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Somalilanders in diaspora mobilize help for Mogadishu genocide victims

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Taageero Loogu Yaboohayo Dhibaatada Haysata Rayidka Muqdisho, Iyo Cambaarayn Ku Wajahan Dawlada Ku Meel Gaadhka Ah.

Hirsi Dirir, — Charlotte, NC — 03 April, 2007




Waxaa Maalintii Sabtida iyo Axada ee March 31-April 01 magaalada Charlotte ee gobolka North Carolina ka dhacay shir ay isugu yimaadeen waxgarad iyo aqoonyahano reer Somaliland ah oo ka kala yimi North America iyo Europe. Waxay waxgaradkani is la qaateen arrimaha hoos ku qoran:




· Anagoo ku hadlayna magaca waxgaradka iyo aqoonyahnada shirka isugu yimi kana metelaynana bulsha weynta Somaliland waxanu ugu horyan u aragnaa in hubka ay dawladaha shisheeye ay garaacayaan rayidka ku dhaqan muqdisho ay tahay cadownimo ka baxsan baniaa'danimada.


· Waxanu cambaarayn kulul usoo jeedinaynaa sida dawlada ku meel gaadhka ahi ay ugu adeegsanayso rayidka ku dhaqan Muqdisho hubabka aan loogu talo gelin.




· Waxay wax gardakani ku yabooheen in taageero mood iyo noolba leh (material and moral support) ay Somaliland shacab iyo dawladba, meel kasta ha joogaane u fidiyaan maatada ay dhibaatadu ka soo gaadhey dagaalada ka dhacaya magaalada Muqdisho, Somalia. Waxanu gaar ahaan uga codsanaynaa dawlada Somaliland inay dhaawacan dhibaataysan kaalmo u fidiyo si loogu daweeyo Hargeysa Hospital.


· Waxa kale oo aan shacabka reer Soomaliland ka codsaneynaa in dadka ku soo qaxay loo gurmado oo taageero wax ku ool ah loo fidiyo, weliba meelo ay ku hoydaan.


· Waxa dadka reer Soomaliland ee debedda ku nool laga codsanayaa in si deg-deg ah kaalmo loogu uruuriyo walaalaheena dhibaatadu haysato


· Waxan Daallo Airlines, ka codsaneynaa in ay dadka dhaawaca ah ka soo qaado Mogadishu si culeysaka saaran Cisbitaalada Mogadisho looga fududeeyo.


(Ilaahay addoonkiisa wuu unaxariistaa intuu caawinayo adoomada Alle ee dhibaataysan).


Ilaah baa mahad leh.

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Originally posted by Violet:

What a joke!

You are the only joke in here.


Your Uncle’s cousin has bombed hargesia and now your Uncle is bombing Mogadishu.


Yey’s is missing a liver, you are missing a brain. :D

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What a joke!



What do you mean by a joke? If helping the suffering civilians is a Joke then whats your point.

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What a joke!



What do you mean by a joke? If helping the suffering civilians is a Joke, then would you mind to share with us your serious point of view.

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If blood ties meant anything, I could say your Uncle Aydiid killed more people then my Uncles combined, but I'm not as silly as you are my dear. But wait, I thought Abdullahi Yusuf was a powerless "puppet".. how can he be responsible for what's happening in Mogadishu? Either he calls all the shots and is responsible for what's happening in Mogadishu or he's a mindless puppet who is absolved of all guilt. You can't have it both ways. :D




The joke is that Somalilanders suddenly care about the events that occur in the south. Very convenient. :rolleyes:

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originaly by Violet.

The joke is that Somalilanders
suddenly [i/] care about the events that occur in the south. Very convenient.



People from Somaliland cares about the events simply because of the following reasons.


1. This time the people in Mogadishu have been bombaded and made to flee their homes,By a clanistic government backed by a foregn power.Unlike before when the conlflict was a strife within.


2. The suffering and the dmages caused by the four day war is unprecedented and there happened none of its kind for the last 15 years.Acording to many local and foreign media Outlets. So the proportion of suffering this time is of uncomparable magnitude.


3. And most Importantly, Mogadishu people are Somalis and Muslims.Any somali from anywhere on earth is obligated to help.


Also dont forget that somaliland people did helped also during Puntland conflicts. Remember Cadde muse was given a safe haven in Ceel afweyn and at the end Elder Buurmadow Participated in the reconcilation btween The current Vampire Yeey and his brother Cadde muse. I think that proves that this is not All over Sudden as you Put.

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1. How can this be a clannish government if its members represent every clan/tribe in Somalia? Why not speak up when people were being rooted from their homes for the last 16 years? What do you mean by "a strife within"..Are you saying it's okay to stay silent when the clans of Mogadishu fight each other? What's the difference, people are dying in both instances. Be consistent.


