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stoned to death. she cries.

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Shiikh Maadeey wax cadeen ah meesha ma aadan kusoo qorin abti.. War Shariica Law dhan maanta aduunka maba laga isticmaali karo! maxaa yeelay, inta aanan sharcigaan la isticmaalin wax yaalo badan oo faradh ah ayaa jira oo aanan qofna aduunka maanta heysan...number one thing you need is Ameerul Mu'miniin saaxiib iyo dadkoo wada siman xaq ahaan, cilmi ahaan, iyo nabad ahaan... Maadeey sxb qof heysata ma jirto Shariicada iyo sharcigeeda, laakiin habka loo isticmaalay iyo dadka lugu isticmaalaya waa qalad......


Johny B, gaalka weyn ee SOL adiga shukhulkaan shaah kacab yaaqee ee iskaga bax..but I'm sure you and dhaadhaanka kale never sleep a night with out thinking of Allah..and you will die like that knowing in aad ku beenisay ilaahey...



Wareer Badanaa!!!

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Originally posted by Maaddeey:

The Quran didn't descend from the Sky in a Form of a Book, it was revealed to Muhammad (scw),
and it's him (scw) who prescribed stoning to death for a married adulterer.


Weliba Aayad Qur'an ah bey ahayd, intaan akhrinteeda keliya la nasakhin.

So Allah prescribed the punishment to the singles and left his prophet to tell the married ones? Did the Almighty forget? Istaqfurulah. And what happened to that aayad in the Quran before intaan "la nasakhin?" Was it not written along with the rest of the Quran?


The prophet (ASW) did not overrule his Maker. You on the other hand are trying your best to do so.


Ilaahow umadaada soo hadee.


Raamsade, surprisingly you have more in common with Maaddeey than you think. Get to know him.

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The hadith is impeccable and Bukhari is not the only Raawi listed (although his alone is more than enough) (Al-Bukhari, Muslim, Abu Dawud, Tirmidhi, and An-Nasa’i)




you left out the sunnah of the prophet.


Originally posted by Castro:

Either the clear, unambiguous and eternal words of the Almighty are wrong or the inclusion of this in Bukhari's compilation some two centuries after the prophet (ASW) is wrong. Take your pick awoowe.



My apologies rag iska dhicis baan ku jiray .. adiga wiiftada ayaa ku haleeshay





Waa talo quman widaw in fiq la barto .. sidaad sheegtayna hadith rasuulka ayaadaha quraanka ayay tafaasil dheere ah ka bixiyaan .. tusaale ahaan quraanka waxa laga xusay salaada in la tukado lakin sida loo tukan lahaa iyo wakhtiyada la tukanaa lahaa kuma cada .. waxaan ka ogaanay hadethka iyo sunnaha nabiga S.C.W


People by the looks of it we broadly fall into the following categories:


Group A : Those who believe stoning is the prescribed punishment by sharia but should not have been carried out in this case for whatever reason.


Group B : Those who believe stoning is the prescribed punishment by sharia but still feel it is astaqfirulaah "outdated" , "barbaric" etc.


Group C : those who believe stoning is not the prescribed punishment at all



I think it is time to drop this discussion because by the looks of it none is convincing anyone to budge from their position .. marka intaan idin danbaajin lahaa inaan gaabsado ayaaa ila quman.

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Originally posted by Geel_jire:



The hadith is impeccable and Bukhari is not the only name listed (although his alone is more than enough)
(Al-Bukhari, Muslim, Abu Dawud, Tirmidhi, and An-Nasa’i)




you left out the sunnah of the prophet.

Don't hide behind the Sunnah awoowe. The hadith is "impeccable" but the aayah in surat al Nur is not? And as I said just above you, if the Almighty deemed this serious a crime, He left the the larger punishment for Bukhari to compile and mentioned only the minor spanking in His holy book?


You keep making your little categories awoowe and it's a good thing you're dropping this discussion.

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^ I'm not hiding behind anything awoowe i jiid aan ku jiidee waa gacmo daalis


the sunnah of the prophet is part of the divine revaluations "Waa ma yandiqu canil hawaa, in huwa ilaa waxyun yuuxaa"


I cannot be more plain than that awoowe you either do not want to understand or you are not interested , either way ... there is not much i can do to help marka you will stay in Group C until that changes :D

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Originally posted by Castro:

quote:Originally posted by Maaddeey:

The Quran didn't descend from the Sky in a Form of a Book, it was revealed to Muhammad (scw),
and it's him (scw) who prescribed stoning to death for a married adulterer.


Weliba Aayad Qur'an ah bey ahayd, intaan akhrinteeda keliya la nasakhin.

So Allah prescribed the punishment to the singles and left his prophet to tell the married ones? Did the Almighty forget? Istaqfurulah. And what happened to that aayad in the Quran before intaan "la nasakhin?" Was it not written along with the rest of the Quran?

A perfect example of, what's better known as, 'the dog ate my homework'...Since dog is najaaso, I guess it is 'the geel ate it'...No pun intended @Geel_Jire... :D


Is it me or are the non-believers making more 'common' sense than some believers? Ilaahoow noo dambi dhaaf...

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^Hello! The 'contradiction' that Castro talks about is one that has been dealt with by scholars as they are not debating whether the Quran is wrong or the Prophet is wrong on this issue. What is their response before we throw down gauntlets unnecessarily? Why can't it be that both punishments are acceptable?

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Is it me or are the non-believers making more 'common' sense than some believers?

Who's common sense are we talking about? The mass of Cattle's common sense?




What point (s) are you trying to make in all your 'twittering'?

