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Hadraawi's Peace March in Europe

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Originally posted by Northerner:

^^^loooool, that uncalled for, dea walaal haan kala xishoono, ma anaa binis iyo chipis-ah? qormaad adigu caseerki katagtay?

lol! I'm not caseeri...never was smile.gif



Why? Ya'll are never gonna treat him like we Londoners do...I heard about reer T.dots lil conference halls icon_razz.gif




The theme of the event was; ‘Han yaraani waa hidahaaga diid’ It highlighted the problems faced by the Somali community in the Diaspora and the country. But the main aim was to present the fresh recruits of the Somali literati to the community.


It kicked of with a hilarious poem by Hassan Sheikh Mumin (who is apparently one of the oldest living poets). Basically, he described the lifestyle of cats and showed how Somalis are very similar to this animal – i.e., sleeping during the day and spending all night on other activities, not working for their survival etc. It pissed a few dudes off, but made sense all the same.


Than a lady singer – who was apparently the Nimco Jaamac of her time read this poem written by Hassan Galaydh – it was so powerful that it caused many tears in the audience. It (graphically) described the battle for freedom from the colonist and the predicament of our heroes (sayidka, sheikh basher, sheikh Ismael etc.) at the hands of the colonialist.


Hadrawi than gave the community words of advice with regards to the problems faced by our community. He said that despite our political differences our problem was the same. The decline of the Somali community – qaran was based on the breakdown of the family structure. He was highly critical of fathers that left their children and families for politics, fathers who let qaad get in the way of educating and bringing up their children and those who ignore their role of breadwinner, head of house and dawdle their responsibilities. He also advised families to bring their children up as Muslims and Somalis and while Education (higher) was important – it doesn’t do enough to ensure the holistic development of the child- He argued that the western education system instils values the contradict our own and that families should be more proactive (perhaps in undoing the harm of un-Islamic education).


He also stressed the dire need to go back to our deen and dhaqan- and that we should now be striving to go back home, as this country is not good for our children.


He said that politics needs to be left to the politicians – and that we shouldn’t let them divide the people- we are in the same boat and therefore need to help each other out – instead of trying to solve it as an individual – and to shun qabyaalad.


He then introduced us to a group of young Somali poets – said that they were his (and co’s) heirs to the position of Abwans and that it was time for him to retire and let others do the work. This he explained was the natural order of things – ppl started saying that he should tell that to the politicians (but who in their right mind would want to be a politician?)!


About 15 brothers read some beautiful poetry about Somalis and their troubles …. You know the type you just relate to..there was this brother that read a poem about politicians and dabadhilifnimo – reminded me of some folks –I read about!


It was a great night…. I think KAAH are planning to run regular poetry nights in London – will let you know if/when I get more information.


I think , thats about enough for you .... smile.gif

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Originally posted by Ameenah:

I think , thats about enough for you ....

LoL...More than enough. Thanks for the fab summary. Very educational...Do let me kno about any upcoming events, and I'll do the same I'A.

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