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What motivates you?

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"Life" itself is motivation enough; being able to get up the next day to correct the conditions that led to my current misery motivates me.


Pac's words


to every dark day there is a bright day

My brightest days always follow a dark(not so dark) day.Knowing that tomorrow could be better day helps me to suck it up and drive on.

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bill collectors! one even followed me to starbucks! 1 showed up at my work...whats this world coming to!! them ppl r bad... they should be exterminated period!!


otherwise, i aint worried! its a temporary geek right!! get lose...but i gotta hit the sack now and getup early to work for de man!! Uncle Sam didnt bring me for nothing! namean! :mad:

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passion.... if I have my passion I do a million things at once.. if my fire gets drowned by my water... I float laziliy and dreamily and don't get anything done.

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What motivates me now? My kids do (and fear of wifey). Before having kids, it was my addiction to ever greater levels of adrenaline.

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What motivates me now? My kids do (and fear of wifey).

Be very afraid sxb, you don't wanna dissapoint lil Castro's ;)

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True story abaayadiis. I went through a lot in qax and in destitute life in Kenya and later in America as I ventured to tie the knot, work, and take 12 credits (to qualify all the goodies such as grants and subsided loan) every quarter, all at once.


In qax months, it was pure survival instincts and the thought of catching up the next boat if and when the opportunities present itself. There were lil choice there really! What can I do TODAY to get on the next boat tommorow kinda attitude! Lo and behold I find myself cruising in the Indian Ocean enjoying the scenery of lil Islands SE Kismayo as if I'm a tourist.


In Nairobi destitute refugee life yrs (13 memorable months), it was the other side is greener attitude and the hope that relatives would remember their good old Baashi and sacrifice few things for his sake. A call here and there, waxa la yiri there is good opp that lands u to Australia, Canada, and America dream. That too has done its purpose. As difficult and dire as the situation was, I made it through.


Here the land of the brave, things got way too complicated. Bills to pay, charity to send, family to feed, exams to ace, bosses to please, ideas to develop into fruition, I embarked all and many a times fell short. I failed an exam (I'm talking about the F) the very day I had my first baby. Electricity disconnected and bad news arrived from Nairobi refugee camps all at the same month if I recalled correctly. It was tough and couldn't get tougher!


What kept me going and succeeding in all of these low moments were the fact that every time you fall, as long as you are healthy, u can always pick urself up, dust off, and try again, the fact that quitting don't improve the situation, and the deep held belief that events are prerecorded somewhere up there.


Equally important was the faith in Almighty that events are predestined and what we have to do is try our best and in the event that we fall short take solace in that yesterday is indeed dead and embark what is it that we have to do NOW to try another go.


Above the wall on my computer desk I had this English poem. It was called "don't quit". Its stanzes spoke to my heart directly and I find it to be a good darn reminder of what's all about.

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Originally posted by Socod_badne:

Women and a bottle of Jack Daniels.

Now that's what I'm talking about right there. :D

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