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Munich vs Damadola

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"It sends out a clear message: Don't F*ck with the Jews"


-Steve, a Mossad Assasin, on a operation that resulted in 'collateral damage'


I went and saw Speilberg's Munich last night. As usual, the Beard knocked it out of the park. A lil bit too long but well-worth it's $7.50. The movie deals with the aftermath of the Munich massacre and the Israeli response.


Which brings me to the Damadola massacre. Where's our response ? Where's the response of the Muslims ? My bad, I forgot we don't count: weak, divided, and worth about two cents in Chinese money. So with Pakistan being a proud, sovereign country, they're gonna show the world that you just can't come in and bomb the hell out of a Pakistani village, killing scores in the process, right ? Surely that curry-eating, Attaturk-worshipping diminutive dictator is gonna do something.


You bet. That something consisted of summoning the US Ambassador and, check this, condemning the attacks. Wow. 20 Pakistani citizens are blown to pieces in the middle of the night and the best you can do is a summons and a protest ? Besides growing some nuts, you are in serious need of a brain transplant, General Pervert 'Turk' Busharraf.

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Umm the world is not black and white. The strong do what they want and the weak do as they are told but the smart ones play ball somewhere in between. Musharaff signed off on the attack and everything else pakistan do is just a made for t.v series. By playing by the rule and laying low for the time being Pakistan might come out on top somewhere down the line. Just because you dont see action by Musharaff it doesnt mean he didnt get something from the americans.


The munich scenario was different because a group and not a state was the one involved.

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It's pretty much obvious that Musharraf and his crew Ok'd the massacre(collateral or not). The fact that he's working hand in hand with Bush on his 'war on terror' is well-known. I wasn't expecting him to order a tit-for-tat retaliaton(no no that would require some huge ones), but at the very least, to save face, demand an public apology from the Bush-man himself and a obscene amount of 'blood money' for all those killed. At the very least.


The Bush administration hasn't even acknowledged the attacks happened. Could you ask for a bigger slap in the face ? "Sorry your people had to die, but um, go ahead and clean up the mess, will ya ? We got us some terrorists to hunt down. Dismissed."


The issue isn't about statesmanship or 'playing the game'. It's about lives lost. Forever. Do those lives have value ? Are they worth anything ? As Muslims ? As human beings ? As civilians torn apart in their beds at 3 am because of the farce known as 'war on terror'.


In Munich, the Israelis lost 11 athletes. Not only did they hunt down and assasinate those who planned the attack, but for good measure(in their warped minds), they bombed refugee camps in Lebanon and Syria. The message being(السي٠اصدق انباء من الكتب): Don't F with us. It's expensive.


The Americans take care of their own. The Israelis take care of their own. The Muslims ? Enough said. Time to dig ourselves out of this $hithole of infamy we're in.

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i heard musharaf is a munafiq, and non-muslim as well, anyone heard this?


p.s. he doesn't care about his people,i wouldn't be surprised if the US does him like they did Saddam.

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in surah Israa please read ayah #4 to #6, you can find the translation even deals with this 'don't f with us' thing.

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Originally posted by Kashafa:

The Americans take care of their own. The Israelis take care of their own. The Muslims ? Enough said. Time to dig ourselves out of this $hithole of infamy we're in.

I have an idea. Instead of focusing on grandiose acts such as the bombing of the world trade center and the London subways, use these resources to topple Mubarak, Musharaf and the kingdom in Saudi. As well, bring down the little emirates, Kuwait and anyone showing even a remote alliance with the west. Open multiple fronts right in our own backyards. Draw the enemy in. Disrupt oil production in multiple areas. Give the repressed populations in these countries (counting in the hundrends of millions) an opportunity to take matters in their own hands. What's the worst thing that could happen? Tactical nuclear weapons will rain on us? Bring it on. Let the mother of all battles begin instead of this slow wars of attrition that eventually bring death with knees on the ground. How about that good Kashafa?

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looool Castro, are you planning a little massacre of yours? Are you saying lets forget about the the west instead lets tackle the muslim world. Declare war on their leading men, and entrust the country to the shacab? Dont you think that is umm..uh..what we call self-mutilation?

Kashafa walaal come down!(wuza)As Muslims we need to practice diplomacy ;) . We sure can't bomb everyone who wrong us? Things are not always as they seem. You might be disgusted with the shape we are in but surely we are cooking something delicious ;) . watch Paradise now palestine if you are eager to see a bloodshed. Bravery rhymes with palestine.Remember the Prophets(ppuh) victory in Hudebia? Diplomacy people Diplomacy, wuts da matter with ya?


