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General Duke

no elections in SOOL, SANAAG, CAYN.. British Somaliland ???

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Guddoomiyaha Gobolka Sool: “Doorashada Somaliland waa shirqool ka dhan ah...â€


Laas Caanood - 30.September.2005 Guddoomiyaha Gobolka Sool, Maxamed Cawad Baaruud ayaa manta ka hadlay doorashadii baarlamanka Somaliland ee maalintii shalay.


Guddoomiyuhu waxaa uu sheegay in Puntand gaar ahaan gobolka Sool uu xidhay xudduudihiisa, ciidamada kala duwa ee dawladda Puntland-na ay heeggan sare galeen taas oo sababtay in aanay gobolkaas imaan sanaadiiqda doorashada Somaliland.


Mr. Baaruud waxaa uu Doorashada Baarlamanka Somaliland ku tilmaamay maadays muddo dheer la daawanayey, kaas oo aan lahayn daawadayaal badanâ€, isaga oo hadalkiisa sii wata ayuu waxaa uu yiri “Doorashadaasi waxay ahayd shirqool loogu tala galay in lagu waxyeelleeyo midnimada ummadda Soomaaliyeedâ€.


Dhinaca kale, taliyaha ciidanka booliiska qaybta gobolka Sool, G/le Dhexe Cabdullaahi Maxamed Cabdi ayaa sheegay in gebi ahaanba maalintii shalay la xiray xudduudaha gobolka Sool, taas oo sababtay in aanay halkaas imaanin wax sanaadiiq doorasho ah.



Maxamed Cali Faarax

SBC Laas Caanood

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Dareenka Dadweynaha Adhi-Caddeeye Iyo Yagoori Iyo Doorashooyinka Maamulka Hargeysa , Wariye Goobjoog Ahaa Labadii Maalmood Ee U Danbeeyey.




Adhi-Caddeeye,Yagoori( ka jiray Tuulooyinka Adhi-Caddeeye iyo Yagoori ayaa ahaa kuwo caadiya labadii maalmood ee u danbeeyey, ee ay socdeen waxa uu ugu yeedhay maamulka Hargeysa doorashooyinka Golaha wakiillada .



Safar aan ugu baxay maagaalooyinka Adhi-Caddeeye Iyo Yagoori ayaa waxa aan ugu kuur galay maalmihii shalay iyo maanta, waxa halkaasi ka jirtay nolol caadiya oo ay ku jireen dadweynaha deegaanka Adhi-Caddeeye iyo Yagoori, waxayna dadweyuhu shalay oo aan ku sugnaa Adhi-Caddeeye Yagoori iyo Tuulo Samakaab ahaayeen kuwo aanay ka muuqan dareen doorasho, marka laga reebo hadal hayn teeda.





Hasa yeeshee waxaa jiray goobo dhinaca baadiyaha ah oo aad uga fog tuulada Adhi-Caddeeye oo kaam laga sameeyey, halkaas oo mar aan booqday ugu tagey dad reer baadiye ah oo si tuuga ah loogu gurayo gawaadhi, oo lay sheegay in ay dhammaantood ka yimaadeen dhinaca magaalada Burco, waxa kale oo jiray in lay sheegay in sanaadiq la geeyey xeryaha ciidamada hasa yeeshee ay ii suura gali weyday in aan galo.




Dadkii halkaas ku sugnaa ayaanay ka dhex muuqan dadweynaha deegaanka, waxa kale oo joogay malayshiyo dhar shicib ah loo soo galiyey, sida uu ii sheegay Askari ka mid ahaa kuwii codaynayey, inta badan waxaaba goobahaas ka jiray dareen cabsiyeed oo mugweyn oo ay ka qabeen dhinaca dadka deegaanka u dhashay.


Deegaanka Yagoori oo aan iyadana Booqaday ayaa dadku aanay waxa cod ah ka dhiiban sanaadiiq, raadkeedna aan laguba arkayn iyada oo ay dadku aad uga cadhaysaanyeen dhacdooyinkii maalmihii ugu danbeeyey ka dhacayey Wadhake iyo Burco.


