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General Duke

Cowards rain mortars on a Quran School..7 girls injured

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Originally posted by General Duke:

Even Sadam Hussain fought till the end

Sometimes you make or invent unnecessarily inaccurate statements, like the above one. You prove nothing by making or inventing such statements. Wasn't you the one who claimed 80% of the Iraqi insurgency consist of Saddamits? When you are about to add such statements, before you click the "Add Reply" button, ask yourself whether it's necessary to add such statements.

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^^^Its a fact the Sadam Hussain Al Majid, stayed in his country, fought, lost his two sons, and grandson and paid with his life. He went through the suffering of his community. Your group made allot of noise sent children to their death and then ran away to safety. IndaCade, Abu Mansuur, two head of the army ran away even before the TFG where in Bur-Hakabo


I do find it amusing that you compare Somalia to Iraq, yet avoid the real comparison of the character between the fake clan courts and the real warriors in Iraq.

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All these ICU remnants in the shaddow are doing is to derail the peace mission of the UN and TFG, but the government should not be distracted by such minor incidents here and there at the expense of innocent civilians. Instead, they have to continue pushing for the consolidation of its power and evaluate the effectiveness of the upcoming reconciliation meeting that will be held in the country.


Indeed it is a cowardly act.

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They are now blaming others for the failure of their "resistance" some here were not long ago, claping at the death of a Somali police officer, murdered for doing hid job. They celebrated every failed mortar, and bomb attack and now blame others when the deaths of the civilians increase. everyone can see through it..

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Duke let them be as they were fulfilling their 'pilgrimage' to the Haram in Makkah and doing their Hajj, one of the five pillars of Islaam, it just happened as a coincidence that they have declared Jihaad and were heads of the ICU's military wing! You see the children were quite efficient enough themselves to fight in the 'Jihaad' and fight off the enemy with no real leadership!


Remember the guys that were interviewed by Reuters or the Associated Press I believe who set that the reason for their sudden and quick defeat was that they had no real leadership and that the men who lead them to war had no real miliatary experience or expertise nor did they allow them to dig in and defend as they were told 'Don't you want to become a martyr and go to Al-Jannah and die in the 'Jihaad'! Wallaahi that made me really angry and amused aswell, I didn't know whether to laugh or cry!


This are not religious men, they are profiteers and trouble makers and they shall dealt with accordingly inshallah! Now we hear they reorganising themselves in the kingdom and eritrea, what do this people want?


More bloodshed and civil strife? Are they against the peace of Somalia? Are they opposing the Somali people!


True cowards, I say, Shame on you! Shame on you all!

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Here is the root of the problem Duke. The remnants of the ICU can hardly forgo the illegal assets they have held for all these years. Now that they are defeated and feel powerless to the new authority that is on the pursuit of returning peace and correcting past wrongs against defenseless, unarmed clans, the last tactic they can take to resist the return of normalcy to Somalia is to target civilians, government personnel, and its institutions. It is for them a desperate measure for desperate time. They could care less if the whole nation building process and reconciliation collapses any day. They pray for the old status quo.





Guelleh’s political debacles


The least educated and the most talkative President of Djibouti has made countless political debacles in the past decade. Guelleh’s political record is riddled with numerous instances of inconsistencies and flip-flops and backstage manipulations. In early 1998, before ascending to power, in a letter addressed to the Ethiopian Government of Meles Zenawi, he proposed a confederation of Djibouti and Ethiopia, to the surprise and chagrin of the Djiboutian public. His proposed merger “and intention to seek an economic and political federation with Ethiopia” was later rejected by Ethiopia. During the Ethio-Eritrea war in 1999 he instantly sided with Ethiopia and severed his country’s diplomatic relations with Eritrea “on grounds that the latter provoked conflict with Ethiopia”. In 2000, in an absolute volte-face, Guelleh resumed his relationship with Eritrea. In 2001, Eritrean President Isaias Afework visited Djibouti and Guelleh made a reciprocal visit to Asmara to normalize relations.