Get Up!Up Even the best fall down sometimes

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Originally posted by Kashafa:

"It sends out a clear message: Don't F*ck with the Jews"


-Steve, a Mossad Assasin, on a operation that resulted in 'collateral damage'


I went and saw Speilberg's Munich last night. As usual, the Beard knocked it out of the park. A lil bit too long but well-worth it's $7.50. The movie deals with the aftermath of the Munich massacre and the Israeli response.


Which brings me to the Damadola massacre. Where's our response ? Where's the response of the Muslims ? My bad, I forgot we don't count: weak, divided, and worth about two cents in Chinese money. So with Pakistan being a proud, sovereign country, they're gonna show the world that you just can't come in and bomb the hell out of a Pakistani village, killing scores in the process, right ? Surely that curry-eating, Attaturk-worshipping diminutive dictator is gonna do


You bet. That something consisted of summoning the US Ambassador and, check this, condemning the attacks. Wow. 20 Pakistani citizens are blown to pieces in the middle of the night and the best you can do is a summons and a protest ? Besides growing some nuts, you are in serious need of a brain transplant, General Pervert 'Turk' Busharraf.

I didn't catch the point/theme of the movie.


Was it:


-Issreali assasins are just following their orders, so when they Kill, they are Assasins, but when the Arab kill, they are Terrorist.


-There is NO POINT to the Issreal-Palestanian conflict, they are BOTH WRONG, so lets all LOVE ONE ANOTHER!


-Israeelis are HUMANS and they too have emotions.


-I'm Stevven Spieldbergg and I'll keep making movies about my people because I've the money and the political backing.


:confused: :confused: :confused:

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Originally posted by chocolate & honey:

Diplomacy people Diplomacy, wuts da matter with ya?

To a certain degree, violence works atheer. It's been proven time and time again. Somalidu waxay ku maah maahda, "ninkuu warankaa galo ayay weedhaa gashaa", which loosely translates to: he who is pierced by your spear will hear your words. So, persuasion and diplomacy are great but only after some a$$-whoopin' has occured at some point. We don't turn the other cheek atheer, you're thinking of another religion here. :D

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Violent revolutions, Castro?


It's not that I don't like the idea of "power to the people". It's just that bloody revolutions haven't been working out so well lately. The example of Somalia is a little close to home.

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Kashafa bro.


The Title would have been better to read


Munich or Sabra Shatilla


It is true that Spielberg will never shoot a movie depicting Sabra and Shattila refugee camp wholesale massacre that was the indirect responsibility of Sharon ( 800 palestinians butchered by Christians in lebanon with the backing of Isreal army in the eighties and an Israeli court found Sharon partially responsible for the crime ).


However, dont you think this tit for tat deadly tagging game may spiral to a real ugly anarchist world in which Muslims are poised to pay the highest price with their cheap blood? is there a place in our faith for a concept the companions practiced called restraint, tolerance in the face of blatant aggression, for the sole purpose of not mixing the mission of Islam for mankind with injustices and violence?




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Restraint, Tolerance, Diplomacy and Calm: These are all nice beautiful concepts. Unfortunately, they don't comfort widows or raise orphans. Retribution doesn't either, but it hammers home the point that there will be damning consquences should innocent blood be shed.


What's pissin' me off the most is the universal indifference shown towards Damadola massacre. Case in point: Jill Carroll, a captured American journalist is shown on Al-Jazeera; the very next day, CAIR(Council on American-Islamic Relations) announces a delegation that'll travel to Iraq to secure her release. That's great. But where was CAIR when 20 Muslim villagers died at the hands of a $3.2 million Predator drone payed by their(and mine and your) tax dollars ? Not one word of condemnation. Forget the Gulf countries. Forgot the Musharrafs and the Mubaraks. Forget Al-Azhar. Forget the grandly named General Presidency of Islaamic Research, Ifta, Call and Propagation. Or the Permanent Committee for Islaamic Research and Fataawa. Or the Supreme Committee for Islaamic Propagation. Wise, tempered, level-headed silence.


I need a break.

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Breath In and Breath Out Folks


Munich was about how revenge never resolves a conflict. The jews were upset about this movie because it showed how they could not and can not win with revenge. Even at the end of the movie after the assassins complete the job, they feel dissatisfied, even remorseful. I just don't get how someone can watch this movie and come out mad and in pursuit of revenge.

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