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ONLF Launchs Major Operations

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afrol News, 10 June - Ethiopia's ****** National Liberation Army (ONLF) confirmed to have launched a major "counter-offensive military operations" against government forces on Tuesday.


The group that had earlier claimed to have rebuffed the late May offensive by Ethiopian army, said its two units from the Gorgor Command had already launched two prolonged offensive in Dhagah-Madow district. The ONLF said its attacks also led to the destruction and capture of enemy troops in several military units, including those in Wayne and Dhagah.


"Hundreds of soldiers were captured and causalities were very high," the group said in a statement, claiming to have repelled, degraded and dispersed reinforcements from Harar, Fiq and Dhagah. Having claimed to have either killed, captured or dispersed into wilderness more than 1,800 government soldiers, the ONLF said it is now "in hot pursuit of the remnants."


****** forces who have been leading a liberation struggle for the independence of ethnic Somalis in Ethiopia's vast oil-rich region, also claimed to have captured heavy weaponry, ammunition and military vehicles. Founded in 1884, the group has been at war with the Addis Ababa regime, accusing it of marginalizing the region.


Rebel attacks on Chinese oil workers in April 2007 had sparked a bloody clash between the two sides in ******. The clash left 77 people dead.


Last month, the group accused the Ethiopian government of "deliberately organizing and instigating armed attack on the Oromo." This accusation was pedaled after armed militia from Gumuz, a region bordering Omomia from the west, was reported to have been involved in "wanton killings" of Oromo people. An estimated 400 people were reported killed in the two day terror campaign.


Besides, the Ethiopian High Court sentenced eight ONLF separatist rebel fighters to death in May after they were found guilty of "killing and wounding innocent people."


The rebels detonated grenades into a stadium where some 100,000 people gathered for a national day celebration last year, killing six people and wounding more than 40 others. Several people died in the stampede after police responded to the attack by firing shots in the air.

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Why ONLF will win the war


ONLF is no more an organisation of few leaders. It is well known it is not a perfect organisation, but it also sympolises the only voice for liberation and for restoration of the dignity of the Somali people who are under brutal occupation for over half-a century. Anyone who hasn't witnessed the zeal of the youth (in and out of the region), the level of cohesion and committment, the support it gets from its community from the intellectual to street boy will be tempted to be surprised by the resilience of this organisation. Not those who know what is going on.


Tenacity and self-belief, largely grounded on lessons from innumerable historical triumphs of the good over the evil, the oppressed over the opressor are not idiosyncartic of my people. It is what all successful societies had embraced in their quest for freedom. Add an indestructible faith in the greatness of Allah and the imminent nasri, and you will start to see the foundations on which this struggle is based on.


Some cue the contest is sucidal, looking with a blurred glasses that show them the giant unbeatable Ethiopia. Little do they know this empire is nearing its death through internal disintegration. ONLF will not be the nemesis, but is certainly contributing to the coming of that day. That same day will usher a new hope for the resurrection of Somali nation-statehood which is long overdue.


With all its imperfections,it has survived all Mels has thrown at it for 18 years. The ARS has started cracking within a year or so of its inception; yet Meles hasn't invested even a quarter of the money he used to devide the ONLF. It hasn't worked because people know what they want from this organisation: an unflinching adherence to the question of self-determination. That is the red-line. Anyone from this community who crosses that line, ceases to be relevant to the community. That is why even when there is an internal division, the accusations are 'this group is compromising on the 'independence issue' and vice versa. So long as people have that clarity of what they want, those who wax their guns for that goal will lead the way. Those who won't, will be left behind in this marathon.


See this as a cavalcade of naive idealism and delusional desire, at your own peril!



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Military communiqué


10 June 2008


The ****** National Liberation Army has started Major Operations in The ****** After rebuffing the late May offensive by the "Ethiopian" Army. ONLA has started a major counter-offensive today. The Units from the Gorgor Command (Eagle Command) have launched two pronged offensive in Dhagah-Madow district west of Dhagahbur and the Dudumo-Ad Garrison near Baabili district. In Dhagah-Madow districts there were three Wayane Battalions and their support units and in Dudumo- Ad Garrison there were two battalions and their support Units. Both Garrisons were captured and enemy troops destroyed.


Hundreds of soldiers were captured and causalities were very high. Reinforcement forces from Harar, Fiq and Dhagah bur were also repelled, degraded and dispersed and ONLA is in hot pursuit of the remnants. In total more than 1800 Wayane troops were either killed, captured or had dispersed in the ****** wilderness. Heavy weaponry, ammunition and military vehicles were also captured. These two garrisons are strategic locations for the control of the area south and North West of the Jarar Valley.


The Battle is escalating and may spread into other cities in the ******. Further details will be provided when the full report reaches ONLF information Bureau.



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Xogta oo faahfaahsan ilaa xalay way soo dhacaysay. Dhagxmadoow kuma taqaan. Dhudumo-cad about 200 reinforcements ayaa lagu dilay. It was a major operation. The Tigres are getting wild. Last two days, they are arresting members of their 'nominal' adminstration cabinet including 5 bureau heads.


Si fiican bay u socotaa!!!!!

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^^Actually the few agnostic Somalis on here( and elsewhere) are probably against the Ethiopian Interference and actions in SOmalia. So they support self determination groups such as the ONLF. On the other hand, you might find a commited muslim, SO- called wadaad or two, who will swear it is part of Islam to obey Meles Zenawi's forces!

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