
HY rising to arm and liberate themselves

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Fighting the Muse regime, and restoring dignity is our goal.

"30 ka sano dulmiga gaadhay, iyo beenta darajaysan; khudbadaha sidii duul Muslim ah, daahirka u muuqda; dibnaha qawlka laga sheegayiyo damaca uur kee fog; "


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Aad haw riyaaqina waxaasi waa gorayo khaakh layne.   Waa xoogaa muuse cabdale ahoo gacan libaax  isku sawiray.    Expect daily vlogs from that mountain.    Farsamo cusub baanu imika mjerrtenka  Ka baranoo.  Vlog uunba  layska duuba  hanjabaada.   😃


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They don't need to do much to dismantle the regime of Ina Biixi.

They could send a message to the airlines landing to Hargeisa airport and close the whole thing. The Sand Dwellers are 2km from the airport. They could set up checkpoints at  Cadaadley and prevent the trade from Bebera, takeover Sanaag and even shell Villa-Morgan. If they are serious.

I can assure you if the GH starts from the east and center, we will start from the west

.Gabiley aynu iskugu imaano.

  • Haha - That was funny. You made me laugh! 1

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Waan ku qoslay runtii. Cadawga Somaliland sidu u jecelyay in Somaliland dagaal ka dhex qarxo iyo siday ay mar walba niyad jabku ugu dhaco. 

Waar reer Somaliland inta TV yadda la iska yidha, waxa ka badan inta lagu dhameeyo daaha-dabodiisa. 

Dalku Doorasho ayuu aaday oo loo dareeraya December 2023 and 2024. Daawasho fiican. 

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4 hours ago, galbeedi said:

They don't need to do much to dismantle the regime of Ina Biixi.

They could send a message to the airlines landing to Hargeisa airport and close the whole thing. The Sand Dwellers are 2km from the airport. They could set up checkpoints at  Cadaadley and prevent the trade from Bebera, takeover Sanaag and even shell Villa-Morgan. If they are serious.

I can assure you if the GH starts from the east and center, we will start from the west

.Gabiley aynu iskugu imaano.

Actually this time, HY are serious, and forming armed rebellion in some regions. Let us leave it at that for now. They forever remain hostage to the illusive, if fictitious "ictiraaf", which necessitated their acceptance of being marginalized, and made irrelevant not only in politics, but in economics, and of all people by Hariisa fraying HA, and "caagadlayaal" HJ. It is quite tragic to watch their political, social, and economic status being reduced to that of mere carpet baggers in the triangle. Horaa loo yidhi rag isma dhalo. The second class citizen minions here accept "gunnimo", and seem proud of it. Bugger the lot!


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4 hours ago, baala xoofto said:

Waan ku qoslay runtii. Cadawga Somaliland sidu u jecelyay in Somaliland dagaal ka dhex qarxo iyo siday ay mar walba niyad jabku ugu dhaco.

Quite the Al Sahaf of the triangle, are not you? And shall be singing that same tune when the blows land on your visage, and the carpet is being pulled from underneath your sullied soles. I always knew you were a pamphleteering dotard, but to be the de facto "dawdar", now that is a  bloody low point in life. You progenitor must be so proud of you, if still boring the neighbourood as to your brilliance!


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Ustaad Oodweyne,

we don't need a big war in Somaliland. We just want to dismantle the economic strangulation's these groups set up from Lawyacade to Wajaale and Berbera.

The first order is Biixi to be defeated, and the system changed. If these guys are smart and capable as they claim , let them earn their living without monopoly. 

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4 hours ago, galbeedi said:

Ustaad Oodweyne,

we don't need a big war in Somaliland. We just want to dismantle the economic strangulation's these groups set up from Lawyacade to Wajaale and Berbera.

The first order is Biixi to be defeated, and the system changed. If these guys are smart and capable as they claim , let them earn their living without monopoly. 

