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The ceasefire is holding so far

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The ceasefire anounced late yesterday evening and early this morning is holding so far.


No fightings were reported and it seems both parties are readying themselves to engage in talks.


But what is there to talk about? I want the fighting to stop but can the government compromise of letting south Mogadishu get away with not disarming and for the mortars to continue as the anti-government lot have their strongholds there.


Anyhow talks have to resume and the self-appointed clan elders of Mogadishu are beggint the ethios to take them to the President so that they can negotiate. They desperately want the clashes to be stopped.


Let the fighting stop and find solutions and options to this latest dilemma but for some kind of reason I cannot see the clans that are involved in the uprising bringing something viable or realistic to the negotiating table.


What will the government and its troops do? The Ethiopians are already going in between the government troops and the clans that are fighting them.


Ethiopians as negotiaters and mediators between the government and the clans that don't want peace is already taking place but how long can this continue. The stand off that is.


If there are no solutions and I can't see any because both the government and the clan fighters will not find a common middle ground. The government is unlikey to give in to the demands of the clan fighters, so what will the clan fighters do?


Alright, the solution is let's just sit, stop the fighting and forget about what happened but the animosity is already very high and it will only get worse if there's no solution.


The government cannot bullied for its troops to be dismantled. How long did it take them to train, arm and deploy them to fulfill their national duties and tasks?


Surely the government cannot start another recruiting initiative.


This is a serious issue and I don't know if there's a solution or a middle way. The group lead by Ahmad Diiriye wants one section of the army operating in Mogadishu to be removed from the capital city. Is that a viable option?


What in return will they give? A mere promise that they will remove their local clan militias? Not enough I say.


The subclan intifida is clearly one against the leadership of the government and that's why they're going to continue to resist to disarm and work with the government.


So what are the solutions?


Mass exodus from Mogadishu, the intensification of the clan war in Mogadishu that will eventually engulf all of Somalia?


So far the ceasefire sticks and the people behind the clan intifada need to come and sit with the government and negotiate and I hear that is what they want to do.


Inshallah, this will come to an end and an agreement will be reached because if it is not it could be very damaging for both the government and the clan fighters. I hope and I'm certain that another disasters can be prevented because if this continues (I have great hopes that it will not) then a great humanitarian crises will strike, so let negotiations resume and the talks begin but I'm not very optimistic that a common middle ground can be reached without the government or the subclan engaged in the latest fighting compromising and I hope one will eventually see it fit, to save it's citizens from the possible harm of continuation of war and therefore give in to the demands of the other.


However the frame work of the government should be respected.

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Wlc back Paragon first of all. You sure have been missed. Your return, the timing that is, couldn't have been more convenient for you.


Anyhow the cease-fire is on walaal. It has not been breached and all the areas, that were in flames the last two days are quiet except for Kulliyadda Tababarka Ciidamda ee Jaale Siyaad iyo Agagaarka Ex-Gaashandhigga in which there was heavy fighting on wednesday, when all this latest skirmishes kicked off.


Xaafadaha Jamhuuriya iyo Juungal ee Yaqshiid, Agagaarka Fagax, Huriwaa, Suuqa Xoolaha, Agagaarka Hotel Gurgurte iyo Hotel Ramadan where all the heavy fightings took place are all quiet today.


This war will not continue, write it down somewhere Paragon. There will be no war on Saturday, which is tommorrow and if there's a war on the magtitude of the wars of the last two days, then you can call me any name you wish.


What happened today was nothing more than something that arose from politics and the ramifications is something you will not understand, so I shall leave it at that inshallah.



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Some people will do whatever they could to down play the reality on the ground.


This war is Xabashi vs. Somalis. It will continue until the xabashis depart.


The sooner Yey and his followers get that into their ignorant thick skull the better.

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^^^^Sakhar...I thought the goverment wanted to clean up the place. Why stop now, and not flow through your plans. Surely, small ragtag clan militia ain't a match for Yeey's army.

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It surely does and the government is committed but there's a cease-fire now. Negotiations will have to proceed inshallah. That is the only way, to stop the exodus, mass fleeing and the many death tolls we have seen lately.


The approach was a bit too heavy-handed and the government has to realise, that if it continued many people would have lost their lives because the fighting took place in a heavy populated area of Mogadishu.


Let's give talks one more chance inshallah. It is the clan movement who wanted to start negotiations with the government, they literally begged the Etiopians to intervene and the Ethio's don't want to lose lives unnecessary. The government would go it alone but when the fighting took place the Ethio's intervened and stopped it.


Negotiations will follow but what will the clan movement bring on the table? Something viable for a compromise to be reached me as Sakahr would like to think?


So it could be time delying tactics or because they have run out of munition but let's see inshallah. The Ethio's don't have the heart nor willingness to see a fight in a large urban and crowded district such as South Mogadishu before they leave.


