
Guys, why aren't we talking about the Coronavirus?

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Wasiirka Wasaaradda Caafimaadka Dr. Fawsiya Abiikar Nuur ayaa waxa ay maanta ka warbixisay xaaladihii ugu dambeeyay caabuqa COVID-19 ee dalka

Wasiir Fawsiya Abiikar Nuur ayaa maanta xaqiijisay 48 xaaladood oo laga soo kala xaqiijiyay 5 ka mid ah maamul goboleedyada dalka. iyada oo Gobolka Banaadir laga helay 19 xaaladood, Somaliland 17 xaaladood, Puntland 8 xaaladood, Galmudug 2 xaaladood iyo Hirshabelle oo 2 xaaladood ah.

Hadda waxaa dalka kajira 5 Sheybaar oo lagu baaro caabuqa COVID-19, kuwaasi oo ku kala yaala Muqdisho 2 sheybaar, Puntland 2 sheybaar, Somaliland 1 sheybaar. Dhawaan waxaa shaqo bilaabi doono sheybaaro kale oo laga kala hirgelin doono Galmudug, Hirshabelle, Koonfur Galbeed iyo Jubbaland iyada oo latababaray shaqaalihii ka shaqeyn lahaa sheybaradaasi waxa ayna sugaayaan in lasoo dhameystiro agabkii ay ku shaqeyn lahaayeen oo ah agab horay loogu isticmaali jiray Sheybaarka Qaranka qeybtiisa qaaxada oo lagu magacaabo GeneXpert machine.

guud ahaan dalka waxaa hadda ku yaalo 15 xarumood oo lagu daaweeyo bukaanada la xanuusan cudurka COVID-19, waxaana yaala xarumaahsi 324 sariir.

Wasiir Fawziya ayaa mar kale ku celisay in Gobolka Banadir ay shalay ahayd markii ugu horyesay ee 24 saac aan laga helin cudurka COVID-19, si loo xakameeyo cudurkaan Wasaaradda caafimaadka waxa ay taqaatiir iyo agabka caafimaadka gaarsiisay maamul goboleedyada wadanka ilaa 27 magaalo ayaa lagaarsiiyay 13 tan oo agab caafimaad iyada oo loogu qeybinayay sida ay ukala baahi badan yihiin.

Wasiir Fawziya oo hadlka sii wada ayaa bulshdada u dirtay fariinta wacyigelinta cudurka COVID-19 iyada oo aad ula dardaarantay dhalinyarada maadaama ay yihiin da’da ugu badan ee cudurku ku dhaco si ay qeyb weyn uga qaataan xakameynta iyo wacyigelinta bulshada ayna u taxdaraan maadaama dhalinyarada uu xoogan yahay difaaca jirkooda, sidoo kale Wasiir Fawziya ayaa kula dardaarntay dhalinyarada in aysan cudur gaarsiinin qoysaskooda, saaxiibadooda iyo bulshada inteeda kale.

ugu dambeyntii Wasiir Fawziya ayaa bulshada fartay in aysan isdhiganin maadaama uu cudurka ku yaraaday magaalada isaga oo dhanka kale kusii badanaya gobolada iyo in aan lajoojinin wacyigelinta, isticmaalka Af-xirka, kala fogaanshiyaha iyo in aan latagin meelaha ciriiriga ah.


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09 June 2020: Update on COVID-19 in Somalia.

> New cases confirmed today: 48
> Banaadir: 19
> Somaliland: 17
> Puntland: 8
> Galmudug: 2
> Hirshabelle: 2

> Male: 34
> Female: 14
> Recovery: 19
> Death: 1
Total confirmed cases: 2,416
Total recoveries: 489
Total deaths: 85

For more information, please visit:

Website: www.moh.gov.so
Dashboard: www.moh.gov.so/en/covid19
WhatsApp: bit.ly/MoHSomalia


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10 June 2020: Update on COVID-19 in Somalia.

