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Xildhibaan Guure:-SSC Yaanay Isku Halayn Puntland Ee Hawshooda Ha Wataan

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Xildhibaan Guure:-SSC Yaanay Isku Halayn Puntland Ee Hawshooda Ha Wataan



Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Xildhibaan Ibraahim Maxmuud Guure oo ka mid ah golaha wakiilada Puntland kana soo jeeda SSC ayaa sheegay in la joogo xilligii ay shacabka SSC hawshooda si dhamaystiran u qabsan lahaayeen deegaanada ka maqanna aysan cid kale ka sugin in ay u soo celiso,


Puntlandna aysan ka sugin wax talaabo ah oo ay qaado. Xildhibaan Ibraahim Maxmuud Goore mar la weydiiyey xaaladda ay maanta ku sugan tahay Puntland ayuu sheegay in Puntland ay maanta ku sugan tahay xaalad halis ah,


haday noqoto dhinac kasta , wuxuuna sheegay in Puntland xuduudihii distoorku dhigayey in aanay ku sugnayn oo ay maqan yihiin gobola muhiim u ah Puntland ilaa marxaladihii kala duwanaa ee ay soo martay Puntland markasta Gobolada SSC ka sii darayeen.


Mar Xildhibaanka la weydiiyey waxa ay uga hadli la yihiin xildhibaanada ka soo jeeda SSC xaalada murugsan ee ka jirta Goboladda SSC , oo ay cadaadis ugu saariwaayeen Maamulka xilligan jira in uu wax ka qabto deegaanka maqan ayuu sheegay xildhibaanku in ay dadaal ka dhaxwadeen golaha dhexdisia, dhawr jeerna su,aalo weydiiyeen madaxda sare ee Puntland su,aalahaas oo ay ku weydiiyeen golaha wakiilada dhexdiisa, dhamaantoodna markastana ay sheegaan in ay wax qabanayaan, laakiin aanay hadda muuqan in ay wax qabanayaan , layskuna halayn Karin, wuxuuna intaasi ku daray in aysan marnaba hagran shacabka ee ay ku xiiqeen siday u daba ordayeen maamuladii ka soo qabtay Hogaanka.


Xildhibaan GUure oo ka jawaabayey bal in uu jiro xidhiidh u dhaxeeya Hargeysa iyo Garoowe oo lagu carqaladaynayo xal u helida xaaladda Gobolada SSC,


ayuu xildhibaanku qiray in uu isagu aaminsan yahay in uu jiro xidhiidh qoto dheer oo u dhaxeeya madaxda Puntland iyo kuwa Hargeysa oo uu sheegay in ayba si toos ah uga wada shaqeeyaan hawlaha haatan soconaya, wuxuuna sheegay kulankii Tukaraq ku dhexmaray xubno ka tirsan golaha wasiirada, iyo golaha wakiilada in uu qayb ka yahay xidhiidhkaas qotoda dheer. Xildhibaanka oo ka jawaabayey su,aal laga weydiiyey shirka ku dhexmaray madaxdhaqameedka SSC qaarkood iyo madaxda Puntland, madaxtooyada Garoowe sida uu u arko,


ayuu sheegay in aanu heshiiskaasi wax weyn u dhimi Karin hawlaha uu ay wataan shacabka SSC, Puntlandna loo sheegay waxay hore u ogayd oo ah haday dalka wax ka qabanayso in ay dhaqaaqdo, hasa yeshee maaha ayuu yidhi xildhibaanku in la carqaladeeyo shacab isu xilqaamay waxay maamulka Puntland qaban wayeen, "shacab barakay oo waxkasta ay ka lumeena oo la doonayo in dib loogu celiyo deegaankoodii, maanta caruur badan oo waxbaran jiray ay duurka ku jiraan taasina ay tahay arrin aad looga murugoodo".


Xildhibaan Guure oo la weydiiyey samaynta golaha Khusuusigu in ay tahay dhaliil ku jeeda xildhibaanada SSC ee gaadhaya 17 xubnood markii ay kaalintoodii gabeen, oo haday dadaal muujin lahaayeen si kale xaalku noqon lahaa, ayaa waxa uu ku jawaabay in aysan isdiidayn golaha Khusuusiga iyo xubnaha ka soo jeeda gobolada SSC ee ku jira golaha wakiilada wuxuuna qiray in dadka ka soo jeeda SSC dadaalka ay wadaan noqon kara mid midho dhala haddii taageero gudaha iyo dibada ahba la helo. Waraysiga xildhibaanka oo dhinacyo badan taabanaya isaga oo cod ah ayaanu xillidhaw idiin soo dayn doonaa.

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Originally posted by Qudhac:



surely you not suggesting leaving faroole and crew duke will be very upset.