They don't want to have a business or stake in the politics and internal affairs of our country because if they allow the war to continue it will have ramifications for them and they don't want to be dragged into a war, in which they don't have an objective, simple as that. Certainly they won't help the government to subjugate their rivals that easily because if they do, then who will keep up the opposition? The Ethiopians are looking only after their own interests and that is to keep the status quo and see Somalis fight and engage in clan conflicts without any hope of resolution or one party over coming the other.


The Ethio's want to fight Al-Qaeda linked folks and the opposition groups that bother their own regimes rule but they don't want to engage in something else. The government played hard to depict this people as some kind of left over or remnants of the Islamic courts or Al-Qaida sympathisers, which they clearly are not.


The clan movement has managed to polarise the whole situation and to a certain degree make this into some kind of clan thing, which by the way it is not. This folks have an interest but that interest is disguised and portrayed as defending a clans freedom and saving them from slavery or domination from another clan etc.


Only a tiny group they managed to convert to their belief but with their private broadcasters, their media outlets and economical power, they managed to make quite a bit of noise.


The government is hindered by Ethiopia to make the necessary moves they want and without their approval or consent, the TFG cannot go alone to war because Ethiopia doesn't want to be drawn into such war except it is to hunt sympathiers of Al-Qaida and opposition groups that are against their regime.


So that helped I think.



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Dagaal xoogan oo ka soconaya Kiliyadii Jaalle siyaad, kadib markii ciidanka dawladu galeen aagaas.


Dagaal xoogan ayaa ka soconaya Kiliyadii Jaalle siyaad iyadoo dagaalkaani uu bilowday maanta duhurkii iyadoo ciidamada dawladu ay aagaas galeen iyagoo taageero ka helaya Ciidamada Ethiopia, dagaalka ayaa hada usoconaya si kulul iyadoo madaafiic lagu garaacay guryo ay dushooda hoobiyayaal iyo qoriga baasuukaha loo yaqaan ka soo tuurayaan kooxaha wax iska caabinta.


waxaa la xaqiijinayaa inay dhimasho fabaradani jirto walow aan wali wax dhimasho ah laga soo saarin aagaas oo xabadu si xoogan uga soconayso iyadoo dad kooban oo dhaawacyo fudud qaba oo lugohooda maalayaa u carareen goobaha caafimaadka.


Ciidamada dawlada ayaa saacadihii la soo dhaafay ku aad usoo buuxiyay aaga Kuliyadii Jaalle siyaad kadib markii Raisal wasaaraha somalia ugu baaqay in halkaasi ay isaga fogaadaan dadka rayidkaa si dawladu hawl galo uga fuliso.


Dagaaladan ayaa siwayn looga dareemayaa inta badan Muqdisho iyadoo daryanka madaafiicda laga maqlayo inta badan Muqdisho dadkuna ay isaga qaxayaan Magaalada.



Wixii soo kordha haka dheeraan shabakadda news desk.

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^Who is going forward??Maybe you should start giving the the Ethios very good and memorable last-time milk-shake to say good bye.



Fighting in Mogadishu has caused thousands

of residents to flee [EPA]

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Walaal Duke, there's a cease-fire at place at this moment and the fighting has already ceased brother.


Ethiopians intervened and today's fighting did not take off because of that reason.


The Ethio's are being mediators between the government troops and the clan movement and want to negotiate both the government and the clan movement in talks. They did not take part in the latest fightings and certainly don't want/intend to actually instigate or participate in any fightings.


We've seen the last action of fighting for both today and tommorrow inshallah. In fact tommorrow there will be no fighting at all, mark my words.

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^^Ethiopia knows what it wants. That has been clear and apparent in its dealings with different Somali functions. It has been evident in its policies and how it accommodates political aspirations from opposing regions. No surprise there.


The question is: does tfg know what it wants yaa Sakhar? Did it miscalculate Ethiopia’s political ambitions to gain foothold in Benadir to forgo its reliance on northern regions adeer?

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Adeer, TFG clearly knows what it wants, certainly the biggest stake holders and policy-makers such as Abdullahi Yusuf, the President know what they want and they have a clear agenda.


Abdullahi doesn't and never trusted the political miscalculators and amateurs that run Mogadishu. He will never trust them. That's why, he calculated first to use outside power to get rid off them and then to forcefully disarm them because he knows that voluntarily disarmament is out of the question.


He knows the mentality of this people and his motto has been 'don't make them waste your time' however the old man, was ready to give them enough time to stop the daily attacks on the government in Mogadishu and now they decided at last to take things in their own hands and to clean the place up at whatever cost.


However there was a miscalculation because the ICU and Al-Qaida branded folks have shown and proved to the Ethiopians that they're no 'islamists' or 'jihadists' but the classical, cannibalistic mooriyaans that existed before.


Now Ethiopia doesn't want to play ball. The Northern regions are firmly in Ethiopias grip and that has been the case for many years Adeer and you and me know it very well.


Where is Adde Muuse tonight? He's in Addis meeting Meles Zenawi. Ethiopia doesn't need as some think the fertile south or their ports for that reason but their interest was to help a friendly government of theirs and in the meantime get rid of the opposition groups and 'islamists' that threatened its internal security and therefore its existence.

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