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The Shallowest Break-Up

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Duceysane, ilaahoow hadaa fiyoowdahay maxaa dhahaa? Inaba caadi ma ihid...Energy ku yeh...LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL...Energy beelena kuma dhihikariyee... :D


War heedhehaya ninkaan 'ooyinta orgiga kaweyn' baa heysata...Waxaan timo jarid ka weyn...Wax kastana waxaaba iiga sii daran doqonta inta dadka soo wacata waxaas sheegeysa... :mad: Aloow yaa ituso aan labo dharbaaxo hurdada uga kiciyee...Caku naag iyo doqon nimadeeda... redface.gif :mad: redface.gif :mad: redface.gif :mad:

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^ Istaaqfurullaah! :D like you never called me crying your eyes out! lady, pleaseee!


Originally posted by Dabshid:

Neph: Who gave her the idea to dye?
, waan ka gareney gurya badan oo in aad Dab ku shidaysid!

mey mey, haaraam 3adeem! ;)

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^Yeah, I can just imagine Nephthys going "sources close to the couple report that, despite widespread rumors, Koolkat is not leaving her husband of 2 years, 4 months and 12 days to run away with the Culligan water guy."


Camera pans to



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Originally posted by umu zakaria:

How to Make Your Husband Happy


The following is part ONE of a summary of the book "How to make your husband happy" by Sheikh Mohammed Abdelhaleem Hamed.


1- Beautiful Reception

After returning from work, school, travel, or whatever has separated you,

begin with a good greeting.


* Meet him with a cheerful face.

* Beautify and perfume yourself.

* Start with good news and delay any bad news until he has rested.

* Receive him with loving and yearning sentences.

* Make hard efforts for excellence of the food & having it ready on time.


2- Beautify and Soften the Voice

* For your husband only, it shouldn't be used in front of non-mahram men

(men who can marry you if you were unmarried).


3- Smelling Good and Physical Beautification

* Taking good care of your body and fitness.

* Put on nice and attractive clothes and perfumes.

* Bath regularly and, after the monthly period, remove any blood traces

or bad smells.

* Avoide that your husband observes you in dirty clothes or rough shape.

* Avoide prohibited types of ornamentation, e.g. tatoo.

* Use the types of perfumes, colors, and clothes that the husband likes.

* Change hair style, perfumes, etc. from time to time.

* However with these things you should avoid excessiveness and, of course,

only act as such in front of mahrem men and women.


4- Intercourse

* Hasten for intercourse when your husband feels compulsion for it.

* Keep your body clean and smelling good as possible including cleaning

yourself of released fluids during intercourse.

* Exchange loving phrases with your husband.

* Leave your husband to fully satisfy his desire.

* Choose suitable times and good occasions for exciting your husband,

and encouraging him to do intercourse, e.g. after returning from a

travel, weekends, etc.


5- Satisfaction With What Allah (SWT) Has Allotted

* You shouldn't be depressed because your husband is poor or works in a

simple job.

* You should look at poor, sick, and handicapped people and remember

Allah (SWT) for all that was given to you.

* You should remember that real wealth lays in Iman and piety.


6- Indifference to Worldly Things

* You should not consider this world as your hope and interest.

* You should not ask your husband for many unnecessary things.

* Asceticism does not mean not to enjoy what is good and permissible

(Halal), but it means that one should look forward to the hereafter and

utilize whatever Allah SWT gave them to achieve paradise (Jannah).

* Encourage your husband to reduce expenses and save some money in order

to give charity and feed poor and needy people.


7- Appreciation

* By the saying of the prophet, the majority of people in hell were women

because they were ungrateful and deny the good done to them.

* The result of being grateful is that your husband will love you more and

will do his best to please you in more ways.

* The result of being ungrateful is that your husband will be disappointed

and will start asking himself: Why should I do good to her, if she never




8- Devotion and Loyalty

* In particular in times of calamities in your husband's body or business,

e.g. an accident or a bankruptcy

* Supporting him through your own work, money, and properties if needed.


