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Somali artists release UN-backed song on COVID-19 threats

Prominent Somali artists said Sunday they have released UN-backed new song to raise awareness about the dangers of COVID-19 in Somalia, which remains a threat across the country.

Somali musician Aar Maanta and music producer Waqal Studio announced a new collaboration with some of the most popular artists in the Somali music industry on a group song which encourages people to follow public health guidelines by staying two meters apart, regularly washing hands with soap and staying at home if possible.

"This project has given Somali artists the opportunity to work together and forge new partnerships and we will not stop here," Maanta said in a joint statement issued in Mogadishu on Sunday.

"Together we will defeat COVID-19 and continue to help our people and be part of other important national campaigns," he added.

The song and music video is supported by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).

The song is expected to reach millions of people across the country and the diaspora through promotion on radio, TV and through the singers' individual social media networks.

Hodan Ahmed Hashi, who demonstrates how to wear a mask in the video, said this unique collaboration brings together some of the most influential Somali artists to help people stay vigilant, because COVID-19 has not gone away and is even getting worse in many places.

"The need for our collective voice has never been greater and we hope this special song, as well as advice and guidance from health professionals, will save lives by reminding people that COVID-19 is still dangerous and still with us," said Hashi.

This collaboration, one of the first of its kind among Somali artists, was written by Abdirahman Fili and features leading singers Suldan Seeraar, Hodan Abdirahman, Cabdi Hani, Yurub Geenyo, Abdirisaq Anshax and Nadiira Nayruus.

The UNDP said the initiative is the latest part of its extensive campaign to take advantage of Somalia's rich oral culture by engaging poets, comedians, singers and other artists to make sure people receive crucial health messages.

"It's never an easy task to get people to make changes in their daily lives to fight an invisible threat," said Jocleyn Mason, UNDP Somalia's Resident Representative.

"But artists like Aar Maanta can turn health messages into something magical that people will want to listen to and are more likely to take on board," Mason added.

The UNDP said its campaigns have already reached more than 10 million people via TV and radio broadcasts and through online platforms.

Somalia, which has instituted measures to contain the possible spread of COVID-19 pandemic including closing schools and banning large gatherings, has so far confirmed 3,227 cases, 1,728 recoveries and 93 deaths as of Aug.5.


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Zero positive result out of 184 people tested. Not bad at all.



> Tirada la baaray ee ugu dambeysay: 184 qof
> Laga Helay: 0

> Tirada Guud Laga Helay: 3,227
> Bogsashada Guud: 1,728
> Dhimashada Guud: 93

Kala soco wixii faah-faahin dheeraad ah:

Website: www.moh.gov.so
Dashboard: www.moh.gov.so/en/covid19
Whatsapp: bit.ly/MoHSomalia

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Wasiirka Wasaaradda Caafimaadka- DFS H.E Dr. Fawsiya Abiikar Nuur ayaa Aalada Fogaan aragga ee Internetka kaga qeybgashay kulanka Xog-Isweydaarsiga COVID19 ee WHO -HQ. Wasiir Fawsiya ayaa xaalada COVID19 ee soomaliya uga xog warantay Wasiirada, Madaxda Caafimaadka iyo Madaxa ugu sareeyso Hay’adda WHO Dr.Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus. Wasiir Fawziya ayaa intii uu shirku socday ka warbixasay Guulaha la gaaray COVID19 iyo caqabadaha jira iyo waliba dadaalada ay dowlada ugu jirto la tacaalida xanuunka saf marka ah ee COVID19.



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Wasaaradda Caafimaadka iyo Daryeelka Bulshada waxay ku wargalinaysaa bulshada Soomaliyeed in la balaariyay adeeg bixinta Baarista COVID19 ee dalka guud ahaan iyo gaar ahaan magaalada Muqdisho. Halkan ka akhriso Ogeysiiska oo faahfaahsan.

Public notice on COVID-19 testing certificate to international travelers departing from Mogadishu airport (AAIA), Please read more from the below notice.


