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SSC delegation goes to Ethiopia, thank you secessionists!

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Wefti Balaaran oo ka Socda Hogaanka Isimada Gobolada SSCayn oo Saaka u Baxay Dhinaca Ethiopia.......


Buuhoodle February 12, 2008


Weftigan isimada ah ee ka socda Dhulka SSCayn ayaa saaka safar ugu kicitimada Dhinaca Dalka Ethiopia gaar ahaa Gobolka Ismaamulka Soomaalida Ethiopia,Isimadan oo ay Weheliyaan Cuqaal ka socda isla Gobolada SSCayn ayaa saaka aad looga hadal hayaa Safarkooda Deg.Buuhoodle e Gobolka Cayn


Isimo iyo Cuqaal ka soo jeeda Dhulka Sool,Sanaag iyo Cayn ayaa saaka Safar ugu kicitimay Gobolka Ismaamulka Soomaalida Dalka Ethiopia,Isimadan iyo Cuqaashan ayaa la sheegayaa in ay casuumad ka heleen Dawlada Ismaamulka Soomaalida Dalka Ethiopia,ma jirto cid Shaacisay sababaha ay xiligan uga heleen Casuumada madaxda Ismaamulka Soomaalida Ethiopia.


Dhulka ismaamulka Soomaalida Ethiopia iyo Gobolada SSCayn ayaa waxaa ka dhexeeya xiriir soo jireen ah oo qota dheer ,iyada oo Madaxda Maamulka Somalida Ethiopiana ay safaro ku yimaadaan Dhulka SSCayn isla markaasina kulamo la qaataan Madaxda Dhaqanka ,wax-garadka iyo Siyaasiinta Dhulka SSCayn.


Ma jiro war cadaynaya in safarka Isimada iyo Cuqaasha SSCayn ku aadeen Dhulka Ismaamulka Soomaalida Ethiopia in ay uga sii gudbi Doonaan dhinac Caasimada Ethiopia iyo dawlada Dhexe ee Federaalka Ethiopia,Waxaase dadku saadaalinayaan in aanu safarka Isimada iyo Cuqaashu ku ekaan doonin Dawlada Ismaamulka Soomaalida Ethiopia oo keliya ee laga yaabo in ay hore ugu sii gudbaan Dawlada Dhexe ee Federaalka Ethiopia.


Cabdulaahi Yare


Xargaga Online



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OK, I am serving a ban after I lost the football bet. But this is information that can't be ignored.


One of the last independant groups in Somalia has been forced to look for support in Ethiopia.


If this was a football game the score would be Ethiopia 18 - 0 Somalia.

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Wafti issimo Ah Oo Ay Hogaaminyaan Garaad Jaamac iyo Garaad Claahi Garaad Soofe Oo U Kacay Gobolka Wardheer Ee Itoobiya



Waxaa ka anbabaxay Gobolladda SSC Wafti balaadhan oo ay hogaaminayaan İssimadda Kala ah Garaad Jaamac ,Garaad Claahi Garaad Soofe, Boqor Claahi, Suldaan Siciid İyo Garaad Saleebaan Buraale ,waftigan oo ka helay Casuumad dawladda İtoobiya ayaa waxaa lagu wadaa in ay kawdaa hadlaan arrimaha nabad galyada.



Ergooyinka ay hogaaminyaan issimadani ayaa waxa ay gaadhayaan 100 xubnood waxaana ay halkaasi kula kulmi doonaan magaalada Qaloocan ee gobolka wardheer mas,uuliyiinta dawladda ee itoobiya ee deegaankaasi.



Xubno ku dhaw dhaw İssimada ayaa waxa ay sheegeen in ay odayaashu doonayaan in İtoobiya ay aad isu soo waraystaan gaar ahaan arrimaha nabad galyada oo aanay noqon dadka deegaanka iyo dawlada İtoobiya kuwo had iyo jeer warar qaldan loo kala qaado.



waxyaalaha kale ee ay odayaashu kala hadlayaan mas,uuliyiinta itoobiya ayaa lagu sheegay sidii wax looga qaban lahaa deeganada ay degaan qabaa,ilka *********** ee ku jira gudaha ismaamulka Soomaalida itoobiya sidii loo xoojin lhaa nabad galyada, dawladda itoobiya ayaa muddooyinkii ugu danbeeyey waday horumar dhinaca arrimaha bulshada oo ay ka qabanaysa deegaanka Marqaan weyne , halkaas oo ay ka qoday ceel biyo laga helay, waxa kale oo dhawaan xadhiga laga jaray dugsi hoose dhexe.



Boocame Online News

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Ok. Cadde Muuse is in Addis Abeba. Col. Yey is also in Addis Abeba. And now you are saying those Garaads are also lobbying for Ethiopia to intervene?? Tolkii Itoobiya ayuu ciirsi mooday miyaa sheekadu?? :eek: :eek:


I remember listening to Garaad Jamaac talking to Horn Afrik saying that Ethiopia should send her troops to Lascaanood. :mad:


Sorry folks, Ethiopia isn't going to get involved in this.

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Itoobiya Oo M/weyne Gen. Cadde Ku Amartay Inuusan Isu Soo Sharaxin Puntland Mark


(Addis Ababa}10.2-8

"Wada hadalo Addis Ababa uga socday Madaxweynaha Puntland Gen. Cadde Muuse iyo Saraakiil sare oo Itoobiyaana ayaa la soo weriyay inay qarka u saran yihiin kala tag ka kadib markii ay isku fahmi waayeen hindisayaal la xidhiidhay inuu baneeyo kursiga Madaxtooyada Puntland .



