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Somaliland's very own Country Code 292

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Wasaarada Boosaha Iyo Isgaadhsiinta Oo Markii U

horeysay Hirgelisay Furre Cusub Oo U Gaar Ah

Somaliland [Gateway No: 292]


“Waxaan Idinku Wargelinayaa In Hirgelinta Mashruucani Uu Yahay Go’aan Dhab Ah Oo Sabab Loo Hakiyaa Aanay Jirinâ€


Hargeysa, July 27, 2006 (Haatuf) – Wasiirka Wasaarada Boosaha iyo Isgaadhsiinta Somaliland, Xasan Cabdi Khayre ayaa sheegay in ay wasaarada isgaadhsiintu ku guulaysatay inay dhamaystirto wajigii koowaad ee hawshii dhismaha Central Switch-ka isku xidhkaha shirkadaha isgaadhsiinta iyo ka shaqaysiinta National get-way No: 292 oo ah fure gaar ah oo ay Somaliland yeelan doonto, kaasi oo bedeli doona muftaaxii hore loogu soo geli jiray Somaliland marka debada laga soo hadlayo ee ahaa No. 252.


Wasiirku waxa uu shirkaasi jaraa’id ka sheegay inay wasaarad ahaan ku war-geliyeen dhamaan shirkadaha isgaadhsiinta ee ka ganacsada dalka in ay ku hawl-galaan ku soo xidhashada dib u dhiska wasaarada. Balse aanay ilaa hadda shirkaduhu wax jawaab ah ka bixinin.


Waxaanu wasiirku sidaas ku sheegay shir-jaraa’id oo uu shalay ku qabtay xafiiskiisa, kaas oo uu kaga xog-waramayay halka ay marayso hawlihii dib-dhiska ee wasaarada, gaar ahaan dhismaha Central Switch-ka iyo National Gate-way-ga (292) oo hirgelintiisa baryahanba ka shaqaynaysay wasaaradu, waxaanay u qornayd warbixin kooban oo wasiirku halkaas ka arkhiyey sidan:


“Mudanayaal, waxaan filayaa in aad wasaarada boosaha iyo isgaadhsiinta isugu keen dambeysay muddo fog, waxaanan idiin soo bandhigay inaad xog-ogaal u noqotaan halka ay marayso dib u dhiska wasaaradan, gaar ahaan dhismaha Central Switch-ka iyo National Gate Way-ga No; 292 ee hirgelintiisa hore ula socoteen.


Waxaan idinku wargelinayaa in hawshan dhismaha central switch-ka iyo national gate way-ga uu dhamaad yahay qaybtiisii ama wajigiisii 1-aad muddo lix bilood ah uu dhamaad yahay, hirgelintiisa waxa la siiyey mudo saddex bilood ee ugu dambeeyey May ilaa July shirkad kasta oo isgaadhsiin ah oo dalka ka ganacsata oo mudadaas ka hawl-gasha ku soo xidhashada Interconnection-ka shirkad kasta wixii laga dhawrayay ee wada shaqayn ah iyo warbixino wixii looga baahnaa, waananu wargelinay inay mudadaas ku soo gudbiyaan warbixintaas, waxaanay warbixintu ahayd:


1. Soo gudbinta madaxda ka masuulka maamulka shirkada.

2. Share holders-ka maalgashaday shirkada iyo qof waliba share-ka uu ku leeyahay boqolkiiba.

3. Sifooyinka sharciga ah ee shirkada oo ay ka mid tahay diwaan-gelinta.

4. Soo buuxinta qaabka ama foomka loogu talo-galay shirkad waliba inay soo sheegto qalabkeeda, si loo habeeyo sida ay ugu soo xidhmayso Central Switch-ka iyo National gate way-ga dalku yeeshay oo ah No: 292, horena wasaaradu ku baahisay warbaahinta Somaliland.

5. In shirkadu keensato aqoonyahanadeeda iyo madaxda maamulka uga masuulka ah oo ay wasaarada yimaadaan si ay u arkaan inuu diyaar u yahay central switch-ka, si laysula qorsheeyo sidii isku xidhkaas u hirgeli lahaa.

6. Inay shirkad waliba u soo gudbiso gooni ama wada jir wixii cabasho ah ama talo ah ee isku xidhkaas ku hirgalayo.

7. Kulankii ugu dambeeyey ee ay wada shaqayn buuxda ku ballany inay la yimaadaan wuxuu ahaa 29/6/06, Hase yeeshee may fulin balankaasi.