> New cases confirmed today: 36
> Somaliland: 13
> South West: 10
> Jubbaland: 8
> Banaadir: 4
> Galmudug: 1

> Male: 30
> Female: 6
> Recovery: 17
> Death: 0
Total confirmed cases: 2,452
Total recoveries: 506
Total deaths: 85

For more information, please visit:

Website: www.moh.gov.so
Dashboard: www.moh.gov.so/en/covid19
WhatsApp: bit.ly/MoHSomalia


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11 June 2020: Update on COVID-19 in Somalia.

> New cases confirmed today: 61
> Somaliland: 25
> Banaadir: 13
> Galmudug: 8
> Puntland: 5
> South West: 8
> Jubbaland: 2

> Male: 34
> Female: 27
> Recovery: 26
> Death: 0
Total confirmed cases: 2,513
Total recoveries: 532
Total deaths: 85

For more information, please visit:

Website: www.moh.gov.so
Dashboard: www.moh.gov.so/en/covid19
WhatsApp: bit.ly/MoHSomalia


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Battling Somalia's epidemic, a grieving British doctor finds peace


British doctor Jihan Mohamud travelled to Somalia for the first time last year to bury her father in the land of his birth.

Finding solace from her grief, she stayed on, and she is now on the frontlines of the fight against COVID-19 in the city he loved.

"During the times of health crisis, there are only two things people look up to in the hope of life: God and doctors," said the 25-year-old from Coulsdon, south of London. "It's a blessing to be able to help someone in pain."

She spends her 16-hour work days analysing data in a government call center in Mogadishu, a lifeline for people seeking advice and treatment for coronavirus in a country whose healthcare system has been ravaged by violence and poverty.

"If it were not for this call center... people would go to every hospital and spread the virus," she said.

The center gets between 6,000-7,000 calls per day, she said, data the health ministry uses to track COVID-19 outbreaks, allocate scarce resources and respond to emergencies.

Somalia has documented 2,416 confirmed coronavirus cases and 85 deaths. Fighting between government forces and Islamist al Shabaab insurgents means testing has been sporadic at best, suggesting the true figures are far higher.

Mohamud is aware of the risks.

Last month, masked gunmen killed seven healthcare workers in a town near the capital.

In December, she was working at a private Mogadishu clinic when a truck bomb killed more than 90 people and wounded scores more, and she spent her holidays treating victims with horrific burns and other injuries, many around her own age.

After a meeting with a government advisor, she switched to the call center and a job she loves, not least for the chance it offers to inspire young local women who also work there.

"I'm a deputy director," she told Reuters, laughing. "Make sure you put that in. More women should be deputy directors in Somalia."

But most precious to her is the feeling that she belongs in her father's homeland after the decades he spent abroad. Despite the violence and the pandemic, she has found her refuge.

"I brought him home to bury him and I didn’t want to leave him behind in a country that I’d never been to," she said. "Now I know ...the places you can go when you want to be alone."


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14 June 2020: Update on COVID-19 in Somalia.

> New cases confirmed today: 24
> Puntland: 14
> Somaliland: 7
> Banaadir: 1
> Galmudug: 1
> Jubbaland: 1

> Male: 15
> Female: 9
> Recovery: 18
> Death: 1
Total confirmed cases: 2,603
Total recoveries: 577
Total deaths: 88

For more information, please visit:

Website: www.moh.gov.so
Dashboard: www.moh.gov.so/en/covid19
WhatsApp: bit.ly/MoHSomalia


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Raisul Wasaare ku xigeenka dalka Mahdi Maxamed Guuleed oo ay wehliso Wasiirka Wasaaradda Caafimaadka Federaalka Dr. Fawziya Abiikar Nuur ayaa waxa ay maanta kormeer ku sameyeen Isbitaalka Hooyada iyo Dhallaanka Benaadir. Agaasimaha isbitaalka Hooyada iyo Dhallaanka Benaadir Drs. Fartuun Sharif Mohamed ayaa ugu warbixisay wax qabadka isbitaalka.