9- Compliance to Him

* In all what he commands you, unless it is prohibited (Haram).

* In Islam, the husband is the leader of the family, and the wife is his

support and consultant.



10-Pleasing Him If He Is Angry

* First off, try to avoid what will guarantee his anger.

* But if it happens that you can't, then try to appease him as follows:

1- If you are mistaken, then apologize.

2- If he is mistaken then:

# Keep still instead of arguing or

# Yield your right or

# Wait until he is no longer angry and discuss the matter peacefully

with him.

3- If he was angry because of external reasons then:

# Keep silent until his anger goes

# Find excuses for him, e.g. tired, problems at work, someone

insulted him

# Do not ask many questions and insist on knowing what happened,

e.g. 1) You should tell me what happened? 2) I must know what

made you so angry. 3) You are hiding something, and I have the

right to know.


11-Guardianship While He is Absent

* Protect yourself from any prohibited relationships.

* Keep the secrets of the family, particularly intercourse and things

that the husband doesn't like other people to know.

* Take care of the house and children.

* Take care of his money and properties.

* Do not go out of your house without his permission and put on full


* Refuse people whom he does not like to come over.

* Do not allow any non-mahram man to be alone with you in any place.

* Be good to his parents and relatives in his absence.


12- Showing Respect for his Family and Friends

* You should welcome his guests and try to please them, especially his


* You should avoid problems as much as you can with his relatives.

* You should avoid putting him is a position where he had to choose

between his mother and his wife.

* Show good hospitality for his guests by arranging a nice place for them to

sit in, perfection of food, welcoming their wives, etc.

* Encourage him to visit his relatives and invite them to your home.

* Phone his parents and sisters, send letters to them, buy gifts for

them, support them in calamities, etc..


13- Admirable Jealousy

* Jealousy is a sign for wife's love for her husband but it should be kept

within the limits of Islam, e.g. not insulting or backbiting others,

disrespecting them, etc..

* You should not follow or create unfounded doubts.


14-Patience and Emotional Support

* Be patient when you face poverty and strained circumstances.

* When you face calamities and disasters that may happen to you, your

husband, your children, relatives or properties, e.g. diseases,

accidents, death, etc.

* When facing hardships in Da'wah (imprisonment, getting fired, arrested,

etc.), be patient and encourage him to keep on the path of Allah and

remind him of paradise.

* When he mistreats you, counteract his ill-treatment by good treatment



15- Support in Obedience to Allah, Da'wah and Jihad

* Cooperate with your husband and remind him of different obligatory

and voluntary worships.

* Encourage him to pray at night.

* Listen and reciting the Qur'an individually and with your husband.

* Listen to Islamic tapes and songs individually and with your husband.

* Remember Allah SWT much, particularly after Fajr and before Maghrib.

* Share in arranging Da'wah activities for women and children.

* Learn Islamic rules (ahkam) and good manners ('adab) for women.

* Support your husband's activities by encouraging him, offering wise

opinions, soothing his pains, etc.

* Yielding some of your rights and a part of your time with your husband

for Da'wah.

* Encourage him to go for Jihad when needed and remind him that you and

children will be in the preservation of Allah SWT.


16-Good Housekeeping

* Keep it clean, decorated and well arranged.

* Change house arrangements from time to time to avoid boredom.

* Perfect of food and prepare healthy foods.

* Learn all the necessary skills for managing the house, e.g. sewing.

* Learn how to raise children properly and in an Islamic way.


17-Preservation of Finances and the Family

* Do not spend from his money, even for charity without his permission

unless you are sure that he agrees on this.

* Protect his house, car, etc. while he is absent.

* Keep the children in good shape, clean clothes, etc. Take care of

their nutrition, health, education, manners, etc. Teach them Islam

and tell them the stories of the Prophets and companions.





