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Puntland the change we all want to see in Somalia

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I was in my late teens when the state of Puntland Was created by the communities of the Somali regions of Sool, Sanaag, Bari, Nugaal & Mudug. The state came to be through a long process held in the future capital of Garowe. My hope of a better Somalia was realised with the creation of my beloved State , I fell in love then and my feelings have grown ever more deeper with time.


I was an original soldier and a devoted citizen of the state. Today the celebrations that took place in Garowe, London, Denmark and the happiness in the state and it's Diaspora is a reflection of how far we have come.


So I congtadulate you my darling Puntland and may Allah protect your population and make them serve the interest of all the Somali's.

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War deg deg ah: Puntland oo laga badalay Dowlad gobaleed, lagana dhigay dowladda Puntland ee Soomaaliya.

1. august 2009 





Garowe(AllPuntland)- Madaxweynaha dowladda Puntland ayaa war uu caawa ku soo beegmay xuska sannad guurada 11 aad ee ka soo wareegtay markii la dhisay dowladda Puntland Soomaaliya, wuxuu ku dhawaaqay in laga daayay dowladii Magacii hore ee ahaa ( DOWLAD GOBALEEDKA SOOMAALIYEED EE PUNTLAND), loona bixiyey (DOWLADDA PUNTLAND EE SOOMAALIYA), waxana lasheegay in laga bilaabo caawa magacaasi uu hirgaliyo.


Madaxweynaha Puntland oo aan wali ka hadlin Munaasabada socota ayaa warkan soo mariyey Agaasinka Madaxtooyada, isagoo sheegay in ay dowladda Puntland Soomaaliya raadineyso nabad ka dhacda Soomaaliya oo dhan, oo aysan marnaba yeeli doonin talaabooyinka qaarkood.


Sidoo kale Madaxweyne Faroole ayaa fasax shaqalaha dowladda Puntland maalinta beri ah, wuxuuna sheegay in ay feysto tahay malinta beri ah, oo aysan shaqo jiri doonin, ayuu yiri Madaxweynaha dowladda Puntland.


F. C. Maxamed

AllPuntland, Gudaha Aqalka Madaxtooyada Puntland e

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It sounds guys are getting closer to seperation every day, dowlad gobleed, dowleed puntland, etc.


Its just a name, the reality is Duke your still a little kid who hasnt been to africa, maybe you should go and see what puntland is. Like a devoted follower of a cult, you only realise your mistake when everyone else drinks the cool-aid.



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^^^^ GAAROODI, The amount of times you told us you went to Africa is passing hundredhs, do you have to tell us, really, and what is the significance of your trip to us, here in SOL, alot of nomads go there every time to Somalia, Kenya, Djibouti and Ethiopia, and they don't brag about it.



Every comment you make, you bring or support your comments that you just came back from Africa, it doesn't prove your point at all.



Support you arguments or comments with something else OTHER than your trip!



That is a brotherly advice smile.gif

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its just one of those places that doesn't leave your head i guess, i was there for like 6 months a pretty long time, i actually became a member like 1 day before i was leaving, i wanted to comment but had to go. It hasnt left my mind, it will do seeing that ramadan is comming.

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congrats puntland ... lets not bee xaasid and give big up to the people of puntlad...i hope puntland pulls out the oil/gas and becomes next dubai insha`allah.

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I've been to Puntland multiple times, for more then 6 months. My experiences there were absolutely amazing. I want to finish school and do something there! Bosaso has grown hugely in the last few years, if you don't believe me. I hope someone that hasn't been there for years goes back and your jaw will drop! I never felt any danger their Alhamdulilah and enjoyed every minute.

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The key is the Diaspora, Like bother Pride said above each individual must do his bit to help the state. It's are remarkable story and one I hope to play a good part in soon.

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Madaxweynaha Puntland Cabdiraxman Farole oo xaley ka hadley xafladii lagu soo gabagabeynayey xuska sanadguurada 11 aad Puntland ayaa sheegey in ay jiraan tabashooyin ku saabsan arrimaha qaarkood isaga oo xusey in maamulkiisu doonayo in arrimahaas kawada hadlaan maamulka dowlada Somalia.


" Inkastoo ay waxyalo jiraan, tabasho jirto, waxaan u aragney arrin lug jiid ah oo magaca loo isticmaalayo dowlada Fedraalka ah kaas oo aqoonsi ka haysta qaramada Midoobey iyo dowladaha waaweyn iyada la wada ogsonahay ragga qaarkiis oo ku jira yihiin dowlada yihiinFederal diid, qaarna hadalo colaadeed u muujiyey dowlada Puntland kuwaasoo goobo fagaare ah ka yiri kalmada meel ka dhaca ah ayaan rabnaa in arrimahaas oo dhan aan kala xajoono dowlada KMG ah." ayuu yiri Mud. Farole oo ka hadlayey xafladaas.


