Che -Guevara

Tragic Fire in Hargeysa

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If there was even 1% of suspicious activity related to the fires, you will hear it first from Hargeisa's residents. Because nothing is hidden in Hargeisa. Waa dad xor ah oo wixii ay arkaan ka hadla, runta ka sheega. Reer Hargeisa beenta ma sheegaan si ay siyaasad daciif ah uga dhex raadiyaan. 

The fact that this 'suspicious' rumour is going around by anti-Somaliland elements, just tells how they will not stop at anything. If iyo aakhiro way seegeen.  

When you look at the how the people, strangers and friends, are moving the goods out of warehouses to the Dooxa Hargeisa where it stayed overnight without a single box missing. That shows, how true and honest the people are to one another. An unmatched spirit that is only found in very few places on this Earth. 

For example I give you the case of Simoodi Gold shop which belongs to Reer Awdal investors. Their whole gold inventory were stored in the middle of Dooxa Hargeisa with zero security. 

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Soomaliland:askartu shacabka ma rasaasayso !

Waxaa qoray:Weriye Ciise Talyaani

Todobadii fiidnimo ayey ahayd markaanu New Hargaysa cashada unimi oo aanu soo dhaafnay meheradii shaaha ee Yamaniyiinta oo ku taalay Suuqa Waaheen dhanka laamiga bartamaha soo xigtay.

Waxaanu markaas ka soo laabanay, safar aanu ku tagnay Gabilay iyo Boorama, saacad hadaanu fadhino halkaanu ku cashaynay, ayaa nalagu war-geliyey in Hoteelkii aanu deganayn oo ku yaalay Suuqa Waaheen aagiisa uu dab wayni qabsaday.

Saaxibkay Maxamed Xassan Dhalo oo aanu wada soconay ayaan is-waydiinay sida aan ku tagi karno Hoteelka, kolkaas ayuu iiga sheekeeyey dabkii qabsaday suuqa Bosaaso 2011-kii Dec, waxa uu iiga waramay xalaadu siday markaas ahayd, iyo dhibaato askari ugaysatay isaga iyo laba nin oo la socotay, wuxuu kaloo iisheegay in rasaasta askartu habeenkaas riday ay uga xasuus badantahay dabkii suuqa.

Aniga oo aan meesha Huteelku iga jiro u kicin, ayuu dareen dheeraad ku ah dabkaasi igu abuurmay, mana anan jeclaysan inaan aado.

Raggii aan wada soconey qaarokood waxay gaari u qaateen beerta libaaxyada oo ilaa casarkii laga sheekaynayey.

Laakiin aniga iyo saaxiibo kale oo ducumentiyo ka war-wereyey, waxaan u soo kacnay xaggii dabku naga xigey.

Waxa ugu wayn ee aan ka baqayey marka laga yimaado dabka waxa ay ahaayeen askarta.

Waxaan filayey oo run noqotay in dad tiro beel ahi ay meesha isugu imanayaan si ay u arkaan xaaladda, deedna sida caadada u ahayd askarta magaalooyinkii aan joogay, sheekadii saaxiibkay Dhalo ee dabkii Boosaaso qabsadayna ka mid ahayd, in askartu xabad u isticmaali doonaan kala baacinta dadkaas.

Gaarigii na waday wuxuu na dhigay meel in doora ujirta suuqa, saxmadda oo badnay awgeed, waan soo lugaynay aniga iyo saddex nin oo aanu wada soconay, markaas anigu waan dareen soconayey, saxiibadii ila socdayna ila mid bay ahaayeen, waayo isku meel ayaanu ka nimi.

Lakiin markaan gudaha usoo galnay suuqii oo aan in doora-soconayno niyad ahaan su'aasha igu taaganna marka laga yimaado dabkaas damintiisa ay ahayd, rasaasta oo aan dhawaaqeeda la'ahay, ayuun baan ku nimi askari suun wata oo dadka hortaagan.

Askarigaasi oo Booliiska Somaliland ka tirsanaa waxa kaliya uu isticmaalayey waxa uu ahaa suun, ciddii soo jiirta uu isaga caabinayo, cidi may dhaafayn isaguna ma xad-gudbeen, waxa uu hadba sii daynayey dadka hantidu ka tiilay suuqa ee hadba kartoonka la soo ordayey.