To help strengthening the Muslim families and spread the teachings of Islam

in building families, the Muslim Students' Association at the University of

Alberta prepared a extremely summarized translation for two books. The

books are Arabic by Sheikh Mohammad Abdelhaleem Hamed. An Egyptian scholar,

who graduated from the Islamic University of AlMadinah Al-Munawwarah in

Saudi Arabia. The two books are:


1- How to make your wife happy

2- How to make your husband happy


These are the best Arabic books I have seen on this subject. They exceed

the traditional presentation of stating rights and duties to the 'Adab (good

manners) and extend into application of these rights in daily life. The

above summary highlights mainly the responsibilities or examples of what

could or should be done. Every single item mentioned by the author is

supported by evidences from Qur'an, Sunnah or the actions of the companions,

but evidences are omitted in this translation. The above is the

translation of the SECOND book.


This translation is copyrighted to MSA at University of Alberta. Feel free

to repost it or reprint it by all means, provided that you do not make any

changes, additions, or omissions without permission.


Finally, please make Du'a for the writer; Sheikh Mohammad Abdelhaleem Hamed,

for the translator brother Abu Talhah, and for the reviewer,

brother Adam Qurashi. Remember this is not a perfect translation so

forgive us our faults and correct our errors.


Muslim Students' Association

University of Alberta

Edmonton, Canada

February, 1999



I think u can see the source. Enjoy nephy.


Ps. I will get you some proves abt what u asked.

i am not going to say anything bad about the sheikh, who is more knowledgeable than me and who has obviously spent his time much better than i have, however... i take "how to" books intended for women and written by men with a grain of salt.

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Originally posted by umu zakaria:

How to Make your Wife Happy


The following is part ONE of a summary of the book "How to make your wife happy" by Sheikh Mohammed Abdelhaleem Hamed.



1. Beautiful Reception

After returning from work, school, travel, or whatever has separated you:

* begin with a good greeting.

* Start with Assalamau 'Aliaykum and a smile. Salam is a sunnah and a

du'aa for her as well.

* Shake her hand and leave bad news for later!


2. Sweet Speech and Enchanting Invitations

* Choose words that are positive and avoid negative ones.

* Give her your attention when you speak of she speaks.

* Speak with clarity and repeat words if necessary until she understands.

* Call her with the nice names that she likes, e.g. my sweet-heart,

honey, saaliha, etc.


3. Friendliness and Recreation

* Spend time talking together.

* Spread to her goods news.

* Remember your good memories together.


4. Games and Distractions

* Joking around & having a sense of humor.

* Playing and competing with each other in sports or whatever.

* Taking her to watch permissible (halal) types of entertainment.

* Avoiding prohibited (haram) things in your choices of entertainment.


5. Assistance in the Household

* Doing what you as an individual can/like to do that helps out,

especially if she is sick or tired.

* The most important thing is making it obvious that he appreciates her

hard work.


6. Consultation (Shurah)

* Specifically in family matters.

* Giving her the feeling that her opinion is important to you.

* Studying her opinion carefully.

* Be willing to change an opinion for hers if it is better.

* Thanking her for helping him with her opinions.


7. Visiting Others

* Choosing well raised people to build relations with. There is a great

reward in visiting relatives and pious people. (Not in wasting time

while visiting!)

* Pay attention to ensure Islamic manners during visits.

* Not forcing her to visit whom she does not feel comfortable with.


8. Conduct During Travel

* Offer a warm farewell and good advice.

* Ask her to pray for him.

* Ask pious relatives and friends to take care of the family in your


* Give her enough money for what she might need.

* Try to stay in touch with her whether by phone, e-mail, letters, etc..

* Return as soon as possible.

* Bring her a gift!

* Avoid returning at an unexpected time or at night.

* Take her with you if possible.


9. Financial Support

* The husband needs to be generous within his financial capabilities. He

should not be a miser with his money (nor wasteful).

* He gets rewards for all what he spends on her sustenance even for a

small piece of bread that he feeds her by his hand (hadeith).

* He is strongly encouraged to give to her before she asks him.


