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For however much wrong Alshabaab did or how their Ideology might lead to more mayhem is not worse than having French fighters come and do what they like with our land and yet some of u are cheering them on.

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Originally posted by Abtigiis & Tolka:

Fab, it is a moving world. Now, more than ever, I came to see that the worst enemy Somalia can ever have is the mindless wadaads. Those I supported are in Power, for your information.


But I am not happy with the Sharif either. My vision is the likes of Omer Abdirashid will get ground and Somalia will have a semblance of modern Governance.


Sharif evalutes the performance of his ministers on the basis of who prepared the best feast for afur for him, Ina cabdirashid weighs them on what they delivered in terms of the strategic goals set for them.


As to Shabab, suffice to say that they can only appeal to those with medievial thinking, morons and criminals.

Bal car, I challenge you to say that you supported Sheikh Shariff, ever. kulaha those I support are in power. Your famous debates with Xiin and the words you used to use against Shariff and the cheese caravan are on the database of this forum. Even when Shariff got elected you condemened hi and said that he was merely being used by the US to fight Somali Islamists. If I remeber correctly you even said that once Ethiopians depart the power will be filled by Somali Islamists, although you didn't agree with everything they did. In a nutshell, Shab and XI were angels according to you compared to the "traitor". So who are the ones in power you are talking about? Perhaps you will say I supported Yusuf once upon a time? So who the people in power you supporteD?


Now, all of sudden, you are the biggest hyper secularist on earth and Shariff is the lesser of the two evils. And even your dua has changed colours. Now you make dua for your french Secular ikhwan against Somali Muslims. Inalilah! When the Xabashis cross into SOmalia, now it has become simply security operations. Where is your Islamic dua, ayna ama antom ya nationalism?



You say all of this is because you resent Alshababs implemnetation of Islamic law. But did they suddenly start implementing it now or where they implementing it when you were cheerleading for Somali Islamist for over a year. Don't play dumb sxb.Everyone knew what package you got with Somali Islamists from 2006: Sharicatul Islam! You woke up from a coma and realised what kind of laws they would introduce?



See some people oppose them for tribal reasons. Some oppose them for power. Some oppose them because they sincerely believe other methods can reconstruct Somalia. These are respectable, albeit misguided positions.


Lakin, the likes of some are are intellectual businessmen. If they see the opportunity to sound all Islamic and Nationalistic, they jump on the bandwagon. When it is fashionable to adovocate for Secularism,they are more secular than Sarkozy. And the next day they want "moderate" Islam. I hope you know what Allah says about such people in the Quran: they are the worst of creation, destined for the worst place( basharil munafiqina binalahum cadaban alima). One minute they are your diehard intellectual comrades ; the next they are your worst enemies. No substance! No sense of purpose or holding firm onto principles. They are to be seen wherever the winds flows. The very AMISOM who they accused of causing massacres are now they ikhwan and protectors. The very Ethiopia they protested against is now a the " lesser of the two evils". Inalilah!



Listen, I know You oppose SOmali Islamists because of their implementation of certain Islamic laws. Fine. Many Somalis oppose them. wa caadi; it's all good in the hood.This is your opinion and everyone is entitled to it.



Lakin, what I don't respect or like is how you are hypocritically pretending the Ethiopian and Western stooges are suddenly a better alternative, when, in fact, your posts from months ago suggest otherwise. I would have respected this opinion if had it from the beginning. Suddenly, the people you used to call "freedom fighters" are worthy of supplicating for in favour of Gaalo French Soldiers? What crime have they done to you?


It is simply they have enforced the Law of the Quran and Sunnah. So maha?That is indeed why your hair is becoming bold, and you are wailing and crying words like, " primitive, medieval, bla, bla". Akhi, Allah said if you have a disagreement with people one should still speak in a manner of justice. Opposing someones ideology is one thing, but exaggerating their errors, demonising them when you only praised them two minutes ago, and supplicating against them in favour of those who want to truly Colonise SOmalis, is a form of injustice.


I am saying to you only because you are man of intellect who previously understand the XAQ( those who are ignorant are given excuses in the first instance) and the plots of our enemies. When the good people beat the drums for falsehood, then falsehood becomes accepted by masses. Quote of the day.

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Diyaarado dagaal oo reer galbeed ah oo Weerar ku Qaaday Gudaha Somalia


Posted to the MOL September 14, 2009, 10:58 a


Wararka ka imanaya Baraawe ayaa sheegaya in ciidammo ajaanib ah ay weerar ku qaadeen baabuur marayay degaanka Roobow ee gobolka Shabeellada Hoose. ilo lagu kalsoon yahay ayaa sheegaya in weerarkaasi ay ku dhinteen ugu yaraan 4 qof oo baaburka saarnaa.



Sida wararku xaqiijinayaan 6 Diyaaradood helikobtarro ah ayaa weerarkaasi gaystay iyada oo sida uu VOAda uu u sheegay Goob jooge ku sugan tuulada Roobow ay 4 ka mid ah diyaaradahaasi ay dhulka fadhiisteen halka laba kalena ay hawada ka ilaalinayeen.



Diyaaradahaasi ayaa rasaas tiro badan ku furay baabuurka iyaga oo markii dambena sida ay dad goobtaasi ka ag dhawaa ay sheegeen qaatay maydka afar qof oo baabuurka saarnaa.