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Karoona aad iyo aad ayuu ugu faafay dalkeena Soomaaliya and is much worse than the first wave, killing far more people in Xamar alone. This thread will be re-opened for Covid-19 updates.

Dowladda Soomaaliya oo awaamiir deg deg ah ka soo saartay xakameynta cudurka Covid 19

Wasiirka Wasaarradda Warfaafinta Xukuumadda Soomaaliya Cismaan Abuukar Dubbe oo goor dhaw warbaahinta la hadlay ayaa sheegay in dowladdu go'aamo waaweyn ka qaadatay xakameynta faafitaanka cudurka Covid19

Qoraal ka soo baxay Xukuumadda ayuu ku sheegay in muddo leysku afgartay Muddo Labo Toddobaad ah in la xiro dhamaanba goobaha waxbarashada dalka laga bilaabo maalinta Berri, iyadoo sidoo kalana la fasaxay shaqaalaha dowladda marka laga raabo kuwa aan looga maarmin howlaha gaarka ah.

Warka ka soo baxay Xukuumadda ayaa u dhignaa siddan:

• Qofkasta waa inuu xirtaa Afsaar ama Mask marka uu joogo dhammaan goobaha la isugu yimaado sida Suuqyada, Masaajida, gaadiidka dadweynaha, goobaha ganacsiga iyo meel kasta oo dadweyne isugu yimaaddo.

• Xafiisyada Dowladda si ku meel gaar ah ayaa loo xirayaa muddo 2 usbuuc ah oo ka bilaabanaysa 3da March 2021, Shaqaalaha waxey kasoo shaqeyn doona guriga, marka laga reebo kuwa bixiya adeegyada muhiimka ah.

• Dhammaan goobaha waxbarashada kuwa Dawliga ah iyo kuwa gaarka loo leeyahay sida Iskuullada iyo Jaamacadaha waa la xidhi doonaa Muddo 2 Isbuuc ah laga bilaabo 3da March ilaa 17ka March 2021.

• Isu socodka Caasimada Dalka iyo Gobalada waa la dhimi doonaa muddo 2 isbuuc ah laga bilaabo 3da March 2021 ilaa 17ka March 2021.

• Gaadiidka Dadweynaha iyo kuwa Gaarka loo leeyahay ayaa si caadi ah usii socon doona guddaha magaalooyinka, waxaana waajib ah in dadku xirtaan Afsaar ayna hubiyaan Kala fogaashaha bulshada.

. Waxa muddo 30 maalmood ah la’ joojiyey xafladaha Aroosyada, sidoo kalena waxa la mamnuucay goobaha caweysyada ee habeenkii dhalinyaradu ku kulanto.

• Mootooyinka (Bajaaj) iyo Basaska (Hoomeey) waa loo oggol yahay inay qaadaan rakaab waana inay dhowraan nadaafadda, Dadkuna kal fogaadan, qaataana Afxirka wajiga.

• Kulamada dadka wixii kabadan 10 qofood waa la joojiyay mudda 1 Bil ah. Isu soo baxyada khaaska ah ee ruqsadda la siiyey waxa ku xiran shuruud ah:

1. In dadka isu soo baxayaa isu jirsadaan 2 mitir
2. In qof kasta oo imanayna isu soo baxa uu soo qaato afxir ama mask

• Goobaha Jirdhiska iyo Garoomada Ciyaaraha waxaa la hakiniyaa muddo 2 todobaad ah oo ka bilaabanaysa 3-da March illaa 17ka March 2021.

• Kulamada aaska iyo kuwa tacsida waa inaysan ka badnaan 10 qofood iyadoo la hubin doono kala fogaashaha bulshada iyo qaadashada Afsaarka.

• Wasaaradda Caafimaadku waxay adkaynaysaa ilaalinta fayadhowrka guud ee goobaha dadku isugu yimadaan sida suuqyada, Masaajida, Isbitaaldda, Bangiyada iyo goobaha lamidka ah si loo yareeyo faafitaanka Cudurka Covid19.