10. Smelling Good and Physical Beautification

* Following the Sunnah in removing hair from the groin and underarms.

* Always being clean and neat.

* Put on perfume for her.


11. Intercourse

* It is obligatory to do it habitually if you have no excuse (sickness,


* Start with "Bismillah" and the authentic du'a.

* Enter into her in the proper place only (not the anus).

* Begin with foreplay including words of love.

* Continue until you have satisfied her desire.

* Relax and joke around afterwards.

* Avoid intercourse during the monthly period because it haram

* Do what you can to avoid damaging her level of Hiyaa (shyness and

modesty) such as taking your clothes together instead of asking her

to do it first while he is looking on.

* Avoid positions during intercourse that may harm her such as putting

pressure on her chest and blocking her breath, especially if you are


* Choose suitable times for intercourse and be considerate as

sometimes she maybe sick or exhausted.


12. Guarding Privacy

* Avoid disclosing private information such as bedroom secrets, her

personal problems and other private matters.


13. Aiding in the Obedience to Allah

* Wake her up in the last third of the night to pray "Qiam-ul-Layl"

(extra prayer done at night with long sujood and ruku'ua).

* Teach her what you know of the Qur'an and its tafseer.

* Teach her "Dhikr" (ways to remember Allah by the example of the

prophet) in the morning and evening.

* Encourage her to spend money for the sake of Allah such as in a charity


* Take her to Hajj and Umrah when you can afford to do so.


14. Showing Respect for her Family and Friends

* Take her to visit her family and relatives, especially her parents.

* Invite them to visit her and welcome them.

* Give them presents on special occasions.

* Help them when needed with money, effort, etc..

* Keep good relations with her family after her death if she dies first.

Also in this case the husband is encouraged to follow the sunnah

and keep giving what she used to give in her life to her friends and



15. (Islamic) Training & Admonition

This includes

* The basics of Islam

* Her duties and rights

* Reading and writing

* Encouraging her to attend lessons and halaqahs

* Islamic rules (ahkam) related to women

* Buying Islamic books and tapes for the home library


16. Admirable Jealousy

* Ensure she is wearing proper hijab before leaving house.

* Restrict free mixing with non-mahram men.

* Avoiding excess jealousy. Examples of this are:

1- Analyzing every word and sentence she says and overloading

her speech by meanings that she did not mean

2- Preventing her from going out of the house when the reasons are


3- Preventing her from answering the phone.


17. Patience and Mildness

* Problems are expected in every marriage so this is normal. What is

wrong is excessive responses and magnifying problems until a marital


* Anger should be shown when she exceeds the boundaries of Allah SWT, by

delaying prayers, backbiting, watching prohibited scenes on TV, etc..

* Forgive the mistakes she does to you (See item 18).

* How can you best correct her mistakes?

1- First, implicit and explicit advice several times.

2- Then by turning your back to her in bed (displaying your feelings).

Note that this does not include leaving the bedroom to another room,

leaving the house to another place, or not talking with her.

3- The last solution is (when allowable) lightly hitting her. In this

case, the husband should consider the following:

- He should know that sunnah is to avoid beating as the Prophet

PBUH never beat a woman or a servant.

- He should do it only in extreme cases of disobedience, e.g.

refusing intercourse without cause frequently, constantly not

praying on time, leaving the house for long periods of time

without permission nor refusing to tell him where she had been,


- It should not be done except after having turned from her bed and

discussing the matter with her as mentioned in Qur'an .

- He should not hit her hard injuring her, or hit her on her face or

on sensitive parts of her body.

- He should avoid shaming her such as by hitting her with a shoe,



18. Pardoning and Appropriate Censure

* Accounting her only for larger mistakes.

* Forgive mistakes done to him but account her for mistakes done in

Allah's rights, e.g. delaying prayers, etc..

* Remember all the good she does whenever she makes a mistake.

* Remember that all humans err so try to find excuses for her such as

maybe she is tired, sad, having her monthly cycle or that her

commitment to Islam is growing.