Madaxweynaha Puntland ayaa sheegey in waxyaalaha dhibaatada ka jirto ay kamid tahay markii qolo is-tiraahdo shirarka aduunka idinku wax is-xejiya oo kaligiin isku kooba iyada oo aysan laheyn awoodeedii ama aan laga heshiin dariiqyada wax la isu marin lahaa ama wax loo qaybsan lahaa ay taasi tahay mid noqota khilaf waligiis jooga taasina aysan aheyn wax Puntland dooneyso ama aqbaleyso.


Mud.Faroole ayaa tibaaxey in baaq u jeedinayaan aduunka iyo Fedraalkaba in Wixii tageero ah ee Somali soo dhexmarta loo qaybiyo Somalia oo dhan sida dowlada Fedraalka ah, Puntland, Somaliland iyo goobaha kale ee maamuladu ka jirin.


Madaxweynaha dowlada Puntland Cabdiraxman Farole oo ka hadlaya qaabka maamulku u doonayo inuu qayb kaga ahaado dowlada KMG ah ee Somalia isaga oo tilmaamey in Somalia u baahan tahay laga soo dhiso dhanka hoose iyo dowlada goboleedyo kadib-na la-isugu yimaado kor iyo wax-wada qaybsi-guud.


" Sidaad wada xusasantihiin ama aynu wada ognahay Puntland waxaa weeye dowlad madaxbanan oo khayraadkeda dabiiciga ah, siyaasdeda, la xiriirkeeda caalimiga ah intaba u madaxbaban ilaa lagu heshiinayo waxyaalaha nagga dhexeeya oo weli la isku khilaafsan yahay oo ku qormi doona Dastuur Fedraal ah oo annagu aan ka qayb qaadano oo wax ka sameyno kadibna aqoonsano, dabadeedna afti Somaliyed loo qaado sida Dasturkena Puntland ku qoran."ayuu yri Madaxweyne Farole oo ka hadlayey qaabka dowlada Puntland uga qayb noqon karto dowlad Fedral ah oo ay Somalia yeelato.


Madaxweynaha ayaa sheegey in ay muhiim tahay in dowladda KMG ah ka shaqeyso sidii maamul goboleedyo looga dhisi lahaa goobaha ay maamusho iyo guud ahaan Somalia meelaha aan laheyn madaama ay ku qoran tahay Axdi qarameedkii lagu soo sixiixey Kenya si loo helo dowlad Fedraal ah oo wadanka dhan ka howl gasha.


Xafladaan ayaa kusoo dhamaatey jawi aad u wanagsan iyada oo ay kasoo hadleen madax ka tirsan QM, EU iyo Madaxweynaha dowlada Feraalka ah Sheekh Shariif iyo Ra'isal wasaare Cumar Cabdi-rashiid.


AKHRI: Faahfaahin xafladii ka dhacdey xarunta madaxtooyada Puntland



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let me congratulate my homeland puntland. The government of puntland has long way to go. the road is very long. May allah make easy! Mr faroole has alot job unfished. The founder of puntland mudane abdulaahi yusuf made puntland wonderfull place to live. We, the puntland Diaspora would like to see puntland to head in the right direction.

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Somalia president congratulates Puntland on 11th year anniversary

1 Aug 1, 2009 - 2:06:43 PM


GAROWE, Somalia Aug 1 (Garowe Online) - The president of Somalia's Transitional Federal Government (TFG) has congratulated the northern State of Puntland for celebrating 11 years of peace and governance, Radio Garowe reports.



Garowe Square

Somali President Sheikh Sharif Ahmed and Prime Minister Omar Abdirashid Ali Sharmake phoned in at an event Saturday evening held in Garowe, the capital of Puntland State.


The event was attended by hundreds of people and featured a mixture of speeches, poetry, and prayers.


"Puntland is the mother of Somalia and we congratulate the Puntland people," President Sheikh Sharif said via a telephone conversation from Nairobi, Kenya.



Women's groups

Prime Minister Sharmake, who is also in Nairobi, urged the people of Puntland to uphold the peace while praising the regional government for all its work.




Thousands of people gathered at Garowe Square to mark August 1, the day the State of Puntland was first established 11 years ago.


Dr. Abdirahman Mohamed "Farole," the Puntland president, attended the festivities alongside Vice President Gen. Abdisamad Ali Shire, Cabinet ministers and Members of Parliament.



Puntland security forces

The parade featured hordes of people walking in front of the Puntland leadership, including student groups, women’s groups, sport teams, health workers, civil servants and soldiers.


After the parade, President Farole gave a speech at the Puntland Development and Research Center (PDRC) in Garowe, where he described Puntland’s history and aspirations.

Puntland is located in northeastern Somalia and has had a functioning government since 1998. The regional government held a peaceful election and a smooth transition of power in Jan. 2009.


