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Garowe: Faroole's Friday speech, better, much better.

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Oodweyne, despite the obstacles that facing him, he tried to do all that you listed above and I am sure he will try it again, regardless how many times he fails. Shouldn't he be given a time at least to work things out? I think he been "unfairly" criticized with regard of this PIS. This organ has been around for quite sometime and has been functioning pretty much the same way as it is today. And to be honest with you, Farole is the only man who showed some balls to take on the PIS. Let him buy his time and deal with it when the right time comes.


By the way, I think there is little bit of exaggerations on the part of it's(PIS) adversaries, especially when they label it as it is the cause of instability in that part of world. They(PIS) may be blamed for abuse of power in some extent, but to call them as the cause of the PL's problem is unjust, me thinks.

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Faroole should be commended for giving a time to the elders who claimed they could solve the problem without a bloodshed, while on the other hand not sounding weak leader.


PIS has already been reformed and its not his big problem any more. The fact that he put it in charge of a man that takes orders from him should speak volume.

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Originally posted by Gheelle.T:

By the way, I think there is little bit of exaggerations on the part of it's(PIS) adversaries, especially when they label it as it is the cause of instability in that part of world. They(PIS) may be blamed for abuse of power in some extent, but to call them as the cause of the PL's problem is unjust, me thinks.

PIS is the source of instability in Puntland in the sense that large blocks of Puntland’s stakeholders oppose them, quite firmly. Puntland is a political arrangement between collections of clans, Gheele. It’s unnecessary for the state to rely on an entity that is controlled by outside forces.


I can very much agree with your give-Faroole-time call, and I think he is being criticized primarily by his sound strategy to include Puntland’s various constituencies in his admin.

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Xiin, it's easy to say than done. The powers that birthed this organ had a reason and agendas that wereare much larger than the interest of the state or Somalia as a whole. So to think that Faroole can easily maneuver those interests in the blink of an eye, is just wishful thinking. Give him sometime is all I am saying and I also think some of the PIS criticism may not be wholly true!




Awoowe, what are the grievances of those stakeholders? What are they based on? Is it because this organ is not exclusive to all PL stakeholders?

He can't simply please everyone or can he?


By the way, why do you think PL solely rely on the PIS?

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^^True that it is easy to say than done, but that is not the point we are debating Gheelle! Awoowe let us establish some baselines for our arguments, shall we?


As I said I am in agreement with your give-Faroole-time . So that should not be an issue. I can also give in for the timing of reform of this entity.


But what is it about our criticism of PIS are you disagreeing, Gheelle? That they are created with bigger forces is an excuse I can buy, but it does not address PIS indictments that have been repeated on these pages.


What is apparent in Puntland is this entity has been behind lots of disruptions, abductions, and killings some of which that embarrassed the state. Its hierarchy is most dubious. In Boosaaso, the public fiascos PIS caused are numerous; the grievances of some locals are therefore understandable and need be addressed.

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Awoowe, you are not all in sync with your criticism, so I may not have issue with what you have said above. I am actually agreeing with you on most(with exception of the abductions and the killing which I may need to verify :D ) part, but what I don't agree with others are that PIS targets just specific clans as some were protesting or that it's a clan entity that enriches a particular "sub clan"

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The PIS, is an extension another wing of the security deterent.


Rememebr there was a time when people sued to blame every bombing on Ethiopians & Yusuf and support the bakara groups.


Now they want us to belive that in Puntland its the PIS, that plants bombs and murders elder and business men.


The problem here is, we have seen this movie before in Mogadishu, and it will not be replayed in Puntland.


PIS, is a n agency I had doubts about untill, I heard Al Shabaab squel. Then it all made sense.

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Originally posted by Gheelle.T:

... I don't agree with others are that PIS targets just specific clans as some were protesting or that it's a clan entity that enriches a particular "sub clan"

In the height of emotional discussions such as the one engendered by Galgala incident, it’s possible for some to use sloppy phrases to express one’s dislike as to how things are going in that particular moment. It’s prudent not to cling on such hastily spitted out phrases, and expressions of disapproval awoowe. The critique we put forth against PIS is quite sound and we have no motives for Puntland to fail. Such ad hoc armed intelligence entities had, as the not-so-distant history reminds us, caused more harm than good. Puntland shall never repeat a proven failure, which is allowing outside forces or those they employ to operate freely on its jurisdiction. One fully understands the fact the void the absence of Somali state created is too large for Puntland to fill. But that should never entail for Puntland to engage in self-destruction exercise as others in the south did before.

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The reason why Atom and those who behind assassination in bossaso are complaining about PIS is that because so far PIS has been effective in going after in most of those element who behind these terror activities they are claiming pis is biased against certain clans or groups which is not true. They want the PIS to be weakened so that they can get away with their criminal activities which will not be allowed to happen.

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Xiin, you are silly for going after the PIC blaming them for everything.


Adeer an elder was killed near Bosaas market during the evening, the day before a munipal officer, the day before that two tax collectors of the government and days that preceded innocent people were cold bloodedly murdered? Who is behind all this?


Why dwell on the PIS and not see terror groups that are really active in Bari region and will probably kill tomorrow one of our innocent men or women. Grow up adeer, the threat of Alshabaab and their assasinations is real and extremely active, it is hapening and people are getting killed. If you don't want to see what is hapening in Mogadishu happen in Bosaaso, then stop talking about the PIS address the isse on a different angle...

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^^^Everyone has a right to address an issue. However the PIS is a non issue, the admin today have realised how important they are,.After the neglect of the armed forces, this is the most intact unit that we have inherited. It will not be taken down by anyone.