TNG Pres. Abdiqasim S. Hassan & Pres. Ismail O. Guelleh


In early 2000, Guelleh snatched and “clanized” the Somali peace initiative spearheaded by IGAD. In what seemed as a major departure from the preceding peace and reconciliation conferences, Guelleh transformed the nature of the Somali peace process from reconciliation of warring factions to reconciliation of clans. This seemingly straightforward proposition embodies a mystifying element of paradox. The civil war in Somalia, as manifested in its ugly discourse over the past decade, has been characterized by a power struggle between rival warlords vying for influence over state structures and national resources. Though the warlords rallied support from members of their clans, the factional fighting that flared up in southern Somalia has neither evolved into an all out inter-clan confrontation nor progressed into a country-wide conflict. As a matter of fact, there has been more infighting within each and every major clan, invalidating the superficial notion of a cohesive, homogeneous clan.


With generous funds from Al-Ittehad Al-Islami (AIAI), an extremist Islamic organization believed to have ties with al-Qaeda, and backstage manipulations, Guelleh convened a large gathering of Somali politicians and clan elders in Arta, Djibouti, in 2000. The Arta conference formed an Islamist dominated Transitional National Government (TNG) for Somalia, under the presidency of his firm favorite, Abdiqasim Salad Hassan, a leading Islamist politician and a member of the leadership of the Al-Islah wing of Al-Ittehad Al-Islami.


If the purpose of conceiving the TNG was to promote peace and reconciliation in Somalia, as purported by its sole architect, Guelleh, the performance of the TNG was to the contrary. From the onset, the TNG has become a mouthpiece and sanctuary of Islamic extremist groups such as the Al-Ittehad Al-Islami. At least, one-third of the 245-strong TNG parliament was believed to have comprised leading members of Al-Ittehad. It is also an open secret that Al-Ittehad’s militia and Islamic courts in Mogadishu rallied behind the TNG.


Subsequent to its formation, areas of relative stability and self-governing regions became victims of a destabilization campaign waged by the TNG. Guelleh and the Islamist dominated TNG coalesced for the purpose of implementing a coordinated strategy aimed at undermining the prevailing relative stability and functioning governance in Puntland and Somaliland entities. Through concerted persuasive engagements and pressure tactics, the shared strategy was to force these entities to join the TNG, or to effectively destabilize and make them crumble from within.


Similarly, to prolong the hegemony of the Habar-Gidir clan - the clan of the president of the TNG that form the backbone of the mushrooming Islamist groups in chaotic Southern Somalia - on “conquered territories” in southern Somalia and forcibly appropriated private estates in Mogadishu, Merca, Kismayo, Juba Valley and in the inter-reverine areas, Guelleh, Abdiqasim and AIAI espoused a coherent strategy aimed at sustaining the Habar-Gidir occupation through the TNG channeled Islamist-petrodollar. As Lewis aptly puts, “this policy has been coupled with pursuing arms procurement, contrary to the official UN arms embargo and TNG propaganda proclaiming its ‘peaceful mission’”. “The UN has turned a blind-eye to these violations” says Lewis. “With these weapons, such militia units as the TNG have been able to recruit, have been sent to maintain the Habar-Gidir hegemony of farms, seized from their owners along the lower Shebelle, and to assist clan allies in Merca and Kismayu”.



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^^^Simple really they [Clan Courts & Djibouti] invented the clan 4.5 , system and now decry it. They pretended to be a religious movement yet "conquored" other Muslim defenceless peoples lands. They lost and now send mortars into civilian areas. However the remaining criminal groups and cells will be dealt a huge blow soon insha Allah.. They are dealing with a no nonsence government that has teeth

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Djibouti fares worse than our anarchic country in terms of socio-economic impacts. It has high mortality rate, very low life expectancy rate, and higher percentage of preventable diseases because of corruption. I speculate that he had a high stake in the long-term strategy of maintaining the occupation of areas south of Mogadishu. Nevertheless, the TFG should give a high priority to what majority of Mogadishu residents need: Peace and security and creation of jobs.