• Waxaa Waajib ah in dhamaan dadka adeega usoo doonta ama jooga goobaha Caafimaadka ay markasta xirnaadaan Afxirka ama Afsaarka sida Isbitaalada iyo Farmashiyaasha.

. Waxa waajib ah in dhammaan dadka ka adeeganaya goobaha ganacsiga ay qaataan afsaar ama afxir.


• Qof walba oo imaanaya ama ka’dhoofaya Dalka waa inuu si joogta ah u xirtaa Afxirka si loo yaareeyo faafitaanka cudurka Covid19.

• Waa in dadka safraya ay maraan baarista Xanuunka COVID-19, iskana soo baaraan goobaha loo asteeyay baarista si ay iskaga soo hubiyaan inaysan qabin xanuunka (COVID-19) ka hor 72 saacadood inta ayna safrin.

• Qof aanan wadanin Shahaadadda baaritaanka Covid19 looma ogolaan doono inuu soo galo Dalka (Negative COVID-19 Certificate), waxaa waajiba ah qofku in uu wato shahaado soo baxday muddo 72 saacadood Gudohood ah.

• Shirkadaha diyaaradaha waa inay fariimaha ka hortaga COVID-19 dabaacaan una sharaxaan rakaabka si loo ilaayo fayaqabka inta lagu gudo jiro duulimaadka.

• Dhammaan Dadka Ka imaanaya dibad dalka waa inay si iskood isu Karantiillan muddo 7 maalmood isla Markaasna iska maraan tijaabada PCR marka uu dhamaysto muddada karantiilka.

• Arimaha la’ xiriira kala badalka Ciidamada Nabad ilaalinta (AMISOM) iyo Ciidamada Ilaaliya xarumaha UNka (United Nation Guard Unit in Mogadishu) waxaa lafaraya inay raacaan habraaca UNGU Rotation Plan for COVID-19 si loo ilaaliyo caafimaadka guud ee dalka.

• Dhamaan Hay’addaha Dowliga ah ee ku shaqada leh hawlaha garoomada diyaaradaha dalka in ay si dhaw uga wada shaqeeyaan arrimaha duulimaadyada dadka imaanayana si loogu diyaariyo jawi caafimad qab ah loogana taxadaro codurka COVID-19

. Waxa la farayaa Wasaaradda Caafimaadka in sida ugu dhakhso badan ay u soo diyaariso habraac lagu hubinayo bedqabka dadka ka imanaya Dalka dibaddiisa, isla markaana lagaga qaadayo baaris rasmi ah marka qofku soo dego, qofkii COVID19 laga helana lagu karantiilo, iyada oo qofkaasi jeebkiisa ka bixin doono qarashka karantiilka.



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Xildhibaan Ka tirsan Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya oo Muqdisho ku geeriyooday

Allaha u naxariiste waxaa galinkii dambe ee maanta ku geeriyooday magaalada Muqdisho Xildhibaan Axmed Dhimbil Casoowe oo ka tirsanaa Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya.

Xildhibaan Axmed Dhimbil  ayaa ka mid ahaa Baarlamaanka 10-aad ee Golaha Shacabka Soomaaliya waxaa la sheegay inuu ku geeriyooday Isbitaalka Martiini ee magaalada Muqdisho, waxaana haleelay Cudur safmarka ah COVID-19, ee sida weyn ugu sii faafaya gudaha magaalada Muqdisho.

Xildhibaanka ayaa la sheegay in maalmahii lasoo dhaafay uu ku xanuunsanayay Muqdisho, sida aay Shabakadda HOL u xaqiijiyeen geeridiisa Xildhibaano ka tirsan Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya.