Saraakiisha sare ee Itoobiya ayaa Cadde Muusse u sheegay inay Puntland halis ku tahay amaanka Itoobiya iyagoo si gaara u xusay in hub ay dagaalyahanada Jabhada ********iya kala degaan Dekadda Boosaaso lagu weeraro Itoobiya.


Sarkaal sare oo ka tirsan Saraakiisha la kulmay Madaxweyne Cadde ayaa warbixin uu siiyay Waaxda arrimaha dibada ee Itoobiya wuxuu ku sheegay inay Cadde Muusse isku fahmi waayeen wada hadaladii ay la yeesheen uuna ka biyo diiday hindisahii la xidhiidhay inuusan mar kale isu sharaxin hogaanka Puntland.


Madaxweyne Cadde Muusse ayaa Saraakiisha Madaxtooyadiisa qaar ka tirsan u sheegay inay Itoobiya ay ku qasbayso inuu wareejiyo Puntland taasna ay muhiim tahay inay la socdaan.


wada hadalada labad dhinac ayaa u muuqdo kuwa fashil qarka u saran hadii uusan madaxweyne yuusuf ku guuleeysan Xalinta khilaafka u dhaxeeya.


Widhwidh Online News Desk..Media Center

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Read this mate.


You are slow waan ogaa taas, but I didn't know in hadalku hal meel un kaa galo.


There is a sick game going on.

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^^ :D


Waxaan la socdaa duqa asaasaqay ee Col. Yey iyo Cadde Muuse in maalmahanba ku hadaaqayeen some sort of a connection that they said exists between Somaliland iyo Ururka Al Shabaab.


Wax kale maaha waa in Ethiopia favour looga helo oo lagu beer laxawsado. The Puntland leadership think that they are in control and that anyone that they label as "argagaxiso" ayaa caalamku aragaxiso u aqoonsanaya. Very premature and childish if you asked me.


They forgot in Ethiopia waxanba ayadu wadato oo meesha ay ayadu rabto uun uticmaalsho "argagaxiso".


But anyways, I see reer Tolka uma kala hadhin Ethiopia xodxodashadeeda. Taariikh Somali ugu horleh oo ugub ah weeyan. redface.gif

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^Ala maskax yaridaa.


War sheekadani way ka weentahay reer hebel iyo reer hebel, wey ka weentahay, Laas Caanood, iyo Hargeysa.


War inaga oo dhan ayaa naloo tashaday odayaashiina waa kuwaas maanta Itoobiya is geeyay.



Adna sidii xoolihii ayaad Yey iyo ina hebel haysaa.


Ma waxaad u malaynaysaa in Ethiopia Somalida kala jeceshahay?


Ethiopia danteedu waxa weeye, Control!


Tartanka Soomaalidu ugu jirtana, hada Xabashidu xulufo kasta oo Soomaaliyeed wey control gareenayaan. So the reason why I posted these articles is to show, that one of the last independant Somali groups has been forced to accept Ethiopian control.


There is not one region in Somalia now that is not under Ethiopian control. From your secessionist enclave to the mangroves of the Juba.


They are also ordering Cade Muuse to step down.


Thats control. But why should I waste my time explaining these things to you. Its not like you got an independant mind anyway.

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There is only one particular clan who is piggybacking to build a castle under Ethiopia's occupation. Cid kale oo Itoobiya u tartamaysa anigu ma arko.


Somaliland cidna Itoobiya uma isticmaalsho, cidna kuma xuuxiso. With or without Ethiopia, Somaliland waa wax jiraaya oo joogaya. Laakin, Somaliland iyo Ethiopia waxa ka dhexeeya waa siyaasad laba dhinac ah, although the non-recogntion of Somaliland is a disadvantage.


But kuwa sheegta inay Dawlad yihiin ee waliba UN sheegta inay fadhiyaan, ee cid walba ku sheega "argagaxiso" kuwaa ayaa dadka ugu liita.

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Originally posted by me:

OK, I am serving a ban after I lost the football bet. But

Not to worry. You only made a deal that you couldn't live up to just like the deceitful Garaads.

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Excellent post ME. Thanks for pointing out the facts. Our country is history as I see it unless the people take a stand and say "NO" more Axmaaar! However, I do not see that happening. God help us because so many people here are too caught up in thinking things are ok because they haven't been targeted yet.


Our forefathers, mainly the great Sayid Mohamed[AUN], and Aabo Siyaad [RIP] would be ashamed of us today for allowing our beloved country be taken over by the same usgag that they fought so hard and died for so, we could live with pride and die with honor. Laakin Axmaaar haloo kala dhuunto baa ka dhacday! Dadkanu Somali maaha. They are traitors and traitors are to be dealt with.


For those of you that think this is halarious and laugh about it, oo "axmaarka saaxiibkeey waaye" ku haayo. I pitty you because you will be in for a rude awakening one day soon.

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Originally posted by me:

OK, I am serving a ban after I lost the football bet. But this is information that can't be ignored.


One of the last independant groups in Somalia has been forced to look for support in Ethiopia.


If this was a football game the score would be Ethiopia 18 - 0 Somalia.

Lol @forced. You can't blame your actions on others. In this case grown men chose to join the daily circus to Adiss Ababa( it's their choice).

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Your right these men have the choice not to go with the circus, but you should look at the bigger picture here and the events that led to this moment. While your at it, with all the information you have try to predict where this is all heading to.


This is yet another sad day in the history of Somalia, take a moment and think about it. No amount of loooolz will make it less sad.

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