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Geel Jire, saxiib I'm sure you know what your talking but truely out of your heart, tell me if you think punishing someone with rocks is ok.....


I'm a firm believer of the sunnah and I think it should be a way of life for all muslims but saaxiib when I talked about the fiq and how it helpes us to understand the true meaning of the Qur'aan, you have to also understand that the Hadith and the sunna of the prophet also needs the fiq to help you understand the reasons of the hadith saaxiib... When the prophet (scw) did something or an example of something, he has done it in a way uu ilaahey raali ka yahay and a way that will open the eyes of the people..Wax yaala waxaa jira waqtigaas la jiray lasameeyay oo hada si kale loo sameynkaro ama lasameen karin..The shariica law has some alternative for some laws and reasons..


war diinta waa wax cad oo wili malaha muran.ilaaheey qaluubteena ayuu raacsiiye diinta.. tusaale weyn waxaa ah sida aan ugaga naxno waxyaalaha qaladka ahi ama sida aan iskaga ilaalino xaaraanta... maanta Qamriga waa xaaraan baa ladhahay maxaa yeelay nafsadaada buu wax u galaa, qaansiirka waa xaaraan maxaa yeelay cuduro buu keenaa, dad ha dilin baa lugu yiri maxaa yeelay naf aadan adiga laheyn baad qaadatay oo gacan ku dhiigle baad noqotay...waxaas dhan qaluubtaada walwal bee gashaan iyo naxdin maxaayeelay waa qalad wixii qalad ahina waa xaaraan ama ficin xumo...


Marka diinta wixii qalad ama sax ah waxaad ku garaneysaan dareenka aad ka qaadid markaad aragtid wax qalad ah iyo wax sax ah..waxa saxa waxaad dareemeysaa farxad iyo relief, wixii qalad ah na waxaad dareemeysaa walwal, fikir iyo naxdin....


Geel Jire, markaad aragtay nin inta hoose looduugay oo dhagax lugu dhuftay oo sidaas foosha xun loo dilay, maxaad dareentay saaxiib ilaahey ka kacabso...hadaad ka naxday ogoow waxaas waa qalad, wixii qalad ahna diinta wey mamnuucday....



Wareer Badanaa!!!

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Castro, Hadiith-kan hoose u fiirso:


'Al-Miqdam narrated that the Messenger of Allah said, what translated means: "Verily! I was given the Quran and its equal with it (the Sunnah). There may be a man, his stomach is full and he is (laying) o­n his couch, and saying: 'Hold fast to this Quran. Whatever you find of 'permissible matters, take it as permissible, and whatever you find in it of prohibitions, consider it prohibited,' However, whatever the Messenger of Allah renders impermissible is equal to what Allah renders impermissible...'


waxa laga hadlaayo waa Diinta Islaamka, Culimada Islaamka waxay ka yiraahdeen raadiya, dadkana ha wareerinina.


Axaadiista Rasuulka(scw) muhiimadda ay leeyihiin si aad u ogaato, labadan risaalo ee Sh. Al-Albaanee akhriya.

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From my personal experience, the "literalists" or "hardliners" or whatever you wish to call them are big HYPOCRITES who are trying to compensate for a sinful past. Former drunkards and drug-addicts who hit themselves in the head with a cauldron to get a "rug mark", who bully people around, and who grow impressive beards to seem pious.


Just like Shabaab is composed of young men who used to be child soldiers who killed, looted and raped everything they came across.

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Originally posted by Khayr:

quote: Is it me or are the non-believers making more 'common' sense than some believers?

Who's common sense are we talking about? The mass of Cattle's common sense?




What point (s) are you trying to make in all your
Waar nimankiinan hadiisyada jeebadaha kala soo baxayooy Quraanka akhrista.



Ninkaa miskiinka ah oo ay gaajadii hore u karbaashtay ayaa dhagax loogu dhameeyay. Yaa Allah. War dadkanu waa dhiig acab. waa waxay SNM to Axmad Ruush ku samaysay back in 89. Wax gang ah oo aan diin iyo milad lahayn ayaa waxaa ku kaca. :mad:

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Savages is what they (shabaab) are, Diin iyo Shareecada Islaamkana waxba kama oga. Cawaan is what cawaan does, should be their motto!


I read somewhere that, it is important to know that in Islam, punishments applied by the Muslim State should be the last resort in preventing crimes and saving the society. The Muslim State should insure the fulfillments of the citizens’ needs in every aspect of their life. Moreover, practicing al-amru bil ma’ruf wa an-nahiyu ‘an al-munkar (enjoining the good and forbidding the evil) in its proper way comes before the application of punishments.



PS. For those of you debating or commenting about this subject. Please, refrain from making comments 'about Islam' if you don't have the proper knowledge of it, as Allah said in the Quran;


"Verily, it is indeed Satan that makes you do evil and say things about Allah (or His deen) of which you have no proper knowledge." [Al-Baqarah 2:169]

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Originally posted by Sherban Shabeel:

From my personal experience, the "literalists" or "hardliners" or whatever you wish to call them are big HYPOCRITES who are trying to compensate for a sinful past. Former drunkards and drug-addicts who hit themselves in the head with a cauldron to get a "rug mark", who bully people around, and who grow impressive beards to seem pious.


Just like Shabaab is composed of young men who used to be child soldiers who killed, looted and raped everything they came across.

What a useless post.

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And yet it describes perfectly the nature of groups such as Shabaab and the nature of certain posters on this forum.


If you're a loud mouthed person who is asking for people to be stoned, you are most likely a hypocrite. Period.

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