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Former NISA Director Fahad Yasin interview

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There are no courts to adjudicate civil or criminal cases except those who are related to capital punishments and clear cut terrorism' crimes with amble evidence. Even peaceful regions like Somaliland or Puntland doesn't have courts to decide serious cases . Land dispute cases go for decades without no one winning or losing.

5 hours ago, Samafal said:

Kkkk isagaaba dambiila ah hadii uu nin uu ogyahay in waxaas oo jariimo ah qoolayay hadana uusan wax tilaabo ah uusan ka qaadin. Laakiiin waxaan waa boor isku qaris kama saarayso Fahad. Laakiin Mar uun runti waa soo baxaysaa.

I think that part of the accusations is probably the weakest part  by Fahad. I do believe him about the connections of Al-shabaab and Mahad Salaad, in fact, a former high official from the C/laahi Yusuf government told me that almost every Soomaali Maamul, Amisom and others including Puntland and Somaliland have access to contact Al-shabaab. Also judging by the desperation of this mafia, they will use anyone to take advantage.

Fahad doesn't need  to talk about what took place for the last 5 years or more, I think most people know that Mahad Salaad was the main protagonist leading the tribal  insurgents  threatening war against the government. By the time Fahad realized his deep connections three years or so ago, the political climate was polarizing and arresting him would have been difficult. Yet, it was a huge mistake to let it go knowing the danger he posed to the nation. I think the mistake is probably from the Farmaajo side who was blindsided by his re-election.

Furthermore, Mahad Salaad who was oposed Qoor Qoor suddenly swathed when Ehlu Sunna fought the Galmudug maamul. I have no doubt that Mr. Salaad is a criminal and a killer. There are enough evidence to prove his crimes.

21 hours ago, maakhiri1 said:

sheegtay in ay taliyaha la ballansantahay ! waxaanan wada ognahay in Fahad yaasiin xiligaas wadanka ka maqnaa haddaba Ikraan waa kuma taliyaha ay la ballansanayd ? ! 

If you shut the noise and did minor investigation, the both the lies of the mother and the mafia could be exposed easily.

Before Fahad showed up at NISA, most of the security apparatus in Mogadishu were either former criminals like Saadiq John, Maxakamadaha or former members of Al-shabaab.

By the way, the prime minister Fahad was talking about id Cali Mohamed Geedi. The three vocal supporters of Farmaajo in Mogadishu and in the airwaves were Abwaan Bedel, Cali M. Geedi and C/laahi Sheikh Hassan. The Abwaan was killed, C/laahi was bombed few weeks ago and Geedi was saved by Fahad. In fact, Geedi doesn't travel outside Mogadishu and he knows well about the crimes of the mafia.

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Cabdiwahaab Sheekh Cabdisamad: Waa in raysal wasaare Rooble lagula xisaabtamo afduubkii la ii geystay


Cabdiwahaab Sheekh Cabdisamad oo ah agaasimaha fulinta ee Machadka Daraasaadka Istiraatiijiyadda ee Geeska Afrika, ayaa ugu baaqay madaxweynaha Soomaaliya, Xasan Sheikh inuu furo baaritaan ku saabsan afduubkiisii sannadkii hore loo geystay.

Cabdiwahaab Sheekh Cabdisamad ayaa sheegay inuu walaac ku abuuray waraysi uu Fahad Yaasiin kaga hadlay af-duubkiisii, wareysigaas oo Fahad uu ku sheegay in raysal wasaare Rooble uu ka dambeeyay afduubkiisa, sida uu isagu sheegay.

Fahad Yaasiin ayaa doraad sheegay in uu hayo macluumaad badan oo ku saabsan afduubkaas, isagoo sheegay inuu diyaar u yahay inuu dhibbanaha la wadaago afduubkiisa iyo qorshaha laga lahaa.

Prof. Cabdiwahaab wuxuu sheegay inuu ka welwelsan yahay in uusan weli garanayn in naftiisu ay khatar ku jirto iyo in kale. Wuxuuna sheegay in raysal wasaare Rooble lagula xisaabtamo afduubka loo geystay.

Waxaan ka codsanayaa dawladda Iswiidhan in ay ka qayb qaadato raadinta caddaaladda, iyada oo la tixgelinayo in kiiskaan uu quseeyo mid kamid ah muwaadiniinteeda,” ayuu yiri Prof. Cabdiwahaab.

Wuxuu Kenya ugu baaqay inay sugto ammaanka isaga iyo qoyskiisa.



A isbaariste Rooblaawe Baahane always a isbaariste.

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Al-shabaab leaders come and go, but the real principles ( Milkiilayaasha) always remain despite the changes. Mahad Karatey is among those who rule behind the scene and have extensive connections in mOgadishu.

Despite their arms and recruits, Al-shbaab is very weak in terms real confrontations. Like criminals ,they usually concentrate soft targets. 

Few minor steps could eliminate them.

1-most of their weapons are procured or gained from Anisom forces, mainly the Burundis and others. THey overrun a base and take tons of weapons. If you send home these weak forces to their country and replace few hundred mobile Somali forces, that would diminish their capacity.

2-cut all services to the area they control including Hawala and other electronic banking systems.

3- prevent them their ability to tax and monitor the activities of the Bakara market.

4-Reduce and eliminate  the hardship of the locals who seek the help of Al-shabaab to confront those outsiders who are exploiting the and their resources. There are huge number of youth who join them to fight those who occupy their land.

5- shut down the airwaves and stop the propaganda Somalia media members make voluntarily for Al-shbaab for many reasons. Look at this journalist. He is probably among those hired to create fear.

Finally, Al-shabaab isn't Taliban. Few drones and an agile and mobile Somali force could eliminate. 




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