* Avoid attacking her for the bad cooking of the food as the Prophet PBUH

never blamed any of his wives for this. If he likes the food, he eats

and if he doesn't then he does not eat and does not comment.

* Before declaring her to be in error, try other indirect approaches that

are more subtle than direct accusations

* Escape from using insults and words that may hurt her feelings.

* When it becomes necessary to discuss a problem wait until you have

privacy from others.

* Waiting until the anger has subsided a bit can help to keep a control

on your words.





To help strengthening the Muslim families and spread the teachings of Islam

in building families, the Muslim Students' Association at the University of

Alberta prepared a extremely summarized translation for two books. The

books are Arabic by Sheikh Mohammad Abdelhaleem Hamed. An Egyptian scholar,

who graduated from the Islamic University of Al Madinah Al-Munawwarah in

Saudi Arabia. The two books are:



1- How to make your wife happy

2- How to make your husband happy



These are the best Arabic books I have seen on this subject. They exceed

the traditional presentation of stating rights and duties to the 'Adab (good

manners) and extend into application of these rights in daily life. The

above summary highlights mainly the responsibilities or examples of what

could or should be done. Every single item mentioned by the author is

supported by evidences from Qur'an, Sunnah or the actions of the companions,

but evidences are omitted in this translation. The above is the

translation of the FIRST book.


This translation is copyrighted to MSA at University of Alberta. Feel free

to repost it or reprint it by all means, provided that you do not make any

changes, additions, or omissions without permission.


Finally, please make Du'a for the writer; Sheikh Mohammad Abdelhaleem Hamed, for the translator brother Abu Talhah and for reviewer Br. Adam Qurashi. Remember this is not a perfect translation so forgive us our faults and correct our errors.



Muslim Students' Association

University of Alberta

Edmonton, Canada

February, 1999

and the reason i have to take it with a grain of salt can be explained with the above rules.

the advice to the woman has a part about anger and how to deal with, and the anger being referred to is the husbands.

the advice to the husband has pretty much the same that was given to the wife, except when referring to anger in the relationship, it still referring to the husband... women apparantly never get angry and are subject to their husbands changes of moods.

im not attacking the sheikh (even though i am upset), because i know he cant help but write from his point of view and no matter how learned he is, he is not a woman. we need more female scholars.

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^Even if it was written by a woman it would be trite, pointless and about 500 years out of the loop.


Leave your husband to fully satisfy his desire.

LMAO. And make sure to knock if you do have to come back unexpected.

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Hair And Sex


Take a minute to think about how many times per day we check our hair in a mirror or the reflection in a window as we pass by. How many times do we touch it or for that matter, how often we think about our hair throughout the day?


Why do we spend more personal care time on our hair than any other aspect of our appearance? Why does the way our hair feels, looks, or moves affect our mood and confidence so powerfully? Why when an attractive member of the opposite sex enters our area of possible encounter does our hand shoot straight up for a final touchup of our hair?



It simply isn't possible to appreciate the importance of hair in our daily life without examining its role in a sexual context. Whether we realize it or not, when we smell, touch, fondle or caress someone's hair, the behavior is a sexual act.

Regardless how much money we have, what we do for a living, or how perfect and flawless our body and attire might otherwise be, when our hair isn't right, we don't feel right. How our hair is cut, colored or styled, telegraphs to the world our sexual aggression's, insecurities, confidence and personal feelings. Hair, for better or worse, is the single most important part of our anatomy affecting our psyche. We will readily reschedule an appointment with our attorney, doctor, or accountant, before we will risk losing an opening with our favorite hairstylist.


If our genitalia is a primary sexual object, then hair is a secondary sexual object. In most countries and cultures it is socially unacceptable to openly display one's genitals, and usually unlawful too. It is precisely this social taboo that gives hair most of its power as a sexual object as it can usually be openly displayed, and even flaunted.


