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Michael Schumacher oo 10 Milyan ugu deeqay Asia, Carabse maxey ku deeqday?


Editorial - Arbaco, Janaayo 5 2005 19:00GMT


Ninka caalamka ugu haysta tartanka wadida gawaarida, 7 goorna ku guuleystay tartankaaas loo yaqaan Formula One ayaa $10,000,000 (Toban Milyan oo Doolarka Mareykanka) ugu deeqay dadkii ku waxyeeloobay bad gariirkii 26kii bishii December ka dhacay wadamo badan oo ku yaala badweynta Hindiya.


Michael Schumacher oo u dhashay dalka Jarmalka isla markaana sanadkii lasoo dhaafay markii 7aad ku guuleystay tartanka gaari wadida, ayaa sheegay inuu ka damqaday dhibaatadii ku habsatay dadkii uu badgariirku saameeyay.


"Sanadkii hore ma aheyn mid farxad ku dhamaada, sababtoo ah masiibo xoog badan ayaa ku habsatay dalalka Asia, waan la murugooneynaa dadkii ku waxyeeloobay dhibaatadaas, waana u baroordiiqeynaa" ayuu yiri Michael Schumacher.


Iyadoo dhimashada uu sababay bad gariirka maalinba maalinta ka dambeysa sii kordheyso ayaa waxey dowladaha caalamku ku deeqayeen lacago fara badan.


Dowlada Australia ayaa noqotay dowlada lacagta ugu badan ku deeqday, iyadoo balan qaaday lacag gaareysa $1,000,000,000 (Hal Bilyan oo Doolarka Australia). Waxaa xiga Jarmalka oo ku deeqay 500,000,000 (Nus Bilyan Euro), sidoo kale wadankan Japan ayaa ku deeqay $500,000,000 (Nus Bilyan Dolarka Mareykanka). Halka Mareykanku ay kaalinta 4aad ku jiraan, iyagoo ku deeqay lacag gaareysa $350,000,000 (Sadex Boqol iyo Kontan Milyan Doolarka Mareykanka).


Lacagahan ka imaanaya wadamada galbeedka ka sokow, waxaa la filayey in wadamada Khaliijku ku deeqaan lacago fara badan maadaama dalka dhibaatada ugu weyni soo gaartay ee indonesia uu yahay dalka ugu weyn dunida Muslimka. Balse nasiib daro wadanka Sacuudiga oo ku deeqay lacagta ugu badan ayaa bixiyay $30,000,000 (Sodon Milyan Doolarka Mareykanka), halka Kuwait ay bixisay lacag u dhiganta inta uu bixiyay ciyaaryahanka reer Jarmal Michael Schumacher, taasoo ah 10,000,000 (Toban Milyan oo Doolarka Mareykanka).


Waa ayaan daro in hal qof oo reer galbeed ah iyo dowlad kamid ah dowladaha ugu qanisan dunida Muslimka ay dhaqaale isla'eg ugu deeqaan wadanka ugu weyn dunida Muslimka ee ay asiibtay musiibo aad u daran. Kaba sii darane wadamada Khaliijka ayaa dhaqaalaha ay ku deeqeen badankii u leexiyay wadamada Srilanka iyo Thailand.


Waxaa xusid mudan in markii 2001kii ay qaraxyadu ka dhaceen dalka Mareykanka uu Amiir Waliid Bin Talaal oo ka tirsan boqortooyada Sacuudiga lacag gaareysa 14 Milyan oo doolar ugu deeqay magaalada New York, taasoo uu duqa magaalada New York diiday in uu aqbalo, kuna celiyay amiirka. Haatan oo ay shacabka Muslimka ah ee reer Indonesia u baahan yihiin gurmadka walaalahooda Muslimka ah Amiir Waliid Bin Talaal iyo qoyska maryaha waaweyn ee uu ka tirsan yahay wax war ah lagama hayo oo nimco ayey dhex dabaalanayaan.


Qaab dhaqanka hogaamiyeyaasha wadamada Khaliijka waa mid laga yaqyaqsoodo, lagana xishoodo, ciil iyo caro fara badana ku beeraya qof kasta oo raacraaca, waxaanse qormadeenan kusoo gaba gabeyneynaa Allaah waa arkaa cadli darada, dulmiga, duqyaanka, iyo kibirka ay caadeysteen Carabta maryaha waaweyn ee nimcada loogu deeqay.



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Originally posted by SmithNwestern:

Michael Schumacher oo 10 Milyan ugu deeqay Asia, Carabse maxey ku deeqday?

Maxay deeqi karaan? All their money is stuck in Swiss banks - waiting for the U.S. State Department to label their richest men as 'terrorists' and freeze (read, take) their money!


Maxaan ka sugayne rag oo ka maryo wayn dumarkooda? :confused:

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Originally posted by Aniga:

quote: wouldn’t stoop so low as to patronise you [baashi]!

...How about the rest of us? You are more than patronising and calling us acronyms [QED]! Latin, for Allah's sake! We can barely handle english, and you are using terms of dead tongue that we can't make a head and a tail of.


As Baashi said, tone it down, walaalo. This is
for the good, the bad and the ugly. Everyone will throw in their towel, no matter how wet and stinky!



P.S. Whatever happened to
these are words on screen, only words on screen! ----your signature, i guess.
I don’t believe there is anything wrong with your English. I believe there is something wrong with your patience, comprehension and attitude! Why when reading something that shows my opinion on many posts and thoughts in this site, you decide that yours is one of those being criticised? Do you just like being wronged even though you were not mentioned in person?


