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SSC delegation goes to Ethiopia, thank you secessionists!

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this visit to wardheer region by the Isins of SSC has nothing to do with Laaska but development and security of the hawd. Be that as it may, there would be nothing wrong if the Isins, Puntland president and the president met ethiopia.

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Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o:

He can't blame the Garaads coz they are against Somaliland ,,, so he wants to convert the attention and blame everything on Somaliland.

saxiib did u ever hear the story of the Arab who cut his finger, whilst opening a tin of tuna, and then he cried to his wife:


"help, help, ya xabibi". She said "watz wrong xabibi and then he replied "I think the Zionists did this me"!


Just joking saxiib :D


Soomaliduna ayaan dhow markey murqamaan with khaat they will say:


" war ninyahow xalay si xun baan u murqamay xabashidi baa khatkii wax ku dartay" ..... :D

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Originally posted by me:

OK, I am serving a ban after I lost the football bet. But this is information that can't be ignored.


^Waa emergency saxiib...


ok this wrong, we shouldn't be backbiting ME, let him come back first


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Originally posted by me:

This is yet another sad day in the history of Somalia, take a moment and think about it. No amount of loooolz will make it less sad.

Laughter is the best medicine and you're a comedian. Please come back and explain how SL made these chiefs go to Meles. Go on, be a good sport... smile.gif

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^What explanation do you need Oodweynow? Sheekadu waa straight forward. I posted my opinion here, what other explanation do you need horta?

Maybe you guys are used to all Somali leaders going for siyaaro to Ethiopia.

Now it’s complete. All Somali groups have done their siyaaro and accepted Ethiopia's power.

It’s time for the next phase, which is already underway in SL and PL.


But hey the naac-naac weavers of SOL such as our Oodweyne and Jbro can't seem to grasp the message.


Ok, waan idiin jilcinayaa.

The situation is like this.


1. Ethiopia is playing Somali out against each other.


2. You secessionists say, Ethiopia is your friend.


3. Puntland says Ethiopia is her friend.


4. The leadership of the SSC wants to be friends with Ethiopia (this scene is repeated in all regions of Somalia).


5. Ethiopia has its own goals and they are not compatible with the interests of the Somali people no matter what political group they support.

All in all that’s how the situation is today, with folks like Oodweyne around Ethiopia wins, Somalis loose.


So you call me what you want, see me as your enemy ( but understand that I am only the enemy of your ignorance smile.gif )

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Buuhoodle(Jidbaale)Waftigii balaadhnaa ee todobaad ka hor u ambabaxay magaalada qaloocan ee kinilka 5aad ee ismaamulka soomaalida itoobiya ayaa soo gaadhay magaalada Buuhoodle ee xarunta gobolka Cayn ka dib markii ay rajadii iyo ah miyadii laga lahaa shirka sidii lagu waday noqon wayday.



Waftigan oo ka koobnaa 30 xubnood oo isugu jiray Isimo, Cuqaal,Aqoonyahano, Waxgarad, iyo Culimo awdiin ayaa kadib markii ay gaadheen tuulada qaloocan dadweynaha deegan kaasi himilo xiiso iyo kalgacal xanbaarsan ku soo dhaweeyeen .



Hadaba saaka subax nimadii ayaa waxa noo suurto gashay inaan war bixin dheeraada ka helno shirkaasi waxaanu la kulanay Boqor C/laahi Axmed Cali (dabagooye) mar uu nagu soo booqday xafiiska shabakada Allcayn ee buuhoodle wuxuuna boqorku sheegay in aysan kala kulmin halkaa rajadii ay ku tageen iyadoo markii hore nalagu war galiyay inay shirkan ka soo qayb galayaan madaxda sar sare ee dawlada itopia laakiinse markii danbe ay tasi beenawday .




Waftidan balaadhan oo ay horkacayay.

Garaad jaamac garad cali

Garaad c/laahi garaad soofe

Garaad saleebaan buraale

Boqor c/laahi axmed cali

Suldan siciid cismaan cali



Isimadan ayaa waxa weheliyay cuqaal iyo waxgarad kale oo farabadan,culayska intaa le'egna waxaanu ugu tagnay inaanu shirka isku soo meel dhigno arimaha nabadgalyada ee ka dhaxeeya dawlada itopia iyo beelaha *****, iyo inaanu horumarka iyo xuquuqda deeganka hawd iyo shacabkiisa kasoo dhamayno madaxda dawlada itopia haday tahay Gobol,Degmooyin iyo waxqabadka kale ee deegaanka sida mashruucyada IWM.




Nasiib daro maanay imaanin madaxdii naloo sheegayay waxaa yimid Xildhibaano kasocda kinilka 5aad ee is maamulka somalida oo aan qaadi Karin masuuliyada iyo awooda shirka waxa looga baahan yahay.




Waxaanay nagala hadleen wixii ay shaqaalaha gudahooda iswaydiin jireen sanadkiiba, sidaa darteed is maanay fahmin isimadii iyo waxgaradkii halkaa marayay. kadib markii aanu joogmay mudo 3 casho ah ee aanu fadhiisanay maalmihii hore ee beeluhu hadlayeen, kadib waxaanu malamihii danbe isaga soo baxnay banaanka waxaanuna u kala tagnay iyaga iyo shaqaalahoodii kadib markii aanu aragnay inaanu shirkani ku saabsanayn mawduucii aanu usoconay .




Waxaa taaba kadarnayd maalintii danbe ayaa waxay noola yimadeen ONLF ayaa idin dhex marta iyo itaxaadkiina magacyadooda noo qora sidii aanu ka mid nahay Ciidamada sirdoonka Itopia taasi oo aanu kaga baxnay anagu kama war hayno waxaad sheegaysaan dabka ********iya ka dhex qiiqayana ***** la dhex keeni may.




Waxaanuna doonaynaa inaan dabkaa idinla bakhtiino dadkayagana anagaa ka masuula dawlada itopia iyo dadweynaha kinikana anaga dadweynahayaga wax dhibaato ahi kaga imaan mayso anagaana u balan qaadnay itopia marhore iyo hadaba, isimada iyo cuqaashana lama waydiiyo waxyaabahaa oo kale ama waxyaabaha aad iswaydiisaan idinka iyo shaqaalihiinu.




Xaga beelaha halkaa dagan ayaa iyagu gacmo furan nagu soo dhaweeyay waxaanuna isla soo qaadanay oo aanu go,aan sanay wadajir iyo wax isla qabad walaal tinimo leh.




Cabdiraxmaan Cumar Cabdi


Xigasho: allcayn Buhodle

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^Thank you for highlight that.


It only shows Ethiopia is interested in its own goals and that Ethiopia's interests go against the interests of all Somalis.

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