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Now, they're arresting him on ambiguous "immigration violation" charges, when so many people can testify that he indeed does have a

Atheer, I'm not taking jabs at the sheikh. We just don't know what's going on. And I hope yours is just a slip of the tongue there and not of the mind.

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Like I said, this goes far and beyond childish Somali finger pointing.


Actually it doesn't. I just found out, thanks to a relative of mine who has visited him in Tacoma, the "immigration violation" our beloved Sheikh has violated.


As I hate to mutilate the work of a man, whom I consider a great humorist, but I would gladly resign (thanks to this despicable incident) from the Somali "race" if you lot are willing to give me back my membership fee.



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Ducaqabe, I tried my best to read that article. Either I have lost my language skills or the person who wrote it has lost his. I did not gather one piece of information from that thing. Between the "uu"'s and the "ii"'s, I was scratching my head. Can we find this in english somewhere? Thanks!

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Shiikh Ibraahim oo Markii ugu horaysay Maanta (Nov 17) lagu soo booqday Meesha uu ku xiran yahay.


Shiikh Ibraahim Maxamed ayaa 11/14/05 waxaa laga xiray Airport-ka Seattle Washington kadib markuu kasoo laabtay Gobolka Texas oo uu safar dacwa ah ku gaaray, Shiikha ayaa la xiray isla habeen kiiba kadib markii lagu eedeeyey arimo la xariira Immigration-ka, isla subixiiba xili hore ayaa Shiikha gurigiisa laabaray lagana qaatay alaab, xarigaas ayaa kusoo aaday maalmo aan booqashadu furayn Meesha uu ku xiran yahay Shiikhu ayaan cidana booqan marka laga reebo Qareenkiisa , Maanta ayaa ahayd Maalinkii ugu horeeyey ee Shiikha lagu soo booqday isla goobtaas, Sida uu noo sheegay Qareenka Shiikha Mahir T Sherif, Shiikha waxaa Maxkamad la keeni doonaa 11/29/05 ayadoo wali aan lasoo sheegin goobta Maxkamadaas noqon doonto, Mar uu ka waramayey Qareenka Shiikha booqashadiisii xalay ayaa sheegay Sheekhu inuu caafimaad qabay wax dhibaata ahna aysan ka muuqan, isagoo ku amaanay hal adeeg iyo inuusan la hadlin cidna wax warasi ahna aan dhiibin, Arintaas oo Qareenku aad ugu adkeeyey Muslimuunta, haday dhacdo oo ay la kulmaan FBI, Immigration ama hay'ado kaleba inay san la hadlin wax waraysi ahna ogolaan sinaba taasoo ay xaq u leeyihiin aana la khasbi karin, (Magacaa iyo Xagee dagan tahay waa warasyi) Qareenka ayaa dadka u sheegay xataa Magacooda iyo meelahay dagan yihiin inaan la waydiin karin xaqna ay u leeyihiin in loona sheego marka la xirayo inay xiran yihiin (you are under arrest), arintaas oo aan Shiikha loo Sheegin warasina horay looga bilaabay Shiikhuna ka gaabsaday Waraysigaas.


Qareenka ayaa erayadaan Muslimiinta u sheegay goobo badana hada ka hor ka sheegay inaad tiraahdo" Ma arki karaa aqoon sigaaga waxa aad tahay?" "Fasax ma u haysataa inaad gurigaysa Soo gasho, Mase arki karaa warqada fasaxa?" Markay kuu cadaato jawaabaha Su'aalahaas ayaa Qareenka oo hadal kiisii sii wata yiri waxaad leedahay "Waxaan doortay inaanan kula hadlin" Maheli karaa Business card-kaaga si Qareenkaygu kuusoo waco, ama waa kanaa Business card-ka Qareenkayga ee la xariir" Qareenka ayaa aad ugu adkeeyey ereyadaas Muslimiinta, sheegayna hadaadan markaas Qareen lahayn inaad qabsan karto markasta.


Mar uu Qareen Sherif kala hadlayey Arinta Shiikha ayuu Muslimiinta ka codsaday kuna adkeeyey inay aad u yimaadaan maalinta Maxkamada 11/29/05 uu leeyahay Shiikhu iyagoo muujinaya sida ay uga xun yihiin xarigiisa una sheegay inuu saacada iyo Goobtaba dib ka soo sheegi doono.

Shiikh Ibraahim ayaa ah Shiikh aad looga ixtiraamo Maraykanka oo dhan Khaasatan Gobolka uu dagan yahay ee Seattle Washington, Shiikhu Ixtiraam iyo Magac dheer ayuu ku leeyahay Muslimiinta reer Seattle oo dhan, mar ay Muslimintu lahadlayeen Saxaafada oo ugu Tagtay Masjid Abu bakr ayey u sheegeen inay aad uga xun yihiin Xariga Shiikha uuna yahay Hogaamiye Diineed oo Wanaagsan kana Shaqeeya Wanaaga Jecelna Nabada, sida uu siidaayey TV local ah oo Seattle laga leeyahay, Musliniinta reer Seattle ayaa gudi dag dag ah u magacaabay arinta Shiikha kana codsaday Muslimiinta inay Shiikha u soo duceeyaan, gaar ahaana Muslimiinta Maraykanka inay u toog hayaan hadii loo baahdo taageero dhaqaale inay u soo raadin doonaan. Dib ayaan idin kala socod sii naynayaa wixii ka soo cusboonaada Arinta Shiikh Ibraahim.



It doesn't appear to have any new information other than that the Sheikh is in good condition, his house searched. A Muslim lawyer Maahir Shariif was appointed and court date set 11/29/05. The lawyer urged the community to help and come to court on that day.

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The Sheikh had informed those men to come to Maghrib prayer and discuss the issue with the greater community - but they didn't show up. Then, that incident was followed by the Sheikh's arrest and my Somali brethren were quick to tie those two things to each other.

You have the two missing peices of the puzzle. Now that the immediate surprise and hysterics have subsided, the rumours are giving away to more accurate descriptions of the situation. The Sheikh was arrested at the behest of the Somalis. It seems as though the grudge bearers intruded into confidential areas and found out some immigration irregulars concerning the good Sheikh. It seems as though the good Sheikh came to the United States as a member of one of the more "disadvantaged" peoples of the Somalis, while he infact is not. The charges used to arrest and detain the Sheikh were based soley on that irregular which was brought to light by the Somali grudge bearers.


Soomaali walle dhibaato hor leh bay wadaan. I say check their, the accuser's, immigration status and expose their irregulars. Soomaali markii afar meel loo dhigo, seddexbo waxa Shiiqu ku yimi iyo ka daran bay ku yimaadeene.

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It's a disgrace. That is the actions of people who have never known legitimate statehood, who think the law can be used as a indiscriminate club to strike out in vengeance. The new "1984"-esque political landscape is perfectly suited to their mentality.

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Ilaahey shiiqa haka furdaamiyo gaalada iyo cadowga bilaa danbiga iskaga xirtay, aamiin.


Castro: Ka daa meesha fowadada adeer, It was asked here your prayers for the Shiekh, not your mere analysis!

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^Aamiin smile.gif


Sheikha was s'possed to have been tried yesterday laakiinse his trial has been pushed back to a later date which I believe is still being decided on.

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