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^^^Indeed you have a point there, this despot thought he could keep Somalia as it was. However I enjoyed this bit


in a letter addressed to the Ethiopian Government of Meles Zenawi, he proposed a confederation of Djibouti and Ethiopia, to the surprise and chagrin of the Djiboutian public. His proposed merger “and intention to seek an economic and political federation with Ethiopia”

This smacks of hypocracy considering that many clan courts supporters see Djibouti as their real ally, driven by Somalinimo and Islam.. :D

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Kooxo dadka dhibaateeya oo ku soo batay gobolka Sh/hoose


Marko 03, Feb.07 ( Sh.M.Network) Maleeshiyooyin dhac iyo dil u geysta dadka rayidka ah ayaa ku soo badanaya magaalada Marko ee xarunta gobolka Sh/hoose, xilli wali ciidamada booliska aanu wali howl-galo ka bilaabin halkaasi.


Maalmihii ugu dambeeyay ayaa gobolka Sh/hoose waxaa ku sii kordhayay falal amaan darri ah, iyadoo aysan muuqan wali cid isku howleysa in ay wax ka qabato.


Shalay ayay aheyd markii gaari hoomeey ah dhac loogu geeystay deegaanka Shalanbood oo wax yar u jira magaalada Marko, iyadoo xitaa gaarigaasi dadkii saarnaa la baartay.


Sidoo kale gaari kale oo hoomeey ah oo halkaasi soo maray intii baaritaanka lagu hayay gaarigaan ayaa isku dayay in uu xoog kaga baxsado kooxaha burcadda ah, iyadoo rasaas lala beegsaday ay sababtay dhaawaca labo ruux.


Arimahaan ayaa waxaa qeylo dhaan ka muujiyay dadka rayidka ah ee ku dhaqan gobolka, oo ugu baaqay dowladda Somalia in ay wax ka qabato arimahaan amaan xumo.


Yuusuf Keynaan


Shabelle Media Network Sh/hoose

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It appears mr General Duke seemed to miss the cowardly firing against Somali Civilians protesting in muqdisho by occupying Ethiopian Troops on several occasions?


It aslo appears Mr General Duke didn't visit the net when innoncent refugess where being snatched from their homes and somali businessmen also being snatched from their homes!


Lastly it appears his friend Sheikh Yoonis also missed these incidents commited against somalis in Muqdisho by cowardly Ethiopian troops!Or even the reported rapes of Somali women near the border as reported by aid agencies and the Telegraph newspaper.Maybe we need a mahdi or an imam to condemn these actions?


It seems the "Quran and Sunnah" doesn't apply to the actions of the occupying troops who shot innoncent somali protestors in muqdisho!


Perhaps it is a case of selective reporting?

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^ Well, accordng to Caamir, Muqdisho residents are savages, their death is progress for his clanish vision of submissive Somalis to his Uncle. See how he justifes their death by giving sweet tips to his TFG. You can tell when he is irked, he resorts to clan insults and forgets to keep the superficial facade by Quoting an article inwhich the clans he hates so much are mentioned :D



Some people never learn from history or have interest in abiding to Allah's laws. Just watch and see how far removed the TFG supportes are from realities and keep justifying the murder and the mayhem of other somalis.

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The killing of minister: Deerow.

The 'supposed' suicide attack on daba dhilif YeY.

This latest news are all the same old tricks used by Ethiopia in order to convince people that their agression is justified.


How can the Islamic courts Union mortar attack Islamic schools,which they probably built in the first place?!


I rather believe a christian invader has done it.

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^^^Deerow was a close ally of the President and an enemy of IndaCade and his group a fact.


The suicide attack injured the president and killed his younger brother Abdisalaam Yusuf Ahmed, a fact.


The Clan courts occupied the lower shabbele in every single state they had their men as "governors, mayors" fact.


They started this war and made daily threatsa against everyone, a fact.


The cowards sent children to die in battle while they ran for safety in the lower Shabbele, a fact.


They know claim responsability for mortar attcaks, which have killed Mogadishu civilians, a fact.


They hid in the bushes of Ras -Kamboni and between the Nomads of that region, another fact.

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Mujahid-SNM, the mortars have no direction system built, you have to be close to the target you are firing in. These morons just throw the weapons and hope for the best. As they rushed children to attack Baidoa and hoped for the best. Thus schools, hospitals and population areas will be hit because its blind shooting.

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