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Why Now..?

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The President of TFG was flown early this morning due to medical complications. No one knows except those close to him how serious it is , but its seriousness is not in doubt.

Hours after landing in Addis being hospitalised, President Yusuf, his prime minister Nuur Caade has anoounced from the presidential palace in Baydhabo the new cabinet members.

Though the cabinet is lean as promised , it is also striking and very promising as far as its memebers are concerned. However what stands out odd is why was it announced while the head of the state is sick and lying in hospital in Addis. Plus the fact that it was an open secret that President Yeey severly rejected this list when presented to him since his return from London. This was due to the fact that he wanted the Financial portoflio to be given to one of his confidantes - and that was refused by the PM and the speaker of the parliament as it would have affected the equlibrium of the TFG power-sharing. The president was adamant and was not giving in, untill circumstances changed and he had to be rushed to hospital in Addis.

Hence , my assumption of the announcement of the new cabinet was hastly made in order to over step the hurdle of Yeeys opposition since now he is in Hospital - please note here in the announcement both the PM and the speaker of parliament were there and they insisted that it already had a presidential approval and that the PM will present soon to the TFG parliament in seek of approval. Secondly my other assumptions due to the hasty announcement is that the medical condition of the president has deteriorated since being admitted to Addis hospital.

What ever the case the developments from Baydhabo today is not normal and either assumptions could be possible - what is your take?

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My man Juje you are officially qualified to join the prestigious outlet Waxa-La-Yirri group.


We need folks with your calibre. We have already rolled out another outlet by the name of Waa Siday Tahay. As you can imagine we are short of staff. Big ears to detect the chatters on the ground, folks who frequent to the marfishes, forensic team sniffing info in the internet xaafado -- we can use them all.


The compensation is communserate with experience.

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Point of order there. This thread is one of speculation, as the title indicates. The waxa la yedhi approach could hardly apply to someone enquiring about an issue and clearly making obvious that their words are only put along the lines of speculation. Moreover, there is an element of truth to what Juje says, as most news sources have informed us already. The president is sick and the cabinet has been chosen.


Juje's questions are valid. Why announce the cabinet at the same time it is announced that the president was taken to hospital in another country? Can one read anything into this? Does this reinforce the rumour about his opposition to said cabinet? Is it a sort of coup? What next?


All valid questions that really should not be scoffed at. As Juje said, what is YOUR take? ;)

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Much has changed in these ends. When have you taken that leap to become a connoisseur of Somali news? :D





You are more near the bullseye than many want to let on.

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Originally posted by NGONGE:

^^^ I pay attention from time to time.

A political statement in its truest form. :D

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Very interesting!


Why would Yey oppose this cabinet? What members did Juje find promising and why?


These are the top posts.


Finance ---familiar.

Defense----new? But so was the individual in the last cabinet.

Foreign affairs---Yey loyalist, familiar.



So I don’t really see how this cabinet is qualitatively different than those before it.

The only significant Yey loyalists missing in this cabinet are Gacmadheere and Buubaa. But keep in mind that there are 3 posts that yet to be filled.

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Juje, I am getting feeds the old man has already given the blessing to the cabinet before it was announced. Jirrada Ilaahay baa keenay goor dambe.


Take a look at the new cabinet. Yeey's closest confidant and fellow clansman Jingeli snatched the most sought after ministerial post in the TFG … the foreign affairs. In my opinion, to secure the third most "important" position in the whole TFG establishment (after the presidency and PM) in a lean cabinet of just 15 ministers is tantamount to a broad daylight coup.

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A daylight coup for a man who was set bent on having a member of his sub-clan (in the sense of Nugaal and Bari) for the Finance ministry and his greatest supporter Gacmadheera as deputy-prime minister alloted to the south Mogadishu group.


Informed individuals know Nuur Cadde tried Abdullahi Yusuf's way with some reluctance once and renounced it taking full advantage of his powers.


This cabinet is an indictment against the ailing and aging ally of Ethiopia and, according to some sources, with their support.

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Juje asked a valid point. The cabinet is not bad at all. The PM sub-clan and that of the PM rightly did not get a position within he cabinet its only fair. The Presidnet only left for the talks in Addis when he gave the go ahead, he was in Baidoa for a while already and was in favour of a small compact cabinet, thus this speculation about his health would have matterd a while back when he was in London.


Today it is the only means the "opposition" have. The Horn Afric boss shocked many and hence the excuses.


Jingli, IlkaXanaf, Xamuud, Fahiye, Khadra and others returned. ;) Those who did not will still work with the government, hence the new found maturity in Somali politics.

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War odaygu wuu liita - sambabadiisaa qarxay. Ninkii ka naxayow ka nax, kii ku farxayowna ku farax!


mar waa beerka, mar waa sambabada, maxaa xiga - Wadnaha!


Waxaa la yiri daalimiinta ilaahay wuu iska daayaa bal iney dib u fekeraan oo naftooda la xisaabtamaan, laakiin maalintii la qabto siideyn iyo gorgortan maleh...

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So Juje is implying, that after supposedly the President becoming very ill and his condition deemed to be serious, that he, Nuur Cadde preceded the naming of the cabinet without the formers approval, in order to make it a fait accompli, that could not be reversed, even if the President recovers from his supposed ill-health?


Well that's very interesting. I didn't know that the President of Somalia was that revered, that the only way to defeat[i/i] him is to stab him at the back when he's at the most vulnerable i.e. lying sick in hospital in Addis.


How funny and an absurd statement, but then again we've learned that Juje is no stranger to dwelling into such things that are not substantiated apart from the obvious that the President was absent from the naming of the cabinet. (Again this does not prove anything concrete}


A rumour mill created to confuse the people that there is some kind of "rift" between the President and the PM and Speaker of Parliament. Well if it makes some of us feel better, than why not entertain such thoughts?


But all this kind of fabrications only highlight one thing that is if you look deep enough: A positive aspect of the president, although it is intended to be a negative and to confuse.

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What I find most and utterly rabish is the idea of the President being adamant about the Finance minister, sort of argument, what's so important about the Ministry of finance in this day and age of Somalia... Since when had the old man had been keen about Money, finance and material world?


That is the only line of speculation or the claimed root of conflict between the President and it's PM, Ministry of finance????????? What was the role of this ministry during the past 2 or so years of the TFG, the donor money were controlled by Ghedi and Yey, there is no instutional or infrasture that create money in the country, the priority was and had always been security for the country...


The most important ministers are the foreign and the interior, and may be which is just may be the defense which I still think is a ceremonial form of ministry and Yusuf Yey will always have a control... Remember how Barre Hiiraale cried on the BBC as the fomer defense minister,"I am, a minister by the name and matters were controlled by other people" he said...


Marka rumours or no rumours, the President is in control of all the matter, in any opposition or resistance he faces from any group within the TFG or outside had oudone, this particular case does not seem to be serious... Just a speculation, the TFG had surpassed taugher times...

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