Ilo lagu kalsoonaan karo ayaa sheegay in xubno ka tirsan Al-Shabab ay saarnaayeen baaburka



Warar kale oo aan weli la xaqiijinna waxay sheegayaan in saraakiisha saarnayd babauurkaasi laga yabao inuu ku jiro Saalah Cali Salah Nabhan oo u dhashay dalka Kenya loogana shakisnaa inuu ka dambeeyey qaraxyo ka dhacay Huteel ku yalala magaalada Momabasa sannakdii 2002 iyo qaraxyadii lala beegsaday safaaradihii maraykanka ee Nairobi iyo Dara Salaam.



Af hayeen u hadlay ciidamada Faransiiska ayaa sheegay inaanay ciidamada Farnsiisku aanay haba yaraate wax weerar ah ku qaadin gudaha Somalia, Af Hayeenka ayaa ka jawaabayay warar ay qoreen wakaaladaha wararka qaarkood oo sheegayay in ciidamadii diyaaradaha saarnaa ay ahaayeen Faransiis.




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This story does not make sense. They killed them, then they took their bodies. All were foreigners, thus maybe they were looking for the American man who paraded his face around so much. Maybe it was the Kenyan mastermind they keep talking about. Who knows?

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As u know there is still a French agent held by the Shabaabs so am guessing this was an attempted rescue, sooner or later we shall know if they succeeded

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Originally posted by Johnny B:

^^ And i thought ' War of Love ' was a contradiction in terms.

Ask Helen of Troy icon_razz.gif

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Originally posted by Abtigiis & Tolka:

Let them obliterate the ignorant terrorists! Ilaahayoow kuwaa umadda ka qabo!

This reaction has become typical lately.


This shows how far the extremists have alienated themselves from alot of Somalis.


However, we should not be cheerful at more foreign meddling into Somali affaires.

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Saalax Nabhaan oo lagu dilay weerarkii diyaaradaha Helicopters ku qaadeen Kolonyo mareysay Baraawe


Faah faahin dheeraad ah ayaa ka soo baxeysa duqeyn Diyaarado Helicopters ku qaadeen Kolonyo ay saarnaayeen Saraakiil sar sare oo ka tirsan Al-Shabab, iyadoo diyaaraduhu ay gaarayeen ilaa Lix diyaaradood.


Diyaaradaha ayaa rasaas ooda uga qaaday Kolonyada oo aheyd nuuca Prado ah, taasoo ka timid Magaalada Kismaayo kuna soo jeeda dhinaca Muqdisho, waxaana afar ka mid ah Diyaaradaha dhulka u soo dageen dabadeedna qaatay Meydad ilaa afar ahaa oo saarnaa gaariga.


Wararka ayaa sheegaya in Sarkaal sare oo lagu magacaabo Saalax Cali Saalax Nabhaan uu ku dhintay weerarkaas, sida ay ilo wareedyo muhiim u xaqiijiyeen


Diyaaradaha Helicopter-ka ayaa ahaa kuwo si gaar ah u beegsanayay Gaariga, waxayna ku weerareen Tuulo lagu magacaabo Roobow oo u dhow Baraawe, oo dhinaca koofur magaalada Muqdisho kaga beegan 155 KM.


Saalax Nabhaan oo u dhashay dalka Kenya ayaa ahaa xubin fir fircoon oo ka tirsan Ururka Al-Shabaab, waxaana uu ahaa nin sida weyn u tababari jiray dagaalyahanada Islaamiyiinta, isagoo ka mid ahaa saddex xubnood oo uu Mareykanka si weyn uga baadigoobayay Soomaaliya, kuwaasoo uu ku eedeeyay inay ka dambeeyeen weerarkii lagu qarxiyay Safaaradaha Mareykanka ee Nairobi iyo Tanzania 1998-dii.


Ilaa iyo hada wax war ah kama soo bixin Xarakada Alshabaab oo ku aadan weerarka lagu qaaday Kolonyada ay saarnaayeen Saraakiil sar sare, iyadoo aysan jirin warar kale oo ka soo baxay diyaaradaha fuliyay weerarkaas duqeynta.


Wixii ku soo kordha ha moogaan

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Those who turn Somalia into a playground for wanted terrorists and Western powers are equal guilty.


It is hypocritical to denounce one form of foreign interference (Western powers doing what they like in Somalia) while ignoring the other form of foreign interference (terrorists using our country as a safe haven and training base).


Somalia should be left to Somalis, and those socalled ''Somalis'' who invite foreign powers (regardless of the political color) should be held responsible for the foreign interference in Somali affaires.

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Abu Wafaa Ibn Caqiil Al Xambali oo ah Sheekha qorey kitaabka ugu weyn xajmi ahaan oo diinteena laga qorey Kitaabu Funuun ayaa yiri “ Muslimiinta maxaa lagu qiimeyaa islaamnimadooa? Ma waxaa lagu qiimeeya salaadooda, xajkooda, sadaqada etc? Waxaa lagu qiimeeyaa Islaamnimadooda saxda oo iney diinta nabi raacayaan waxa weeye Mawqifka iyo go’aanka ey ka gaaraan cadowgooda.


Waxaa cajiib ah in manta dad badanoo magacyo muslim leh oo hadana gar iyo gafuurkuna shacaa’irtii Islaamku ey kamuuqato inuu gaalada u mashxarado.


Aloow noo gargaar.



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