Haddaba, wuxuu nuxurka kulankeenani yahay in aan idinku wargeliyo in hirgelinta mashruucan uu yahay go’aan dhab ah oo sabab loo hakiyaa aanay jirin, sababta oo ah gacan ku haynta isgaadhsiinta Somaliland iyo sare u qaadideeda iyo cashuurteeda dawladeed iyo arrimaha nabadgelyadaba, waxa u xilsaaran dawlada, madax banaanida shirkadaha iyo guud ahaan ganacsigeenuba waa madax banaan yahay, sida ku xusan dastuurkeena, taasna macnaheedu ma aha shirkad waliba iskeed ayay hawlaheeda u wadanaysaa, iyada oo aan kantarool iyo ilaalin dawladeed ka madax banaan. Waxa kale oo aan idinku baraarujinayaa in marxalada siyaasadeed iyo nabadgelyaba ee geeskan aynu ku nool nahay maanta marayso in dawlada Somaliland ka sii tashatay inay habeyso istaraatijiyada isgaadhsiinta dalka, isla markaana ay ka kaaftoonto lambarkii Somaliya ee 252, taas oo madaxbanaanideena ka dhinaa.


Waxaan gabagabada idinku wargelinaynaa in dhamaan shirkadaha isgaadhsiinta Somaliland ee diwaan-gashani in kharashka isku xidhka ku samaysanayaan yahay bilaash, kaas oo wasaaradu xilqaaday iyo in waajibaadka wasaaradan u xilsaaran tahay, isla markaana ay wax ka qabatay yahay ka hawl-galka Fib Optic Cable-ka Badaha aduunka ku jira, kaas oo maal gelin lacageed u heshay oo badeena Red sea laga soo jiidayo 50km, gate-way-guna noqdo Berbera – Landing Pointâ€.


Intaas ka dib wasiirka waxa la weydiiyey su’aalo ku saabsan arrimahaasi oo ku hadlay, su’aalahaasina waxay u dhaceen sidan:


S: Waxaad sheegtay in aad shirkadaha ku war-geliseen dhismahan cusub ee wasaarada, muddana u qabateen inay ku hawl-galaan, mudadaasina waxaad sheegtay inay dhaaftay, markaa maxaad is leedahay way diidan yihiin ee baajiyey?

J: Cabasho xaqdaro, hogo tusaalayn, hadii dad qaran ahaan wada shaqaynaayo waa laysula iman karaa oo cid kastaa xaq bay u leedahay inay cabato oo ay tidhaahdo waxaas iyo waxaas baanu ka cabanaynaa, waxaan ku cadaynayaa mudada lixda bilood ah ee aanu isdaba jiitamaynay waxa afti ah ama qoraal ah oo shirkad ka mid ah shirkadahaasi ay yidhaahdeen waxan ayaanu ka cabanaynaa ma jirto.


S: Shirkadahan liisanka ganacsi dawlada ayaa siisay, markaa waa maxay farqiga idiin dhexeeya ee aad isu diidan tihiin?

J: Farqi noo dhexeeyaa ma jiro, liiskana wasaaradii siisay ayaanu nahay, liiskankaasina waa sanad oo mid laba laalan ah maaha, markaa ma jiro farqi noo dhexeeyaa, waxaanan u aragnaa diidmo qayaxan oo ay kaga hor imanayaan awaamiirta.


S: Wasiir waxaad sheegtay in aanay hirgelin shirkadahan war-gelin xagiina ka timid oo ah inay keenaan guddi farsamo, taasi markay dhaaftay wakhtigii aad u qabateena waxa kale oo aad sheegtay hadana in aad doraad u qorteen waraaq kale oo aad ku amraysaan inay laba cisho kaga soo jawaabaan ama ku keenaan guddidii farsamo, markaa hadii labadaasi cisho ay kaga soo jawaabi waayaan oo ay ku keeni waayaan waxyaabahaasi aad qorteen talaabada aad qaadaysaan waa maxay?

J: Wali may dhamayn labadii cisho, laakiin hadii ay taasi timaado oo ay diidaan, dee shaqadayada ayaanu qabsanaynaa.


S: Shirkadahani waxa la leeyahay waxay diidan yihiin shirkado gaar ah oo nin iska leeyahay ayaad hoos tegaysaan, laakiin maba diidana numberka cusub ee dalka loo sameeyey, markaa maxaa taas ka jira?