Allah u naxariiste Xildhibaan Axmed Dhimbil geeridiisa waxaa ka tacsiyeeyay Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya Maxamed Cabdullaahi Farmaajo, guddoomiyaha Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya Maxamed Mursal Sheekh Cabdiraxmaan iyo Raysal wasaaraha Soomaaliya Maxamed Xuseen Rooble kuwaas oo soo saaray qoraalo aay uga tacsiyadeeynayaan geerida Xildhibaanka dhamaan shacabka Soomaaliyeed iyo qoyskii iyo qaraabadii uu ka baxay Marxuum Xildhibaan Axmed Dhimbil Casoowe.

Allah u naxariiste Xildhibaan Casoowe ayaa la sheegay inuu ka mid ahaa Xildhibaanada ugu da'da weyn Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya, waxuuna ka mid ahaa xubnaha Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya ee laga soo doorto gobolada Waqooyi ee Soomaaliya.

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Somalia imposes strict measures to curb spread of COVID-19

Somalia on Wednesday imposed strict measures to stem the second wave of COVID-19 in the country, banning large public gatherings for 30 days and closing schools and universities, government offices, and sports arenas for two weeks.

People must wear masks and observe a two-meter distance and other health guidelines when attending permitted gatherings, information minister Osman Dubbe said.

The number of COVID-19 cases has been rising in the past two months.

On Tuesday, Dubbe said on national television that all passengers arriving in the country will be required to have negative results from valid polymerase chain reaction (PCR) COVID-19 tests done within 72 hours and will have to undergo a mandatory seven-day quarantine.

All local flights and interstate movements of people are also suspended.

Staff must work from home unless they provide essential services.

The new measures came after Minister of Health and Human Services Fawziya Abikar Nur warned that the COVID-19 situation in Somalia is dire and called on citizens to adhere to health measures to curb the spread of the virus.

As of Monday, the Horn of Africa nation had reported 7,392 confirmed COVID-19 cases, 243 deaths and 3,814 recoveries.

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Somali government warns COVID-19 situation is 'dire'

The Somali health minister on Monday has warned that the COVID-19 situation in the Horn of African country is "dire" and called for strict adherence to health measures in fighting the disease.

"The situation is dire but we are confident that with the rollout of vaccines in the near future we will be able to manage this second wave," Dr. Fowzia Abikar said in a statement issued on Monday.

The first outbreak she said was managed largely thanks to a lockdown and closure of all schools and universities.

"We have again submitted and advised for these same restrictions and measures. Regardless we advise all parents to NOT send their kids to school and follow the health guidelines," she added.

Health ministry officials told Anadolu Agency over the phone that the country will receive 1.3 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines in the coming weeks.

Somalia recorded eight deaths and 266 new cases after 1,807 samples were tested over the last 24 hours.

The country's total number of COVID-19 cases now stands at 7,257, recoveries at 3,808, and fatalities at 239.

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As Somalia's COVID-19 cases surge, a variant is suspected

 A resurgence of COVID-19 cases is hitting Somalia hard, straining one of the world’s most fragile health systems, while officials await test results to show whether a more infectious variant of the coronavirus is spreading.

In the lone COVID-19 isolation center in the capital, Mogadishu, 50 people have died in the past two and a half weeks, Martini hospital deputy director Sadaq Adan Hussein told The Associated Press during a visit. Sixty other patients admitted during the period have recovered.

“We believe this second wave is the new variant of the virus,” he said. “Earlier, when 100 suspected patients were brought to quarantine, not more than 30 of them would be positive, but now almost all of them are infected.”

Somalia’s virus infections have jumped from 4,784 to 6,549 this month alone, according to official data.

Test results for the presence of one of the new variants are expected next month, Sadaq said.

Somalia, like most African countries, has yet to see a dose of a COVID-19 vaccine, though they also are expected to start arriving next month.

Among the famous Somalis who have died from COVID-19 in recent days include well-known singer Fatuma Ali Nakruma and popular Islamic scholar Sheikh Nur Barud Gurhan.

Sadaq said a large, unnamed Somali-owned company had lost a dozen people to COVID-19 in just the past few days.

