AM: Message edited by: Libaax-Sankataabte ]

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war maayaa somali lama nicin , laakin somali siyasada kuma heshinayaan marka si umada somaliyeed lo bad badiyo wa ina lugu noqda xuduuduuhi gumeystaha sida ay dadku u noqdaan ummad wax dhisata oo dantooda ka shaqeysata beri baanu masiirkayaga dadka koonfuurta somaliay ku aminay mar danbe dhici meyso Beesha aad afka ku dhufatay wa beel anu wax walba isku nahay siysad banu isku afgarayn weyney mooyane hadaba somaliland wa nala joogan

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xaaji, masiir aad keligaa leedahay ma jiro mar haddii lagula dego meesha lagaana khibrad badanyahay...sow maadan arag kuwaan yar yar ee faroole aqrin la'a ee u qaba inuu isku dhiibay carada la ururiyey ee beerta hargeysa laga muday, anigu waxaan mooday inaad xulufo waaweyn dhisaysaan ood nimankan adinku xukumi doontaan, laakiin koonfuriyaan baad ka dhammaan la'dihiin sidii inaad idink dutch tihiin

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Last time i checked your not allowed to use clan names on somalia online. Moderator should check this guy out.


Now the topic firstly, I dont think any right thinking Somalilander would hold a conference in hargaisa because two governments in one location operating from the same city with two different objectives and two different flags doesnt make sence, i really don't know how holding a conference in somaliland would help us achieve what we want, unless the condition placed on the conference is that any government created has to recognise the soverignty of somaliland, now if this was the deal no somalilander would reject it, but i dont think i would trust any of them.


but at the end of the day this is not Tuur, this is not Egal this is not Riyale this is the scum of somaliland Silanyo, saxran, manchester, 75 year old demensia suffering SOB.


he would probably sell his own mom for his ambitions, these people dont care about somaliland, he is already having a heart attack. this whole government is based on clan alliances, clan allegences and under the table dealing, in 5 years if i still have a country alxamdullilah, forget somalia saxib.


but as history shows, no man can conquer me, no..abdullah hassan, no british, no afweyna, no somalia, no silanyo or mar yallol kisaba.



6 months silanyo...we give you six months, we have to see change in 6 months, or else, you will become another Cigal.


Southern Hargasia and western Burco will only tolerate and not participate, until the next election. See what happens.


Stay off the beer, ilahay ka baqo...and dont forget you and bixi waste of space...the real men are watching you, you slip and its gone.


you come with Bull like im holding a conference for Somalia and As GOD IS MY WITNESS YOU ARE FINISHED.

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Originally posted by xiinfaniin:

xaaji, masiir aad keligaa leedahay ma jiro mar haddii lagula dego meesha lagaana khibrad badanyahay...sow maadan arag kuwaan yar yar ee faroole aqrin la'a ee u qaba inuu isku dhiibay carada la ururiyey ee beerta hargeysa laga muday, anigu waxaan mooday inaad xulufo waaweyn dhisaysaan ood nimankan adinku xukumi doontaan, laakiin koonfuriyaan baad ka dhammaan la'dihiin sidii inaad idink dutch tihiin

Maxaan anigu u xukumaya iyagu may is xukumaan anigu hadaan dalkayga iyo shacabkayga iyo umadadeyda xukumo tasa igu waajib ah , Maasirka aniga leh dee sabab anagu wadda tashi baanu wax ku wadda wadna sasay jamhuuriyada somaliland hormar buuxda ku gaadhay, Kuwa koonfuriansku iyagu maxay wax u noqon wayeen maxay marba cumamaad cas iyo mid akhtara u so qaataan maxay dalkooda uga tashan wayeen

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The Zack   

Xaaji Xunduf Xiin baa loo helay, taariikhda tolka ayaa marbo sanka laga galin. Xaaji, its time to learn more about the tolka history...

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Xaaji-Hadaad wadankale naleedahey-atleast call us by our name. It's Somalia and the people are called Somali.


Uztaad....Those who continue perpetuating violence in the south must not evade responsibility. Moving the capital city to somewhere else doesn't fix the fundamental problems.


Also, it makes no sense to "reward" secessionist movement and legitimize their actions.

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Originally posted by Captain_Mike20:

Last time i checked your not allowed to use clan names on somalia online. Moderator should check this guy out.


Now the topic firstly, I dont think any right thinking Somalilander would hold a conference in hargaisa because two governments in one location operating from the same city with two different objectives and two different flags doesnt make sence, i really don't know how holding a conference in somaliland would help us achieve what we want, unless the condition placed on the conference is that any government created has to recognise the soverignty of somaliland, now if this was the deal no somalilander would reject it, but i dont think i would trust any of them.


but at the end of the day this is not Tuur, this is not Egal this is not Riyale this is the scum of somaliland Silanyo, saxran, manchester, 75 year old demensia suffering SOB.


he would probably sell his own mom for his ambitions, these people dont care about somaliland, he is already having a heart attack. this whole government is based on clan alliances, clan allegences and under the table dealing, in 5 years if i still have a country alxamdullilah, forget somalia saxib.


but as history shows, no man can conquer me, no..abdullah hassan, no british, no afweyna, no somalia, no silanyo or mar yallol kisaba.



6 months silanyo...we give you six months, we have to see change in 6 months, or else, you will become another Cigal.


Southern Hargasia and western Burco will only tolerate and not participate, until the next election. See what happens.


Stay off the beer, ilahay ka baqo...and dont forget you and bixi waste of space...the real men are watching you, you slip and its gone.


you come with Bull like im holding a conference for Somalia and As GOD IS MY WITNESS YOU ARE FINISHED.

Stop the personal insulting masuuliyinta qarranka

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