J: Wax allaale wax ka jiraa ma jiro, shirkad wax maamulaysaana ma jirto, central station-kan aan sheegayaana wasaarada ayuu dhexyaalaa, markaa ma bahalkan wasaarada noo yaala ayay shirkadi macmalaysaa oo ay leedahay, maya ee dawlada ayaa iska leh, waana been wararkaasi.


Intaa ka dib waxa Wasiirka Isgaadhsiintu kaxeeyey qaar ka tirsan weriyayaashii shirkaasi jaraa’id ka soo qayb galay, isaga oo soo tusay qalabka cusub ee ay wasaaradu ugu talo gashay isku xidhka shirkadaha Isgaadhsiinta Central Switch iyo furaha cusub ee loogu talo galay in lagu soo galo dalka National Gateway No. 292, kana bedelo furihii hore oo ahaa fure ka dhaxeeyey dalkii la isku odhan jiray Somalia, kaasi oo ahaa No 252. hase yeeshee, markii ay weriyayaashu tageen goobtii uu yaalay qalabkan Isgaadhsiintu ayaa waxa wax ka weydiiyeen mid ka mid farsamayaqaanadii ka shaqaynayey qalabka Isgaadhsiinta ee cusub, waxaanay weydiiyeen bal inuu hadda shaqaynaayo. Furahan cusub ee Somaliland 292. waxaanu ku jawaabay. “Haaâ€.


Sidoo kale weriyayaal ka tirsan Haatuf ayaa ku hadlay khadkan cusub ee ay wasaaraddu hirgelinayso, waxaanay kula hadleen wadamo kala duwan, gaar ahaan wadamada Norway, Djibouti iyo meelo kale, waxaanay weriyayaashu sheegeen in meelihii ay la hadleen ay arkeen lambarka lagu soo baxay oo ah 292, isla markaana codkiisu tayo ahaan aad u heer sareeyo.


Waxaanay weriyayaasha isticmaalay habkan cusub ee isgaadhsiintu hadleen in ku dhaw saacad, isla markaana intii ay hadlayeen wax cilad farsamo ah kalama ay kulmin.

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But that doesn't make Waqooyi galbeed a "country" of its own. Here in the states, we have different codes for most states as well. In one state alone one can find different area codes for towns adjacent to one another. 612 minneapolis area, 952 bloomington, 651 saintpaul, 507 rochester to mention a few and these are towns in one small state few miles apart the size of Somalia if not less :D:D

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Lol,i really don't understand why somaliland should free itself from somalia.I wouldn't mind if those who claim so,would give me some reasonable facts apart from siyaad bare having bombarded them and by the way,siyaad bare bombarbed almost anything that came on his way.One other thing i don't understand is the hate towards the south and the puntland side.Well,is it possible that the pple who dwell in somaliland actually are hijacked by some powerful hypocritic biased old men,i mean the ones in power? :rolleyes:

P.s.somaliland means the land of the somalis and that is a general name for all somalian lands.Why don't they invent names like somalistan or any other name that they might think it would suit them?

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^^^ Lets be honest you guys are looking for our approval, I mean why else would you guys post every little thing about "Somaliland" on here. "Somaliland's very own country code," who cares, if your a country good for you, I mean its not like you guys are important (be economically or politically) to whole of Somalia.


Secondly, this is Somalia online not Somali online, and Somalia is country not an ethnicity, since you aren't form the country of Somalia (as you see yourselves) I don't see the reason why you would be in this forum.


Message to the "Somalilanders," if you want recognition as a country then go to the damn UN, the SOL nomads can't make that decision, I see no point in your daily whining redface.gif

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my friend this is cyber space and the domain is most likely own by an american or european, sorry to burst your bubble but this is neither somalia/land/somali or anywhere else you imagine it to be.


desk, computer, chair ...these are the only real things.. :(:(

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siyaad bare having bombarded them and by the way,siyaad bare bombarbed almost anything that came on his way

Maj.Gen.Jalle Mxamed Siyaad Bare (Ilaahay haa u naxariisto) didn't bombared the citizens of "Somaliland," waxaad u baraten inn markasto afkiin aad kuso tagtiin.

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Another fabricated news from somaliland. What country code? Country codes are not for sale, you still need to dial 252 or somebody else country code. Riyaale team are brian washing this poor people in Hargeysa.

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they still need to dial 252 the Demoqratic republic of Somalia country code, than 292. it was easier before, they needed to dial 252 and Hargeysa 1.

