Che -Guevara

Presidential (s)election on May 15, 2022

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My goodness. He has all the appearances of a good honest man but rotten to the bone. Typical of South Somalia politician. 

Don't let the appearances deceit you. 

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9 hours ago, maakhiri1 said:

Many of the candidates, have pledged to help Kenya in SOMALI-Kenya dispute, some of them , are even funded by Kenya, as reported by SOMALI former foreign minister, some of the candidates don't have any money, and somehow paid for the $40k fees to run, and he was also approached but declined.

here is one of them, this guy has been running since 2004, and  definitely like CULUSOW, Sharif, INa Abdi SHakur, Deni,  is 100% a Kenyan agent. the islamic  dress, look, , is wolf in sheep's clothing.



I was wondering why odey Xaaji Yaasiin did not show up this year. Ilaa iyo 2004 la socday mar walba isa soo taagaaye, losing tens of thousands of dollars and each time getting fever than three votes. Odeyga lacagta meel uu geeyo waaye.

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7 hours ago, baala xoofto said:

My goodness. He has all the appearances of a good honest man but rotten to the bone. Typical of South Somalia politician. 

Don't let the appearances deceit you. 

Odeyga has nothing to do Koonfurta aad ku waalatay. He is a wealthy ganacsade from Kiikuuyo land, who settled there before the civil war.

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Farmaajo oo khudbaddiisa ku sheegay sida uu ku yimid ‘isbeddel doonka socda’

Madaxweynaha muddo xileedkiisu dhammaaday, Mudane Maxamed Cabdullahi Maxamed (Farmaajo) oo ka mid ah musharixiinta xilka madaxweynaha ayaa maanta hortegay xildhibaanada labada Aqal isaga oo u jeediyey khudbadiisa ku aadan barnaamijkiisa siyaasadeed, haddii markale dib loo doorto.

Farmaajo ayaa si aad ah uga hadlay waxqabadka dowladdiisa ee 5-tii sano ee lasoo dhaafay, wuxuuna diiradda saaray, ammaanka, siyaasadda, dhaqaalaha iyo dagaalka Al-Shabaab.

Musharrax madaxweyne Farmaajo ayaa markale ka codsaday xildhibaanada labada Aqal inay codkooda siiyaan, si usii uu hoggaamiyo Villa Soomaaliya, wuxuuna ku faanay inuu la dagaalamay musuq-maasuqa, isla-markaana uu xoojiyey dowlad wanaagga Soomaaliya.

Sidoo kale wuxuu soo hadal qaaday arrimaha siyaasadda iyo dhaqaalaha, wuxuuna sheegay in xasilooni siyaasadeed iyo kobac dhaqaale uu abuuray, sida uu hadalka u dhigay.

Waxa kale oo uu intaasi ku daray inuu xakameeyey hubka ay heysato dowladda Soomaaliya, si uusan u gelin gacan kale.

Dagaalka Al-Shabaab ayuu sidoo kale sheegay inuu xooga saaray, wuxuuna tilmaamay inay gacanta dowladda soo galeen deegaano horleh sida, Sabiid, Caanoole Janaale iyo Marka, inkastoo degmada Marka ay gacanta dowladda soo gashay ka hor maamulka Farmaajo.

Dhinaca kale wuxuu sharraxaad ka bixiyey ereyga halka u dhigga u ah ee ‘Isbeddal doonka socd’ wuxuuna xusay in isbeddalkaas uu ka bilowday meesha hada la joogo ee doorashada.

“Isbeddelka waxa uu ka yimid wax la yiraahdo isbeddel doonka fadhiidka ah oo taariikhdeena ku suntan, sidaad ogtihiin isbeddal doonka socda wuxuu ka billowdaa waqtiyadaan hadda aa joogno doorashada ah,” ayuu yiri madaxweynaha muddo xileedkiisu dhammaaday.

Haddii markale dib loo doorto wuxuu ballan-qaaday inuu dalka gaarsiinayo doorasho qof iyo cod ah, wuxuuna shaaciyey haddii qof kale la doorto inay taasi adkaan doonto.

“Annagaa ugu dhow doorasho qof iyo cod ah oo qof cusub haddii uu yimaado ma gaari karo” ayuu sii raaciyey.

Si kastaba, hadal-jeedinta musharixiinta madaxweynaha ayaa la filayaa in lasoo gabagabeeyo gelinka dambe ee maanta, iyada oo doorashada la qabanayo 15 May.


