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Gen. Nkunda

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A Tutsi General like Paul Kagame used to be before overtaking Rwanda and revesing more than 60 years of Tutsi marginalization.


This general secured resounding victories against the Congelese National Army and its western alies plus the U.N. peacekeepers.





Many were running for the second time in two weeks, as General Nkunda’s forces routed army troops in towns they had taken just days before and threatened to take Sake as well. General Nkunda, a Tutsi, has vowed to protect Congolese Tutsis against Hutu militias from Rwanda. His advance here was just barely staved off by United Nations peacekeepers, who swept in late Tuesday to occupy the town as the Congolese Army fled. Source: Nytimes.



A pretext to overthrow the Congelese government.

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is Gen. Nkunda = Paul Kagame? Horta Tutisigu u ekaa Somali, waa lo'leey, sandheer, dhuudhuuban, caato ah. Madaama soomalidu ahayd dad reer guuraa ah oo xoolahooda biyo la raadsade meeshay doontaba ha noqotee, sow ma dhici karto in aay yihiin soomali roob la'aani ku dhacday (qarniyo hore) oo biyo iyo daaqsin doon ku gaaray carro fog illaa haradda Victoria iyo nawaaxigeeda? Kolley ma la dhihi karo waxay kasoo jeedaan itoobiyaan waayo itoobiyaanku lo' ma dhaqdaan kuwa dhaqdana waa kuwa 'sanweynta' ah not sandheerta sida somalida oo kale.

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The guy is a politician n speaks very well. In this interview, He catches, the BBC correspondent Mark Doyle, off guard on the alleged link of Rwanda.


"The Tutsi general Laurent Nkunda says that if the Kinshasa government does not engage in serious dialogue on power-sharing, he will broaden the war and go for the capital itself.


General Nkunda talked to our correspondent, Mark Doyle, in the mountains outside Goma."BBC



Not that long, I have read a bloomberg article whose title I don't remember which states that Congo produces $1 trillion worth of raw materials every year while ordinary people are dying of starvation and preventable diseases.


Congo - the chief source of the West's raw materials

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^^He is fascinating individual. Any profile and how close is he to Kigame?


The Tutsi's nearly took Kinshasa before, can they do it now or is it just a naked threat?

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I don't really know his relationship with Kigame as both have different nationalities. The link between the two general reinforces the wrong perception that African's loyalty to their tribe transcends national interest and patriotism. Gen. Kaunda claims with pride that he is Congelese who is fighting for the economic rights of the people of Congo. He also claims that his movement to liberate Rwanda from Kabila's dictatorship is joined by Congelese of many stripes and not only Tutsis.


The fact that Joseph Kabila is obstinate about meeting him contrary to Nkunda who is pushing for direct talks with great concern tells it partially.

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How come his fighters under his command wax Tutsi u eg ku jirin since they claim they are fighting for Tutsi rights.


Well, then again, I don't know how or what Tutsi people u egyihiin or u ekaan lahayeen. I guess sidiisa camal uma eko.

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This general gacan baan u taagey, sida looga baqo lee, very strong man.



I was watching when Mabuto Seko Seko was overthorwn by Laurant Kabila in around 1997, I remember we were cheering for the removal of Mabuto, we don't know why, the rebels advanced to Kinshasa, and Laurant Kabila ayaaba la wareegay wadankiiba.

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The Tutsi were one time distinct culture, and their aristocracy ruled over Rwanda/Burundi where Hutus are numerically the dominant ethnic group. The arrival of Europeans reinforced Tutsi aristocracy as the ruling class.The Europeans classified the population firstly along ethnic lines, and then secondly along the economic lines. This meant that Tutsi aristocracy and wealthy Hutus were classified as Tutsis (the ruling the class), and the rest of population become the peasant classes. As result of the new classification, Hutus and Tustis intermingled even more and eventually became one culture. Despite all that, people didn't forget their ethnicity, and Hutus hold on the belief that Tutsis were the favored group who were politically and economically more powerful.


Come independence, there was Hutu uprising that saw new Hutu president, still Tutsis were very influential as they control the economy, schools, and institutions. Another uprising saw the expulsion of a lot Tutsis. Paul Kamage and Gen Nkunda were of the generation that were expelled from Rwanda.


They migrated to Kivu in Eastern Congo, to Uganda, and Tanzania. Mobutu admin gave Tutsis a Congolese citizenship, so did Uganda and Tanzania. These Tutsis always wanted to go back to Rwanda. The Tutsi diaspora were educated and well organized, and therefore integrated well into their adopted countries. Some have even became part of the political establishment. Others like Paul Kamage joined rebel movements in their adopted. Kagame fought along Musivane, and Tutsis were indeed part of the people that captured Kampala. For giving just big helping hand, Musivane awarded them with government portfolios. Pual Kagame was himself the head of Ugandan's military intelligence. It is only after the resentment of other Ugandans grew towards Tutsis that Mesuvane asked the Tutsis to step down, and by then the Tutsis were ready to invade their homeland with superior forces and material support from Uganda.


Gen Nkunda's Congolese Tutsis have become influential group in their own right. Congolese government sensing the threat actually tried to take citizenship, but then it was late as Tutsis become part of the political and economic landscape.


The connection between Nkunda and Kagame is not clear but one thing is for sure, they both are fighting for the preservation and survival of the Tutsis. They want to be or obviously already are force to be reckon. But mostly, they want a homeland for their people, and as those who pay to Rwanda know, it is small and over-populated country. They are looking for land to settle, that's Nkunda and Kagame favor the balkanization of the Congo, and luckily for them, the West shares this goal but obviously for whole different reason.

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This is why Africa continues to be left behind. What kind of a precedent does this set?


Africa needs to mature and move beyond carrying out political objectives at the barrel of the gun. The whole notion is self-defeating.


Only Somalis would heroify another renegade African army officer who is destabilizing a nation and leading to an immense humanitarian emergency.


You can tell a man's character by how he presents himself and this is how he represents himself:






Nothing but another African renegade rebel leader with an ambition towards great personal design.


p.s. Nice staff and cowboy hat Nkunda.

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