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Robert Fisk: The rotten state of Egypt is too powerless and corrupt to act

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^^ Yet I can explain my position logically and eloquently. Can you (two)explain yours? ;)



Whatever I was in the past is neither here nor there now, saaxib. Now I am not a sympathiser. I am a hardcore fan. You should be the same, my fellow citizen.

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I don't disagree with you on that fellow citizen, it is for all to see what you have become.


I disagree with you claiming that you was ever neutral.


Explaining the position eloquently is not the problem. Implementing it is the problem. Nothing wrong with the theory.


On your ideas. However elequent you can explain, your ideas will be weak. For the sake argument why don't explain your position eloquently in a fresh thread. You dont have to write today. Just post your position somewhere next week. Ready for that challenge?


Norf No I haven't read it.

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Anyone read Fisk's book?




Currently reading:




Read the firt chapter to understand todays goings on.


Waa la-is gelaya maalin dow. Yaa u diyaar'a?

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^^^I've read them both. Even did an essay on on the clash of civilisation. There is a "muslim perspective on the clash of civilisation" Can't remember if it was Khlaid Yasin or someone else. Will try to remember inshallah.



Ngonge, it depends on the day and who is winning the day. icon_razz.gif Your poistion is not as secure as your think Mr. I am now hardcore. "Me" is going to be lost child for a long time, till he figures out why we were placed on this big place called earth. He started from basic you see, so has a while to go. :D

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^Ibti are you trying to hurt my feelings? take it easy dear, I am in a good mood maanta.


ps. you havent answered my question. What is fake islam and what is real islam according to you.

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Originally posted by NGONGE:

Abu D. I was neutral while I was learning the lay of the land. Now that I have an idea of how things stand I could form better opinions, saaxib. By the way, my discussions with my guru never involved clans.

my somalilanders are ilbax de. :D bahasha wey farsameyen. :D Anyway, this ngonge is better......


( ok back to the topic)

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Me; Not trying to hurt you dear smile.gif


Real true Islam is that which was ordined and practised by the prophet (PBUH) and the four generations that followed him.


Fake Islam is the many different strands who have misused Islam for their own gain.

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Ibti - are there any examples of real islam being practiced in the world today? is there any Somali group practicing it today? There are many groups claiming they are the real deal. which one is the real one?


Don't be lazy, come with examples.

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Mr Me. I did it all two years ago. Go to the thread I brought back this morning and pick the weak points you claim you see.

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^That was when you was a mere sympathizer. I want to see new venom. Don't be lazy and put your pen to some good use. Share your 'believes'.


Or are you not capable of defending what it is that you claim you stand for?

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^^ Defend something which has not been attacked yet? It's there for you to see in countless threads. Pick a point and ask a question about it, saaxib.


(Still, I may just write about the whole clan issue at some point).

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^At some point kulaha. Just write it, the floor is yours only then can we test your new zeal.


I am starting to believe SOL naacnaac has infected you.

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What happens when two Arabs meet, they crack jokes


What happens when two Indians meet, they open a grocery


What happens when two Japanese meet, they build a factory


What happens when two English men meet, they make a club


What the hell happens when two Somalis talk or meet: They FIGHT.


Ppl, what's happening?? :D We started with La Vache Qui Rit and the silent Arabs, but suddently the winds took you away to the Somalinimo issue!!!


There is a nice book called "The Art of War" for SunTzu, I think someone should start writing about "The Art of Discussing", how about opening a new thread for "The Somalinimo".


P.S. B4 entering the new thread, pls. keep your guns down

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Originally posted by NGONGE:

^^ Everyone is misunderstood, dear. And Ibti there is even worse than Mr ME (well the old one at any rate). She mocks his idea of Somalnimo (an idea with a noble aim) and presents her own idea of Islam (another one with a noble aim) that is as impractical as the first. You need TRUST for either idea to take hold and trust in today's Somalia is in very short supply. The only idea that works and still benefits from trust is the CLAN. Stick to your clans and stop wasting your times, people.

^ :D @stick to your clan..Loooool, Alhamdulillah isnt that the truth dhe!


In the matters of TRUST,it is understandably there is still within us much sorrow and sin,injustice,oppression,wrong and hate.


Are we in a position to let go and embrace peace through unity in GOD and Brotherhood? Perhaps not yet,we still haven't learned from our mistakes,unfortunately our ignorance,and arrogance is still determining our present and future.


Zulfa,its a SOL thing dear,hijacking threads..Lol :D:D

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There is no such thing as Somalinomo without the Deen. It is in the masajids where Somalinomo is felt and qabilist jahil in the maqayads.


On to the real topic at hand,


Dhalm hosni needs to end his term ASAP by Any Means.


Walahi, Generation IPOD makes me sick. Just a bunch weak, fat bellies.... :mad:

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