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Robert Fisk: The rotten state of Egypt is too powerless and corrupt to act

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Originally posted by me:

quote:Originally posted by Abu_Diaby- Al Falastini:

^^Your idealistic version of "SOmalinimo" is not greatly different from the Carabnimo/Pan Arabism which was peddled by Arab socialist governments.

You are right.


My Somalinimo


Today Somalinimo is just another word to most Somali’s devoid of any meaning. It is a hollow rallying cry from the past that is now mistrusted.


If I was asked what Somalinimo means to me 2 years ago I would have given you the usual rehearsed lines of brotherhood, unity, common ancestry, shared identity and a shared future. I would have painted you a picture of how all Somalia’s problems would disappear like snow in the Berbera sun if we had Somalinimo. I would have copy pasted lines from books and articles on nationalism and changed the name of whatever nation that article concerned to Somalia and would have thought yes that’s all we need and I would have been satisfied.
Me, you certainly don't have to politicize Soomaalinimo. Soomaalinimo should not only limited to politics, which only your post defines and limits to.


Soomaalinimo is everything to a Soomaali, even those who are ignorant about its ideal foundation.


Soomaalinimo is about when you are in a strange land, when you hadn't seen Soomaalis in eons and finally see one you suspect to be, when you rush to that person, when you have those inner feelings of fellow country person. Those experienced that ayaa og taas, and there are many.


I remember a brother of mine who had lived and still lives in Berkeley area of California since 1979. He met some Soomaali men a few years ago, who came to his work. Some of them were distant relatives and knew him, but he wasn't aware that. He thought they came to visit him because of Soomaali uu ahaa. So wuu soo dhaweeye, aad iyo aad and had done everything. Iska seexda yiri at his home too, but they were on their way to another town.


He had no idea who they were, though they talked about the past, which he hardly recalled. My sister told him later they weren't only Soomaalis, but distant relatives who heard his whereabouts.


Again, I remember another episode aniga igu dhacday about Soomaalinimo. It was back in Baltimore and we were new to the city. The second or third week, I and another fella were walking down on the streets when we saw this taxi halting to screech. He turned back and double-looked us. Asking us if we are Soomaalis. When answered positive, he shouted to get on the taxi and directly took us to his home, which was not that far off from where we lived. Anyway without asking us anything, he ordered pizza and everything, like old pals reunited.


Markaas ayaa sheeko galnay, that we were knew to the city and Nayroobi ka imaanay. And he told us he already knew that since he hadn't seen a single Soomaali soul in that part of his city save his roommate and another family down the stretch. That he was glad to see us Soomaalis. The latter part he didn't have to express that, his happy-seen-you face said it a lot.


We went to home. In that same evening, his roommate who came from shaqo came knocking our home. He couldn't wait to see us, again noo waday another casho. Already waa dharagsaneen because of the feast from earlier, still no yiri. "Waa in saa'id la idiin soo dhaweeyaa," yiri, "Ee isdharjiya oo Afrika ka imaateen, walina xiito xiito tihiinee."


Again, another episode happened in Virginia about dad igu soo dhaweeye that state, purely out of Soomaalinimo.


The point of these narrations are all that Soomaalinimo daraadeed la iskugu soo dhaweeyo and those are only done by dad Soomaalinimo og micnaheeda iyo waxee tahay.


That is a nutshell of what Soomaalinimo is again. It is a beautiful, cherished heritage. Hadba kii na taagdaranee/Taageera waligeenee bilaash looma dhaho. It has a true meaning behind it.


That is one aspect of Soomaalinimo of many. However, some are morally corrupted beyond redemption when it comes to Soomaalinimo; to those you should not have to waste your time with them. Let them be want whatever they want to believe.


They never experienced Soomaalinimo and Soomaali culture. Some forsaken foreign land lagu soo koriye and if I go to liberal to analyse, probably made ashamed of their "minority" culture in those foreign lands -- so don't blame them if they are ignorant about their culture or feel slightest hint of shame anything to do Soomaalinimo. It is psychological problem, not your problem.

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^Your examples reminds of the time when me and my younger brother cycled in circles around our neighbourhood(in a town where me and my family were the only Somalis and with another Pakistani family the 'only muslims') and then were called back by two Somali guys in their 20s who asked us if we were Somalis too. They recently moved here with their young wives and instantly became friends of our family with one of the Somali guys even teaching us every saturday morning Alif-ba-ta..etc


When i think back at that first encounter it's kinda of funny cause they gave us a '25 gulden' note (old dutch currency that's like 15 Euro/18 dollar or something) which gave me the impression that it was part of our culture for new Somalis to give other Somalis money. A misconception that was swiftly killed by my mother when she slapped me for asking a visiting martii money lol. btw me and my brother spend the 25 gulden on so much chocolate and candy that till this day there are certain chocolate/candy types i still can't stomach

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Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar:


That is one aspect of Soomaalinimo of many. However, some are morally corrupted beyond redemption when it comes to Soomaalinimo; to those you should not have to waste your time with them. Let them be want whatever they want to believe.


