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Time To Top Up Your imaan

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Baashi, again many apologies, and i will delete the post.. i did it to make a point, it made the point and it still stands.

i read something like a 'transistor/.../' and its direcly insulting the women around me.


The topic is not about islam, its woman bashing. full-stop.


I can tell her imaan because i can see what she wears and doesnt.... when did we develop that ability! I know women who have fully inbraced islam and you cant pick out in the street and i've seen a number of nuur's definition of 'sistas' that .. frankly shame the word..


in reply to " Where is Caano Geel coming from?"


u aint gonna tell me that you can read the inner heart of someones beliefs and convictions based on garments of materials and badge them as having/not having imaan. ..


so why reduce the debate to the article of clothing they wear.

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Your usual reasonable train of thought has skidded off track so much lately, me wonders what will become of you now.


Commentary on social issues is supposed to be fair, balanced and far from labeling people to be given any merit.


You write [iman is a starting point of embracing Islam].. but pray tell, how is hijab a measurement of one’s Iman? I know Iman to mean so many different things and is applicable to so many other facets of one's life. Infact, I’ve just tried to think of what Iman means to me and I cant put my finger on it… perhaps you can help me here?


I absolutely understand why the non-practising sisters would protest.
That is quite understandabvle. Where is Caano Geel coming from?

You’ll have to excuse me for coming down on you this time.. but I’m a little annoyed with ur approach to gender-discussions.


Listen brother, your reasoning as of late is very short of my expectations! When Brown and Castro didn’t agree with your manly-man definition, you questioned their manliness. Now you’re askin Caano where he is coming from because he doesn’t agree with your thinking. As it seems, any man who doesnt see it from your needle-vision has problems. And lastly, you’re implying that the only sister who objects to this thinly veiled sexism masquerading as genuine article is a ‘non-practising’ sister. Not only will I request you to start following your own advice and not personalizing issues and discussions, but at once cease and desist the preposterous assumptions!

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My needle-vision? Don't personalize it? Me! I did that? Hmmm! Athena don't be so obvious sis :D This is not about me. FYI your expectation of me has not been noted but rather ignored. Baashi is Baashi and has strong opinions and will share them without stepping anybody's toes. Capisci Athena! And for crying out loud don't bring Castro and Brown vs. Baashi past exchanges to this interesting one.


Now, lets not forget about one thing: one article can't possibly cover all the angles. It would have been nice if that is possible. As to labelling charge, that might be the case but I strongly doubt it. What's very interesting in the protesters line about women bashing is that they don't contest the validity of Nur's observation. Their point amounts nothing but he didn't address many other issues in this short and particular article!


Is there anyone here on SOL that can contest with straight face that Nur's observation on how Muslim women dress in general and Somalis in particular can be summarized into three distinct groups? Any! I would like to hear it plz. Or is he at fault because he observed and commented on dress codes and social trends of the day? Or the implicit connection that he made on belief systems and practical implementation of these belief systems are at issue here?


Caano Geel sxb there is no need for appology, I have taken none. You are reading stuff into the post there is no intentional women bashing. It defeats the purpose of the whole post if that were the case.

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Baashow, plain speech, as Greek philosopher once said, has been the source of my unpopularity. I see the same quality in your write-ups, bro. Some people seem to be heeding distant calls and beyond this topic, or so I detect. Win your bread; win your bread, saaxiib. And let the cocky pose continue its ranting at SOL, and perhaps out to the world.

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Baashi, don’t be sidestepping my point. You’re making assumptions about the posters and even went as far as calling the sisters ‘non practicing’ for disagreeing with this categorization. If that is your idea of expressing ‘your strong opinion’ or rather the one you made out of thin air with no substance, so be it. I’ll just be sure not to engage such nonsense again!


As for the topic, its being regurgitated one two many times for me to bother with it. I don’t agree with labeling or categorizing. Period.


p.s. No worries. All expectations have been tossed out the window as of now.

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^ Good :D


Farta iyo meesha bugtaa is og!


No! I didn't make any assumptions. Non-practicing Muslims are too many in the community. The topic has something to do with Hijab and Caano Geel is busy beating around the bush and has yet to make any reasonable objection! Don't take it personal Athena.


Do you really think I give rat's behind whether you engage or not? Do you, really? Man! This is funny wallahi! Plz make sure you close the door when you make that staged exit.


Is there any1 who would like to talk about the prevailing trends in regard of Islamic garbs among Muslim women? Any1 contesting the observation of the distinct groups among Muslim women in relation to the Hijab? Any1 wanna talk about the ralationship between believing in something and puting these believes in practice? Any1 wanna explain how this article is women bashing? Let's hear it for once!



Awoowe maxaa kuu baxay? Breadwinning that I can handle but the art of moving in circles is what I have yet to figure out!

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Any1 contesting the observation of the distinct groups among Muslim women in relation to the Hijab?

No one is disagreeing with the observation. You honestly cant expect every woman who calls herself Muslim (half a billiion population) to be wearing the niqaab, standing all night in prayer, and reciting the quran 24/7? Thats just a ridiculous expectaton that would surely lead to disaapointments. Were humans.


The problem comes in when one links a woman's choice in clothing with her level of Imaan. There is no correlation between the two. At all.


Secondly, I find it funny that men are the ones who always have to comment on women's hijaab and modesty. I guess considering that they have it easy... i.e. blending in with the crowd, nothing if any made obligatory on them that makes them stand out...being visible targets of ridicule, threats, discrimination, insults, and sometimes physical attacks. Probably thats the closest they can come to drama without having to live it. Cute. And safe. Fire away. smile.gif


P.S. Were not talking about seeing a fellow sister pole dancing at the local strip club. In which case, you have some issues to deal with too. icon_razz.gif

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^Bye bye Athena :D


Finally! :D


With all due respect, LF speak for urself. Many posters have already disagreed with the poster.


