
Somalia severs diplomatic ties with Ethiopia

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Golaha Wasiirada Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya

Markii ay arkeen:  
Qodobada 99aad xarfihiisa (a) iyo (f) iyo Qodobka 54aad xarfihiisa (a), (b) iyo (c) ee Dastuurka dalka;

Markii ay arkeen:
Axdiga Vienna ee ku saabsan xiriirrada diblomaasiyadeed gaar ahaan Qodobkiisa 12aad oo xeerinaya in dowladda soo dirsatay ergada diblomaasiyadeed ee martida ah aysan xafiisyo ka furan karin meel ka baxsan meesha uu madaxa ergadu uu ka howlgalo, haddii aan oggolaansho cad laga helin dowladda martida loo yahay;

Markii ay arkeen:
Axdiga Vienna ee ku saabsan xiriirrada diblomaasiyadeed gaar ahaan Qodobkiisa 41aad faqradiisa 3aad oo xeerinaysa in xarumaha diblomaasiyadeed aan loo isticmaali karin ujeeddooyin ka baxsan shaqada uu sharcigu u oggol yahay ergada diblomaasiyadeed ee martida ah;

Markii ay garowsadeen:
In faragelinta qaawan ee Dowladda Itoobiya ku heyso arrimaha gudaha ee Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya ay xadgudub ku tahay qaranimada iyo madaxbanaanida dalka Soomaaliya;

Waxa ay soo saareen qodobbada soo socda:

1. Laga billaabo maanta oo taariikhdu ay tahay 04 April 2024, Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya waxa ay xirtey isla markaana oggolaanshihii hawlgalka oo ay dalka uga furnaayeen kala noqotay qunsuliyadaha ay Dowladda Itoobiya ku lahayd magaalooyinka Garoowe iyo Hargeysa, waana in ay muddo todobaad gudahiis ah ku xirtaa labadaasi qunsuliyadood.

2. Diblomaasiyiinta iyo shaqaalaha Dowladda Ethiopia uga howlgala labada qunsuliyadood ee ka furnaa magaalooyinka kor ku xusan waa in ay dalka uga baxaan muddo todobaad gudahiis ah.

1. Diblomaasiyiinta Dowladda Itoobiya ee u hoggaansami waaya qaraarkaan waxa ay galayaan xadgudub ka dhan ah Qaranimada Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya waxaana laga qaadayaa tallaabooyin dheeri ah oo waafaqsan xeerarka diblomaasiyadda caalamka.

1. Wasaarada arrimaha dibedda waxaa la farayaa in ay qaraarkan si rasmi ah u gaarsiiso dawladda Itoobiya, kuna wargeliso Safiirka Dowladda Itoobiya u fadhiya Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya in uu dalkiisa la tashi ugu laabto.

2. Qaraarkaan waxa uu dhaqangelayaa marka ay ansixiyaan Golaha Wasiirada ee Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya uuna saxiixo Ra’iisulwasaaraha Xukuumadda Federaalka Soomaaliya.


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  • Does the FGS have means or teeth to implement its decision? 
  • Will Ethiopian airline flights to Garowe & Hargeysa be banned?
  • Do the referenced Articles of the amended Constitution apply to either political entity?
  • Will the Wajaale & Tuurdibi customs be closed?

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13 minutes ago, Illyria said:
  • Does the FGS have means or teeth to implement its decision? 
  • Will Ethiopian airline flights to Garowe & Hargeysa be banned?
  • Do the referenced Articles of the amended Constitution apply to either political entity?
  • Will the Wajaale & Tuurdibi customs be closed?

 absolutly not  FGS have no control over Hargeisa or garowe

Ethiopia will not stop its airliner from going to Hageisa and garowe

It might apply to garowe but not Hargeisa , Because Hargeisa doesnt consider any constitution created by the bunker a valid legal agreement . Where as garowe considers the former a legal binding constitution . Hargeisa was not  signatory to a constitution drafted for the former Defunct Somali republic(1960 1991). Garowe how ever way la mal maluuqatay one can say that it was cabdilahi Yusuf that help draft the first  TFG charter this very so called constitution is  actually based on. From a legal point of view the SL constitution stands firm as it was voted on by its People. Where as the Bunker constitution is nothing more then just a piece of paper , Xita puntland ba ka noqotay hadda.

Customs will not be closed


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What about the Ethiopian troops in SW, HS, JL, GM and Mogadishu? Will they be expelled? 

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This gets very interesting; the Consulate in Xamar has not been closed, and the Ambassador was not expelled, but instructed to return for consultation. Intel from villa Xamar indicate, the plan was to close the Consulate in Garowe alone, till in the final hour, it was suggested to include the Hargeysa office too. HSM et al is not even hiding his double dealings. 