Goobaha ay sheegeen in ay doorashadu ka dhacayso oo ahayd goobo baadiyaha ah ayaa dadka laga soo kaxeeyey Burco iyo Wadaamo-Goo la sheegay in lacag 10 dollar ah la siinayey qofkiiba si ay goobahaas u yimaaddaan intooda badani, Cabdi Jaamac Dhoolawaa oo ka mid ahaa dadkii halkaas la keenay oo waliba ku labisnaa shaadh milatari ah, ayaa ii sheegay in ay dadkan ka soo daad gureeyeen gobolka Togdheer si ay baadiyahan uga codeeyaan. Guud ahaan xaaladda deegaanka ayaa iyadu ahayd mid deggan oo aan dareen doorasho ka muuqan, waxaase la yaab ku noqotay dadweynaha deegaanka Hadalkii uu Ninka lagu magacaabo C/waaxid C/qaadir ka siidaayey BBCda, kaas oo sheegay in Doorasho ka dhacday Adh-iCaddeeye, waxaana ay noqotay arrin dadka deegaanka ka fajicisay.






Askari ka tirsan Ciidamada Maamulka Hargeysa oo lagu magacaabo Maxmed Qaasaali ayaa ii sheegay in ay dhibaato weyn ku qabaan joogitaanka ay ku sugan yihiin goobahan , oo ay mar uun jecel yihiin in ay dhulkoodii ku noqdaan, oo kaamkan uu joogo ee cidlada ah iskaga tago, isaga oo ii sheegay kuwo badan oo saaxiibadiis ahi in ay maalin kasta ka baxsadaan ciidamada , dibna ugu noqdaan deegaankoodii.


Intii aan ku sugnaa Adhi-Caddeeye, Yagoori iyo Tuulo Samakaab, ayaa waxa dhawr jeer soo yeedhay dhaqdhaqaaq Ciidan, hasayeeshee waxba may dhicin.




C/qaadir Gaabuush


Adhicadeeye /Somalia

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^Meel aar ka kacay ator fadhfadhiisay


Suldaan! I thought these portals were local and as such would have local news access! or perhaps et al is much better as far as SOOL, Sanaag and Ceyn concerned huh?

These websites spew nothing but hate. Cay, been, and very very low propaganda. Sidii naag hinaastay ayay naqdiyaan habaar iyo wax dhaqanka aad uga fog oo nin wayni ka yaxyaxo iskaba daa inuu ku fakaro inu ku dhaqaaqo e. What a pitty. Laakin dadka kuwaas wax ka dhagaysta, ayaga ayaaba ka sii daran.


A local poet from that area once said, Ha nagu karaamo seegina habaar la igu kari waaye. ;)

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^^If I were like our good old Nayruush, I would be posting every little bit from there on SOL redface.gif


Bro, there are alikes from every side.

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There is always two sides to every story. There was no election in SOOL SANAG and CAYN, while ethere where in Toghdeer, Waqoye Galbeed and Awdal.. Dont live in denail brother.

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Why is it when something positive is happening in Somaliland all those against it bring out some negative articles? Somalilanders dont do the same with the soap opera that is going on in Jowhar and the rest of Somalia. :rolleyes:


The articles are irrelevant and designed to spin/appease its readers who are looking for some sort of guidance in favour of their way of thinking.


The elections in Somaliland should be taken as a lesson to all that this is the future. Free and fair elections in whatever form and for whatever reason.


The issue of independence and recognition may be furthered in favour of Somaliland who have again demonstrated that elections can take place 'peacefully'. But this is not the main focus here, we should be commending Somaliland for doing/progressing when all around her is stuck. Try to embrace the same formula across other parts and then there maybe a time to talk. But right now (as someone previously mentioned) Somaliland is way ahead of Somalia in terms of a political and stable society.


So please, embrace, come on you can say it, EMBRACE! :D

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Originally posted by Northerner:

Why is it when something positive is happening in Somaliland all those against it bring out some negative articles? Somalilanders dont do the same with the soap opera that is going on in Jowhar and the rest of Somalia. :rolleyes:


Northerner I think it was some american economist who said One of the failings of Honorable people is the failure to appreciate how thoroughly dishonourable some other people can be, well perhaps this could be deemed a curse among Somalilanders but I think instead it's a big positive. What kinda progress do you think our people would have made if they payed attention to every single comment from every moryan turned warlord/politician?

