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flirting, whats it look like?

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when a guy compliments you does it automatically mean hes hitting on you? cant it be an innocent compliment? and how are you supposed to decipher an innocent compliment from a pick up line? or how about a simple chat while waiting for the bus. how can you tell if its a simple convo to pass the time or for alterior, motives. see, i never know until its really obvious.

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Lol somealien...luv I have the same problem...but you every guy who makes a conversation with you can't be chatting you up becuase that's stupidness but I've decided not to bother and just wait till it's obvious...i mean "So what's your number" obvious lol!


Becuase I'm sure it saves a lot of embrassment for both parties! :D


And yes a guy can just have a conversation with you to pass the time, even if they don't seem to think so becuase as I tell them "I was only talking to you out of politness and I figured you was just passing time"


But anyways sis i don't think you'll ever find out what they really want when the spark up a conversation unless you're a mind reader!

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i like xaliimos, they so maskiins! hey, unless u my relative, my intention is pure and simple!!!


it dont matter how get!! its a mission!! SO BE AWARE!!! its not my fault...its a natural thing!!

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^^^ to rudy. be afraiid kuu laha. i have 3 brothers and a number of uncles and cousins at my disposal waiting for an excuse to beat a man up.


a while ago a white guy who knew my brother accually tried to pick me up. i told my brother and now the guy doesnt even say hello to me on the streets.


pessimistic sue, thats what im talking about. how conceited would it be of me to just assume that every guy who says hi to me is trying to holla. so i dont say anything until its "can i call you sometime?" obvious.

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Somealien, u can also tell by the way they are looking at u, body language says alot!

Personally, i try to look as mean as possible or keep my head down, so that if i dont make eye contact, they wont feel the need to talk to me, or see it as an opening. IF one dares, i keep the convo as short as possible, with yes and no answers, and hopefully, he'll get the hint to buzz off. I dont have any need to talk to a complete strangers, and dont buy into "innocent" chat crap, or them being friendly, tell em, i have enuff friends.


One last thing, if guys are striking up a convo innocently, why not choose a male???? hm...think about it..why choose a woman if u dont want nothing from her?...they use obvious excuse, like..what time is it, when its obvious they got a watch on...


Yeah, im better be safe than sorry, 'cause many a times, an innocent smile, got me in hot waters, where the guy took it as an invitation/opening to approach me in a dif way.



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X I seen this with alot of girls...every time a brother says or wants to say HI!! to them, they take it as if the guy wants something from them...many girls at my school think like that. we seen it when we say sup' to them..


But X remember not all guys are the same don't judge us all the same..some of the guys that walk up to you might be already happly in a relationship and they just saying Sup! just to be friendly..


Girls Girls....y'all hate it when we give you guys attention and don't like it when we ignore y'

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Qac Qaac   

How about u guys cover up very well, and the guy won't even say to u hi. it is mainly you guys fault. i would say don't give any guy a chance.


how u know if it was inocent Hi, from the person's past, if he is known as player, then u know what that hi means, but if he is just a normal miskiin like Nuune, then his Hi is clean.

but if u smile for the guy, then complain of him when he says hi, what is that?

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Originally posted by Qac Qaac:

i would say don't give any guy a chance.

Waryaa, qac qaac, if you had your way we'd all be single waiting to be hooked up with a cousin or neighbours daughter.


Listen, a simple compliment or a "hi" is an opening door, you can choose to walk through that door and find out what the guys real intention is. (you can get your minds out of the gutter because sex is not the only thing I'm talking about). Next time you need change for the parking meter and you need to break a bill, find a store with a girl (or for you ladies, a guy), give her/him "the look" (if you don't know it, I can't help you)and a half slick smile and see how fast you get service with a smile.


As for the simple convo, know this: You'll only get played/conned/led astray if you want to be.

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When a faarax asks in I with faamilga or starts asking personal questions- I know he's on a shukaansi flex, sadly most Somali brothers seem to always be on the look out - but there are some genuine ones.. so you won't know till he either chats you up or starts telling you about his girl ...


But, you can always no, walaal am not interested... and still get to have a decent one can make you shukaansi them if you don't want to.

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Originally posted by Ameenah:

When a faarax asks in I with faamilga or starts asking personal questions- I know he's on a shukaansi flex, sadly most Somali brothers seem to always be on the look out - but there are some genuine ones.. so you won't know till he either chats you up or starts telling you about his girl ...


But, you can always no, walaal am not interested... and still get to have a decent one can make you shukaansi them if you don't want to.

Ameenah walaal, ya la dhagantaxey-Abo iyo Hoyo?

Imisaa walaalo ba leydhaxey

Oh, yeah, more thing Ameenah, I love Somaliland too! ;)


Flirting doesnt consist of simple compliments, but also contains innuendos and sexual implications. It is very obvious when a faarax is flirting!

DND, you know the color Green looks nice on you and it makes you look 'Ripe and Ready' for Picking. smile.gif



walaal I just wanted to compliment you on wearing the hijab. I know someone that sells some nice hijabs, maybe I can bring a sample over to you one day. We can meet at the coffee shop or for lunch and I can show them to you. ;)


Just making conversations folks,

I don't know anything about what you guys are talking about. :D

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Originally posted by Qac Qaac:

How about u guys cover up very well, and the guy won't even say to u hi. it is mainly you guys fault. i would say don't give any guy a chance.


how u know if it was inocent Hi, from the person's past, if he is known as player, then u know what that hi means, but if he is just a normal miskiin like Nuune, then his Hi is clean.

but if u smile for the guy, then complain of him when he says hi, what is that?

im covered from head to toe thank you, only my face and hands showing just like the rasuul (s.a.w) advised. besides, its not like im planning on seeing these people again if i DO talk to them. im saying id like to know before its too obvious (when they ask for yr number, or to see u again) that im being hit on. im a smiling person, i smile to strangers all the time, i thought that was a good thing. yesterday (accually 2 days ago) this man hit me with his bag, i smiled to show that i was okay, he than started talking to me. okay whatever, its an hour bus ride, but than he asks for my number... QUOI??? i politely said no thank you and the rest of the bus ride was really awkward. the hijab, apparently, isnt a free pass to not get asked out by strange men.

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When a faarax asks me "haye, ma faamili bad tahay?" I know definately its a shukansii bulge-Also, why do some somali dudes think "taking one out for for coffee" in the middle of Asr/night is the best option.. :eek: whaaat?(like Chappelle says when imitating Lit' John :D ). Certainly, I wonder what is this fascination w/coffee-does it elevate their intelligence??Personally, Iam confused about the whole " shunkansi-somali-style system ." Getting to know the Faraaxs is like 'breaking the De Vinci Code" :confused:

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LOL...Somealien, why would you feel awkward, he should the one who feels like a prat not you!


And if you honestly don't want to wait and hear the bloke out then just ignore him and walk around like you're pissed at the world! Works for me! :D

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