Now one simple question and a follow up: Are you sure there is no correlation between submitting to the Islamic directives and your level of Iman? Now, the follow up question: do you think being caariyaad (that tight jeans and that lil toptankl with cleavage wide view) constitute as being violation against Islamic dress code?


I guess we are going somewhere with this :D

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With all due respect, LF speak for urself. Many posters have already disagreed with the poster.

What do you mean by that? Maybe I shouldve added that the 'you' and 'men' were general to all men. If I want to talk about Nur or address him, I'd quote him. ;) I have nothing to say about the article as of now. It's one brother's view and I respect it. I even agree to a majority of what he says.


As for the cleavage part, did you not read my last sentence? icon_razz.gif I guess you are talking about the extreme (.0001 %) There is no need to bring up the minority. I am just saying a sister who dresses modesty as she sees fit...but without the hijaab (headcovering) should not be labelled as anything but a sister and given respect. There is no reason to judge. We are not in her shoes and Allah knows her true intentions.


Hijaab is not a measure of modesty. Believe me.

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Baashi, are you suffering from PMS? Or is this a rare case of 'sympathy symptoms'. The thread doesn’t belong to you so the bye bye’s and exits are unnecessary. :D

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^Bingo :D Declaring and stagging a dramatic exit is so unecessary, don't u agree Athena. PMS? look at you missy icon_razz.gif I won't complain though :D


LF, I see you dodged the question :D It's all good though.


Let's call it a day oki doki fellaz.

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Baashi man your frustrating ...

u still dont get it, how explicit do u want me to be about it, what are you contensting!


le'me break it down and exlain the analysis for you, think of it as a movie:


Scene 1

For high performance engines, high content of octane is a must, mechanically speaking, each unit of octane powers the engine to do a given amount of work, the lower the octane content in gas, the lower the combustion pressure which in return affects the transfer of power to moving parts in the performance machine.

the scene is set .. cars!, images of throtolling engines and told difference between good and bad, whereby



In car races, performance race cars are powered with the most efficient engines for speed, the load is kept at minimum, so they are built with the lightest materials, and every part that can effect the objective ( SPEED) is optimized for that purpose ONLY.

In come the stars, sleek shiny and whizzing around the circuit. were told what they do, how exciting it is when they burn up the gas, how they are designed to burn gas.


So at the end of the races, a race car is seen hauled on trucks to be transported to another place, ironically, this vehicle that can go that fast on race tracks becomes that useless outside of the race tracks.

But, alas, there is a problem! why these nice shiny cars are of no use outide the race track.. while the inefficient trucks are great. but why we all gasp in shock and disbelief!






Scene 2

Similarly, Faith or iimaan is like energy, it can not be seen, but its effect can be evident in out lives, the higher the iimaan level, the better our performance as Muslims and as measurable actions, the lower the iimaan octane level, the poorer our Islamic identity and behaviour.

The scene is set, we are introduced to the mysterius imaan, much like energy we're told, we can measure it like octaces and we burn it in the race track of our lives. again high good, low bad*

*(The reader at this point is asked to ignore the obvious contridiction, were by in the last paragraph we were horrified to find out that highly efficient engines (persumably because they could generate more power/volume), and therefore with the highest octane levels! were crap out side the narrow racetrak)



The iimaan octane can get to a critically low levels, and in these instances, the person acts almost contrary to Islam in every sense imaginable, without even realizing that he is low on iimaan octane. That person quits performing prayers, and observing the sharia, his words show contempt for Islam, or hates its restrictions, this person's engine needs overhaul, or may be it is beyound repair.



Scene 3

In an engineering school, some students have noticed that Muslim women on campus to be divided to three types.


1. Hijaab wearing Sisters

2. Jeans and Scarf wearing Transistors

3. Minimally dressed body showing Resistors

Enter the electronic engineering class, sleek young filly's bent double over their oscilloscopes possitive charge in one hand, negative in the other, the experiment starts.


In men a similar classification exists, but, men do not have to wear special dress to show their observation of the law, But in their actions, or the lack of, one can tell if they are forward biased toward Islam, conducting both ways, or outright resisting the guidance of siraatul Mustaqeem.

men can also be tested, but NO this particular ossicliscope does not work on them


Final scene

This thread is dedicated to this Low octane Level phenomena, how to diagnose it and how to cure it.


As we all know, every person's level of iiman is not constant over time, on the contrary iimaan goes up when we do good work and goes down when we commit a sin or neglect our duties. So if a person drives his car with low gas for a long time, the car will stop, and likewise if we neglect our duties to Allah for a long time, our iimaan will cease to exist.

this film has shown you how to identify the mysterious low octane phonemena and obviously how to cure it... Again



my so deep, such wonderful insight into the psyche of the modern muslim woman, her roles, obligations and the difficulties she faces..... suddenly i feel enriched and enlightened .. why hadnt i thought of it before

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This lousy analysis (qouting in verbatum and explaining the obvious) won't cut it amico. Perhaps you have an issue with the correlation between believing in something deeply and ignoring what this believing system exhorts you to do! Am I right Caano?


Are you objecting bro Nur's message (Ignoring or taking lightly the divine directives is indicative of deep unrest in the inner compartments of one's soul and has something to do with one's iman) or are you having issues with the way he has conveyed the message. Clearly you don't have a reasonable objection that one can weigh in here.

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