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HELP needed in dealing with an annoying friend.

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Originally posted by chocolate & honey:

LOL@BOB. Xaal baa ku saaran ma is tiri. I'd say my Somali classes at the U of M has paid off.

Hadaan hadalka sii wado waxaan ka baqayaa in la yiraahdo waan kula 'Flirt' gareeyay...shib iska dheh waxba ma ogide. beryahan waxaa idaba dhigtay kuwo gabartaan la hadlaba i dhaha waad la flirt gareesay.


maalin dhoweyd gabar baa waxaan weydiiyay 'Waa Imisa Saac' markaasaa la yiri heblaayo ayaad la flirt gareesay...war meeshu wey waalatay beryahan...hada adigu saacad ma xirantahay horta?



Peace, Love & Unity.

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yes che, its embasrsssing for me as a proud Somali to have one my friends be ashamed of his heritage, so much so as to claim he is half something else.


I suppose i shouldn't judge, as he was a refugee in Yemen for some years in his childhoon, where he picked up the Arabic language, and when he came to Europe he had the chance to 'reinvent' himself.


he considers himself more Arab than Somali. The irony is he is 100% somali. He speaks Somali, and looks like a typical warya, LOL.

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Originally posted by Che -Guevara:

C&H...Usheeg Bob dumarkaa xanta lagu yaqaaney


Oo hada ma waxaa rabtaa inaa iga dhaadhiciso weligaa gabar waxba kama sheegin? come on now Che waan is naqaanaa aniga iyo adiga. :D



When you see qoftoo isku dhaceeso oo sida qalanjadii u laafyoonooso aa intaa saaxiibkaa xusul jug feeraha uga siiso oo aa ku dhahdo...abaa qoftaas ?&^%$#@# fiiri. awoowe *&&^%$#@ uu ilaahay ugu deeqay fiiri.... :D



Peace, Love & Unity.

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Originally posted by nuune:

wixii xaal eed u wado C&H aniga igu soo hagaaji anaa farta ka saari :cool:

Iyadaaba kaa yeeleenin in gacan kale loosoo mariyo xaal marinta wakaa weydii...qoftan Shukulaato iyo Malab aa la dhahaa cayaar mood caano booraha...second hand wax la dhaho maba la maqashiin karaba...xajiin aa ku kaceeso. :D



Peace, Love & Unity.

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Originally posted by Archdemos:

he considers himself more Arab than Somali. The irony is he is 100% somali. He speaks Somali, and looks like a typical warya, LOL.

Brother on a serious not give up on him, maybe he's not mature enough to realize what he's doing so the best thing you can do for him as a friend and fellow Somali is to offer him guidance and if possible teach him about our history, culture and traditions and Insha Allah in no time he'll forever thank you for that.



Peace, Love & Unity.

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One possible explanation for his behaviour is he the last born like me in his family, but he lives with his mother and sisters. So I assume he’s adopted some female characteristics. (Sorry ladies)


This doesn't make sense. Unless your theory is women are more cruel to those less fortunate. Which still wouldn't make sense, as according to most studies/general belief women are more nurturing and compassionate.


Is your friend mocking Somalis? Also, unless he is from a rich family himself (in which case he'd probably be living it off in Edgeware Road/Marylebone) he really isn't in a position to mock others. I'm guessing he's a spoilt brat?

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Too much drama. Just stop hanging around with him so much, clearly he has known you for a long time and still has not realised what you care about or not.


I never make friends with people unless we care about the same thing or are at least respectful of our differences; Can't imagine any of my friends ever making fun of poor people in front of me or saying anything anti-Muslim or racist, never. I knew a few people who use to say ****** things like "you are black or Muslim, but you are not like the other Muslims" They stopped saying that when I started replying "yes I am, I'm jihadist in the weekend or not so different, you just dont know me" :D I think they got scared. If they are a nice person I will tell them why I am offended.

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LOL @ ''I'm a jihadist on the weekends"


just going to cut down the amount of time i spend with him. slowly reduce and drift away naturally. Hopefully he's smart enough to get the message as i've told him hundreds of times about his behaviour.

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Haye adiga ayaba female tendency show garanya; why are you so stressed over a guy. Maybe you two talk too much, just play football, point out women and keep it cool icon_razz.gif All this female emotions. icon_razz.gif:D

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ha ha , actually i'm quite the relaxed one. ;) its just he seems to do and enjoy things that a 5 year old does. I suppose it never use to annoy me much but i guess i've matured now. Its just not cool anymore.


Why are you so stressed over a guy?


domineering perosnality, loutish behaviour and plain and simple ignorance. :mad:


My problem is annoy me once, i'll tell what you did wrong, continue to annoy me and i'll still give you the benefit of explaining why your behaviour is wrong. But to keep on annyoing me, well i have to reconsider our friendship. :rolleyes:

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^^^Too many chances baad bixisa, what is this 3 strike rule, first time haada bite their head off, they will never do it again, or you will go your different ways. You cannot pick your family and have to put up with them, but friends are different, you are free to pick them as they are, you can't police them and try get them to change, but you are free to go. so adiga, the door>>>>> ;)


P.s. I don't like your friend, in fact can't even understand WHY you want to stay friends with him? Anigu mar hora ayan oodan laha baada ku dac redface.gif Does not sound like an adult at all.


P.s.s. I am sure there are good sides to him too, but just commenting on what you have told us about him. :D

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that was probably the easy one. what of my other friend who i recently found out was lying about his mixed heritage. it turns out he's 100% Somali.


because he's adamant he's half Yemeni.


so if i bring up with him what i've learned from some very reliable sources it will be embarrassing for me; to bring him out of his closet in such a direct mannner.


you probably think i have poor choice in friends. LOL :D

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