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Time To Top Up Your imaan

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"For over twenty years i have been wearing pants from morning to night, i mean for every occasion.I have been wearing from mini-skirts to shorts.I need a quick fix to change my pant suit to a newer look.What type of skirt should i choose a peg-top or an A-line.Wait a minute, why will i have to choose wearing such a clothes when i can wear a Hijaab that will make me look more religious and approved by the society!Heck it may even flare a very flattening look from the brothers".Now did the clothe changed this person or the intention is what matters here huumm?



This is where i agree with the "protesters" of this thread.Some of you old guys took a dress code as a measure of women's Iman.When you observe the response of people through their writting here you will witness that the conformity of a community convention have been lost hence many are stacking the deck.You have to treat your audience by adressing multiple perspective.This is where i parted the way with the "pro-octane camp". I wish you older folks have adapted the Rogerian argument based on the theory of non-judgemental :cool:

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Oh Stoic, the prelude of your post is quite erroneous and does disservice to your subsequent opinion. Are you ready to apply the same logic to the acts of worship, saaxiib? How about the one who performs his prayer with the same intent? Do the observable religious deeds have meaning to you? Where are you going with tusaalahan, saaxiib? You see, good Stoic, sincere intent is prerequisite for every act of worship. As the faith and conformity to the tradition of the prophet. But those are criteria for the acceptance of the act; you have to act first though, to even get consideration of rejection or acceptance.


Now, when some one prays or wears Hijaab we have no way of knowing what their intent is, no? All we see is that they are adhering to their waajibaat. Agree? A Hijaab wearing sister with good intent to please her Allah has more Iimaan(and courage if she lives in the west) than the jeans-wearing one with equally sincere intent to please Allah. Appearance matters; you fast and you pray and you appear to us that you’re pleasing Allah. Only you and Allah can say otherwise. If indeed your intent matches with your acts your level of Iimaan increases. If you don’t act and show compliance with the divine sharci your level of Iimaan decreases. Simple but not easy, don’t you say?


Protesters are doing good so far.

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Xiinoow! Granted everything comes with khushuc and anyone with a half-brain will realize that an action without an intention is a pure bunk.What I didn’t agree with you guys is the way you guys brazened enough to get everyone galvanize to address the issue through the lenses of a judgmental prick! To me, any girl without a xiijab might not be a gormless person on my eyes(watch the caution there!).Whatever she desires to wear is between her and Allah.Is she doing the right thing if she is wearing a mini-skirt? No she is not, but will that give me or anyone the right to bloviate for two days without addressing the girls in a more civilized manner(am not saying you did it now-just a generalization from what people wrote)?I will leave that for you to answer. And oh, if anyone might wanna come up with "what if your daughter..." analogy, let me make this clear to you that i am a practicing Muslim who beleives that xiijab is a wajiib for every Muslim woman.I didn't reject any Islamic obligation, i only disagreed with the way the message was delivered to our sisters in Islam.

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Originally posted by Baashi:

All in all, it was good sport and I hope we are all shax shax with it and if any1 of you got offended by my posts know that I don't come here in the middle of my workload to offend folks. Having said,
I value Islam very much and I reserve the right to pen strong opinion and back it up in the most civil way that I know.

I believe most, if not all, of us here value Islam as well. That's why opinions are always strong.


Other than that, no problems. smile.gif




Hijaab wearing sister with good intent to please her Allah has more Iimaan(and courage if she lives in the west) than the
one with equally sincere intent to please Allah.

This is off-topic, but why are jeans seen as such bad garments? You all wear it, so you know what a dynamic and hard-wearing fabric denim is. What's wrong with wearing a long jeans skirt, for example, or a pair of flares under ur dress or skirt? Mise, kama hadleysaan either of those? Perhaps you are referring to, let's say, a pair of extra-tight Earl Jeans combined with a strappy metallic top? If so, you should be more specific!


Jeans are a blessing from God. They are as good a form of hijab as any other fabric, plus they keep your tush warm. What more do you want? :D

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Originally posted by Aeronwen:

a pair of extra-tight Earl Jeans combined with a strappy metallic top? If so, you should be more specific!

Whats wrong with that? At the right place and right occasion, it flies :cool:


p.s. You looked fab last night ;)

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A good pair of denim jeans goes a long way, come rain or shine.......we love them and we live in them...comes in every style, every mood and every budget.....Investing in a pair of the sexiest, latest hip hugging denim jeans goes a long way for the fashionably conscious... :D:D :cool:




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^ :D With nice kub and dib one can make heads turn foxy ;) . When nice looking chicks put that is mouth-watering and womenizers know how to reward chicks who show off their goodies in a such manner...compliments. The only setback is when one gets her grooves goin in a such stylish fashion she's ignoring Allah's directives. That's all...


Aerowen, I know.


Stoic, with all due respect u r not making any sense bro.


Shez, Caano, and LZ...kix kix kax :D ...I'm laughing too :D

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Wallaahi waa soo noqdeen.; the protesters that is.


First, Stoic who says any girl without Hijaab is gormless person? Commo’n dude you’re reading something in to the brother’s analogy, saaxiib. To put it bluntly, any girl who prefers not to wear Hijaab is not a gormless person but she surly is not at same Iimaan with the one who does wear Hijaab. Any person who does not pray is not a gormless person but certainly she/he is not the same with the one who does pray. Do you see the light now? I hope so.


Aeronwen, off-topic you said? Hijaab is Hijaab. Fabric does not matter as long it conforms to the imposed standards. Wear or leave it. it is a personal choice. Some sisters, out fear of Allah, complied with that dress code. Others how ever did not. The level of their Iimaan is not at same level. Debate me along those lines, Xirsiyo-Zahraay :D . Waxaa kale waa dodging dee.

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^ There's nothing to debate, dear. It was a random musing since more than one person referred to 'the jeans-wearing sisters' as opposed to the 'hijabed sisters'. The two are not mutually exclusive. As for levels of imaan, I think I shall leave that for you to dispense. ;)



Xirsiyo-Zahra? Urg! The name is Aeronwen, ya?

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^^^Leaving me to do dispense aa? War xagaad nala aaday?


Well, I will give you last word but let me put last nail on the coffin and say relativism has no place in your faith! Lynch me now… :D .

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