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moryan turned warlord/politician

Coming to terms with "southern" terminology? :D


I think it was Baashi that once uttered one of the positive effects of SOL's "ciyaalka xaafada" interacting with the greater community is more, how should I put it, worldliness about issues other then their corner of the country.




You actually seem like a level-headed individual, but please, sxb, do not be a hypocrit for this one instance.


Most people are congratualing the northwest for having the peace and stability to go ahead with a democratic vote, but why force it on people who do not share the same ideology with you? A sector of the former British Somaliland has designs on operating as a seperate entity apart from the Somali Republic, while the other sector shares no such views and has even showed it's willingness to shed blood for the pan-Somali dream.


It is not the people of Las Anod or Las Qoray that are aiming to "annex" Hargeisa and Burco to forcefully join them; it is the the opposite.


These nomads are not concerned about elections taking place in Hargeisa and Burco, where they are wanted, but they are concerned about elections taking place in Las Anod and Las Qoray, where they are not wanted.

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Lander wlc back mate




The amount of anti-Somaliland feeling is astonishing at times. Even with this week's elections we still have those who are punching the screen when a bit good news emerges. Yes many have expressed happiness at what Somaliland is doing and for those who wish to unite Somalia, this is actually a learning process.


Somalia will not come together at a flick of a switch, this example Somaliland is setting should be followed. Peace, stability, self governance etc etc then there maybe the opportunity to re-unite if Somaliland hasnt become recognised by then :D


Thats all i'm saying,,,,,

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Originally posted by General Duke:

There is always two sides to every story. There was no election in SOOL SANAG and CAYN, while ethere where in Toghdeer, Waqoye Galbeed and Awdal.. Dont live in denail brother.



Sool iyo Sanaag haday ka dhacday iyo hadii aanay ka dhicin, dadkii ka vote'yey ayay u taala, xisbiyada ku tartamaya ayay utaala. You got me there right? :D


As for the two websites in discussion; been sheeg, midse runta u yara dhaw ba la sheega.

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Somalia will not come together at a flick of a switch, this example Somaliland is setting should be followed. Peace, stability, self governance etc etc then there maybe the opportunity to re-unite if Somaliland hasnt become recognised by then

Are you one of those cats who think there is Somaliland and than there is Walaweyn Dirty South. Suit yourself Northerner, because you seem to live in your own world at best or you're just plain hypocrite.

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Asalamu Calaykum,

General duke and Soomal,i believe you guys are the most ignorant two in the world. You are still diging the clan mess. The world has moved on, there are elections, people vote and that how they get their points across, they don't take a gun or yell tribal name aloud calling for help. The only peoples that still talk about clan are native Americans and Somalis, they are lowest based humans and among the poorest in the world and I am sorry to be affliated from them. Coming to the topic at hand, does it really hurt to just vote if it's going to bring something or anything or if you think that Puntland has better deal for the people of ssc then consider reading the articles on WidhWidh online based in Las Anod, they explain that puntland has brought nothing I mean nothing but lack of safety, lack of education, and no water supply since their occupy and the only reason that they are still there is because tribal nonsense. Please General Duke and Soomal and all of the ciyaalo kudaaf, you need to deal with the facts and stop defending everything,because you come under same tribal dome. Grow up, if you want to change something about the situation of the people of SSC, then go home and do so. I urge to experience their experience and their situations then make comments regarding the people of those regions of Somaliland.

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Are you one of those cats who think there is Somaliland and than there is Walaweyn Dirty South. Suit yourself Northerner, because you seem to live in your own world at best or you're just plain hypocrite.

Talk about taking things out of context, can you please explain what you are getting at here? Do you have anything to counter what i posted? If you think the Somaliland example cant be followed "as an autonomous part of Somalia" then how do you think Somalia will be united? Give me your ideas,,,,,,,


How did my post constitute to i being a hypocrite, one can blindly throw accusations but he must have something to back it up with or else he would lose face. As it is the holy month, i suggest to keep your childish insigificant remarks to yourself. Either contribute/comment upon whether my comments have any validity on your wish for a united Somalia or not. No need for the BS.


caruuri waa caruur :rolleyes:

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