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Originally posted by Pure blood:

quote: siyaad bare having bombarded them and by the way,siyaad bare bombarbed almost anything that came on his way

Maj.Gen.Jalle Mxamed Siyaad Bare (Ilaahay haa u naxariisto) didn't bombared the citizens of "Somaliland," waxaad u baraten inn markasto afkiin aad kuso tagtiin.
Really?Ok,on whose orders was the somali military carrying its large scale operations against somalians in somalia?The truth is,the man was wicked but he had his reasons,atleast he was better than the warlords.One more thing,tell me any one who got spared by siyaad bare's phangs for power?No somalian group was spared.

P.s.The maj general part was quite decent of u.Am glad that many show their respects in honouring our soldiers,whether wicked or good.

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But that doesn't make Waqooyi galbeed a "country" of its own. Here in the states, we have different codes for most states as well. In one state alone one can find different area codes for towns adjacent to one another. 612 minneapolis area, 952 bloomington, 651 saintpaul, 507 rochester to mention a few and these are towns in one small state few miles apart the size of Somalia if not less

I never agreed with Mr Xoogsade on anything, but that hit the nail right on the head...

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Originally posted by Lieutenant Xalane:

quote:Originally posted by Pure blood:


siyaad bare having bombarded them and by the way,siyaad bare bombarbed almost anything that came on his way

Maj.Gen.Jalle Mxamed Siyaad Bare (Ilaahay haa u naxariisto) didn't bombared the citizens of "Somaliland," waxaad u baraten inn markasto afkiin aad kuso tagtiin.
Really?Ok,on whose orders was the somali military carrying its large scale operations against somalians in somalia?The truth is,the man was wicked but he had his reasons,atleast he was better than the warlords.One more thing,tell me any one who got spared by siyaad bare's phangs for power?No somalian group was spared.

P.s.The maj general part was quite decent of u.Am glad that many show their respects in honouring our soldiers,whether wicked or good.
Adigo in'aad marqaansantahay iyo in'eey ruun ka tahay waxaad qortey baan garanwaayey.

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Originally posted by General Duke:

quote: But that doesn't make Waqooyi galbeed a "country" of its own. Here in the states, we have different codes for most states as well. In one state alone one can find different area codes for towns adjacent to one another. 612 minneapolis area, 952 bloomington, 651 saintpaul, 507 rochester to mention a few and these are towns in one small state few miles apart the size of Somalia if not less

I never agreed with Mr Xoogsade on anything, but that hit the nail right on the head...




Are you sure you are not confusing this with "area codes"? I thought America's unique country code was the number #1+followed by area codes+telephone number... no?

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I don't think its true, but if its true that means any city/province from any country can make its own calling code


All rebel/secessionist regions throughout the world can make their own calling code but its impossibla and unacceptable


If northwest province of Somalia create their own country code, I am sure the people of North central (Sool Sanaag and Buuhoodle/Cayn) will keep their country code of +252 (Somalia), As they kept using flag of Somalia, currency of Somalia……..


Secessionists have fake flag, fake constitution, fake president, fake currency, fake capital, and today fake country calling code


Let me say to secessionists enjoy your fake world


I believe its good news for the people of North central, because the world will realize once again, Somaliland is confined within tribal triangle




All these countries have country code of +1




























The question is does having calling code make a country? of course NOOO...

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Originally posted by Xoogsade:

But that doesn't make Waqooyi galbeed a "country" of its own. Here in the states, we have different codes for most states as well. In one state alone one can find different area codes for towns adjacent to one another. 612 minneapolis area, 952 bloomington, 651 saintpaul, 507 rochester to mention a few and these are towns in one small state few miles apart the size of Somalia if not less

That is true to some extent, however that applies to the rich and industralized world like the U.S. But if we speak of reality in Africa particularly our own regions, one would say in reasonable way that since somaliland was part and parcel of Somalia previously but later after the collapse of Siad Barre chose to declare unilateral declaration, decided to have ALSO new area code that differs from that it had previously (252), would say yes this is really serious move. It might be small scale, but this adds to the list of new changes as Somaliland pursues a nationhood. However, Somaliland does still need to get recognition, but this is a new addition to the case of Somaliland regardless of how small it is.


MR. Xoogsade, during the days of Siad Barre, Somalia only had one area code, and yes that included what is now Somaliland, and offcourse to add Bay and Bakool or maybe you were Banadiri eh? So anyways, this means something if you ask me. In addition, I think you left out '763'area code in that list of yours, that is where I am employed ya know.


Suuldaanka, do you know when this change will go into effect?

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