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Boocane Declaration Will Never Change the Reality On the Ground

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Yeah ,, Some odayaal did the same thing before the LA was libarated and some ppl were spreading that all over the websites but it never changed the reality and LA has been peacefully libarated by its inhabits.


The Boocame declaration is not more than some odayaal oo xamaasad qabyaaladeed hayso and nobody will support them to shed the blood of their people for nothing more than one man's intention.


Less than one hour a really big contradiction started to come from the same place where the shirka uu ka socday ,,,, here is one while THIS one came right after that one. YOu can already sense the contradiction and some ppl want to put this the way they like.



In less than 24 hours, some websites from Sool started to question about the final declaration and argued that is was not fair at all and this is not what expected from those in Boocame. THIS is one of them.



Those in Boocame, they never discussed about what is good for reer sool, the development, solving the internal differences and so on ,,,, they were there for few days this is what finally came. I was communicating with some ppl in LA and they were really disappointed.





Some of the participants will soon announce their opposition to the declaration and that is not what they signed or discussed during the meeting.


Others will declare that shirka looma dhamayn (which is true) and this is the only part that was supporting garowe who made such conclusions.


The politicians, aqoonyahans and other officials will all come agains this (they are already against it) and start mobilizing their people against more death and destruction.





This is not going to change anything on the ground. The Sool people, the world, the neighboring countries, and everybody knows the reality and that is it.


Deffections are also expected in the coming days.

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"The Boocame declaration is not more than some odayaal oo xamaasad qabyaaladeed hayso and nobody will support them to shed the blood of their people for nothing more than one man's intention."


Lets see if your administration sees things in the same way

odoyal kulaha, war sheekhow, we have a different traditions then you. Our Graads, even according to your own "odayal", come from longest royal houses in all of Somalia. We don't see them as odayal, of course some like whose "Suldan" were burco cut sellers before the civil war would not understand the importance of our Isms, so we forgive all that none sense about our elders and Garaads, you know no better.


"Less than one hour a really big contradiction started to come from the same place where the shirka uu ka socday ,,,, here is one while THIS one came right after that one. YOu can already sense the contradiction and some ppl want to put this the way they like."

it s not contradictions, it all part of the same declaration, one is a short version and the other the full one.


"Those in Boocame, they never discussed about what is good for reer sool, the development, solving the internal differences and so on ,,,, they were there for few days this is what finally came. I was communicating with some ppl in LA and they were really disappointed. "

I really wish you would stop with the pretense

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You may be laughing because you think might rules and at the moment you have it. These Isims are very important to the people of Sool and their declaration will not go unheaded. I understand you are not happy because non of you can claim that the people of Sool are divided anymore. The declaration of Boocame 3 attest to this obvious fact.

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didn't i hear that before ???



Somaliland is there because of the people ,,,, and it will be there coz of the people ,,,



this declaration doesn't make any difference at all ,,,,,,

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find a single person aside from those employed by your administration, who are clearly motivated, by money that supports your administration. Where are these people you talk about sheekha. Runta sheeg, do you really believe in the nonesense people of SSC that you talk about? Was there ever a member of SOL from SSC who supports somaliland? Maxad isu inda tireysan? Whats the point of a dishonest discourse or did this forum become another place to spread the propaganda of the rerka?

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Originally posted by Naxar Nugaaleed:

find a single person aside from those employed by your administration, who are clearly motivated, by money that supports your administration. Where are these people you talk about sheekha. Runta sheeg, do you really believe in the nonesense people of SSC that you talk about? Was there ever a member of SOL from SSC who supports somaliland? Maxad isu inda tireysan? Whats the point of a dishonest discourse or did this forum become another place to spread the propaganda of the rerka?

Is it just me or is this statement pregnant with irony?


NN, I know the irony is lost on you so pay me no mind :D


Oh, and in case you forgot, here's a refresher.



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And what was the "reality" on the ground a few not-distant weeks ago?


Honestly, what would you really think that there was a functioning and legitimate government in Soomaaliya, that tries to forcefully bring Waqooyi into the fold, calling it a "renegade" province?


They also say they decided to close internationally recognized "border" [and not an artificial border created by some long dead and departed white men]?


Would you have posted a thread titled like this if some odeyaal ka shiraan xaalka ka taagan deegaankooda?


It is just too farcically ironic, bordering ludicrousness, waxyaabaha aad aaminsantahay iyo waxyaabaha kale.

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Originally posted by Naxar Nugaaleed:

find a single person aside from those employed by your administration, who are clearly motivated, by money that supports your administration. Where are these people you talk about sheekha. Runta sheeg, do you really believe in the nonesense people of SSC that you talk about? Was there ever a member of SOL from SSC who supports somaliland? Maxad isu inda tireysan? Whats the point of a dishonest discourse or did this forum become another place to spread the propaganda of the rerka?

Somaliland army and administration would not be there if there is no support from the ground ,,, isn't that right ??