:D:D Not just upset He might just lock up Garaad selebaan

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Dalmar-This is fight between secessionists and unionists.It is not matter of staying with Puntland or Somaliland, it's matter of opposing the misguided endeavor of those in Hargeysa. It is matter of protecting Somali sovereignty in difficult time.


Forget Puntland and be for Somali unity!

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Dalmar-This is fight between secessionists and unionists.It is not matter of staying with Puntland or Somaliland, it's matter of opposing the misguided endeavor of those in Hargeysa. It is matter of protecting Somali sovereignty in difficult time.


Forget Puntland and be for Somali unity!

We are still with Somali unity walaal. We just want our own group that takes care of the interest of our regions.


Where puntland and somaliland both put first their cities...anagana only way nugu meel gadhaan....orad daawo daraha somaliland iyo puntland ku dhaca say u dhiseen..


magaaloyinkeena waan xoreenana waana dhisanana..somalina wax waan la wadaaagana oo somaliwayn wax ahayn maba aminsanin..



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^Well said!

Progress for every region till Somali state is reconstituted.The locals know what's best for them and where interests lay. It's not in Garowe or Hargeysa that's for sure.


AfricaOwn-What makes think they are not?

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^^ Are you sure about the locals knowing what's best for them? Why are we talking about this then? :D


Some locals (those running the show today) think SL is best for them. Some think PL is best for them and a couple of others are lost in the middle. You, Che, since you don't belong to any of the sides in this dispute are nothing but a trouble maker who calls for Somaliweyne when poor Aaliyah is lamenting the lack of villas in LA.

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^I only share Aaliyah's (local) concerns and want the best for those regions. Obviously, her and other locals sincerely believe their interests won't looked after by others. I agree with that sentiment.


On positive side, those recently who signed an agreement with Faroole were discredited. They swore that they didn't take payment-the base in the middle is growing and those serving others are being called out.


Your attempt to divide reer SSC and create conflict amongst them is noted icon_razz.gif

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^waryaadha qaylada joojiya ..shekadana nima qoseesee...


Some locals (those running the show today) think SL is best for them. Some think PL is best for them and a couple of others are lost in the middle. You, Che, since you don't belong to any of the sides in this dispute are nothing but a trouble maker who calls for Somaliweyne when poor Aaliyah is lamenting the lack of villas in LA.

horta markaan idhi daaraha eega kama hadlayo darahaha laascaanod laga dhisi wayey? oo horta daaro wa la dhisi kara..sadex daaro oo meel la yuucay saas uma muhim aha oo waa wax la sameen karo.


Laakin shekadu mesha taala waxa weeye in aan cadeeyo in labada koxoodba daneen laascanod iyo ssc danahooda ee yaga uun ku meel gaadhayaan oo marba shekada u duwayaan sidi ee ugu soconaso...


daarahana waa la helaya iyo wax kasii quruxbadanba marka nabad la helo..labo koxood oo midba dhinac no jiidayo oo labaduba daneestayaal yihiin waan ka daalnay..


intaas ayaan kuso jaraya warka..




p.s this is gonna be my last post in the politics section....I honestly don't think I care 2 have the same arguments day in and day out lol...


so each on his own and everyone is entitled to believe what they want..

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Originally posted by Che -Guevara:

Dalmar-This is fight between secessionists and unionists.It is not matter of staying with Puntland or Somaliland, it's matter of opposing the misguided endeavor of those in Hargeysa. It is matter of protecting Somali sovereignty in difficult time.


Forget Puntland and be for Somali unity!

It's about Qabiil. If it were about preserving Somali sovereignty then Borama and Hargeysa would be included in the areas needing the liberation. It's called SSC=qabiil degaans.

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^Everything is qabiil including the so called independence of Somaliland and the creation of state of Puntland. In the absence of legitimate Somali government, tribes can exercise sovereignty in lands under their domain till such time Somalis agree to sit down together and figure their problems.Till then, no qabiil can subjugate the other.Any such attempt will only lead to bloodshed as proven by history.

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Somaliland does not exclude clans nor does it discriminate we are not a qabil orientated nation. Unlike Somalia Where the 4.5 Clan Formula dictates the future leaders of Somalis. In Somaliland No Clan exercises power over others., our Government simply does not allow that. It protects the rights of the rightful Citizens of Somaliland

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^The very existence of this entity is owed to qabiil rebel movement.To say qabiil plays no role in Hargeysa administration is simply dishonest or outright lie.


You are giving me the talking points usually presented to foriegn brokers :D

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The Zack   




You are either on crack or totally think we are non-Somalis. We are not qabiil kulahaa, adeer we all know every current entity in Somalia is clan based, keep your three towns and let others keep theirs, very simple.

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