Source: Garowe Online

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Aasaskii PL oo Muqdisho laga xusay

2 Aug 2, 2009 - 8:44:05 AM


Xaflad lagu maamuusayay xuska 11-guuradii kasoo wareegtay aasaaskii dowladda Puntland ayaa maanta [Aug 02] ka dhacday Magaalada Muqdisho, taasoo ay ka qaybgaleen Wasiiro, xXldhibaano iyo ururrada bulshada rayidka.


Mas'uliyiintii munaasabadan ka qaybgalay waxaa ka mid ahaa gudomiye ku xigeenka Baarlamaanka Cisman Cilmi Boqore, Wasiirada Haweenka & Arimaha Qoyska Qadiijo Max'ed Diiriye, Wasiirka Howlaha gud iyo guriyeynta Cali Axmed Jaamac [Jangeli], Wasiirka Ganacsiga C/rashiid Maxameed Xidig, Xil. Xuseen Caraale Cadaan iyo xubno kale.


Ugu horeyn waxaa xaflada oo lagu qabtay Hotel Saxafi ka hadlay Cismaan Boqore isagoo si weyn ugu nuuxnuuxsaday guusha ay ku taalsatay Puntland iyo nabada ka jirta, wuxuuna carabka ku dhuftay in qaybaha kale ee dalka looga baahan yahay inay la yimaadaan nabad la mid ah mida maanta ka jirta Puntland.


'Runtii Puntland waxay ku talaabsatay nabadgalyo, waxaana u dirayaa madaxdeeda iyo shacabka salaan diiran; waxaana goobaha ay dagaalada ka jiraan ugu baaqayaa in lagu daydo Puntlad iyo goobaha kale ee ay nabada ka jirto'' ayuu yiri Boqore.


Wasiirka Howlaha guud Mud. Jangeli oo isaguna hadal kooban ka jeediyay xaflada ayaa sheegay in Puntland oo lagu daydo ay horseedayso nabad, wuxuuna sheegay in DF ay ku jirto dadaalkii ay nabad uga dhalin lahayd gobolada ay ka taliso.


"Puntland waxaa ka jirta nabad la isku haleyn karo, waana ku bogaadinaynaa talaabadaas, waxaana ka codsanayaa shacabka Muqdisho iyo gobolada kale ee dalka inay ku daydaa Puntland ayna ka shaqeeyaan nabada" ayuu Jangeli yiri.


Xil. Qadiijo Max'ed Diiriye ayaa iyadu hees kusoo dhaweysay xuska sanadguuradii 11-aad ee Puntland, iyadoo carabka ku dhuftay in MGPL uu yahay mid lagaga daydo amaanka iyo kala dambeynta uu ka hirgeliyay gobolada uu ka taliyo.


"Gobolo ahaan Puntland waa dhul baaxad weyn, waxaana maanta ka jirta nabad lagu gam'o, aniguna waxaan oran lahaa tusaale halaga dhigto Puntland" ayay wasiiradu hadakleeda kooban ku timid iyadoo hees u tirsay Puntland.


Waxaa sidoo kale xaflada ka hadlay Xil. Xuseen Caraale Cadaan wuxuuna si weyn uga hadlay nabada ka jirta Puntland iyo Somailand, isagoo DFKM ku booriyay inay amaanka iyo degenaasho kusoo dabaasho gobolada ay maamusho.


Dhamaan xubnihii ka hadlay xaflada ayaa waxay sheegeen in Somaliland ay qayb ka tahay Somalia, ayna ku faraxsan yihiin amaanka ka jira Puntland iyo Somaliland, iyagoo xusay in DFKM looga baahan yahay inay goboladaas kula midowdo nabad.


Madaxweynaha Puntland C/raxman Sh. Maxamedd Farole oo khadka talefoonka kaga qaybgalay xuskan ayaa sheegay in dadkii ka cararay dagaalada ka socda Muqdisho ay magangalyo ahaan ku joogaan Gobolada Puntland.


Faroole, wuxuu ka dalbaday dhinacyada dagaalku u dhexeeyo inay u u damqadaan shacabkooda ayna nabada ka shaqeeyaan iyagoo hubka dhigaya, kuna fikiraya si Soomaalinimo ah.


Mamulka Puntland ayaa la dhisay 11-sano ka hor, iyadoo ay soo qabteen hogankeda madax badan oo si dimuqradi ah lagu soo doortay, waxaana mamulkan uu taageersan yahay Dowlada Federaalka ee haatan jirta.



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Originally posted by GAAROODI:

It sounds guys are getting closer to seperation every day, dowlad gobleed, dowleed puntland, etc.


Its just a name, the reality is Duke your still a little kid who hasnt been to africa, maybe you should go and see what puntland is. Like a devoted follower of a cult, you only realise your mistake when everyone else drinks the cool-aid.



This is thier day. You should let them enjoy it. Everyone loves where they hail from and these guys are no different.


Don't be like Duke who takes pleasure out of dissing others.

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