That is the reality on the ground today ,,,

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And here is another news ,, which could be the reality in some what:


hadhwanaag 2007-11-23 (Hadhwanaagnews) Laascaanood(HWN) Shir dhawaanahanba uga socday Magaalada Boocane oo ka tirsan gobolka sool qaar ka mida isimada Beesha *********** ayaa faraha layskula tagey shalay ka dib markii uu khilaaf soo kala dhexgalay Madaxdhaqameedyadi halkaasi ku shirsanaa.


Burburkan ku yimi shiraasi waxa uu ka danbeeyay ka dib markii sida la sheegay uu Cade Muuse habeen hore u soo diray halkaasi xubno ka tirsan Wasiiradiisa oo guure ku yimi halkaasi, ilo xogogaala oo ku sugan Magaalada Boocane ayaa shabakada Hadhwanaag u sheegay in ay isla habeen horeba ay shir qarsoodiya la galeen xubno ka mida isimada halkasi joogay wasiiraadaas iyagoon ogayn isimadii kale ee halkaasi ku shirsanaa ilahaas xogogaalkaasi Waxay shabakada Hadhwanaag u xaqiijiyeen in ay wasiiradaasi qarsoodiga ku yimi halkasi sideen Maaliyad lagu kala jabiyay isimadii halkaasi joogay oo sida la sheegay marki hore aragti isku mida ka qabay labada Maamul sida ay noo sheegeen goob joogayaal .


ka dib waxa shalay galab ilaa xalay markii la ogaaday in halkaasi yimadeen xubno wasiiraa oo ka socda Maamulkaasi halkaas yimaadeen laysku qabsaday go, aamo sida la sheegay ay wateen xubno isimaa oo Putland dhabarka ka riixaysay.


Khilafka so kala dhexgalay isimadaas waxa laga soo waariday dhinaca Garoowe iyado aan Maamulka ******teeniya doonayn in dadku nabad kuwada noolaadaan


Si kastaba ahaatee Go,aamada ay soo saareen isimada ama taageeryaasha Putland ee lagaga adkaaday Dagaalkii laascaanood Maxay ku soo kordhin karaan xaaladaa degaankaas? su, aashaa laftigeeda ayaan waxan Weydiiyay midka mida madaxdhaqameedyada Magaalada laascaanood waxaanu ku jawaabay sidan...


Horta Madax dhaqameedyada waxa lagu ogaa in ay Nabad ka taliyaana ee laguma yiqiiin Abaabul dagaa liyo colaad midtoona aniga se waxay arinta nimankaasi wadaan ila tahay Mashruuc kuwa dagaalka ku dhimanayana iyaga maaha kuwa wax noqonaaya iyaga maaha waxan leeyahay ilaahina ka baqda oo maatada ka daaya dabka aad ku shidaysan.


DHinaca kalena dadweynaha ku dhaqan magaalada laascaanod ayaa ka cadhooday go,aamada ay Taageerayaasha ******teenku ka so saareen magaaladaasi iyagoo sheegay in ay meel uga soo wada jeesanayaan cidkasta oo doonta in ay magaaladooda khalkhal galiyaan.


Shirkaa ku Burburay halkaasi waxa marki horeba qaadacay inta badan

Madaxdhaqameedyada Degmooyinka Buuhoodle iyo sool


Wararkii ugu danbeeyay ee naga soo gaadha magaalada Boocane ayaa sheegaaaya in xalay shirkii isagon xidhmin lagu kala dareeray .


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sheekha, stop using Somaliland newspapers as a source. Theres no conflict between the Garaads and their people including both the ones inside SSC and the others. You either accept their view or don't but to make things up and lie about it is beneath you. As for the Sl amry not being there with out the locals logic of yours, they do, like i said: the ones they employ. And lest be honest, the SL army was never confident to this day to go inside of Laaska. at best they go in very few hours to clean blocked roads and leave.

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Originally posted by Oodweyne:

Dear Mr. Xiinfaniin


You said this:



Originally Posted By Mr. Xiinfaniin


Oodweyne’s army must get ready for his our of need is quickly approaching…

Subsequently, one could only say:
"pity the sentiment, dear boy"
. For it was always the case, that my army (
and to be fair to them, I rather think of them, as that of ever-the-valiant
Somaliland's Army
) were always ready and willing to do what is needed to secure our
of national needs, come what may.


However, on the other hand, it was always the case, that those who were on the other side on the divide – i.e.,
side of the equation – were the ones who seemed to have that
running shoes


So that they shall make themselves, ever more speedily scarce the minute things of
manly deeds
of the blood and guts kind
- appears to be the matters that everyone is engaged on, at the ground of


Hence, if ever, there was anyone who needed some sort of a
of this kind, I am sure, you shall know, as to where to find them. And therefore, see to it, to deliver to those who seemed to be want of it, at the moment.


Subsequently, see to it, to never confuse
the identity
in the sense of as to who those are, in the first place
- with that of
Somaliland’s Army
that are at the moment stationed in
Sool region
; who never would need such a thing from anyone, in the first place, come what may...



Oday markuu duqoobo waxaa kasoo hara ***** iyo faan. Soomaaliya wax lagu hayo ma jidho bal umaadaan masaakiinta yaan la,isku baabinin.


[ November 24, 2007, 03:55 PM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]

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