1. Wasaarada arrimaha dibedda waxaa la farayaa in ay qaraarkan si rasmi ah u gaarsiiso dawladda Itoobiya, kuna wargeliso Safiirka Dowladda Itoobiya u fadhiya Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya "in uu dalkiisa la tashi ugu laabto".

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Putland maxa loga dabo qaylinaya so tii laga tashaday o layiri lo joojin mayo laguna tagrifalay wixii ay qaybta ku lahayd oo burburki kadib lagu heshiyay isu kenka somaliya ninkii kala diray yu u qaylin ninki u iska diray

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The Puntland State Government has officially responded to the Somali Federal Government’s recent decision to shut down the Ethiopian consulate in Garowe.

In a detailed statement, Puntland State highlights its enduring economic, security, and societal ties with Ethiopia, critiquing the Federal Government’s decision as a violation of the constitution meant to unify Somalia.

Describing the move on April 4, 2024, as motivated by enmity and detrimental to Puntland’s interests, the statement emphasizes that Puntland will pursue its foreign relations with neighboring countries and international stakeholders, asserting that the consulate’s closure does not reflect the state’s interests or policies.





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1 hour ago, Illyria said:

The Puntland State Government has officially responded to the Somali Federal Government’s recent decision to shut down the Ethiopian consulate in Garowe.

In a detailed statement, Puntland State highlights its enduring economic, security, and societal ties with Ethiopia, critiquing the Federal Government’s decision as a violation of the constitution meant to unify Somalia.

Describing the move on April 4, 2024, as motivated by enmity and detrimental to Puntland’s interests, the statement emphasizes that Puntland will pursue its foreign relations with neighboring countries and international stakeholders, asserting that the consulate’s closure does not reflect the state’s interests or policies.





But how can Puntland have  a Foreign Policy is Puntland a Separate country or are they aspiring to become one . I believe it is not in the constitution of Somalia even in the former Constitution that  mamuul goboleeds can have Foreign policy . So in a way puntland is breaching the very constitution it is trying to uphold.

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You are reading it upside down, as I said before it is HSM et al, who are breaking away from the Federal gov't by nullifying the Federal Constitution (2004/2012), and not PL seceding. The new Constitution (2024) is no longer binding, and PL does not recognise the current admin in Xamar, and very soon it shall have assumed the de facto role of the former Federal government with Foreign, Defence, and Monetary Ministries amongst others, operating under the old Constitution.

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So what Puntland will calll it self the Federal goverment from Garowe interesting to challenge the Bunker on the legitimacy of the goverment

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We have seen this movie before, in the end Somalis will lose, collectively.

Very sad developments, but I support kicking Ethiopia out

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23 hours ago, Illyria said:
  • Does the FGS have means or teeth to implement its decision? 
  • 14 hours ago, Xaaji Xunjuf said:

    So what Puntland will calll it self the Federal goverment from Garowe interesting to challenge the Bunker on the legitimacy of the goverment

    Will Ethiopian airline flights to Garowe & Hargeysa be banned?

Also, the Puntland minister of information is speaking exactly like our own Xaaji Xanjuf.

When I read I thought he was taking a page from Xaaji. He just said almost like " The bunker should pacify Mogadishu before talking to Puntland. The rebels had soft spot for each other as always.

In terms Somali government stopping Ethiopian Airline , it is a matter just a letter to the airline and Kaboom it is over. No airline will risk to fly an airspace that is blocked from her, mind you there are insurance and other legal issues.

Now we got two separatist administrations.OO Ethiopia u kala badinaya just like nineteen eighties.


  • Haha - That was funny. You made me laugh! 1

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On 4/4/2024 at 7:56 PM, Xaaji Xunjuf said:

 absolutly not  FGS have no control over Hargeisa or garowe

Ethiopia will not stop its airliner from going to Hageisa and garowe



If Mogadishu is serieus they can stop Ethiopian Airlines easily as the airline is liable according to international air transport laws which Ethiopia is party to. 

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Moqdisho is not serious about anything. Hassan did not want to confront Abiya anytime in past or present. He was involved the sea deal and knew but did anything about it. He dreams on his own region in central Somalia with moqdisho as the capital but he doesn’t have ability to cleared and managed. He went to Duusamareeb 40 times and did not a complish anything. Same time he does not recognized Khatumo State for sake of Unity of Country. He will finally forced to held the presidency election in Agisyoone. But he will loot and mismanage everything just before his time run out. The federal government did not make any progress since beginning of its creation for now 20 years. It is time to seek different solutions. Because it became a hostage for a group of local politicians who used it to get rich.

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