Some societies recognize the sexual allure of hair and for this reason have laws or customs requiring the covering or removal of hair. Often the shaving of the head is used as a form of punishment, or as in the case of the military, to destroy the psyche of self so that the soldier can be reprogramed as one of a team where all are alike, if not exactly equal.


Female hair is usually viewed as seductive with the color and length being used to categorize. Redheads are labeled as wanton, brunettes as aggressive, and blondes as submissive. Long hair an indicator of fertility and availability, and short hair as independent and forceful. The thinning of female hair implies loss of sexuality and femininity. Lack of luster and body indicates poor personal grooming.


Male hair is symbolic of virility and strength. Thus the loss of hair can represent the loss of virility, strength and stamina, a symbolic castration of a man's masculinity.


When a divorce is filed both parties make a dash for their salon. Subconsciously understanding that they need to make themselves back into a desirable acquisition for the opposite sex as dating will soon resume. A savvy hairstylist could make a fortune hanging out at the courthouse passing out cards. The courthouse represents judging, and we want to be judged as attractive and sexual, beyond all else.


If that were not reason enough to keep one's hair in the best possible shape and condition, in addition to dating, hair also determines our careers, promotions and friendships. We not only love hair and covet the hair of those that are blessed, we often shun and avoid those with hair lesser than our own and view ourselves as superior as we use our hair to attract, flaunt, and seduce.




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Talk about giving fatwa's left and right.


Nephthys, asked whether it was Islamically permissiable for a wife to seek permission and all I read was, "I think...." and "Why would she need..." and Im just shocked.


Instead of the "I think...", it would of been easier to not have responded to that part of the question. Not to mention, safer for you.


Anyways, its unfortnate that he walked out on her. However we shouldnt be making assumtions that he was planning this for some time cause we dont know that. Instead, lets just give him the benefit of doubt while we wait for the outcome of the situation. True say, I think (and see my "I think" has nothing to do with giving out a fatwa) when he calms down, some senior figures from both families will get in between them and inshAllah be a means to solution for the problem.


On a another note, would it have been too much for her to consult him or even send him a text message stating that she was on her way to get a makeover? At least in that case, homeboy wouldnt have been shocked to see his wife looking totally different. I mean, four years of marriage would make you understand that its a partnership and one with the other is like, Kobe without Shaq. But than again, Kobe is doing fine without Shaq so thats not really a good example, but you get my point right?


By the way, generally speaking, most men aren't too fond about surprises unless its a surprise where he gets to ____________(U know...!)do his thang and in that case, its an exception. Whereas, women love surprises. Even if a her husbands decided he wants to surprise her with a whisper she would love it.



(Husband gets home from work....)


Husband: Assalam alaikum baby, where you at?

Wife: Wa alaikum assalam, Im in the room.

Husband: Listen, I rushed home cause I have a surprise for you

Wife: Really? You know I love surprises. What is it? Can I have it now?

Husband: Be patient. It wouldnt be a surprise if I gave it to you now, would it? No, of course not. Maybe after dinner.

Wife: Baby, and not later. What is it, flowers? Tickets to the opera?

Husband: No, that wouldnt be a surprise. You're already expecting that. I got something better...close your eyes.

(Wifey closes her eyes and he leans in to position his mouth on her ears and he whispers)

Husband: I like you alot...I mean alot and I wouldnt want to watch the Super Bowl with anyone other than you.


Wife: Uhhhhhhh(breathing out) Those are the most beautiful words and the best surprises a husband can give his wife.


See to a normal man, he would read this conversation between the husband and wife and say, "What? Thats dumb" but women look at it from a different view.


Hence why the comments from the men and women on this thread are totally different smile.gif

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All this reminds me of a reply I made a while back.



Originally posted by NGONGE:


Incidentally, this reminds me of another observation I made about Somali women's hair. When they wash it, some of the most powerful knots known to man start forming. Oh, The agony of combing that hair has to be seen to be believed! That QAC QAC sound is usually heard from miles away and as you get closer to the sound whilst assuming it's some old biddy with a dodgy hip doing some aerobics, you frightfully discover that it is not! It's only cynical, Val, Lazy or Serenity combing their own hair.


