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Hot and Cold

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Amid the cramps, bloating, mood swings, cravings, etc.... Does anyone experience days (or hours) of extreme cold or warmth? I mean, you could be sitting in room with the heat on high and you'd still be shivering despite having two sweaters and a blanket on you. anyone? no? okay, how about feeling so so hot that -18 weather has you sweating still? no?


*sigh* I get serious cramps that sometimes have me missing work and school ( i have so many doctors notes!!) subhanallah, its just crazy how bad it gets at times. But alhamdulilah it doesnt last more than a day or two and with a certain amount of drugs i can manage to function and carry out my daily tasks.


But what i dont have a solution to is the hot and cold weirdness. It happens so sudden, no warnings at all. One minute im fine and listening to a lecture...the next my entire body is shaking and shivering and i cant possibly get warm enough. Or i get so hot i feel like im on fire and burning from the inside out.


i rarely experience feeling really warm but i have a friend who has that all the time and it drives her mad. sorta like hot flashes only they last so much longer.


Anyway, does anyone face any of this? if no...then i guess you can just pray for me (and my friend) but if you do then please do tell how you manage it.


Despite the many times my mother tells me that this is all dambi dhaaf...i'd like nothing more than to rewind time and be born male.


*sigh* oh if wishes did come true...if only.

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Sorry to hear that love. Are the hot and cold flashes related to the time of month or independent of them?


I had this once. Sitting in lectures at uni dripping and hot saying, woohoo, it's hot in here and everybody else fine. Also used to feel the cold intensely. Couldn't sleep at night from the cold and the heat during some days. I was sure I had early, early menopause but never went to see a Dr. Have you?


It's normal to get the flushes around your period but not necessarily outside of it. It could be hormonal. Get yourself checked. Don't be like me smile.gif .Try accupuncture and other alternative remedies to ease the pain; u sound like u have it really bad. Good luck and I pray you get better inshallah.

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Pucca,have you ever been adviced on using 'contraception pills'? or told once your married and have children all this will be history?


Couple of my family members,suffer almost the exact symptoms,their pain was so acute,they used to end up at the A&E for a doze of Morphine.One minute they were cold,next hot with pain that got too much to the point they threw up..But as soon as they were married and had their first child,it all went away..


One that isnt married,and suffers similar symptoms has been adviced to use contraception pills as to help balance the hormones[seek advice from your doctor],she is sometimes on such a high doze of pain killer that it worries us..


As it seems you get sick notes from your doctor,he/she is aware of your suffering,have they refered you else where?


ps.About time,you dragged that Khamis wearing Korea to the mosque girl!,and start popping them babies..Lol ;):D [jokes yaa!]

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I don't experience this either and I haven't really heard of this. Having pain on the first day is fine, everyone goes thru that. But, being really cold or hot I don't really know abt that. Inshallah I will make duca for you dear sis. As already mentioned above do get a doctor feedback and Malika's suggestion sounds ideal solution if you are ready for it ofcourse.



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Despite the many times my mother tells me that this is all dambi dhaaf...i'd like nothing more than to rewind time and be born male.


*sigh* oh if wishes did come true...if only.

Lool I see the moodswings are kicking in. Sorry to hear that dear. The hot and cold flashes I experience are not that extreme but I've noticed that I'm way too sensitive to temprature. If i'm in a car or the office, I would turn on and off the heater/airconditioner all day/night long.

It is weird. I feel like sometimes, I have too many symptoms I didnt have when I was younger like being emotional :( . I cry at the drop of the hat redface.gif . It is so EMBRASSING!

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^^aww you poor dear, alhamdulilah i've never had to deal with tears.


sheh, it is to do with menses and not just random moment events. And i know its normal but thats still doesnt make it any less frustrating.


malika, huuno...i've heard that 'get married' line so many times it makes me sick. I cant possibly get married and have a kid simple to see if the cramps will go away. even if it does go away, i'll have a child im not ready to deal with no no to that.


Do the birth control pills really work? i'd take them but doc (after telling me to take them) listed a boatload of sideaffects...


Korean love is um, he shares my views...rushing things is never a good idea. Inshallah we'll walk to the mosque soon enough... smile.gif

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Originally posted by Pucca:

Do the birth control pills really work? i'd take them but doc (after telling me to take them) listed a boatload of sideaffects...


They work, Alhamdullilah I have forgotten how premens syndrome feels like. But as you said comes with loads of side effects. All I can say is I dont regret my decision. Yaz... has been a life saver. My advice be an informed patient read on the OCP's available then discuss with your doctor.Try a drug for 2 months dont like them, toss me.

Best of luck.

Fi amanillah


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^^^ Wow Warrior you are a brave soul. I had the hot/cold along with cramps so bad and so intense that I used to end up w/ the runs.


I had all of the symptoms from a young age, the doc tried to put me on the pills, but I refused out of fear of what people might think if I am caught w/ them (Some might call it ignorance on my part, but still)


Relieve after marriage? I am yet to see that, matter of fact my symptoms took a turn for the worse.


Relieve after baby. I will let you know in two months after the baby comes out; healthy and me healthy as well insha-allahu tacaalaa so duceey.

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Pucca, try drinking warm water a week before and during your cycle, also eat a lot of veggies. That will help with the cramps and headache.


About the hot & cold. I do notice slight temperature change, but nothing as extreme as what you have described. Best of luck sis.

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Originally posted by Ismalura:


Relieve after baby. I will let you know in two months after the baby comes out; healthy and me healthy as well insha-allahu tacaalaa so duceey.

Hasbunallahu wa ni'imal wakeel


Inshaallah kheyr sis, May Allah ease your labour,and I wish you all the best.


You must be excited,have you bought the cot yet? or the bath set? or the buggy?..

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I don't suffer anything like what you're describing, but, there are days where I feel hot whilst I'm actually sleeping and it happens only at night. I sweat buckets, m side of the bed and pillow gets soaked, and when I wake up after I've had a sweating fit, I don't feel hot or's just weird! Haven't seen a doctor yet, but will Insha Allah soon. I suggest you see one too. G'luck.

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1. Take a short leave and go to somewhere with Greenery and water (just for a week, if not possible then three days).


2. stay away from the TV, Internet specially the Camel Milk Threads :D and reduce your phone calls, answer the important ppl who bring you joy and smiles.


3. Drink plenty of water (if only ppl know the value of water, they always say "diamond is the girl's best friend, I say water should be your best friend, for your body,skin, horomones, eyez, hair, mood,,,etc.). Not only for drinking, what if I tell you that everytime you go for swimming, tens of your loads will go away (Hydrotherapy is not a joke at all).


I have this sinusitis problem which drives me crazy, and with so many medicines and docs consultations, I started to have headaches LOOL. I tried my best to stay away from smokers, hot areas and dust as much as I can, yet it didnt work. However, guess what? I went to a Homeopathy specialist who told me two things:


1- Quit Cheese (the main causer for allergy, specially for ppl with blood type : O+

2- Don't take things seriously LOOL, there are so many health problems related to the psychological part (Psychosomatic illness).


Don't take any contraceptives or anything,,,, Just relax Pucca relaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaax, you'll be fine inshallah.

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Awww Pucca,


I can't honestly say I get what you going through because I am asymptomatic when it comes to menstruation. But it is most likely it's hormonal issue and if your case becomes more severe or regular then you can consider hormone replacement therapy...Of course on a milder side, but again Birth control does provide relieve because it would keep your hormone levels balanced. As warrior of light side, be informed patient, and read up on the different bills available and choose the one that has the least side effect and see if it works.


Good luck and hope it gets better for you. Bee bye

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