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Seriously some of them not trying hard to get votes,  qaarkood muxaadarooyin bay galeen, muxaadaro meeshan looma iman, yaab badanaa!

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17 hours ago, maakhiri1 said:

Many of the candidates, have pledged to help Kenya in SOMALI-Kenya dispute, some of them , are even funded by Kenya, as reported by SOMALI former foreign minister, some of the candidates don't have any money, and somehow paid for the $40k fees to run, and he was also approached but declined.

here is one of them, this guy has been running since 2004, and  definitely like CULUSOW, Sharif, INa Abdi SHakur, Deni,  is 100% a Kenyan agent. the islamic  dress, look, , is wolf in sheep's clothing.



If someone is Kenyan agent is Farmaajo by your definition and twisted logic. While Somali government was taking the sea border dispute to the international court, he made his campaign headquarter in Nairobi. Many people believe Al Shabaab work for foreign agents. Anigu I am starting to believe that CBB are funded by a foreign secret service to undermine Somali stability.  

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4 hours ago, Samafal said:

If someone is Kenyan agent is Farmaajo by your definition and twisted logic. While Somali government was taking the sea border dispute to the international court, he made his campaign headquarter in Nairobi. Many people believe Al Shabaab work for foreign agents. Anigu I am starting to believe that CBB are funded by a foreign secret service to undermine Somali stability.  

Who is CBB? 

Tell us what you think those candidates  who are pro Kenya? Do you think Madoobe would ever disobey Kenya? You know they own him,  Or Deni can say NO  to  evil UAE and work for Somalia's best interest?  🤔 

Let us all be free and help this poor nation,  free from foreign interference and interest. 

The logic,this Somali group also is worse than us , and is dealing with  foreigners, so I also run to other groups will only work against us. 



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Here 100% callers supporting Farmaajo .even the Ali Harare and his friend was surprised by how overwhelming callers are only one side

Imagine if it was 1m1v

Those mucaraad if they see locals supporting Farmaajo, they think they were paid, there are recent banaanbax , in many Somali towns, 

Anyway the public can move very little, these MPs,  that is why needs to move to 1m1v


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On 5/13/2022 at 12:56 AM, maakhiri1 said:

Who is CBB? 

Tell us what you think those candidates  who are pro Kenya? Do you think Madoobe would ever disobey Kenya? You know they own him,  Or Deni can say NO  to  evil UAE and work for Somalia's best interest?  🤔 

Let us all be free and help this poor nation,  free from foreign interference and interest. 

The logic,this Somali group also is worse than us , and is dealing with  foreigners, so I also run to other groups will only work against us. 



So tell me what these candidates did or said that make them pro Kenyan? These are why the CBB are more dangerous than Al shabab and they must be defeated. You label everyone that is against your immature political manoeuvring with Kenya and blah blah. First of all  Kenya is not known to interfere Somalia as Ethopia. Secondly Kenya is weak neighbour and they have reason to fear Somalis than other way round. So your propaganda is very cheap and foolish to say the least. Tomorrow, your hero will be defeated and humiliated and in my opinion he should not be let go easily. He must be trialed and answer all the brutalities he committed  against Qalbi Dhagax and the young NISA girl murdered. He must answer about soldiers brutally murdered and buried in CCW's house. He must answer about the silly wars he started in Gedo, Baydhabo and Baladwayne. He must also answer about the opportunities missed in the last five years that could have been used to unite the country and stabilised. He must never be allowed to stand for office ever again.

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30 minutes ago, Samafal said:

So tell me what these candidates did or said that make them pro Kenyan? 

There's an actual recording (On youTUbe even), where Deni said Solution for Somalia lies in Kenya - a neighboring country who's been a regional rival since colonial period is the Solution to Somalia he says, Incredibly you're challenging us to find a Pro Kenyan candidate on this Forum.

Also, Farmaajo is a criminal? huh and Deni whose blood is dripping from this mouth is your candidate - not surprised at all...

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15 minutes ago, Shurwac said:

There's an actual recording (On youTUbe even), where Deni said Solution for Somalia lies in Kenya - a neighboring country who's been a regional rival since colonial period is the Solution to Somalia he says, Incredibly you're challenging us to find a Pro Kenyan candidate on this Forum.

Also, Farmaajo is a criminal? huh and Deni whose blood is dripping from this mouth is your candidate - not surprised at all...

I dare you to provide that youtube video. I dare you!

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