“Now you see how widespread is becoming this new variant of the virus, and we were not prepared for it,” he said.

Misinformation on social media claiming a far higher number of deaths in Somalia “has caused some people to avoid the hospital, where they would get the necessary care, and instead they die in their houses,” Sadaq said.

He called the rumors politically motivated.

Somalia’s current crisis around a delayed national election has contributed to the spread of COVID-19 as “social distancing is ignored,” Sadaq added.

The government has banned public gatherings, citing the pandemic, but opposition presidential candidates and other critics of President Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed allege that the ban is instead meant to stifle their demonstrations calling on the president to step aside.

Another demonstration around the election delay was expected Friday in Mogadishu. The previous one last week was fired on by security forces.

Adding to anxiety, some health workers believe Somalia’s COVID-19 death toll is much higher than the official one of 218, saying it’s in part because many people believe they will receive better care in private hospitals.

“And yet many other people don’t even bother going to hospitals, and as a result either die or recover and nobody knows about them,” said Ahmed Farah Ali, a health worker at Sana hospital.

Somalia, like many countries across Africa, doesn’t have an official system for tracking mortality data, and even the number of graveyards in Mogadishu is unknown.

For months, many in Somalia took COVID-19 lightly as much of the world locked down. With the resurgence in cases, many Mogadishu residents are now wearing face masks and no longer shaking hands. Official telephone and radio messages about coronavirus prevention have returned.

Mosques, schools and markets are as active as before, however.

But there is a growing sense of loss.

At the Martini hospital’s isolation ward, a 15-year-old boy, Mahad Mohamed Ibrahim, was grieving his mother.

“The coronavirus has come into the city,” he said. “We need someone to stop it and give us medicine that would give us prevention. Now you see I am sad today as my mother died, and you will see many others whose parents will also die.”

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Amid turmoil over elections, rising cases in Somalia fuel talk of a new lockdown

The health minister of Somalia on Monday proposed new efforts to curb the rising number of coronavirus infections in the country, which is battling a worsening caseload amid an impasse over elections that were due last month.

The minister, Dr. Fawziya Abikar, said she had advised the government to close all schools and universities and to double down on other measures to stop the virus, including adhering to social distancing and prohibiting large gatherings.

“The situation is dire,” Dr. Abikar said in a statement posted on Twitter, adding that the health authorities were nonetheless confident that the rollout of vaccines would help manage the rising cases. Somalia has yet to receive any Covid-19 vaccines; Dr. Abikar said last week that the first doses would arrive in March.

With a population of more than 15 million, Somalia has one of the world’s most vulnerable health systems. Just a quarter of the population has access to essential health services, according to the World Health Organization. Besides Covid-19 and the threat of the extremist group Al Shabab, the country is also facing a humanitarian crisis, with flooding and desert locusts exacerbating food insecurity for 2.6 million people, according to the United Nations.

Hospitalizations, new cases, and deaths have all risen in the Horn of Africa nation in recent weeks, with the capital, Mogadishu, hit particularly badly. Somalia has so far reported 7,257 cases and 239 deaths from the virus, but with limited testing and data collection mechanisms, health experts say that it is hard to accurately assess the true reach of the pandemic.

In recent weeks, prominent Somalis — including the singer and actress Fadumo Ali Nakruma — have died after contracting the coronavirus. As the infection rates have grown, the authorities last month recommended the limiting of movement between regions, suspended passport applications and banned public gatherings.

The ban on gatherings drew scathing criticism from opposition politicians, who said that the government was using the restrictions to stop planned protests calling on President Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed to relinquish power. Mr. Mohamed’s term in office ended on Feb. 8, before the authorities had resolved key issues related to electoral process. The standoff has led to protests and violence.

New York Times

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I think  the deadly variant from UK has arrived in Mogadishu and the infection rate spreads seven times than the normal COVID-19.

we were doing good for the last six months. 


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