I was a doubter, but their action and the enemy we face as a state has made me realise, ones weapon no matter how dangerous, should not be discarded.

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^Absolutely, I understand some people might have concerns or dislike them but for what reason? or why prefer the terror compaign over their tireless job of securing the state. Unlike Alshabaab and co the PIS have never killed anyone nor carried out dark assasinations. Yes they may have arrested some or have created fear from them in the people's heart, but that's how any security apparatus of any country do to earn respect and ensure to create peaceful environment. If people are not scared of the PIS, how could they possibly enforce law and order or stop suicide bombers hiding among the public.



The PIS is an element of the state a crucial and important one at that, America pays them my foot, America also pays Egypt billions of dollars every year. If the PIS is an American agent so is Egypt.

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Madaxweynaha dowlada Puntland Dr.Cabdiraxmaan Sheikh Maxamed Maxamuud Faroole oo salaadii Jimacaha la tukaday dad weynaha magaalada Garoowe ayaa salaadii kadib qudbad u jeediyay dadkii masaajidka ku sugnaa iyo dadweynhii ka ag dhawaa masjidka oo ka maqlayay sameecedaha Masaajidka.


Madaxweynaha ayaa qudbadiisu dhinacyo badan taabaneysay inta badan diirada kusaaray xaaladaha amniga,midnimada iyo kooxaha magaca diinta ku xoogsada,isla markaana xirfada ka dhigtay marin habaabinta dadweynaha Soomaaliyeed ee inta badan maskaxada ka xanuunsan,kuwas oo aan kala sari karin wax ayaga danta u ah iyo kan ku daneysanaya.


Dr. Faroole wuxuu si toos ah carabka ugu adkeeyay kooxaha munaafiqiinta ah ee diinta Islaamka ka been sheegaya,isla markaasna weerarka kusoo qaaday deeganada Puntland aygoo marna diin sheeganaya marna qabiil ku gabanaya,farsamadaasni ay tahay midii lagu bur buriyay Afqaanistaan Koofurta Soomaaliya iyo meelbadan oo ay Diin laawashu gacanta ku hayaan.wuxuuna hoosta ka xariiqay in caadada lagu yaqana ay tahay baneeysashada dadka Islaamka ah sharaftooda, dhiigooda, xoolahooda iyo xaasaskoodaba ayagoo markaa ku shegaya iney Qanimo tahay.


Madaxweynahu wuxuu sidoo kale sheegay in ay banaantahay in la iska difaaco kooxahas diin laawashaha ah ee wixii ilahay xarimay baneystay, wuxuuna balan ku qaaday inuu gacanta ula tagayo,isla markaana ay tahay wajabka ka saaran dadweynaha reer Puntland ee u doortay inuu tubta toosan ku hogaamiyo”maadama aan ahay IMAAMKII loo dhaarshay hogaanka Puntland waxaa iga go’an in aan ka difaaco Puntland diin laawaysha nagusoo gar ******ay,gacan bir ah ayaana ku qabneynaa kuwa damaca waalan wata,waadna aragtaan in dhabarka laga jabshay oo aan fashilinay qorshahoodii.


Dr.Faroole oo hadalkisii sii wata ayaa yiri magaalada Bosaso waxaa laga soo buuxiyay dhalinyaro loogu tala galay in ay dagaal ka ridaan si loo boobo xoolaha dadka ISLAMAKU lehaya ee yaala magaalada meel walbana qaraxyo laga rido si amniga gacanta uga baxo,balse wuxuu sheegay in ciidamada amnigu ku guleysteen ka hortaga arinkaas” markaan ogaanay oo ana ka warhelnay qorshaha kooxaha Al-Shabaab ayaan ku dhaqaaqnay in aan ka hortagno waana iska qabanay dhamaantoodna dhalinyaridii loo soo tababaray fidnada dadka Islaamka ah waan ka raafnay magaalada, waxaana dhici kara in dadka la raafey ay ku jireen kuwo arimahaas aan ku shuqul lahayn balse ahaa tahriibayaal,Tahriibtana waaba waxaan awalba dagaalka kula jirnay” sidaasi waxaa yiri madaxweynaha Dowlada Puntland.


Dhinaca kalena Madaxweynaha Dowlada Puntland Dr.Cabdiraxmaan Sheikh Maxamed Maxamuud Faroole ayaa ka hadlay xaalada Galgala iyo weerarkii fashilmay ee koxoda Al-Shabaab bishii tagtay kusoo qaadeen ciidamada Daraawishta Puntland, wuxuuna sheegay in ay ku jabiyeen kooxihii imaan laawayaasha ahaa ee weerarka soo qaaday ayna dib ugu celiyeen buurihii ay awalba kasoo dageen,hase ahaatee ay ciidamada daraawishtu ku gaadaaman yihiin buurta ay ku jiraan,halkaasna ay go’doon ku yihiin.


Sidoo kalena Dr.Faroole wuxuu intaasi ku daray in dadka shacabka ah ee halkaasi beeraha ku heysta ay isaga baxaan aygoo ka fogaanaya kooxaha go’doonka ah inkastoo buu yri madaxweynahu ay dadka qaar horeyba u qaateen amarka dowlada oo ay baneeyeen goobtaas hadan waxaan u sheegyna dadka yar ee ku haray in ay noo sahlaan in aan dharbaxo adag ku dhufano qowleystada si loogu kala baxo buurta ay ku dhumaanayaan ayuu yiri Madaxweynahu.

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