Reer kaagu meeshii gabadhi Ka joogtaba ama xoogaa dad ah Ku ogyihiin ba , waad sheegataan oo anaga leh baad tidhaahdan.  Hungariga noocaasi waa raganimo  oo anaguba dadka dhulkooda waa Ku qabsana.  Laakiin damaca noocaasi dagaal joogto ahbu u baahan yahay.  Niman dagaal u diyaarsana uma muuqatan. Prank baad wadaan.       

Horta sheegashada faraha badan ee gebiley iyo wajaale, zaylac iyo lughaya yareeya.  Dad idinka sii jeeda baad isku soo jeedinaysa. Gebiley iyo wajaale anaga leh  100%    dhulkaa kale ee aad sheegatana waa Dhul ciise,  weliba anaga lughaya badhkeed leh.   Economy baan xanibaya iyo nag nag Layne  adigu cunaha hays qaban.  Hadhaw oohin taada taag Uma Haynee.    


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11 hours ago, Illyria said:

Actually this time, HY are serious, and forming armed rebellion in some regions. Let us leave it at that for now. They forever remain hostage to the illusive, if fictitious "ictiraaf", which necessitated their acceptance of being marginalized, and made irrelevant not only in politics, but in economics, and of all people by Hariisa fraying HA, and "caagadlayaal" HJ. It is quite tragic to watch their political, social, and economic status being reduced to that of mere carpet baggers in the triangle. Horaa loo yidhi rag isma dhalo. The second class citizen minions here accept "gunnimo", and seem proud of it. Bugger the lot!


What do you know about our economy.   In reality GX owns all trade markets of somaliland major cities ,  except maybe wajaale oo ay isagaba joogan,   every 10 dollars *** haysto.   I would say  around  7 kamida GX  baa noo haya.   3da meelood ee dhaqaalaha somaliland lagu rogrogo 3daba yagaa leh . SUUQYADA like waahen  , SAYLADAHA XOOLAHA  like burco,  iyo ZAAD kaba.   Siyaasada way Ku dawakheen ,  laakiin business Ka si macaan bay ula haystan. 


Kolayba culays kaa qaadmaya ma jiro adiga. dagaalka sool  anaga qanadaraas  Ku  qaadanay.  Wixii drod dilis ah anaga iyo nimanka ceerigaabo degan baa isq u xilsaaran .  Shift ga horena anaga galna  shift ga danbena yaga Ku qoran  . Waa shaqo aanu passionate Ku Nahay oo aanu awaawyashayo Ka dhaxalnay. 

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As usual khat enduced secessionist and dumb Biihi are under estimating GXJ folks, same way they underestimated SSC, they will raise up.

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"Dawlad maahee waa shufta dadka helay ... ma dhergaan, ma laqanyoodaan, mana qajilayaan"

"Dhibanahaan dulliga qaayibay ee maanku daxalaystay,
Ee dhagarqabihii duudsi baday, wali difaacaaya,
Ee dayr cadkiisii ka jecel, diiqa laga siiyo,
Ee dalawadiisii nin kale, ugu ducaynaaya,
Dad noolnool waxaa sidaa u galay yayga dagi weyday"

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J jones and sanddwellers are first land lords of the Somaliland republic we live from  lasqoray to Hargeisa from hargeisa to danoot.  but we are like and we say  Cadaawahanu kaga beegenahay curubta reer sheikh, haka filan waliga reer reeraha duriyada ka mid ah inay xabad ka ridan SL,. we have a contract  lugu qoray lugu alifay in mait luguna sexeexay burco in 1991. to protect the holy republic of Somaliland at all cost no matter what , and that will remain marka waliga haku riyoon taas , i say that to our Siyaad Barre Supporter remannts who  believe they can destroy Somaliland which is only a dream for them

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4 hours ago, maakhiri1 said:

As usual khat enduced secessionist and dumb Biihi are under estimating GXJ folks, same way they underestimated SSC, they will raise up.

grx and Muuse biixi are the same people same clan same folks    u cant divide these folks.   do u think  the great grx subscribe to ur walanweyn  unionist or cancerous union virus.


where are the so called jamaahiirta wax dhintay ama wax la qabtay , iyo wax calaacalayaaa


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