Isbitaalka Hooyada iyo Dhallaanka Benaadir oo kamid ah isbitaalada dowladda ayaa bulshada soomaaliyeed siiyo adeeg caafimaad oo lacag la'aan ah.



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15 June 2020: Update on COVID-19 in Somalia.

> New cases confirmed today: 39
> Banaadir: 14
> Puntland: 12
> Somaliland: 8
> Jubbaland: 3
> South West: 2

> Male: 25
> Female: 14
> Recovery: 45
> Death: 0
Total confirmed cases: 2,642
Total recoveries: 622
Total deaths: 88

For more information, please visit:

Website: www.moh.gov.so
Dashboard: www.moh.gov.so/en/covid19
WhatsApp: bit.ly/MoHSomalia


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Aabaha dhalay Ilhaan Cumar oo u geeriyooday Covid-19


Ilhaan Cumar oo ka tirsan golaha Congress-ka dalka Maraykanka ayaa shaacisay inuu Aabaheed u geeriyooday cudurka safmarka ee Coronavirus, kaas oo fara ba’an ku haya wadamo oo uu ka mid yahay Mareykanka.

Warsaxaafadeed ay soo saartay Ilhaan oo ka mid ah siyaasiyiinta safka hore uga jira la dagaalanka Covid-19 ayaa waxa ay ku sheegtay in Aabaheed Nuur Cumar Maxamed uu u dhintay xanuunka, iyadoo intaasi ku dartay inay dareemeyso tiiraanyo xoogan.

“Anigoo dareemaya tiiraanyo xanuun iyo murugo badan, waxaan idilna wadaagayaa in Aabahey Nuur Cumar Maxamed uu u dhintay Covid-19,” ayey tiri Ilhaan Cumar.

Sidoo kale waxa ay tilmaamtay in aysan hal eray ku qeexi karin waxa uu uga dhignaa Allaha u naxariistee Aabaheed oo ay sheegtay inuu door weyn ku lahaa horumarka ay gaartay.

“Ma jiro erayo aan ku qeexi karo waxa uu aniga iiga dhignaa iyo dhamaan dadka garanaya isaga.” ayey markale qoraalkeeda ku tiri xildhibaan Ilhaan Cumar.

Ilhaan Cumar Aabeheed ayaa ahaa oday si weyn loo yaqaan, lagana qadarin jiray Minneapolis, wuxuuna ka mid ahaa jameecada masjidka Rawdah, halkaas oo uu ku tukan jiray.

Sanadkii 1995-tii ayey qaxooti ahaan ku tageen Mareykanka iyada iyo Aabaheyd, kadib markii ay Soomaaliya uga tageen dagaalladii sokeeye.

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Ilhan Omar's father dies from Covid-19


Rep. Ilhan Omar's father died due to the coronavirus, the Minnesota congresswoman announced Monday night.

"It is with tremendous sadness and pain that I share that my father, Nur Omar Mohamed, passed away due to complications from COVID-19," Omar said in a statement. "No words can describe what he meant to me and all who knew him."

Omar was raised by her father and grandfather following her mother's death when she was an infant, according to The Guardian and The New York Times. She and her father came to the United States as refugees in 1995 from Somalia during the country's civil war and eventually settled in Minneapolis.

Omar has recounted her father's encouragement as she expressed disappointment in the inequalities and bullying she experienced when she first came to the country. Omar went on to be elected one of the first two Muslim congresswomen in 2018, along with Michigan Rep. Rashida Tlaib, and the first to wear a hijab on the House floor.

Omar has since established herself as a progressive firebrand. As the coronavirus pandemic plunged the economic into a crisis, Omar proposed canceling rent and mortgage payments during the pandemic.

U.S. deaths from the coronavirus have surpassed 116,000.


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