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Somalia's Ambassador to Kenya - Nin-magaalo ka duday

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DEG DEG: Safiirka Soomaaliya ee dalka Kenya Maxamed Tarsan ayaa ka baxay kulan casumaad ah oo Madaxweynaha Kenya Uhuru Kenyata usameeyey safiirada dalkiisa kusugan, ka dib markii ay Dawladda Kenya kulanka kucasuntay xubno kasocda Somaliland, gaar ahaana u qaabilsan dalka Kenya, una aqoonsatay Safiirnimo, sidaas oo kalena lays bar-bardhigay Kuraasta ay fariisanayaan labada dhinac, madasha waxaa lakeenay Calanka Soomaaliya iyo kan Somaliland oo isbarbar-yaala.

Taas oo kadhigan in ay Kenya u aqoonsato Somaliland Dal kamid ah dalalka ay casuntay ee safiirada, taas oo ay kacarootay dawladda Faderaalka.

Safiirka Soomaaliya ayaa kabaxay shirka, waxaan dhambaal deg deg ah la gaarsiiyey Villa Soomaaliya, taas oo ay safaarada Soomaaliya ku cadeynayso ficilada Kenya ee ka dhan ah madax banaanida dalka.

Kenya, xariirka ay la leedahay Soomaaliya ayaa xumaa 4-tii sanno ee lasoo dhaafay sababo la xariira kuxadgudubka Dhulka, Hawada iyo Badda Soomaaliyeed, taas oo ay Muqdisho kuhakisay xariirka kuna diiday ficilada Kenya ee hareer-marsan sharciyada caalamiga ah, waxayna Nairobi horey u doonaysay in ay qaadato qeyb kamid ah Badda Soomaaliya, taas oo aysan wali aqbalin go’aankii Maxkamadda.

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The old Somali proverb: Nin magaalo ka duday - yaa ku og ba?


Kenya's President Uhuru Kenyata invited the Foreign Diplmats based in Nairobi including Somaliland Embassy staff and Somalia's Embassy Staff. Somalia's Ambassador walked off from the meeting after he saw the Somaliland diplmats and their flag clearly displayed among other nation states. 

I am sure no one even felt Somalia's absence. Kolka maqnaansho haaga iyo joogi taankaagu isku midyahay, la isma waal waalo. aayar ayaa la iska fadhiista. 😁

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This is the man, ninka looga cararay xafladii kulmisay safiiradda caalamka ee Madaxtooyadda Kenya.

On a serious note, why would Somalia's Qooto-Qooto Ambassador, Ex-London Taxi Driver Tarzan, would make a scene out of this?

I mean, come on, if he is going to run away from an event just b/c Somaliland's Ambassador and Flag are present, why not just run away from Nairobi as Somaliland's Embassy is fully accredited as an Embassy status. Just close down your Embassy and stop making yourself the butt of jokes. 

But we know, it is a Qooto-Qooto style government just want to make a totally useless headline that means nothing. 


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Xiriirka Kenya iyo Soomaaliya: Muxuu danjire Tarsan uga baxay shirkii uu Uhuru u yeeray

14 Daqiiqadood ka hor


Safiirka Soomaaliya ee Kenya Maxamuud Axmed Nuur Tarsan ayaa la sheegay inuu isaga baxay shir ay madaxtooyada Kenya isugu yeertay safiirada uu fadhigooda yahay dalka Kenya ka dib markii uu kulankaasi ku arkay masuuliyiin matalayay jamhuuriyadda iskeed ugu dhawaaqday madaxbanaannida ee Somaliland, sida ay sheegeen saraakiil ka tirsan safaarada Soomaaliya.

Kenyatta ayaa maanta la yeelanayay diblomaasiyiinta kulankiisii ugu dambeeyay ka hor doorashada dalka Kenya ka dhaceysa bisha Agoosto ee sanadkan.

Danjire Tarsan ayaa la sheeegay in markii uu goobta shirka tagay uu ku arkay calanka Somaliland iyo dad matalayay Somaliland taasi oo uu si weyn uga carooday, waxaana la sheegay inuu dalbaday in wax laga bedelo, kadibna danjiraha shirka ayuu kasoo baxay markii dalabkiisa uu socon waayay.

Somaliland ayaa wakiil ku leh Nairobi, mana cadda mansabka uu wakiilkooda ku joogay shirkaasi.

Kenya ayaa rasmi ahaan u aqoonsan Somaliland inay tahay gobol ka tirsan Soomaaliya. balse sanadihii dambe ayay Nairobi sare u qaaday xiriirka diblumaasiyadeed ee ay la leedahay Somaliland. Dowladda Soomaaliya ee uu hoggaaminayay Farmaajo ayaa marar badan ku eedeysay Kenya inay farogelin toos ah ku heysa arrimaha gudaha ee Soomaaliya. Kenya ayaa beenisay eedeyntaasi.