2. Ahh, okay..So Somalilanders don't have a political agenda they're trying to push, right? But wait, if that's the case, why mention what happened in 80s and write articles that fan the flames of clan wars? Why not simply condemn what's going on in Mogadishu and ask that the Ethiopian's pull out?


3. See points 1 and 2.

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What did they did they do to the honourable boqor buurmadoow? They jailed him.



Awhile back Faisal Ali Waraabe said (and I'll paraphrase this) " A boy born in addis is closer to a boy born in hargeisa, then a boy born in Xamar".


Now this political oppurtunist has grown a conscience? :D Give me a break.





It's convenient that Mystic talks about abdullahi and siyad barre and puts them and whatever decisions they made on you. But she forgets Adeer Aideed was the man who killed 300 000 people in bay and bakool, his missions in Gedo and Mudug killed thousands and his mission against ali mahdi some more thousands. He spawned the many warlords in xamar, and he was the reason that indhacadde's of the world were charging natives there drinking water. But I guess some will overlook that. :D

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^^Maandheey soomaaliya adeerkaa baa ugu liitee, bal u kaadi, haatan waxaan u joognaa wadadii aan ku zuulin laheyn qashinka uu wadanka naga soo dhoobay, markii howshiisa aan usoo jeesano bal markaas hanoo ahaato, IA.


The sad thing is that a girl of your age shouldn't be blocking from the Muslims helping their brethren at times of crisis!


Xaasidsanidaa walaaleey, ma bacaad-weyn baa ka timid? smile.gif

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1. .How can this be a clanish government? The anwear to that is In the recent Audio tape By Uncle yeey.


2 Why not speak up when ppl were being routed aout.? For one alot times people spoke i dont know if you can remember there were times that the warlord were invited to some life and Peace seminar in Hargeysa.The other thing pls remember there was no time that destruction and exodus was at this level. And just to remind you the 16 years was followed by a 6 months of pece and prosperity which was pre matuely crashed and you know by whom and how i dont need to go into dtails about that.


3. Politacal agenda? I dont know thats your asumptions i dont know how to give an answear to an asumption.


4. Mentioning about 80s . I think this really reminded the somalilanders about what happened to them and that is one of the reasons that they felt obligated to give hand to the suffering women and children. They realy know how it feels to be indiscrimately bombed from the air and the ground by a government meant to protect and safeguard their lives and property.

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I expect her to come back with a clever response about how my uncles were/are the leaders of the government and how Aydiid was just a general. As if that absolves him of what he did. :rolleyes:





I think Abdullahi Yusufs record speaks for itself, Somalia is lucky to have him as her President. Under his leadership Puntland grew ten-folds and became one of the most prosperous ( if not the most prosperous) regions in Somalia. It's a shame, Somalis are so ungrateful.


No, I'm not from Bacaadweyn nor is my family from there. Try a bit more north.. Bandar Baila to be exact. smile.gif






For 16 years Somalilanders have used the events in the south as way to push their cause for recognition. Why do you care now? You'll do anything to derail this government, even if it means fanning the flames of another civil-war. Why would Prime Minister Geedi allow the genocide of his tribe? Why hasn't he said anything yet? You know why? Cuz there is no genocide occuring, so cut it out already. :rolleyes:

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What did they did they do to the honourable boqor buurmadoow? They jailed him.



Awhile back Faisal Ali Waraabe said (and I'll paraphrase this) " A boy born in addis is closer to a boy born in hargeisa, then a boy born in Xamar".


Now this political oppurtunist has grown a conscience? Give me a break.



Mr Taakoman pls before you start reapeating some outdated reteracts. You better read the content of the debate and come-up with coherent argument.


As the topic says Its the people of soamlilnd who decided to help their suffering somali and muslim bretrens in Mogadishu.Does that Hurt?.

The other thing about Buurmadow was arested by the administration for for allegedly breaking the law Buurmadow is not above the law remember that. About Faysal cali waraabe thats a personal political opinion and no somalilander agrees. with him

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Anagoo ku hadlayna magaca waxgaradka iyo aqoonyahnada shirka isugu yimi kana metelaynana bulsha weynta Somaliland waxanu ugu horyan u aragnaa in hubka ay dawladaha shisheeye ay garaacayaan rayidka ku dhaqan muqdisho ay tahay cadownimo ka baxsan baniaa'danimada.

What is there to shy away mentioning Xabashi's genocidal heavy shelling, artillery and airbombing of Xamar?


Mise 'dowladda shisheeye' kale aan anaga la socon ayaa maanta Xamar iyo maatideeda garaacaayo, duqeynaayo?


Anyway, waa ku mahadsanyahay qofkii qoray oo Soomaalinimo ka ah, inkastoo magacyo la socon baaqa.

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Don't forget Ungandans are there too ,,,,,,,, may be they are the ones shelling the BMs while etihos doing the real job :D



Anyway, i don't think we drag this into a political issue,,, and i don't agree with them the way they put this condemning the TFG ,,,,,,, this should be a humantarian purpose only away from the political issues

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