Many others on this thread addressed their words to me, the pointless and irrelevant ones I ignored whilst replying to those I believed were able to carry a discussion. Even my dear Mr Smith! You would think he would be on top of the list of those I criticise! He is; however, there is hope for him, still. Unlike the many nonentities that post “opinions†on this site, I don’t believe him to be a simpleton; he’s just too passionate about nothing in particular.


Yes, my signature is that it’s words on a screen! It’s really ironic that you should ask me that question straight after you asked me to “tone it down†and protested about being patronised! Shall I give you another long dead Latin word here?


Saaxib, if you have any thoughts, criticism or ideas on anything I wrote I’m happy to listen and revise things where I’m shown that I’m wrong. Just don’t ask me to tone any of my points (valid points might I add) down just because you feel that they might hurt yours or any other person’s feelings!



I hope you don’t interpret my bluntness above as an attack requiring retaliation instead of “words on a screen, just words on a screen†that shouldn’t get to you. Will you be able to keep a level head while faced with such “rhetoric†I wonder?

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Hadal badanaa dadkeenu :rolleyes: :mad:


Forget what others have or have not paid! Did you yes you dig deep enough into your own pockets?


Allah will not ask you how upset and ashamed you were with the Muslims in general but how well you've spent the Provisions He has provided for you...


Bottom line folks - our Muslim brothers some who our or own kith and kin (Somalis) are in dire need of change, cloths, food ETC.... what have you got to give?


As foe gift aid.. it's not as sweet as it seems. Anyone read Nurradine Farah's book: Gifts?




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Many others on this thread addressed their words to me, the pointless and irrelevant ones I ignored whilst replying to those I believed were able to carry a discussion. Even my dear Mr Smith! You would think he would be on top of the list of those I criticise! He is; however, there is hope for him, still. Unlike the many nonentities that post “opinions†on this site, I don’t believe him to be a simpleton; he’s just too passionate about nothing in particular.

Boo Hoo.Once Again, The arab in you has come out,this time complete with the khamis and the cimamad. You could have said am not adressing Brotha-Man, instead of taking half a page. Just like your arab countrymen, you chickened out.



Having said that, am hoping you hit yourself with a fryingpan in the back of your head for you to realise(at least admit)the sorry state of Arabia.Am going to give you props for admitting the obvious fact. smile.gif No wait, maybe i should give props to the fryingPan first, either way am glad you came to your senses. No spin please.


This by any means doesnt give you the mandate to offer me xalwad and other arab goodies.No thanks am sticking with my crushed canjeero, macsaro odkac and moos, you know very somali. Nothing Fake.



Clearly, You've decided not to answer my earlier Q on the other thread about why you have this need/urge/obsession to defend arabia,You even demoted Distinguished mr Smith down to my ranks,foot soldiers. Something is amiss mr Ngoon.


.Oh before i forget, i did mention your name to the deli owner, he is still waiting for some tips. oh am hoping you will not let down an arab.clearly he needs defending, dont you think so?



I hope you don’t interpret my bluntness above as an attack requiring retaliation instead of “words on a screen, just words on a screen†that shouldn’t get to you. Will you be able to keep a level head while faced with such “rhetoric†I wonder?




About this statement above, The best i can do at best is scorn at it. if anything its quite amusing.

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brotha man there are other people on this forum that stick up for the arabs like they ARE arabs(u know who im talking about). i don't think NGONGE protrays this to such an extent. basically i think ur talking to the wrong person

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Since you insist on following me around with your primitive questions, I’m going to finally acknowledge your eager hopping and flailing and address you directly.



I’m doing this because I don’t believe I previously had the pleasure of discoursing with you on this site. I believe this to be the first time (let us hope it’s not the last).


Dear brother, I’ve read your words, took them all in and understood them. Sadly, none of them addressed anything that we’re discussing here. You desperately want to join the “debate†but are struggling to come up with anything of substance. Still, join the “debate†you shall! So, what do you do? You try to use humour and mock my words (great tactic, I use it all the time). However, mocking and ridiculing is an art form, my dear brother. In such instances, your “joke†has to hit its intended target and make sense. Jokes about Arab food and frying pans, while (I have to admit) amusing, do not add anything to this topic or force your target (me) to revise their words!



Dear brother, it’s obviously clear to anyone reading this thread that you have the ability to construct coherent sentences. Would it not be great if those sentences also contained coherent thoughts?


Put what I like or don’t like aside; talk about what YOU think. Present your case (if you have one), share your thoughts, demolish mine and make it a discussion, brother. Don’t worry about making mistakes or sounding foolish, these things are the norm here (in fact, they’re to be encouraged so long as the participants are genuinely after a serious debate).


There you go! I finally condescended to address you, will you reply as an equal or will this little barb blind you? ;)

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Good Job. I always figured you have been a good listener.


Now you answered one Q, You have adressed me directly. Woo hoo Mr Ngoon adressed me directly(by the way by virtue of you adressing me,i am now directly in the 'debate'). Now, Be a man and answer my other 2 Q's.


Why you have the need to defend and of course what to do with the Deli Owner.


Thank You. and just to clarify i dont need a permission from no one, Much less an arab as to wether i can or cant join a debate conducted in a somali forum




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Unlike the many nonentities that post “opinions†on this site

....There you go! No-one is non-entity, and everyone has an opinion and is entitled to voice it here as long as they abide by the rules of the site. However, I was hoping that my slight highlight of your words might just bring your attention to your tone and use of words, obviously, it doesn't seem to have.


And I end it right here, right now.



P.S. Apologies, folks, for interrupting your topic.

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^^ You have taken it upon yourself to be offended about nothing in particular and there is nothing I can do to ease your pain, saaxib! You be happy with these nonentities as long as they abide by the rules of the site, I on the other hand am only interested in reading the thoughts of those that might add something to my knowledge, intrigue me, force me to think or even make me smile.


Rage away, brother.

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