Dowladda Kenya iyo Somaliland midkoodna kama hadlin arrintan u dambeysay. Laakiin wakiilada Somaliland u fadhiya Nayroobi ayaa xaqiijiyay inay casumaad ka heleen madaxtooyada Kenya.

Kenyatta ayaa ku jira gabagabada muddo xileedkiisii u dambeeyay, waxaana Kenya ka socdo olole doorasho oo xoog leh.

Waxaa doorashada soo socoto ku loolami doono, William Ruto oo hadda ah madaxweyne ku xigeenka Kenya iyo Raila Odinga oo hogaamiya xisbiga mucaaradka.

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Kenyans and Ethiopians will not change their shared policy to neutralize Somalia once for all regardless of who is the president.  This is the best opportunity given to them in decades.  

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Well done Tarzan. Hassan must teach a lesson to Kikuyus for interfering Somalia's internal affairs. Somalia has so many leverages against Kenya:

1. We can create a rebel group that calls independence of NFD

2.  No more Qat imports from Nairobi.

3. Kikuyus are cowards so bring some of the Danab, Gorgor and God knows what animal names we have to the Somalia-Kenya border 😂. They will be crying like a baby I tell ya.

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7 hours ago, Samafal said:

Well done Tarzan. Hassan must teach a lesson to Kikuyus for interfering Somalia's internal affairs. Somalia has so many leverages against Kenya:

1. We can create a rebel group that calls independence of NFD

2.  No more Qat imports from Nairobi.

3. Kikuyus are cowards so bring some of the Danab, Gorgor and God knows what animal names we have to the Somalia-Kenya border 😂. They will be crying like a baby I tell ya.

The only thing that you will do for yourself is increase your trip time to Nairobi. And get humiliated in Wajeer regional airport for hours on end. Just ask Farmaajo 😂

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Why Somaliland want to the stick everyone uses to beat or annoy Somalia? Why the are seeking an ugly attention ? what would they gain if the relationship between Somalia and neighboring countries quarrel ?

It was Faysal who said he prefers those from Addis than other Somalis, so now they prefer those from Kikiyu country.

What a shame.

Ma ul Soomalida lagu karbaasho ayey noqotay Somaliland. I don't think the people of Somali would appreciate this ugly gesture.

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Somalia contributes to the region negatively. 

On the other hand, Somaliland contributes to the region positively. It sets an example of how to run a success stable and peaceful democracy in a very volatile and highly unstable region. Also as its economic grows and its infrastructure becomes on par with global leaders, it is becoming indispensable to the wider region. 

With Raila Odinga favoured to win the President come this August, the relationship between Kenya and Somaliland  which goes as far back as colonial times when both countries shared many things including currency and travel documents (East Africa Shillings/Travel Documents), will only go higher and stronger from this forward. 

It is for Somalia to take a hard look at itself and come to terms with reality. Otherwise more humiliating defeats are in store for it. 


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14 hours ago, galbeedi said:

Why Somaliland want to the stick everyone uses to beat or annoy Somalia? Why the are seeking an ugly attention ? what would they gain if the relationship between Somalia and neighboring countries quarrel ?

It was Faysal who said he prefers those from Addis than other Somalis, so now they prefer those from Kikiyu country.

What a shame.

Ma ul Soomalida lagu karbaasho ayey noqotay Somaliland. I don't think the people of Somali would appreciate this ugly gesture.

They have done all of that with a dinner one was invited to? 😂

Nevertheless the issue is Somalia needs to be serious and mend and resolve issues with Somaliland, one or the other way. 

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On 6/14/2022 at 8:50 PM, Samafal said:

Well done Tarzan. Hassan must teach a lesson to Kikuyus for interfering Somalia's internal affairs. Somalia has so many leverages against Kenya:

1. We can create a rebel group that calls independence of NFD

2.  No more Qat imports from Nairobi.

3. Kikuyus are cowards so bring some of the Danab, Gorgor and God knows what animal names we have to the Somalia-Kenya border 😂. They will be crying like a baby I tell ya.

You cannot even liberate Kenya from kismayo who on earth can u move into nfd second. The people of nfd have given up on the cancerous somaliweyn and wish to be proud citizens of Kenya 

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On 6/15/2022 at 5:21 AM, galbeedi said:

Why Somaliland want to the stick everyone uses to beat or annoy Somalia? Why the are seeking an ugly attention ? what would they gain if the relationship between Somalia and neighboring countries quarrel ?

It was Faysal who said he prefers those from Addis than other Somalis, so now they prefer those from Kikiyu country.

What a shame.

Ma ul Soomalida lagu karbaasho ayey noqotay Somaliland. I don't think the people of Somali would appreciate this ugly gesture.

Wamaxay calacaalku somaliland is just looking after its own interest nothing worth with that 


somalida la karbaashayo Dee somali kala maha wa walanweyn. Somalida jabuuti kuwa Keniya kuwa somaliland way wadda nabad qabaan

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