Hoteel Barwaaqo oo aanu degenahay hortiisa ayey dadku taaganyihiin, askarigii suunka watay ayaa na istaajiyey, wuxuu na waydiiyey ujeedka socodkeena, markaas anigu lama hadlin lakiin raggii aanu wada soconay mid ka mida ayaa la hadlay, wuu na fasaxay hoteelka markaanu galnay oo aanu soo qaadanay kumbuyutaro iyo dukumantiyo ayaanu soo laabanay.

Runtii dhibaato ayaa ka taagnayd suuqa, dadka wajiyadooda waad ka aqrisan karaysay halaagga dhaqaale ee dhacay, dhabtii la dareen ayaan ahaa, waayo waxaa marba na dhaafayey haweenay ama ganacsade ladnaa cabaar ka hor oo aragoodu kuugu filan yahay dhibaatada jirta .

Dareenkaas ka sokow waxaa ila waynayd oo aan hadba sii jaleecayey askariga suunka watay, waxaan la noolaa askari daruufta amni khasbayso lakiin dhibaatada dabiiciga ah toodu ay ka darantahay, waxaan usoo joogay askari si uu waddo iiga celiyo madaxa qori iiga saaray.

Waxaan bartay bulsha kasta inay udhaqanto sida dawladeeda iyo askarigeedu udhaqmaan, waxaan arkayey idinna aad sawiradooda aragteen arday iyo shacab biyo iyo cunno siinaya askarta shaqada dab-daminta ah gacanta ku haysay, waxay taageradaa bulsho ciidanku ku helay waa dhimrinta ay sameeyeen, marka laga yimaado waajibaadka ay gudanayeen.

Haday askartu xabad is-ticmaali lahaayeen, khasaare nafeed ayaa isaguna raaci lahaa dabka.

Ismaan lahayn waxaad arki khasaare caynkaasa, ismana oron askari Soomali ah oo suun wata ayaad la kulmi, lakiin Somaliland ciidankeedu way ka duwanaayeen kuwii aan horay usoo arkay.

Hargaysa dabkeedii, waxa uu dhammaantaya noo ahaa waaya aragnimo, aanu ka baranay casharo dhigaal inoogu noqonaya in aysan mar kale inagu soo laaban, waxaanu baranay wax kasta oo sabab unoqon kara khasaarihii nagu dhacay oo ay ugu horayso muhiimada ay leedahay wadooyinka oo laga fidin karo gurmadka deg-dega ah.

Waxaan kaloo baranay inuusan jirin garab laga maarmo, indhahayga waxaan ku arkayey dameerle biyo kaga qayb-qaadanaya dab daminta, booyadle aan nasanayn iyo haweenay caawinaysa hantiile mirar kortoono ah carwadiisii waynayd ee dabku qabsaday ka badbaadsanayey.

Hargaysaay kabo oo hormuud ahoow.

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7 minutes ago, baala xoofto said:

If there was even 1% of suspicious activity related to the fires, you will hear it first from Hargeisa's residents. Because nothing is hidden in Hargeisa. Waa dad xor ah oo wixii ay arkaan ka hadla, runta ka sheega. 

The fact that this 'suspicious' rumour is going around by anti-Somaliland elements, just tells how they will not stop at anything. If iyo aakhiro way seegeen.  

When you look at the how the people, strangers and friends, are moving the goods out of warehouses to the Dooxa Hargeisa where it stayed overnight without a single box missing. That shows, how true and honest the people are to one another. An unmatched spirit that is only found in very few places on this Earth. 

For example I give you the case of Simoodi Gold shop which belongs to Reer Awdal investors. Their whole gold inventory were stored in the middle of Dooxa Hargeisa with zero security. 

Firstly, yapping is a Somali trait whether in Hargeysa or anywhere in Somali lands. Secondly, let's not deflect responsibility and avoid accountability. This was an avoidable tragedy, It might not have been a criminal act, but it was negligence that someone needs to own up to.

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Absolutely agree that "negligence" from all sides from Centeral Government, Local Government, Chamber of Commerce all the way to the Vendors and stall owners. 

