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Puntland Minister Of Fishery Blasts Nairobi Conference On BBC

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You can listen to the minister of fishery in Puntland responds to the ssc conference in Nairobi.


The people of Puntland and SSC are totally against this movement and will not accept it. Las canood is apart of Puntland and no negiotations will take place either with hargeisa or ssc. The defense of Las Canood is upon the government of Puntland and the re-capture of las canood is being planned by Garowe and it's going all well.


You can listen to the minister on bbc for verification of what i said.



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Garoowe( Kaluumaysiga Puntland Maxmed Faarax Aadan Faruur ayaa ganafka ku dhuftay go,aamada ka soo baxay shirka Nairobi , warkan ayuu sheegay mar uu maanta u waramayey Idaacadda BBCda qaybta Afsoomaaliga.



Faruur ayaa sheegay in ay shirkaas xukuumada Puntland iyo shacabkuba ogolayn waxa ka soo baxay , isla markaana ay san goobtaas shirku ka dhacay joogin dhamaan odayaashii taladu ka go,aysay , ayna halkaasi isugu tageen sadex Garaad iyo siyaasiyiin wax kale u jeeda , wuxuuna intaas ku daray in Garaadada dalka joogaa ka cadhaysan yihiin arrintaasi.



Waxa kale oo uu sheegay wasiirka kaluumaysiga Puntland in maamulkiisu diyaar u yahay gobollada SSC ee maqan in ay wax ka qabtaan hawsheediin aay ku talo jiraan, loona baahnayn in la dhabar jabiyo, wuxuuna maamulka Hargeysa ugu baaqay in ay ka gurtaan malayshiyadooda magaalada Laascaanood.



Issimada iyo siyaasiyiinta Hogaanka kaga dhawaaqay magaalada Nairobi ayuu ugu baaqay in ay miiska wada hadalka soo fadhistaan si looga wada xaajoodo wixii ay tabanayaan, maadaama shacabka ayuu yidhi SSC wax ka dhisteen dawlada goboleedka Puntland, wuxuuna ku tilmaamay in ay shirka abaabuleen siyaasiyiin wax kale raadinaya.



Tan iyo markii Hogaanka Badbaadada iyo mideynta lagaga dhawaaqay magaalada Nairobi waxaa soo baxayey go,aamo ay labada maamul ee Hargeysa iyo Garoowe kaga soo horjeedaan hogaankaasi, madaxweyne ku xigeenka Puntland C/samad Cali Shire ayaa ka horyimi isaguna go,aanka ka soo baxay Nairobi, maamulka Hargeysana wuxuuba u soo diray Rag ka hortaga fulinta hogaankaasi.

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That can all be verified on the bbc interview segment with the fishery minister of puntland.


It is true, only 3 garads went to the nairobi conference, the other 12 garads are in garowe and the minister of fishery said so.


My question to ssc folks is; Where do you think you can go with 3 garads? 90% of your garads are in garowe and this is not to mention the most famous of all the garads "garad saleban".


Please ssc folks think, don't be naive; realise that on a consensus wise the 90% of the garads are against this conference and are pro puntland.


The most powerful of all garads is pro puntland.


I think it settles this farce they created at nairobi and it isn't something that will have any fruit. Las canood is puntland, will remain puntland and no negiotations with either hargeisa or these 3 garads will be accepted.


No If's or Buts. Puntland has it's eye set on las canood and has low-level talks going on with achieving that objective, so i suggest you get on board and stop whinning.

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The Nairobi group is already failing the diplomatic and political war before their military adventure began.

No military "adventure" is forth coming! Just like last time when NW Somalia president tried to set foot in the city, the people became fed up. Puntland doesn't need to cause any fighting. The people in the city are slowly realizing that they have no chance of running for vice pres or president. They have no "representation" and pretty soon they will demand it. No matter what, NW somalia's admins presence is unsustainable if they continue to let one group countrol all the power. Sool and Sanaag, will revolt.

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ThankfulSP, please take Sanaag out of this mayhem and verbal assault. You are just as confused as your daily mantra of the sons of Faroole.

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Oodweyene and to the other secessionist, lads this meeting was anti Somaliland, the Garads in Garowe are anti Somaliland, thus why kid around lads the main target is you, thus like the other day keep insulting the Garads.

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Nassir, Do you speak for all of Sanaag? Is that all you care about because that is were your Reer comes from? You should be upset about everyone I mention, not just your group. It seems you only care about the people of Sanaag.

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Originally posted by *hatu*:

^^^ haven't you noticed that whenever something liddi ku ah Buntlan is posted, he never shows up

lool. What has happened here that is anti-Puntland? :D Or is Duke the subject again?

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Originally posted by ThankfulSP:

Nassir, Do you speak for all of Sanaag? Is that all you care about because that is were your Reer comes from? You should be upset about everyone I mention, not just your group. It seems you only care about the people of Sanaag.

I don't speak for all of Sanaag but it serves the interest of both clans to diagnoze the root of this Sool debacle. When Sanaag is not occupied by the Somaliland clans, why tell the whole world that the region is militarily occupied and needs to be liberated? Doesn't the spread of such biased statements make a mockery out of its inhabitants, who have shed blood for its defense? It's wrong and unfair characterization of the region of Sanaag.

The Sool issue is an internal and it needs to be resolved through an internal based mechanism, and if there is a place to be liberated, it has to be Sool, not Sanaag Region.

We all share the political failure and division within reer Puntland, but focusing on the heart of the problem or its root lies the solution. Therefore, let us all be engaged in a grass-roots campaign with the end result of forging unity within and of liberating SOOL as a last resort. Efforts of Peace and Solidarity should be given a priority by the state of Puntland.

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The Nairobi conference should not concern the Piratelanders and the Secessionists, because its the least of their problems.


The real problems for the secessionist entity and the pirates nest are: Shabab, Corruption, Nepostism, Mismanagement, Unemployment, etc etc.


They should focus on those areas, if they are interested in keeping their fiefdoms and not worry about the formation of the Northland State.

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