They never experienced Soomaalinimo and Soomaali culture. Some forsaken foreign land lagu soo koriye and if I go to liberal to analyse, probably made ashamed of their "minority" culture in those foreign lands -- so don't blame them if they are ignorant about their culture or feel slightest hint of shame anything to do Soomaalinimo. It is psychological problem, not your problem. [/QB]

War nin rag bad tahay. Have same shame and make your comments directly. I am not going to eat you, you coward.


Mr ME listen to him and all you'll be satisfied with will be 'nin ba bari casha ii iibiyaay'. Arr maxa jaahil tala laga qaaday. :D

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Originally posted by NGONGE:


Mr ME listen to him and all you'll be satisfied with will be
'nin ba bari casha ii iibiyaay'
. Arr maxa jaahil tala laga qaaday.

Kuma fahmin, ii jicli bal. My brain needs to thaw maanta.

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Originally posted by Abu_Diaby- Al Falastini:

^^warya, ulemada somalinimado yeyn ku sarin fatwa...wad ka baxaysa somalinimda marka.

Carab buu noqonayaa markaas. Kuwaasaa uruursada noociisa.

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Originally posted by me:

quote:Originally posted by NGONGE:


Mr ME listen to him and all you'll be satisfied with will be
'nin ba bari casha ii iibiyaay'
. Arr maxa jaahil tala laga qaaday.

Kuma fahmin, ii jicli bal. My brain needs to thaw maanta.
I'm not buying you dinner. :D

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Me Somali maanshalah. But you somadi.


Now what could count here? What I said or

intention? Think.


Originally posted by me:

^it is not what you say, but the intension that counts.

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^^ Maya badow yaho. It's the new definition of Somalnimo. But if you're buying I am not going to say no..err..inadeer. :D

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^see it is already an ideology with a solid economic model. Imagine all the dinners that will be bought and how that will stimulate our economy? we will have allot of somali restaurants. No one will be ever hungry.

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Soomaalinimo is about when you are in a strange land, when you hadn't seen Soomaalis in eons and finally see one you suspect to be, when you rush to that person, when you have those inner feelings of fellow country person. Those experienced that ayaa og taas, and there are many.


I remember a brother of mine who had lived and still lives in Berkeley area of California since 1979. He met some Soomaali men a few years ago, who came to his work. Some of them were distant relatives and knew him, but he wasn't aware that. He thought they came to visit him because of Soomaali uu ahaa. So wuu soo dhaweeye, aad iyo aad and had done everything. Iska seexda yiri at his home too, but they were on their way to another town.


He had no idea who they were, though they talked about the past, which he hardly recalled. My sister told him later they weren't only Soomaalis, but distant relatives who heard his whereabouts.


Again, I remember another episode aniga igu dhacday about Soomaalinimo. It was back in Baltimore and we were new to the city. The second or third week, I and another fella were walking down on the streets when we saw this taxi halting to screech. He turned back and double-looked us. Asking us if we are Soomaalis. When answered positive, he shouted to get on the taxi and directly took us to his home, which was not that far off from where we lived. Anyway without asking us anything, he ordered pizza and everything, like old pals reunited.


Markaas ayaa sheeko galnay, that we were knew to the city and Nayroobi ka imaanay. And he told us he already knew that since he hadn't seen a single Soomaali soul in that part of his city save his roommate and another family down the stretch. That he was glad to see us Soomaalis. The latter part he didn't have to express that, his happy-seen-you face said it a lot.


We went to home. In that same evening, his roommate who came from shaqo came knocking our home. He couldn't wait to see us, again noo waday another casho. Already waa dharagsaneen because of the feast from earlier, still no yiri. "Waa in saa'id la idiin soo dhaweeyaa," yiri, "Ee isdharjiya oo Afrika ka imaateen, walina xiito xiito tihiinee."


Again, another episode happened in Virginia about dad igu soo dhaweeye that state, purely out of Soomaalinimo.


The point of these narrations are all that Soomaalinimo daraadeed la iskugu soo dhaweeyo and those are only done by dad Soomaalinimo og micnaheeda iyo waxee tahay.


That is a nutshell of what Soomaalinimo is again. It is a beautiful, cherished heritage. Hadba kii na taagdaranee/Taageera waligeenee bilaash looma dhaho. It has a true meaning behind it.

Don't know whether to laugh or cry.

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