Every Somali house has its fair share of toothless combs.


Did you say she had long hair?



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Originally posted by Nephthys:


, I did not name names or talked about people that
, as forum readers/solers know. I kept things generalized. Nor did I use names or instances that may have involved some members here. Ma garan waxaa la ooyaysid..


Don't fall into the flock mentality like the sheep just did.

LoL Nephthys, it’s a small world dear and we are a very sociable community especially when it come other people business. So, you don’t need to mention names, places etc. Just a mere reason as to why he divorced his wife will do. Imagine a bunch of dumar oo meel isugu yimi oo leh ‘Gabadh baa la yidhi ninkeedii wuxuu ku furay timaheedi oo ay gaabisay ’ and before you know it, it will reach family and friends and trace it back to SOL. ;)

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By the way, generally speaking, most men aren't too fond about surprises unless its a surprise where he gets to ____________(U know...!)do his thang and in that case, its an exception. Whereas, women love surprises.

You are generalizing and being presumptuous. Not all women love surprises and most men aren't h!rny roosters who have a one track mind.


Mida kale, it's not a crime to have an opinion because they are shaped by attained knowledge no matter how limited. As long as you understand that your opinion may not apply.


Anyway, I wouldn't want to be back with someone that walked out on me especially over something as ridiculous as a haircut. He is not stable.


How to make your wife happy huh? Is it just me or does it come across as though the husband is entertaining a child? Distraction ku yidhi.


Just out of curiosity,


How much of our understanding of Islam or interpretation of it is influenced by cultural or rather patriarchal norms?


For example, even though Allah is neither male nor female we refer to Allah as a He whereas were we to address Allah as an impersonal She, it would come of as sacrilegious?

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Originally posted by J.Lee:

How to make your wife happy huh? Is it just me or does it come across as though the husband is entertaining a child? Distraction ku yidhi.

Entertaining and disciplining a child. Who needs a husband when you can get a dad, ey?



Anywho, Nephy, we need a bit more info than that. Did your friend's hubby walk out as in 'I'm done with this marriage, it's over, goodbye blondie' or did he just storm out? Wonder if he packed a suitcase or duffel bag?


If he just stormed out, it might have just been a tantrum. If he packed up and said goodbye, then I agree with the rest, he was waiting to leave anyway.


But I must say colouring or cutting your hair without consulting with your family is just rubbish. My sister recently went ginger and I hate it. I hate it so much I've been regularly abusing her for it since.

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You are generalizing and being presumptuous. Not all women love surprises and most men aren't h!rny roosters who have a one track mind

Unfortunatly,I will have to disagree with you. Most men,err,ALL men rather(except Gay men) are horny bast*rds with one track mind. smile.gif :cool:


As for the Topic,I think,Nephy needs to be saved,from the habro cycles :D . Guurka wuuba kaa darayba,L0L. Waa Mar aad shipped xalimo from Africa aad ka maseereysid iyo mar aad cajus waalan oo Bilcaantiisa furay for cutting her Guud nooga warameysid. Ar unukaa walax aragnay,Walaal( icon_razz.gif ),Maxaa ku hayo? :D:D

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War dadkaanaa.


1. I said she should consult her husband if she wants to change her appearance. I did not say it is forbidden for her to cut the hair. read what i copied and pasted. :D


2. There is nothing wrong with crying. The sister is heartbroken, she loved her husband and didnt expect he would work out on her like that. :(:( . You guys have all cried at one point in ur life so next time shed those tears if you are overwhelmed by emosions bad or good.


3. I dont think Nephy was wrong to ask Solers. She clearly says I consulted her and also did not disclose any personal descriptions about the sister.



KK faanbaad lasoo istaagtay haye. Soomaaliyad waaxid adiga iyo Faheema.Suppress your anger, dhiig kar lee uu idinku dhicin.

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