Previously, the stall owners would cry foul that their small shops are being targeted when this the only way they can make a living and support their family. And they would always challenge the Government to provide an alternative source of income or place to trade. This was a powerful case.

But no longer that is going to be as powerful as the fire that ravaged everything. The Gov't will have the support of the city's residents and businesses to do whatever it takes to have this never repeat again.  

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2 hours ago, baala xoofto said:

If there was even 1% of suspicious activity related to the fires, you will hear it first from Hargeisa's residents. Because nothing is hidden in Hargeisa. Waa dad xor ah oo wixii ay arkaan ka hadla, runta ka sheega. Reer Hargeisa beenta ma sheegaan si ay siyaasad daciif ah uga dhex raadiyaan. 


Baraso Wanaagsan. Anigu horta shacab ma ihi. So, please direct your sermons to the innocent public. I am an angry politician who have his own idea of anything related to Somalia including Hargeisa. I have even my own " Biciidkaan Dili doono" which includes burning the " Suuqa Bakaraha" if I couldn't stop them financing terror bombs and regular open payments to  Al-shabaab in the tune of $30 million dollars a year give or take few millions. 

In any case you are doing a very good job of already absolving the authotities and others of any suspicions. In any fire of this mangnitude, you need an investigation, and this investigation should take as soon as possible. A shop was burining for more than 10 minutes while people were trying to break the door. there are reports of another fire starting from the opposite side of this one.

I agree with you about the openess Reer Hargeisa and their tradition of speaking their mind. Also, in any fire like this with the close nit small traders and the public, helping one another is expecting, which confirms my proclamation that the Somali public in general are good people " Shacabku waa xalaal".

Yet, we need to hear from the people now and in  the coming days. WE need also to monitor the pronoucenments of the government officals and others. Mind you the Waheen narrow streets were in the news many many times before, and the owners of the sky scrabers don't appreciate these small traders blocking the business district. THere are other cases for the fire to be suspicious, but I will not say at the moment.



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 while Waheen has a narrow streets, locals say it has some streets to access for the fire. The government say there were no fire access which is not true.

I repeat , we need an investigation.

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Another ugly truth I hate to say is the WAheen market is owned by almost 90% by those who oppose the the current Biixi Maamul. Now in the next election, Muuse Biixi will face an opposition with zero support from their base.

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What ever it was , accident or not, the fire fighters were no match.

Lack of training,  lack of proper equipment 

Big loss to masakiin 

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Here a member of Somaliland parliament ' Xildhibaan Abiib" mentioning the connection between the Sheikh Sunne released from Hargeisa, and other incidents including men with face masks beating opposition journalists in Hargeisa.

He also mentioned the presence of constant fire several times within Waheen market last week. 



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6 hours ago, galbeedi said:

Another ugly truth I hate to say is the WAheen market is owned by almost 90% by those who oppose the the current Biixi Maamul. Now in the next election, Muuse Biixi will face an opposition with zero support from their base.

That’s not true apart from bacadlaha  and some small  and meesha Hilina

shops there the all the buildings burned belonged to the same subclan of muse biixi do ur research better 

their khasaare is almost three times larger the  any other community  any way waxani wax doorasho lugu gala maha



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8 hours ago, galbeedi said:

Here a member of Somaliland parliament ' Xildhibaan Abiib" mentioning the connection between the Sheikh Sunne released from Hargeisa, and other incidents including men with face masks beating opposition journalists in Hargeisa.

He also mentioned the presence of constant fire several times within Waheen market last week. 



Connecting dots that are unrelated. Probably you should include Ukraine while you are at it and somehow connect the Ukraine war increased food prices etc etc. 

I hate to say this again again but the fire that happened on Friday night is actually known where it started and how it started. What more could you ask for? We also know how it spread so fast like it was something that was out of this world, jumping from one building to the next within minutes. 

The issue is not about who started the fire anymore. It is how it got so big so fast, how the authorities couldn't help it despite throwing even the kitchen sink at it. 

It was masiibo rabaani ah. Qofkii wax kale ka dhex raadiya, waa qof waalan. Needs to admit him/herself to the closest mental institution.

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Here is one business lady who lost 100s of thousands of dollars worth of goods. She owns 8th warehouse from the the one that the fire started from.  And says she saw the electric cable sparking lots of fires, with ember flying all over the area.


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